The Travel and Tourism Photos digital collection includes a selection of materials from North Carolina Conservation and Development Department, Travel and Tourism Division Photo Files, part of the collections of the State Archives of North Carolina. The items available here are a small, subject-based sample of the materials available on-site in Raleigh.
In 1930, the Division of Commerce and Industry merged with the Division of Public Relations, an office that had previously functioned within the Department of Conservation and Development as a quasi-chamber of commerce for the state. The Division of Commerce and Industry continued to promote the state through public relations until 1937, when the department was granted an appropriation that enabled it to create a separate Division of State Advertising. During the late 1950s and early 1960s, the Division of Travel Information (previously named the Division of State Advertising) worked in cooperation with the Division of Commerce and Industry, conducting "Get acquainted with North Carolina" events for newcomers to the state, including those transferred by out-of-state firms to branch operations in North Carolina. The two divisions also worked on a project initiated during the 1960s, locating welcome centers at interstate highway exits near the state's borders. The Division of Commerce and Industry subsequently established a Travel and Tourism Section that continued into the next decade.
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