[Hope?, Mary B.]
[Whit, M. J.?]
A. K. S.
Abbott, Doris.
Abbott, Judith S.
Abbott, Lawrence E.
Abbott, Stanley W.
Abbuehl, Edward H.
Abd-Shakur, Amad.
Abdel-Ghany, Mohamed.
Abee, D. C.
Abell, Tracy H.
Aberdeen (N.C.)
Aberdeen Planning Board.
Abernathy, Penelope Muse, 1951-
Abernethy, Charles L. (Charles Laban), 1872-1955.
Abeyounis, Marguerite.
Abken, Carol.
Abney, Mark R. (Mark Ray), 1975-
Abraham, Joju.
Abu-Saba, Mary B.
Abuya, Michael.
Abzug, Bella S., 1920-1998.
Acres, H.
Adaeus, B. B.
Adair, William D.
Adams, Betty Jean.
Adams, David A. (David Arthur), 1931-
Adams, E. M. (Elie Maynard), 1919-2003.
Adams, Frank.
Adams, H. E.
Adams, James T.
Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848.
Adams, John, 1735-1826.
Adams, John.
Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803.
Adams, W. D., Jr.
Aderente, Vincent, ca. 1880-1941
Adriance, Duncan.
Agnew, Spiro T.
Ahoskie Planning Board (N.C.)
Aiken, Arnold E.
Aiken, Ben W.
Ainsley, W. Frank, Jr. (William Frank), 1944-2010.
Akins, Waverly F.
Al-Sharawneh, Ahmad.
Alabama Legal Advertiser.
Alabama. General Assembly.
Alamance Community College Foundation.
Alamance Community College.
Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal Company.
Albemarle County (N.C.)
Albemarle Planning Board.
Albers, Geriann.
Albert, Alex (Professor of engineering)
Albert, Alex.
Albrecht, Michael H.
Albright, Horace M. (Horace Marden), 1890-1987.
Albright, James W., Mrs.
Albright, William V.
Alden, George Z.
Alderman, Arthur N.
Alderman, S. S.
Alderson, John.
Aldis, Asa Owen.
Aldrich, Tim E.
Aldridge, Cliff.
Alexander County (N.C.). Clerk of Superior Court.
Alexander, Abraham.
Alexander, C. S.
Alexander, Clarence W. (Clarence Withers) 1921-
Alexander, E.
Alexander, Edward P. (Edward Porter), 1907-2003.
Alexander, Henry.
Alexander, Hez.
Alexander, Isaac.
Alexander, J. B. (John Brevard), 1834-1911.
Alexander, Josiah.
Alexander, Kelly M.
Alexander, Kim.
Alexander, Nathaniel, 1756-1808.
Alexander, Nathaniel.
Alexander, Robert.
Alexander, W. Ted.
Alexander, Wallace.
Alexander, William Lee.
Alexander, William, 1726-1783.
Alfrey, Jean K.
Ali, Sohrab.
Allan, Craig J.
Allan, Francis D.
Allbee, John R.
Allcott, John V., 1905-
Allebaugh, Terry.
Alleghany County (N.C.). Clerk of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions.
Alleghany County (N.C.). Planning Board.
Allen, Abraham.
Allen, Ada McRackan, 1902-1996.
Allen, Arthur A. (Arthur Augustus), 1885-1964.
Allen, Bob.
Allen, Dave.
Allen, David.
Allen, Donna.
Allen, Doris.
Allen, Dorothy N.
Allen, Everett.
Allen, Frank L.
Allen, G. D. T.
Allen, Hannah
Allen, Hubert L., 1920-2015.
Allen, Ira, 1751-1814.
Allen, James E.
Allen, James M., Jr.
Allen, Jason (Wildlife biologist)
Allen, John L., Jr.
Allen, Kathy.
Allen, L. W.
Allen, Lawrence Edward, Senior, 1937-2017.
Allen, Lucille.
Allen, Miriam S.
Allen, Naomi F.
Allen, R. L., Jr.
Allen, Steve.
Allen, Ted L.
Allen, Terry, 1943-
Allen, Thomas H.
Allen, Thomas J.
Alley, J. H.
Allison, Richard C. (Richard Coffey), 1934-
Allison, Thomas S.
Allman, Jane.
Allred, Jimmy.
Allred, Will C. (William Clifton)
Almond, John W., 1922-2009.
Almore, William.
Alston, Cecile S.
Alston, Cecile.
Alston, George.
Alston, J. J.
Alston, James W., 1876-1940
Alston, John.
Alston, Joseph John.
Alston, Joseph, 1778-1816.
Alston, Joseph.
Alston, Reginald W. (Reginald Whittaker), 1890-1958.
Alston, Thomas C.
Alston, Willis, 1769-1837.
Alston, Willis.
Alva, Mary S. M.
Amato, Robert L.
Ambrose, J. T. (John T.)
Ambrosia, Gloria.
American Lung Association.
American Psychiatric Association.
American Red Cross.
American Red Cross. War Council
Amerling, Christopher.
Amerson, Cora.
Amherst, Jeffery Amherst, Baron, 1717-1797.
Amis, Moses N. (Moses Neal), 1849-
Amis, Thomas.
Amis, William.
Ammerman, W. T.
Amore, S. Thomas.
Ancrum, John.
Anderson, Archer.
Anderson, Barbara.
Anderson, Carl H.
Anderson, Ferd E., Jr. Mittendorf, George H.
Anderson, Harry, 1906-
Anderson, J. Brian.
Anderson, Jerome F.
Anderson, John H., Mrs.
Anderson, Joseph R. (Joseph Reid), 1813-1892.
Anderson, Joseph, 1757-1837.
Anderson, Julie.
Anderson, Linda K.
Anderson, Lyman, 1907-1993.
Anderson, Martin E., 1924-2003.
Anderson, Micajah, 1803-
Anderson, Minnie.
Anderson, Nelson.
Anderson, Oliver H.
Anderson, Robert, 1741-1812.
Anderson, Sartur.
Anderson, Sloan K.
Anderson, Walker, 1801-1857.
Andrews, Annie L.
Andrews, Frances W.
Andrews, Ike.
Andrews, Morris H.
Andrews, Preston, Jr., Mrs.
Andrews, R. Snowden (Richard Snowden), 1830-1903.
Andrews, Ralph J.
Andrews, Robert.
Andrews, W. P.
Andrews, William.
Andruzzi, Anthony M., Sr., 1930-2016.
Angley, Wilson.
Anguiano, Lupe.
Annis, April.
Anson Community College.
Anson County (N.C.)
Anson County Planning Board (N.C.)
Antin, Eleanor.
Antonisse, Pat.
Apex Planning Board.
Apodaca, Jerry.
Apperson, Charles S. (Charles Smith), 1945-
Apple, Bobette.
Appleman, Roy E.
Archeller, James.
Archer, Mary H.
Archer, Thomas A.
Archie, William C. (William Councill), 1908-1979.
Architectural Planning Associates.
Archual, Adam J.
Arcury, Thomas A., 1952-
Ardell, Don B.
Ardell, Don Bruce.
Arendell, Banks.
Arendell, Bridges.
Arens, Egmont, 1889-1966.
Arey, Tony.
Argintar, Sybil H.
Argus, Ballard.
Arizona Women's Commission.
Arkansas. Convention (1861).
Arkin, Nancy Dreyer.
Armand, Charles.
Armistead, Stark.
Armour, E. Lee.
Armstrong, Adam.
Armstrong, Andrew.
Armstrong, Ann Eliza
Armstrong, Elaine.
Armstrong, Farquhard Campbell, 1793-1866.
Armstrong, John, 1758-1843.
Armstrong, Martin, approximately 1739-1808.
Armstrong, Martin.
Armstrong, Rolf, 1889-1960
Armstrong, Thomas.
Arnaiz, Manuel, Junior, 1920-2007.
Arnett, S. W.
Arnett, Silas White, 1761-1806.
Arnold, Fred H.
Arnold, I. B.
Arrington, William.
Arthur, Chester Alan, 1829-1886.
Arthur, Helen.
Arthur, James.
Arthur, William F.
Ash, A.
Ash, James.
Ashe County (N.C.)
Ashe County Planning Board.
Ashe, John Baptista, 1748-1802.
Ashe, John, 1720?-1781.
Ashe, John.
Ashe, Samuel A. (Samuel A'Court), 1840-1938.
Ashe, Samuel, 1725-1813.
Ashe, W. W. (William Willard), 1872-1932.
Asheboro (N.C.) Community Development Staff.
Asheboro (N.C.). Community Development Staff.
Asheville Citizen (Asheville, N.C.)
Asheville Energy (Asheville, N.C.)
Asheville Female College (Asheville, N.C.)
Asheville Normal and Associated Schools (N.C.)
Asheville Normal and Teachers College (N.C.)
Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College.
Ashley, Keith W.
Ashley, William.
Ashmore, James.
Ashmore, Robert T. (Robert Thomas), 1904-1989.
Ashton, D. F.
Aspin, Maureen.
Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women.
Association for the Preservation of the Eno River Valley.
Ates, Joseph.
Atkins, A. C.
Atkinson (N.C.). Board of Commissioners.
Atkinson, A. M.
Atkinson, Delton.
Atkinson, June.
Atkinson, R.
Atkinson, Richard.
Atkinson, Walter G., Jr.
Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Company.
Attmore, William.
Atwater Family Reunion (1st : 1919 : Chapel Hill, N.C.)
Atwater, Francis, 1858-
Atwell, Alan.
Aubart, Lindsey.
Audubon Society of North Carolina.
Audubon, John James, 1785-1851.
Aughey, John H. (John Hill), 1828-1911.
Aurora (N.C.). Planning Board.
Austin, Anna E.
Austin, Edmund J.
Austin, William B.
Automatic Sprinkler Corporation of America.
Autry, G. Raz.
Autry, George B.
Avent, Susan.
Avery County (N.C.) Planning Board.
Avery, Isaac Erwin, 1828-1863.
Avery, Leanne.
Avery, Matt.
Avery, Waightstill, 1741-1821.
Aycock, Charles B. (Charles Brantley), 1859-1912.
Aycock, William B. (William Brantley), 1915-2015.
Ayden (N.C.) Planning Board
Ayer, Caleb D.
Ayer, Caleb R.
Aylett, William.
Babb, Jimmy.
Babb, Sandra P.
Babcock, Richard Fayerweather
Babcock, W. F. (Willard F.), 1917-1991.
Babington, J. P.
Bache, A. D. (Alexander Dallas), 1806-1867.
Bacheler, Jack Stangl, 1943-
Bacon, Edward.
Bacon, Georgeanna Muirson Woolsey, 1833-1906.
Bacon, Mercedith E.
Bacon, Rosalie F.
Bacon, Ruth E.
Badgett, John D., ca. 1833-1862.
Badgett, Rodney C., 1957-
Badgett, William Henry, ca. 1804-1877.
Badgett, William.
Badham, Louise.
Bagge, Traugott, 1729-1800.
Bagley, R. O., Mrs.
Bahlman, W. F.
Bahlman, William S.
Bahnson, Fred, F.
Bailey, Clarence W.
Bailey, Deborah.
Bailey, Douglas A., 1958-
Bailey, John A.
Bailey, John A. (John Alexander), 1978-
Bailey, R. Wayne.
Bailey, Russell D.
Bailey, Yancey.
Bain, Donnell J.
Bain, George L., 1931-
Baird, James F.
Baird, Zebulon.
Baisson, Lester.
Baker, Barbara.
Baker, Bill.
Baker, Blake, Jr., approximately 1755-1818.
Baker, Carolyn.
Baker, Edward D.
Baker, Ernest Hamlin, 1889-1975
Baker, G. E.
Baker, James R. (James Robert), 1941-
Baker, John.
Baker, Julian M.
Baker, L.
Baker, Laurence S. 1830-1907
Baker, Lenox D.
Baker, Richard E.
Baker, Robert M.
Baker, Sam.
Baker, Scott (M. Scott)
Baker, W. Donald (Walter Donald)
Bakolia, George.
Balak, Joseph R., Jr.
Balchunas, John.
Baldwin Studio.
Baldwin, Deborah.
Baldwin, James.
Baldwin, Michael.
Bales, Jerad.
Balfour, H.
Ball, Ashley, W.
Ball, Brenda.
Ball, E.
Ball, Ernest J. (Ernest Jasper), 1926-1996.
Ball, Ernest.
Ball, Ewart M.
Ball, Farlin Q.
Ball, Irving H. (Irving Henderson), 1928-1976.
Ball, James R. (James Ruffin), 1921-1989.
Ballance, Joshua.
Ballance, Nancy
Ballance, Paul S.
Ballard, A. M. (Albert M.)
Ballard, Frank I.
Ballard, Jethro.
Ballard, Mary Alice.
Ballard, Russell W.
Ballard, Sally.
Ballou, Leonard R.
Baloch, Zahid M.
Baltosser, Aaron P.
Bambara, Stephen B., 1951-
Bancroft, Milton Herbert, 1867-1947
Bane, Gilbert W.
Banish, Nolan.
Bankhead, James, 1783-1856.
Banks, Anne.
Banks, Elbert L., 1949-
Banks, Myron C., 1931-
Banks, P. E.
Banks, Shawn.
Banks, Teressa W.
Banks, Thomas.
Banner Elk Planning Board.
Banner, Charles.
Bannerman, Paul E.
Barbee, Anne C.
Barbee, Becky.
Barbee, Jennie M.
Barbee, Ronald.
Barber, Betty.
Barber, D. D., Jr.
Barber, John D.
Barber, John T.
Barber, Lunette.
Barber, Margaret.
Barbour, James, 1775-1842.
Barbour, William M.
Barclay, John.
Barclay, McClelland.
Barden, Albert.
Bardon, Robert E. (Robert Edward)
Bardon, Robert.
Barfield, Victor W.
Barge, G. K.
Barick, Frank.
Barker, Bradley A.
Barker, Cody Lee, 1942-
Barker, D. B.
Barker, George Wayne, 1945-
Barker, Mary
Barker, Thomas.
Barkley, Ethel S.
Barnard, Thomas.
Barnard, W.B.
Barnard, W.D.
Barnes, David Leonard.
Barnes, H. P.
Barnes, Marshall.
Barnes, P. H., Jr.
Barnes, Sally M.
Barnes, Steve.
Barnes, Thomas.
Barnett, Currie.
Barnett, Elizabeth.
Barnett, John D.
Barnett, Thomas.
Barnett, William.
Barnette, Henlee.
Barney, Maginel Wright, 1877-1966
Barnhill, D. P.
Barnhill, Duncan R.
Barnwell, J.
Barnwell, Robert, 1761-1814.
Baroff, George S.
Baroody, William J., 1916-1980.
Barr, Joe.
Barrett, John Gilchrist.
Barrier Free Environments, Inc.
Barringer, Betty.
Barringer, Thomas L.
Barron, David.
Barron, J.
Barrow, John K.
Barrow, T. E.
Barrow, Thomas.
Barrows, Robin.
Barry, Richard S.
Barstow, William Augustus, 1813-1865.
Bartholomew, Joy A.
Bartlett, Chrystal.
Bartlett, Gary O.
Bartlett, J. M.
Bartlett, John Russell, 1805-1886.
Barton, Cecelia.
Barton, E. G.
Barton, George, 1866-1940.
Barwick, Allen J.
Barwick, Robert D. (Robert Dempsey), 1978-
Basinger, Nicholas T., 1987-
Baskerville, Charles, 1870-1922.
Baskerville, J. C.
Basnight, May.
Bass, Daniel.
Bass, J. Albert (James Albert)
Bass, Kristopher L., 1975-
Bass, Larry.
Bass, Marie.
Bassett, John Spencer, 1867-1928.
Bassett, Richard, 1745-1815.
Batchelor, Burnie.
Batchelor, John W., 1896-1998.
Batchelor, Jos. B. (Joseph Branch), 1825-1903.
Bateman, Rhoda J.
Bates, Daniel M. (Daniel Moore), 1821-1879.
Bates, Jeremiah.
Bates, Moni.
Batledge, Hayden Monroe.
Bator, Edmund A., 1926-
Batsavage, Chris.
Battelle Memorial Institute. Technology Partnership Practice.
Battle, H. B. (Herbert Bemerton), 1862-1929.
Battle, Kemp P.
Battle, Kemp P. (Kemp Plummer), 1831-1919.
Battle, Richard H. (Richard Henry), 1835-1912.
Battle, S. Westray.
Battle, William H. (William Horn), 1802-1879
Battle, William H. (William Horn), 1802-1879.
Batton, Lois T.
Bauckham, James G., 1944-
Bauer, Raymond J., 1923-2016.
Baugh, J. A.
Baumann, Jessica R.
Baxter, George A. (George Addison), 1771-1841.
Baxter, John.
Baxter, T.
Bayless, Jack D.
Bayley, Ambrose Cox.
Bayley, William Shirley, 1861-1943.
Beach, Sandy.
Beal, Ernest O., 1924-
Beall, C. C. (Cecil Calvert), 1892-1967.
Bean, Benning M., 1782-1866.
Bean, Chester H., Mrs.
Beane, Jeffrey C.
Beard, L.
Beard, Lewis.
Beard, R. D.
Beard, Thomas R.
Bearden, Walter C.
Beasley, Cheri.
Beasley, John B.
Beasley, Levin W., 1924-2015.
Beasley, Peggy Hill.
Beatty, Henry.
Beaufort County (N.C.)
Beaufort County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Beaufort County Committee of Safety.
Beaufort County Community College.
Beaufort County Planning Commission.
Beaufort County Technical Institute.
Beaumont, Arthur.
Beaver, Susie.
Bebb, William, 1802-1873.
Bechtel, Randy.
Beck, John.
Beck, Warren.
Becker, Benjamin.
Beckerdite, Janet.
Beckley, John James, 1757-1807.
Becton, J. William.
Beddingfield, Edna Earl.
Bedford, Julia Caroline.
Bee, Thomas, 1725-1812.
Beeber, George O.
Beecher, Catherine Esther.
Beel [?]
Beerman, Gail H.
Behnke, Andrew O. (Andrew Owen)
Beichler, William K. (William Kuecks), 1902-1953.
Beistle, Charles P.
Belcher, Clifton Beryl.
Belhaven Planning Board.
Belk, Donald R.
Belk, Henry, 1898-1972.
Bell, Alonzo Etheridge
Bell, Baxter.
Bell, Brickhous.
Bell, Brickhouse.
Bell, Carl W.
Bell, Carl W., Mrs.
Bell, Charles
Bell, D. G.
Bell, Helen C.
Bell, James W.
Bell, Jeannie Jo.
Bell, Jo Ann.
Bell, John.
Bell, Jr., Daniel Graham, b.1913 [?]
Bell, Linda Adams.
Bell, Margaret Shearin.
Bell, Rhonda
Bell, Richard C., 1928-
Bell, Robert.
Bell, Walter.
Bell, William.
Bellicha, Terry.
Bello, Jacqueline H.
Bells, Garsham.
Belmont (Gaston County, N.C.) Planning Board.
Benbow, K. C.
Benbury, Richard.
Benbury, Thomas.
Bendell, Bonnie.
Beneker, Gerrit A. (Gerrit Albertus), 1882-1934
Benfield, Gale H.
Benfield, Jack M.
Benford, John M.
Bennett Place State Historic Site (Agency : N.C.)
Bennett-Wilkes, Theresa W.
Bennett, Caleb P., 1758-1836.
Bennett, Charles.
Bennett, Connie W.
Bennett, Dorcas K.
Bennett, Elizabeth.
Bennett, Mack F.
Bennett, William.
Bennington, Richard R.
Bensen Aircraft Corporation.
Bensen, Igor B.
Benson Planning Board.
Benson, G. A. (Geoffrey Alan), 1943-
Bentley, Fred B.
Bentley, R. C.
Bently, Elizabeth
Benton, Carey, Mrs.
Benton, Henry E.
Benton, Lemuel, 1754-1818.
Benton, Patsy.
Benton, Robert.
Benton, Samuel.
Benton, Thomas P.
Berdine, Beverly E.
Berg, Steve.
Berger, Paul, Jr.
Bergsten, Jane.
Berini, Louis.
Berkeley, Janet.
Berndt, John A.
Berndt, Susan G.
Berner, Maureen.
Bernhardt, C. E.
Bernstein, Doris.
Beron, Kurt.
Berry, Daina Ramey.
Berry, Dorothy E.
Berry, E. Willard, 1900-1968.
Berry, Edward L.
Berry, Hardy D.
Berry, Paul B.
Bert, Steven A.
Bertie County (N.C.)
Besler, Douglas A.
Bessemer City (N.C.). Recreation Department. Planning Staff.
Best, David M.
Betts, A. D. (Alexander Davis), 1832-1918.
Betts, Ethel Franklin
Betts, Jack.
Betts, Otis A.
Beulaville (N.C.). Board of Commissioners.
Bevill, Elisha.
Beyea, Patricia.
BHM Regional Library Association, Inc.
Bianchi, Alan, 1974-
Bibbs, F.P. Attreus.
Bickett, Thomas Walter, 1869-1921.
Biddle, James W.
Bidwell, Liane Davis.
Bidwell, Miles O.
Bigelow, John P. (John Prescott), 1797-1872.
Bigelow, William E.
Biggers, W. Michael.
Biggs, Asa, 1811-1878.
Bignall, Robert, approximately 1730-1787.
Billard, F. C.
Billings, Claude.
Binford, John M.
Binford, Raymond, 1876-1951.
Bingham, David B.
Bingham, David Y.
Bingham, Robert, 1838-1927.
Birch, William.
Birch, Willie.
Birchfield, Larry J.
Bird, Carolyn L.
Bird, Maurice.
Birdsall, S.
Birdsong, James C. (James Cook), 1843-1918.
Birgand, Francois.
Birmingham, George W., Sr.
Bishop, Cynthia L.
Bishop, Evelyn J.
Bishop, J. E.
Bishop, JoAnn.
Bishop, Linda.
Bissell, William H. (William Henry), 1811-1860.
Bissette, Deborah.
Bitting, John S.
Black Mountain College (Black Mountain, N.C.)
Black Mountain Planning Board (N.C.)
Black, Agnes.
Black, Allison Harris.
Black, Bud.
Black, C.A.
Black, Wm. E.
Blackburn, Jane.
Blackburn, Jonathan.
Blackledge, Haywood.
Blackledge, J.
Blackledge, Richard.
Blackledge, Thomas W.
Blackledge, William, -1828.
Blackledge, William.
Blackley, R. J.
Blacklin, Sarah.
Blackman, Edson E.
Blackman, Stephen (ca. 1724-ca.1786).
Blackstock, John.
Bladen Community College.
Bladen County (N.C.)
Bladen County Public Library.
Bladen Technical Institute.
Blades, Carl J.
Blair, Albert W.
Blair, J. H.
Blair, Mary E.
Blair, Milton B.
Blair, Mott P.
Blair, Robert M.
Blair, William A.
Blair, William.
Blake David E.
Blake, Connie Regan.
Blake, David E.
Blake, David E., 1960-
Blake, Forestine.
Blake, J. A.
Blake, Judith A.
Blake, Kirby.
Blake, Larry J.
Blake, Peggy.
Blake, Samuel.
Blakeley, John.
Blakely, Bessie.
Blakely, Ira A.
Blakely, Sheila D.
Blakeney, Gregory M.
Blalock, T. C.
Blanchard, Andrew, 1728-1787.
Blanchard, Andrew.
Blanchard, Dorothy.
Bland, James Cleveland, 1918-1972.
Bland, Samuel S.
Bledsoe, Anthony.
Bledsoe, Moses A.
Blessington, J. F.
Blethen, Tyler.
Blish Milling Company.
Bliss, Adam.
Bliss, Maria.
Blizzard, Georgia, 1919-2002.
Blokker, Laura Ewen.
Blolock, Thomas L.
Blomo, Vito J. (Vito James)
Blonig, R. E.
Blonston, Gary.
Bloodworth, John.
Bloodworth, Thomas.
Bloodworth, Timothy, 1736-1814.
Bloomfield, Joseph, 1753-1823.
Blount, Allison.
Blount, Frederick.
Blount, Henry.
Blount, J.
Blount, Jacob.
Blount, John Gray, 1752-1833.
Blount, John Grey.
Blount, Joseph.
Blount, Reading, 1757-1807.
Blount, Thomas H.
Blount, Thomas, 1759-1812.
Blount, W. A.
Blount, William A.
Blount, William S.
Blount, William, 1749-1800.
Blount, Willie, 1768-1835.
Blow, Richard.
Bludworth, John.
Bludworth, S.
Bludworth, Sam.
Blue Ridge Community College (N.C.)
Blue Ridge Technical Institute.
Blue, Bennis M.
Blue, Duncan C.
Blue, H. Clifton, Jr.
Blue, Kathryn P.
Blue, Kathy.
Blue, Linda, 1951-
Blue, William H. (William Hollister), 1928-
Bluestein, Frayda S.
Bluethenthal, Arthur, 1891-1918
Blum, Jo.
Blythe, Calvin, 1790-1849.
Boan, Frances G.
Boarati, Gino.
Boardman, Barry.
Boast, Carol.
Bobbitt, William H. (William Haywood), 1900-1992.
Bodde, W. G.
Boddie, George.
Boddie, Grace C.
Bode, Lucy Hancock.
Bode, Scott, 1963-
Bodenheimer, Joyce.
Bodkin, Mark.
Bodnar, Gregg.
Boettiger, Judith A.
Bogan, Arthur E.
Boggs, April D.
Bogue, Donald J.
Bolick, H. G.
Bolin, H. Scott.
Bolles, Charles Pattison.
Bollinger, Catherine E.
Bollinger, Julie B.
Bolotowsky, Ilya, 1907-1981.
Bolton, James.
Bond, George.
Bond, Peggie.
Bond, Tillie.
Bondfield, Charles.
Bondurant, Barrie.
Bondurant, William L.
Boney, Leslie N.
Bonham, Nehemiah.
Bonner, Henry.
Bonner, Herbert Covington, 1891-1965.
Bonner, Thomas.
Bonner, William R.
Booker, Warren H.
Boon, Henry.
Boone (N.C.). Department of Planning and Inspections.
Boone (N.C.). Planning Board.
Boone, Emmee.
Boone, Jameson.
Boot, Benjamin Booth.
Boote, B. Booth.
Booth, George Wilson, 1844-1914.
Booth, Joel.
Booth, John.
Borawa, James C.
Bordeaux, Anthony.
Bordeaux, Israel.
Borden, Martha Gold.
Borden, Pat.
Borden, William.
Borden, Wilmer K.
Bordon, William.
Borgeson, M. B.
Borgo, Linda M.
Boring, William A. (William Alciphron), 1859-1937.
Borne, Albert.
Borski, Heinz.
Bortair, Leonard.
Bosso, William.
Bost, Cecile.
Bostick, William.
Bosworth, H. B.
Bouch, J.W.
Bourne, Emma.
Bourne, R. G.
Boutwell, Jean J.
Bowden, James W.
Bowen, Ann L.
Bowen, Cornelia Ann.
Bowen, George W.
Bowen, Goodin E.
Bowen, Henry H.
Bowen, Liessa Thomas.
Bowen, William J.
Bowen, WIlliam.
Bower, F. A.
Bower, Robert.
Bowers, Claude T.
Bowers, G. W.
Bowers, Lawrence R.
Bowie, Robert, 1750-1818.
Bowles, Skipper.
Bowling, J. Michael.
Bowling, Nancy.
Bowman, John G.
Bowman, Samuel.
Bowyer, James (James R.)
Boyce, Barbara.
Boyce, W. H.
Boyd, Adam, 1738-1803.
Boyd, Adam.
Boyd, Charles F.
Boyd, Gail H.
Boyd, Jacob.
Boyd, James H.
Boyd, Katherine.
Boyd, W. C.
Boyden, Nathaniel, 1796-1873.
Boyer, Catherine.
Boyes, Arthur.
Boyette, Mary.
Boylan, Hunter R.
Boylan, William, 1777-1861.
Boylan, William.
Boyles, Al.
Boyles, Eugene H.
Boyles, Ryan P., 1975-
Boynton, Allen.
Bracker, M. Leone, 1885-1937
Brackley, R. J., MD
Bradbury, Marilyn M.
Braden, Roy S.
Bradford, Jason A. J.
Bradley, Charles William.
Bradley, Donald Wayne.
Bradley, Edward B.
Bradley, Eunice L.
Bradley, J. W.
Bradley, Jack L.
Bradley, John.
Bradley, Lucy K.
Bradley, Lucy.
Bradley, Philip J. (Philip Julian), 1968-
Bradshaw, Charles W., Jr.
Bradshaw, Scott.
Bradshaw, Thomas W., Jr.
Brady, Janice E.
Brady, Ray B.
Brady, Sharon J.
Bragaw, Stephen C.
Brainerd, Thomas, 1804-1866.
Branch, Douglas M.
Branch, John, 1782-1863.
Branch, Joseph, 1915-1991.
Branch, Lawrence O'B. (Lawrence O'Bryan), 1820-1862.
Branch, Sue.
Brande, Donald A.
Brandenburg, R. L.
Brandon, Linda G.
Brandon, Matthew.
Brandon, William P.
Brannon, Joan G.
Branson, E. C. (Eugene Cunningham), 1861-1933.
Branson, H.
Branson, Henry.
Branston, Eley.
Brant, F. H.
Brantingham, Henry.
Brasfield, Craig.
Brasfield, George.
Braswell, Alvin L.
Braswell, Bill.
Brawley, Beverly.
Brawley, James S.
Braxton, Myers G.
Bray, Hannah
Bray, Howard.
Bray, Tyler.
Breazeale, Eileen D.
Breckling, Emil
Breckling, Emil.
Breece, George W.
Breen, Faith Lee.
Breitenbach, Joseph, 1896-1984
Brenholtz, George.
Brennan, Kathleen M.
Brenneman, D. L.
Brent, Daniel, 1774-1841.
Bresnan, J. A.
Breuer, Marcel, 1902-1981.
Brevard Planning Board.
Brevard, Alexander, 1755-1829.
Brevard, Ephraim.
Brewer, Charles Edward, 1866-1941.
Brewer, Charles H., Jr.
Brewer, Holly.
Brewer, Steven W.
Brewington, Carol.
Brewster, Walter S.
Brey, Laura
Brice, Francis.
Brickell, Will.
Brickell, William.
Brickhouse, Bell.
Bridgers, Ann Preston.
Bridgers, Emily N.
Bridges, Henry L. (Henry Lee), 1907-2002.
Bridges, James F. (James Frank), 1967-
Bridges, Mary Cecile.
Bridges, Thomas.
Bridges, Virginia.
Bridle, Kenneth A., 1956-
Bridwell, Robert L.
Briggs, Benjamin.
Briggs, Glenna.
Briggs, John J.
Briggs, Norma.
Bright, Aaron.
Bright, Leslie S.
Bright, William E.
Brimage, William.
Brimley, H. H. (Herbert Hutchinson), 1861-1946.
Brindley, Carl.
Brinkley, William.
Brinn, R. Tim.
Brinson, Mark M.
Brite, John.
Britt, David M. (David Maxwell), 1917-2009.
Britt, James J. (James Jefferson), 1861-1939.
Britt, Mary K. B.
Britt, Suzanne.
Brittain, James.
Britton, L. N.
Brizius, Jack A.
Broadfoot, Charles W. (Charles Wetmore), 1842-1919.
Broadhurst, F. K.
Broadhurst, J. J.
Broadhurst, Sam D. (Samuel Davis), 1917-
Broadhurst, William
Broadie, Nancy Boyd.
Broadwick, Charles.
Brock, Alex K.
Brock, Dub.
Brock, R. A. (Robert Alonzo), 1839-1914.
Brockett, Dick.
Brockett, F.R.
Brockman, Allen R. (Allen Richard), 1961-
Broder, S.
Brogden, C. H. (Curtis Hooks), 1816-1901.
Brogden, L. C. (Lautrec Cranmer), 1871-1937.
Brogden, Lautrec Cranmer.
Broili, Thayer.
Brooks, Barbara Lynn.
Brooks, Cecil C.
Brooks, E. C., Jr.
Brooks, Eugene C. (Eugene Clyde), 1871-1947.
Brooks, James M.
Brooks, Mark.
Brooks, Michael P.
Brooks, Nancy G.
Brooks, Rufus.
Brooks, Shirley B.
Brookshire, Mary Williams, ca. 1798-ca. 1880.
Brookshire, W. J.
Broomall, James K.
Brose, Alfred.
Brough, Michael B.
Broughton, Carrie L., 1879-1957.
Broughton, J. Melville (Joseph Melville), 1888-1949.
Broughton, J. Melville, 1922-1997.
Brouwer, M. (Marius)
Broward, John.
Browden, Augustin C.
Browder, William H., Junior, 1941-
Brower, David J.
Brown, A. P.
Brown, Arthur William, 1881-1966
Brown, Arthur.
Brown, Aycock.
Brown, Brian.
Brown, Charles Brantley Aycock, 1904-1984.
Brown, Charlotte Hawkins, 1883-1961.
Brown, David William.
Brown, David.
Brown, Dempsey.
Brown, Dick
Brown, Dionne C.
Brown, Earl M.
Brown, Edith Mayo.
Brown, Ernest H., Jr.
Brown, G. N.
Brown, George Carroll.
Brown, George Hubbard, 1850-1926.
Brown, George.
Brown, H. Jr.
Brown, Harry E. (Harry Emerson), 1898-1970.
Brown, Henry S. (Henry Seawell), 1930-2018.
Brown, J. A.
Brown, J. McGibbon
Brown, Jaki.
Brown, James.
Brown, Janie Poole.
Brown, Jarvis S.
Brown, Jeremiah.
Brown, Jess.
Brown, Jonathan.
Brown, Kathy Hill.
Brown, Kevin, 1969-
Brown, Kevin.
Brown, M. S.
Brown, Marvin A.
Brown, Michael.
Brown, Mills.
Brown, Minnie Miller.
Brown, N. Caleb.
Brown, P.
Brown, Philip M. (Philip Monroe), 1922-
Brown, R. C.
Brown, R. Eugene (Roy Eugene), 1897-
Brown, R. M.
Brown, Raeford E., 1922-2008.
Brown, Robert A.
Brown, Robert J. (Robert James), 1943-
Brown, Robert Lee.
Brown, Ronald Harmon, 1941-1996.
Brown, Samantha G.
Brown, Sandra C.
Brown, Sanford W.
Brown, Sara.
Brown, Shirley C.
Brown, Silvester.
Brown, Steven L.
Brown, Thomas B.
Brown, Thomas, 1744-1811.
Brown, Thomas.
Brown, Thomas.: Forney, Peter, 1756-1834.
Brown, W. Kenneth.
Brown, W. M. B.
Brown, Wannitta.
Brown, William Garrett.
Brown, William.
Browne, J. S.
Browne, P.
Browne, Peter, approximately 1766-1833.
Browning, James H.
Browning, R. Getty, 1884-1966.
Browning, Raymond, 1879-1953.
Browning, Tish.
Broyhill, James T.
Bruce, A. B.
Bruce, Charles.
Bruehl, Anton, 1900-1982.
Brune, Sara.
Bruner, J. J.
Brunette, Dottie.
Brunger, Judy B.
Brunswick Community College.
Brunswick County (N.C.)
Brunswick County (N.C.) Planning Board.
Brunswick County (N.C.). Clerk of Superior Court.
Bruton, S.
Bruton, Thomas Wade.
Bryan, C. H.
Bryan, Charles I.
Bryan, John W.
Bryan, John.
Bryan, Jonathan
Bryan, Joseph H.
Bryan, Nathaniel.
Bryan, W.
Bryan, William W.
Bryan, William.
Bryant, Aileen L.
Bryant, Catherine.
Bryant, Donna M., 1951-
Bryant, J. Frank.
Bryant, J. Frank., Mrs.
Bryant, Jane E.
Bryant, Joseph H.
Bryant, Juanita M.
Bryant, Katherine.
Bryant, Shari.
Bryson, Andrew, 1779-
Bryson, B. J.
Bryson, Herman J., 1896-1952.
Bryson, Thomas Newton
Buchanan, Harry E.
Buchanan, James, 1791-1868.
Buchanan, James.
Buchanan, Jeanie H.
Buchanan, William.
Buckley, Courtney.
Bucknell, Susan.
Buckner, Bob.
Buckner, Rodney W., 1948-
Budd, Betty J.
Budd, Cecil.
Buehler, H. F.
Buescher, Paul A. (Paul Allen)
Buford, Elizabeth.
Buhler, Wayne.
Buie, William.
Bull, Charles Livingston, 1874-1932
Bull, William, 1710-1791.
Bullard, Jack L.
Bullard, William.
Bullen, Gary.
Bulloch, Irvine S.
Bullock, Francis.
Bullock, James F.
Bullock, James M.
Bullock, Orin M.
Bullock, Stafford.
Bumgarner, Shelia.
Bunch, Edward Johnson, 1903-
Bunch, J. Wayne.
Bunch, S. A.
Buncombe County (N.C.)
Buncombe County (N.C.). Clerk of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions.
Bundy, Stephen A., Jr.
Bunn, Christine E.
Bunn, John H.
Bunton, Amanda K.
Buraker, P.
Burch, Sam.
Burchard, E. D.
Burchell, Michael R., II, 1970-
Burdette, H. S.
Burdick, Summer M.
Bureau of National Affairs (Arlington, Va.).
Burge, Kimberly (Wildlife educator)
Burges, A.S.H.
Burges, L.
Burges, Philip.
Burgess, B. C.
Burgess, Christine C.
Burgiss, W. F.
Burgwin, John, 1731-1803.
Burgwin, John.
Burgwyn, Anna Greenough.
Burgwyn, Emily.
Burgwyn, Henry King, 1813-1877.
Burgwyn, Henry King, Jr.
Burgwyn, Henry King.
Burgwyn, Hill.
Burgwyn, Marie.
Burgwyn, William Hyslop Sumner, 1845-1913.
Burke County Courthouse (Burke County, N.C.)
Burke, John Selden, 1953-
Burke, Thomas D.
Burke, Thomas, approximately 1747-1783.
Burke, Thomas.
Burke, Yvonne Brathwaite.
Burkhardt, Jon E.
Burkhardt, Richard.
Burkholder, JoAnn M. (JoAnn Marie)
Burlew, Ebert K. (Ebert Keiser), 1885-1945.
Burnes, Starratt.
Burnett, Jack.
Burnett, Patricia Hill, 1920-
Burnett, R. Will.
Burnette, Dennis.
Burney, David.
Burnham, Edward.
Burns, Beth L.
Burns, Jess W.
Burns, William.
Burnside, Ambrose Everett, 1824-1881
Burrall, John.
Burris, Lovine.
Burris, Mary Frances.
Burris, Richard D.
Bursley, A. P.
Bursley, Allyn P.
Burson, R. E.
Burton, A. M.
Burton, Annie Laurie.
Burton, C. W.
Burton, H. G.
Burton, H. G. (Hutchins Gordon), 1782-1836.
Burton, Joshua.
Burton, Mabel E.
Burton, N.W.
Burton, Paul R.
Burton, R.
Burton, R. F., Mrs.
Burton, Robert H.
Burton, Robert.
Burton, T. W.
Burton, Thomas Wade.
Burton, W. F.
Burton, W. Frank.
Burwell, Walter B.
Busbee, F. H. (Fabius Haywood), 1848-1908.
Busey, Robert S.
Bush, George W. (George Walker), 1946-
Bush, George, 1924-2018.
Bushon, Amanda M.
Bushong, William.
Busson, Lewis.
Butchko, Thomas R. (Thomas Russell)
Bute, Jeremiah.
Bute, Joseph.
Butler, Dothula B.
Butler, John, -1786.
Butler, John.
Butler, P.
Butler, Sana.
Butterfield, Deborah, 1949-
Butterfield, Neal A.
Buttrick, P. L. (Philip Laurence), 1886-
Butz, Barbara A.
Butzgy, Gayle.
Buzza Company.
Byerly, T. J.
Bynum, Frank H. (Frank Hines), 1895-1991.
Bynum, Katharine F.
Bynum, William Preston, 1861-1926.
Byrd, Carl.
Byrd, John W.
Byrd, Nathan.
Byrd, Richard W.
Byrd, William, 1674-1744.
Byrum, E. J.
Cabarrus County (N.C.)
Cabarrus, Stephen, 1754-1808.
Cabe, Mary Barbara Smith
Cabell, Joseph C.
Cabell, William H., 1772-1853.
Caffrey, Stuart.
Cahow, Clark R.
Cain, S. J. B.
Cain, William.
Cairnes, John Elliott, 1823-1875.
Cairns-Callan, Virginia.
Cairns, John S.
Cairns, John T., 1805-1854.
Cairns, Maureen.
Caldclugh, Alen R.
Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute.
Caldwell County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Caldwell, Andrew.
Caldwell, D.F.
Caldwell, Harry B., Mrs.
Caldwell, Jesse.
Caldwell, John T. (John Tyler), 1911-1995.
Caldwell, Joseph, 1773-1835.
Caldwell, Joseph.
Caldwell, Margaret Virginia Hood.
Caldwell, Paul.
Caldwell, Tod Robinson, 1818-1874.
Call, Clarence A.
Callaway Family Association.
Callihan, Curtis E.
Calloway, Laine.
Calloway, William R.
Calmes, Jackie.
Cambell, I. A.
Cambray-Digny, Louis-Antoine-Jean-Baptiste, chevalier de, 1751-1822.
Camden County (N.C.)
Camden County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Cameron, Alexander.
Cameron, Dallas.
Cameron, Dan.
Cameron, Deeanne.
Cameron, Duncan, 1777-1853.
Cameron, Eugene N. (Eugene Nathan), 1910-1999.
Cameron, J. D.
Cameron, J.A.
Cameron, James.
Cameron, Rebecca
Cameron, William.
Camin, Betty J.
Cammerer, Arno B.
Camp, W. R.
Campbell, Catlet.
Campbell, Clyde.
Campbell, David, 1750-1812.
Campbell, Dugall.
Campbell, Farquhard.
Campbell, Ferqd.
Campbell, J. Robert.
Campbell, James.
Campbell, John Harvey Fielder.
Campbell, John.
Campbell, Olive D. (Olive Dame), 1882-1954.
Campbell, Peggy D., 1954-
Campbell, R. N., Jr.
Campbell, R. Wilbur., Jr.
Campbell, Reuben P.
Campbell, Robert.
Campbell, Sharyn.
Campbell, Silas F.
Campbell, Ted R.
Campbell, Thompson, 1811-1868.
Campbell, William.
Campioli, Mario E.
Canada, Jean S.
Canady, Cornelius.
Cane, Bernard M.
Canipe, E. A.
Canner, James.
Cannon, Homer.
Cannon, Isabella.
Cannup, J. E.
Cansler, E. T.
Canton (N.C.). Police Department.
Canton Planning Board.
Cantwell, Edward.
Cantwell, J. S.
Canziani, Bonnie.
Caoms, William.
Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Company.
Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway Company.
Cape Fear Community College.
Cape Fear Technical Institute.
Cape Fear Workforce Development Board
Capehart, B.A.
Capel, William C.
Capital Associated Industries, Inc.
Caplanides, Jim.
Capon Springs Conference for Christian Education in the South.
Carawan, George W. (George Washington), 1800-1853.
Cardin, Shoshana Shoubin, 1926-2018.
Cardwell, D. F.
Carey, James.
Carlberg, A.
Carleton, Clifford
Carlson, Cynthia, 1942-
Carlton, W. C.
Carlton, William C.
Carlyle, Irving E. (Irving Edward), 1896-1971.
Carman, Beatrice D.
Carmen, Elaine Hilberman, 1939-
Carmichael, John T.
Carmichael, John.
Carmichael, William Donald, Jr., 1900-1961.
Carnes-McNaughton, Linda F. (Linda Flowers)
Carnes, Keith J.
Carnes, William C (William Capers), 1929-1915.
Carnes, William C. (William Capers), 1929-2015.
Carney, Stephen W.
Carney, Wright.
Carolina and North-Western Railway Company.
Carolina Center for Public Service.
Carolina Creamery Company.
Carolina Financial Times.
Carolina Population Center.
Carolina Power and Light Company.
Carpenter, Frank B.
Carpenter, Marie P.
Carpenter, P. Albert, III.
Carpenter, Robert H.
Carpenter, William L.
Carr, Hope S.
Carr, I. N.
Carr, James.
Carr, Job.
Carr, Julian Shakespeare.
Carr, Marsha, 1957-
Carraway, A. C.
Carraway, Gertrude Sprague, 1896-1993.
Carraway, Mike (Wildlife biologist)
Carraway, Richard J.
Carrell, C. J.
Carrigain, Philip, 1772-1842.
Carrigan, Steven H.
Carriker, Heath H.
Carrington, Edward.
Carrington, William.
Carroll, Charles.
Carroll, Daniel E.
Carroll, Dudley De Witt, 1885-
Carroll, Dudley De Witt, 1885-1971.
Carroll, Peggy.
Carroll, T. A.
Carroll, William Henry, Jr., 1948-
Carrow, Jordan S.
Carroway, Gertrude Sprague, 1896-
Carse, M. B.
Carson, A. L.
Carson, Hugh.
Carson, J. M. D.
Carson, John.
Carson, Joseph W. D.
Carson, Joseph.
Carson, R. G. (Robert G.)
Carson, Thomas E., Jr.
Carswell, Jane, 1932-2015.
Carter, Braxton.
Carter, Fred.
Carter, J. H. (Jay H.)
Carter, J. H., III.
Carter, James.
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
Carter, Joe B.
Carter, Joseph Franklin, 1943-
Carter, L. S.
Carter, London.
Carter, Mark W.
Carter, Reginald
Carter, W. B., Jr.
Carter, Wilmoth Annette, 1916-
Carteret Community College.
Carteret County (N.C.)
Carteret County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Carthage Planning Board.
Carthy, Dan.
Carthy, Daniel.
Cartrette, Anna Gaskill.
Cartwright, Bell.
Cartwright, Thomas.
Carvan, Nancy J.
Carver, W. Raleigh.
Casanova, Richard L., Jr.
Casebere, James.
Casebolt, Hiram J.
Cash and Carry Meat Market.
Cash, George Brower.
Cashion, Jerry Clyde.
Cashion, Mary Jo.
Cashwell, Pamela B.
Cassell, Cynthia H.
Casteel, Shaun N.
Castillo, Miguel S.
Castilon, Richard A.
Castle, H. B.
Castorena, Cassie.
Caswell County (N.C.)
Caswell County (N.C.). Clerk of Superior Court.
Caswell Training School (Kinston, N.C.)
Caswell, James.
Caswell, Richard, 1729-1789.
Caswell, William.
Caswell, Winston.
Catawba County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Catawba County Industrial Education Center.
Catawba Valley Community College.
Catawba Valley Technical Institute.
Cathey, Andrew.
Cathey, Boyd.
Cathey, Harry S., Mrs.
Catlett, Camille.
Catlett, George F.
Catlin, George, 1796-1872.
Cattanach, Bart L. (Bart Lewis), 1973-
Caulberg, W. H.
Cauley, Mary M.
Causey, Nell B.
Cauthorn, David.
Cavender, Joseph.
Cavins, Jane.
CDM Smith.
Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research.
Celebb, James.
Center for Women Policy Studies.
Central Carolina Community College.
Central Carolina Technical Institute.
Central Hospital (Raleigh, N.C.)
Central Orphanage of North Carolina (Oxford, N.C.)
Central Piedmont Community College (Charlotte, N.C.)
Centralina Council of Governments (N.C.)
Centralina Workforce Development Board
Cerniglia, Mimi.
Chace, Elisha.
Chadbourn Planning and Zoning Board.
Chadwick, Nelson W.
Chadwick, Thomas.
Chafin, Betty.
Challener, Stephen.
Chalmers, Charles.
Chalmers, Pritchard.
Chamberlain, Hope Summerell.
Chamberlayne, J. H.
Chambers, Charles Edward, ca. 1883-1941
Chambers, D.
Chambers, Henry.
Chambers, Maxwell.
Chambers, Ruth Ellis.
Chambers, Thomas
Chamblee, Cynthia M.
Chamblee, Jacqueline.
Champion, Doug.
Champlain, Samuel.
Champney, Edwin Graves.
Champney, James Wells, 1843-1903.
Chance, Fred.
Chance, H. M. (Henry Martyn), 1856-1937.
Chand, Nanak.
Chandler, Joseph B., Jr.
Channel, William W.
Chap, Mary Ann.
Chapline Jr., William E.
Chapman, James S.
Chapman, Oscar L. (Oscar Littleton), 1896-1978.
Chapman, Robert R.
Chapman, Samuel.
Chapman, Wayne R.
Chappell, Annie Lou.
Chariol, Colonel.
Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685.
Charles, John W.
Charlotte (N.C.). Board of School Commissioners.
Charlotte observer (Charlotte, N.C.)
Charlotte Works Workforce Development Board
Charting Our Future, the State-wide Conference on Records (2001 : Raleigh, N.C., Jane S. McKimmon Center for Extension)
Chase, Harry Woodburn, 1883-1955.
Chase, R. Thomas, 1987-
Chastain, R. B.
Chatham County (N.C.)
Chatham County (N.C.) Planning Board.
Chatterjee, Jayanta.
Chaudron, W.
Chavis, James B.
Check, James A.
Chedester, H. C.
Cheek, Donald M.
Cheek, Joseph Alvis, Jr., 1948-
Cheek, Nan M.
Cheek, Susan.
Cheek, Suzan K.
Cheek, T. Edgar.
Cheeseman, Bruce S.
Chemical Publishing Company.
Chen, Don, Ph. D.
Chen, Don, Ph.D.
Chen, Shen-En.
Chenery, Peter J.
Chenesto [Chinesto?] of Sugar Town
Cherokee Indian Hospital. Program Plan Committee.
Cherokee Planning Board.
Cherry Hospital (Goldsboro, N.C.)
Cherry, Annie M. (Annie Moore), 1891-1976.
Cherry, Charles L.
Cherry, Hugh B.
Cherry, Robert Gregg, 1891-1957.
Cherry, Ruth D.
Chescheir, George Maynard, 1954-
Cheshire, J. W.
Chesney, Clyde E. (Clyde Eugene)
Chesnutt, M. P.
Chesson, Shirleyan B.
Chester, Betty M.
Cheuvront, Brian.
Child Welfare League of America.
Child, Francis.
Childers, Jack.
Childers, Jessie.
Childers, Miles.
Childs, Jack.
Chiles, Sarah
Chilton, R. H. (Robert Hall), 1816-1879.
China Grove Planning Board.
Chinn, Mari S.
Chipley, Ann W.
Chiswick, Barry.
Chizmar, Stephanie.
Chocowinity (N.C.)
Chowan County (N.C.)
Chowan County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Chowan County Planning Board.
Chowning, Pam D.
Chrisman, Sara B.
Christ Church (Raleigh, N.C.)
Christen, A. B.
Christensen, Rob.
Christian, J. L.
Christmas, William, 1753 or 1754-1811.
Christmas, William, approximately 1753-1811.
Christmas, William.
Christy, Howard Chandler, 1873-1952
Chunn, Samuel.
Church, Kathie C.
Churchill, Mack W.
Cimaglia, A. M.
Circa, Inc.
Citizens of Anson County.
Citizens of Currituck County.
Citizens' Advisory Council on the Status of Women (U.S.)
City and Town Planning Associates (Chapel Hill, N.C.)
City Planning and Architectural Associates (Chapel Hill, N.C.)
Civil War Trails, Inc.
Clagett, Thomas V., III.
Claiborne, William C. C. (William Charles Cole), 1775-1817.
Clapp, Richard E.
Clarenbach, Kathryn F.
Claridge, F. H.
Clark, Barbara C.
Clark, Betsy.
Clark, Chatham.
Clark, Dewitt D.
Clark, Douglas H.
Clark, Edward B.
Clark, Edward.
Clark, Eleanor C.
Clark, Elsie.
Clark, Eric.
Clark, George.
Clark, H. Manly, Jr.
Clark, Henry Toole, 1808-1874.
Clark, J. Bayard (Jerome Bayard), 1882-1959.
Clark, James A.
Clark, James West, 1779-1843.
Clark, Jeffrey Patrick, 1954-
Clark, JoAnne Mason.
Clark, John C.
Clark, John H.
Clark, John.
Clark, June McLaurin.
Clark, Rebecca S.
Clark, Roger H.
Clark, Sue.
Clark, Thomas.
Clark, Timothy W. (Geologist)
Clark, Walter, 1846-1924.
Clark, William Bullock 1860-1917.
Clark, William E.
Clark, William Francis, 1779-1844.
Clarke, Deborah.
Clarke, Elizabeth F.
Clarke, Elspeth McClure.
Clarke, H. David.
Clarke, Jean Lea.
Clarke, M. St. Clair (Matthew St. Clair).
Clarke, William S., Jr., 1928-
Clarksons, Edwin.
Claus, George.
Clauser, John W.
Clay, Kathy.
Clay, Russell.
Clayton (N.C.). Planning Board.
Clayton, Eva M.
Clayton, Frances.
Clayton, Francis.
Clayton, Lambert.
Clayton, Mrs. W. D.
Cleary, William J., 1943-
Clegg, Becky.
Clemens, Pamela.
Clemensen, Jessie Williams.
Clement, Bertha.
Clement, Betty.
Clement, Edwin A.
Clement, G. W.
Clement, George Latta.
Clement, George Washington.
Clement, John.
Clements, L. L.
Clements, Nathaniel Peyton.
Clemmer, Pat.
Clemmons, Micky M.
Cleveland Community College.
Cleveland, Brenda.
Cleveland, Grover, 1837-1908.
Cleveland, Jason R.
Clinch, D.L.
Cline, Jane.
Cline, Michael.
Cline, William O.
Clingman, T. L. (Thomas Lanier), 1812-1897.
Clinker, L. C.
Clinton Planning Board.
Clinton, Bill, 1946-
Clinton, George.
Clinton, Henry, Sir, 1738?-1795.
Clitherall, John.
Clontz, Ralph C., 1922-2001.
Cloud, George.
Cloud, Jeremiah.
Cloud, Joel
Clure, WIlliam.
Clusen, Ruth C., 1922-
Clyde Planning Board.
Coale and Hayes.
Coastal Carolina Community College.
Coastland Times (Manteo, N.C.)
Coates, Albert, 1896-1989.
Coates, Albert, 1896-1989..
Coates, Carole (Carole R.)
Cobb & Badgett.
Cobb, Collier, 1862-1934.
Cobb, David, 1748-1830.
Cobb, Ellena
Cobb, Gay P.
Cobb, John N. (John Nathan), 1868-1930.
Cobb, Martha G.
Cobb, Peggy Jo.
Cobb, Stephen.
Coble, Howard, 1931-2015.
Coble, Ran.
Coburn, J. M.
Coca-Cola Bottling Company United (U.S.)
Coca-Cola Company.
Cochran, Earl, Mrs.
Cochran, James.
Cochran, Jason.
Cochran, John.
Cochran, R.
Cochran, Robert.
Cochran, W. E., Jr.
Cochrane, Betsy Lane, 1936-
Cochrane, Robert.
Cocke, William.
Coe, Isaiah, Jr.
Coe, Joffre Lanning.
Coefield, O. W.
Cofer, Eloise S.
Cofer, Susan.
Coffey, H. C., Mrs.
Coffin, Haskell, 1878-1941
Cogdell, R.
Cogdell, Richard, 1724-1787.
Cogdell, Richard.
Coggins, Gordon M., Jr., 1945-
Cohen, David.
Cohen, Wilbur J. (Wilbur Joseph), 1913-1987.
Cohoon, John C.
Cohoon, Lem A.
Coker, C. F. W. (Charles F. W.)
Coker, R. E. (Robert Ervin), 1876-1967.
Coker, William Chambers 1872-1953.
Coker, William Chambers, 1872-1953.
Colborn, Fern M.
Colburn, Eliezer.
Colby, George E.
Colden, Cadwallader D. (Cadwallader David), 1769-1834.
Cole, Helen.
Cole, Hilary.
Cole, Hugh W., Jr.
Cole, James Reid, 1839-
Cole, John.
Cole, Matthew
Cole, Nancy S.
Cole, Peter H.
Cole, Spencer.
Cole, Sylvia Crudup.
Cole, Timothy.
Coleman, Allan Benson.
Coleman, Blount.
Coleman, David.
Coleman, James.
Coleman, Mary Channing, 1883-1947.
Coleman, Ora M.
Coleman, R. D.
Coleman, Samuel.
Coleman, Thaddeus Charles, 1837-1895.
Colie, Leary T.
College of the Albemarle.
Collier, Chip.
Collier, John.
Collier, Ries S.
Collier, William A.
Collins, A. Frederick (Archie Frederick), 1869-
Collins, C. J.
Collins, George B.
Collins, George P.
Collins, John A.
Collins, John.
Collins, Josiah, 1735-1819.
Collins, Josiah, Sr.
Collins, Limone C.
Collins, Mary
Collins, Mary Beth.
Collins, Mary.
Collins, Spences.
Collins, W. R.
Colloton, Carol A.
Collum, Justice.
Colman, David.
Colombo, Lou.
Colored Orphanage of North Carolina (Oxford, N.C.)
Colston, Rawleigh.
Colton, Elizabeth Avery.
Colton, Henry.
Coltrane, D. S.
Coltrane, D. S. (David Stanton), 1893-1968.
Columbia University. Teachers College. Library.
Columbus County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Colvard, Dean W., 1913-2007.
Colvill, Martha.
Comarow, Beth.
Combs, J. Paul
Combs, Linda Morrison.
Combs, Susan O.
Comer, Amy M.
Commission to Study Public Schools and Colleges for Colored People in North Carolina.
Commission to Study the Governance and the Adequacy of the Investment Authority of Various State-Owned Funds
Compton, J.
Compton, R. W.
Conant, Therese A.
Conden, John F.
Confederate States of America. Army.
Confederate States of America. Army. North Carolina Infantry Regiment, 20th Regiment. Company E.
Conference on Forest-fire Protection (1915 : Montreat, N.C.)
Conklin, La Vora E.
Conley, James F.
Conlin, Roxanne Barton.
Connecticut. General Assembly.
Connell, Brad.
Conner, H. T.
Conner, John.
Conner, William Thomas, Jr., 1950-
Connet, William D.
Connor, Henry G. (Henry Groves), 1852-1924.
Connor, R. D. W. (Robert Digges Wimberly), 1878-1950.
Connor, Sam W., Jr., Mrs.
Connor, Sandra.
Conoly, Doris M.
Conover, David L.
Conrad, John Thomas.
Conrad, Stephen G.
Conrad, Thomas Nelson.
Constantine, Lucia.
Cook, Charles.
Cook, David.
Cook, Jacob.
Cook, Judy Simpson.
Cook, Miles Andrew.
Cook, Stanley A.
Cook, Stephen.
Cook, Susaner.
Cook, Thomas J.
Cook, Thomas J. (Thomas Judd)
Cooke, C. G.
Cooke, C. P.
Cooke, Charles Mather, 1844-1920.
Cooke, Giles B.
Cooke, John.
Cooke, Thomas.
Cooke, William.
Cooley, Harold D. (Harold Dunbar), 1897-1974.
Coolidge, Calvin, 1872-1933.
Coomans, Roy John.
Coombs, R.L.
Coon, Charles L. (Charles Lee), 1868-1927.
Cooper, Art.
Cooper, Arthur W.
Cooper, Charles H.
Cooper, Fred G. (Frederic Gross), 1883-1962.
Cooper, Gary M.
Cooper, George Marion.
Cooper, John Stevens, 1832-1865.
Cooper, John.
Cooper, L. A.
Cooper, Larry Edward, 1938-
Cooper, Pamela M.
Cooper, Peter, 1791-1883.
Cooper, Suzanne A.
Cooper, William.
Coor, James.
Coore, James.
Cope, E. Ray.
Copeland, William.
Copley, George.
Copley, John.
Copley, Ruth Ann.
Coppage, Bill.
Coppage, Harriett.
Coppedge, C.
Coppedge, P. J.
Corbett, Leon H., Jr.
Corbett, W. M., Jr.
Corbin, Francis.
Corbitt, David Leroy, 1895-1967.
Cordon, J. W.
Cordova, Delifido.
Corey, George W.
Corgim, John
Corl, Thomas Nook.
Corley, William C.
Cornell, J. H. (James Harry), 1908-1988.
Cornell, Samuel, 1731-1781.
Cornell, W. S.
Cornett, Francis Gildart.
Cornish, Mary M.
Cornwell, Dean, 1892-1960.
Corpening, Julius H. (Julius Harshaw), 1928-
Corpening, Wayne A.
Correll, Donovan Stewart, 1908-1983.
Corson, Genevieve.
Cosner, Jenny.
Cosper, Wilma B.
Costen, Buie.
Costen, T. Buie.
Costen, T. W., Mrs.
Coston, Rawliegh.
Cotes, Thomas F.
Cotten, Alice R.
Cotten, Elizabeth B. Henderson.
Cotten, Hanbert.
Cotten, Lyman A., Mrs.
Cotten, Robert.
Cotten, Spencer D.
Cotter, Timothy.
Cottineau, Denis Nicolas.
Cottingham, Russ.
Cotton, J. Randall.
Cotton, Wendy S.
Couch, Jane, 1944-
Coughlin, John A. (John Albert), 1885-1943
Couillard, R.
Council of National Defense (North Carolina)
Council on Social Work Education.
Council, Herb.
Council, K. Clyde.
Councill, J. H.
Councill, Richard J.
Court, D. W.
Cousins, Dale.
Coutanche, Michael.
Covington, B.H.
Covington, Evelyn.
Covington, F. P.
Covington, H. M. (Henry M.)
Covington, Howard E., Jr., 1944-
Covington, J. M.
Covington, Nina Holland.
Covington, Platt W.
Cowan, David.
Cowan, Robert H.
Cowan, William W.
Coward, Lynn.
Cowell, Janet.
Cowell, Timothy D.
Cox, Elbert, 1906-1993.
Cox, Frederick J.
Cox, J. Elwood (Jonathan Elwood), 1856-1932.
Cox, John T.
Cox, Judy D.
Cox, Kenyon, 1856-1919
Cox, Porter.
Cox, Stephanie Ann.
Cox, Thomas.
Cox, W. D., Mrs.
Cox, William Steele.
Coxe, Tench, 1755-1824.
Cozort, Jack.
Crafton, Benett.
Craig, Clifton M.
Craig, Clifton, M.
Craig, D. I. (David Irwin), 1849-1925.
Craig, David.
Craig, J. W.
Craig, Locke, 1860-1925.
Craig, Malin, 1875-1945.
Craigg, J. H.
Craike, Thomas.
Cramer, Bonnie M.
Crandall, John H.
Crane, Alexander.
Cranford, H. C. (Henry Clay), 1920-2004.
Cranius, R.O.
Cranor, Betty S.
Crater, Julia.
Craven Community College.
Craven County (N.C.)
Craven County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Craven County Committee of Safety.
Craven Technical Institute.
Craven, Charles.
Craven, Donna L.
Craven, Isaiah K.
Craven, J.
Craven, James.
Craven, Joshua.
Crawford, Clara M.
Crawford, J. B.
Crawford, John.
Crawford, Rhea.
Crawford, Todd.
Crawford, William.
Cray, William, Sr.
Creech, Charles W.
Creech, James
Creech, William Ayden, 1925-2016.
Creecy, Lem.
Creel, Daniel Thomas.
Creel, George Edison.
Creeson, Josua.
Crews, Claude E.
Cribbins, Paul D., 1927-2010.
Cribbins, Paul S.
Crigler, Robin J.
Crip, B. G.
Cripe, Bernie.
Crisp, Arthur, 1881-1974
Crittenden, Charles Christopher, 1902-1969.
Crocker, J. M.
Crockett, Alex T.
Crockett, Joan.
Crockett, Kathy.
Crockett, Lucy G.
Croft, Loretta F.
Croft, Philip H.
Cromartie, Robert Samuel.
Croom, William.
Cross, Gillian.
Cross, Jerry L.
Cross, Jerry L. (Jerry Lee)
Crosson, Scott.
Crothers, Diane.
Crotts, J. W.
Crotts, R. F., Mrs.
Crouch, Dottie.
Crouse, A. L. (Andrew Leonhardt), 1849-1915.
Crovitz, Elaine.
Crow, Jeffrey J.
Crowell, Thomas E.
Crowson, John.
Crozer, James D.
Crozier, Carl R.
Crozier, R. H. (Robert Haskins).
Crummy, Reuben Q.
Crumpler, Thomas N.
Culbertson, Brenda Kay.
Culbertson, W. C.
Culbertson, William.
Culbreth, Jane.
Culbreth, Thomas, 1786-1843.
Culp, D. P.
Culpeper, J. J.
Cumberland County (N.C.)
Cumberland County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Cumberland County Council on the Status of Women.
Cumming, Robert.
Cummings, Clara S.
Cummings, Lynne.
Cummings, Thomas R.
Cuninggim, J. L. (Jesse Lee), 1870-1950.
Cunningham, Charles.
Cunningham, Chris.
Cunningham, Christopher M.
Cunningham, George L.
Cunningham, John N.
Cunningham. Christopher M.
Curling, Durwood S.
Curran, Hilda Patricia.
Currie, Kay.
Currituck County (N.C.)
Currituck County (N.C.). Clerk of Superior Court.
Currituck County Planning Board.
Currituck County Planning Commission.
Curtis, Chauncey W.
Curtis, Henry E.
Curtis, Jennifer.
Curtis, M. A. (Moses Ashley) 1808-1872.
Curtis, M. A. (Moses Ashley), 1808-1872.
Curtis, T. J.
Curtis, Thomas.
Curtis, W. G.
Curtis, William.
Cushing, Isaac T.
Cushing, Otho, 1871-1942
Cushing, Thomas H. (Thomas Humphrey), 1755-1822.
Custis, George Washington Parke, 1781-1857.
Cutting, Richard H., Mrs.
Cuttrelle, Frank W.
Cuyler, Telamon Cruger Smith, 1873-1951.
d'Allinges, Baron Eugene.
Dabney, George.
Dahl, Nancy L.
Dahle, Anne C.
Dahlen, Paul R.
Dail, Brenda.
Dail, R. W.
Dailey, Enoch.
Daily Conservative (Newspaper).
Daily Herald (Newspaper : Wilmington, N.C.).
Daily Progress (Newspaper : New Bern, N.C.).
Dale, Jonathan, 1844-
Dale, Laura H.
Dalton, Kathleen, Ph.D.
Daly, Edward G.
Daly, John.
Damtoft, Walter J.
Dancy, David.
Dancy, Fred.
Danforth Foundation (Saint Louis, Mo.).
Daniel-Green, Betty.
Daniel, B.
Daniel, Beverly.
Daniel, G. Payne.
Daniel, James W. C.
Daniel, Walter C.
Daniel, Woodson.
Daniels, Dennis F.
Daniels, Frank A. (Frank Arthur), 1858-1939.
Daniels, Jack.
Daniels, Josephus.
Daniels, R. B. (Raymond Bryant), 1925-2009.
Daniels, Teresa.
Darby, Verna Hester.
Darcas, W.
Darden, Abraham.
Darden, S. F.
Dare County (N.C.). Office of the Board of Commissioners.
Dare, Elizabeth
Dartmouth, William Legge, Earl of, 1731-1801.
Daugherty, J.
Daugherty, James Henry, 1889-1974
Daugherty, Marion.
Dautlick, Tania, 1970-
Davenport, Asa.
Davenport, C. G.
Davenport, D. Kenyon., II.
Davenport, Daniel.
Davenport, J. E.
Davenport, John Scott.
Davenport, Seaton.
Davenport, T. F., Jr.
Davenport, Thomas F.
Daves, Graham
David A. (David Arthur), 1931-
David, John.
Davidson County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Davidson County Community College.
Davidson, A. T.
Davidson, Chalmers G. (Chalmers Gaston), 1907-1994.
Davidson, Ephraim.
Davidson, George L.
Davidson, John.
Davidson, Lana H.
Davidson, R. J.
Davidson, R. P.
Davidson, Samuel W.
Davidson, T. S.
Davidson, Theodore F. (Theodore Fulton), 1845-1931.
Davidson, Valeri Downing.
Davidson, William Lee, 1746-1781.
Davidson, William.
Davidson, Wilma R.
Davie County (N.C.). Clerk of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions.
Davie County (N.C.). Planning Board.
Davie, William R.
Davie, William Richardson, 1756-1820.
Davie, William.
Davies, William.
Daviness, W. Robert.
Davis Brown, Edna.
Davis, Ansley.
Davis, B.
Davis, Bobby R.
Davis, Bradley W.
Davis, C.
Davis, C. E.
Davis, Charles C., Jr.
Davis, Charlie B.
Davis, Cheryl.
Davis, Chester S., 1915-2001.
Davis, Colon E.
Davis, D. A. (Dolphin Alston), 1802-1881.
Davis, David A.
Davis, David.
Davis, Dwight Filley, 1879-1945.
Davis, F.
Davis, George.
Davis, Grady D., Sr.
Davis, Graham J.
Davis, Hal. A.
Davis, Harriette C.
Davis, Harry T. (Harry Towles), 1895-1978.
Davis, J. M. (Jeanine Marie), 1955-
Davis, J. R.
Davis, James R.
Davis, James R. (Of North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission)
Davis, James R. (Of North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission).
Davis, James.
Davis, Jane L.
Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889.
Davis, Joe.
Davis, John R.
Davis, John W.
Davis, John.
Davis, Joslin.
Davis, Joy (Joy C.)
Davis, Joy (Joy C.).
Davis, Junius A.
Davis, Junius.
Davis, Justin T.
Davis, Mark S. (Fisheries biologist)
Davis, Mark.
Davis, Mathey A.
Davis, Mike.
Davis, Oroondates.
Davis, Robert Lemuel.
Davis, Robert W.
Davis, Sharon.
Davis, Shermon.
Davis, Susan P.
Davis, Susanna P.
Davis, T.
Davis, T.B.
Davis, Ted.
Davis, Thomas F.
Davis, Thomas, -1790?
Davis, Thomas.
Davis, W.W.H.
Davis, William.
Davison, Alexander T.
Dawes, Abraham.
Dawes, Lee A.
Dawson, Christopher.
Dawson, Deltra M.
Dawson, Robert W., Sr.
Day, Alfonso Tyree, 1919-2007.
Day, J. Daniel.
Day, J. L.
Day, John.
Day, Thomas, 1777-1855.
Day, Thomas.
Day, W. A. (William Albertus), 1844-1937.
Day, W. H.
Day, W. H. (William Henry), 1843-1908.
Day, William H.
Day, William.
Dayton Spice Mills Company.
Dayton, R. G.
De Hertogh, August.
De Land, Eugenie, b. 1872
De Rosset, Lewis Henry.
De Witt, William R. (William Radcliffe), 1792-1867.
Deaderick, David.
Deal, Glenn P.
Deal, William C., Jr.
Deamer, Nora.
Dean, George Cooper.
Dean, Joseph W.
Deane, Charles Bennett, 1898-1969.
Dearborn, Henry, 1751-1829.
Dearolf, Scott N.
Dease, Oneita.
Deatherage, Philemon.
Deaton, Anne S.
Deaver, S. O.
Debadie, Captian.
DeBeck, Hubert O.
Debnam, Caesarea D.
DeBord, Karen.
DeBragga, Hazel.
DeBusk, Kathy M.
Deckard, Ed.
Dedman, Scott.
Dees, James P.
Dees, William A., Jr.
Deese, Aggie Goins.
DeGelleke, P.
Dehon, William.
Dejarnette, James Thomas.
Del Mar, Alexander, 1836-1926.
Del Papa, Frankie Sue, 1949-
Dela Luzerne, Chevil.
Delacroix, Mary R.
Delacy, John D.
DeLacy, John Devereux.
Delamar, Marybelle.
Delaware. General Assembly.
Delk, Jordan.
Dellinger, Anne M.
DeMarcus, Jamima.
Democratic Party (N.C.). State Executive Committee.
Democratic Women of North Carolina.
Denegre, J. W.
Denham, William
Denison, Paul S.
Denmark, Anne.
Denmark, James W. Junior.
Denmark, L. Polk, 1892-1964.
Denning, Caroline.
Denning, Nell E.
Dennis, Catherine T.
Dennis, Rebecca.
Denniston, J. H.
Denny, Emery B. (Emery Byrd), 1892-1973.
Denny, William, 1718-
Denson, C. B.
Denton, Van.
Denver, James William, 1817-1892.
Dermid, Jack, 1923-
Dernev, Ivo.
DeRosset, A. J.
deRosset, Anne H.
DeRosset, Lewis.
deRosset, Sylvia T.
Derryck, Vivian Lowery.
Dessent, Abraham.
Deutrich, Mabel E.
Devane, Thomas.
DeVay, Shirley K.
Deveney, Samuel.
Deverton, Barbara.
DeView, Donna Harper.
DeVinney, Larry.
DeVoe, F. K.
DeVries, Douglas A. (Douglas Alan), 1951-
Dew, Joe.
Dewar, Helen.
Dewey, Nelson.
Dewey, T. A.
Dews, Robert.
Deyton, R. G. (Robert Guy), -1970.
Di Bona, Vito.
di Valentin, J.
Diaby, Souleymane.
Diamond, Pete.
Dibney, John.
Dick, James S.
Dickens, Ephraim
Dickens, Robert.
Dickens, William.
Dickenson, David, b. ca 1740.
Dickenson, John, d. ca. 1788.
Dickenson, Joshua J.
Dickerson, Douglas F.
Dickerson, Robert C., Sr.
Dickey, D.
Dickey, J. A. (James Allen) 1892-1943.
Dickie, George T., 1923-
Dickins, Asbury.
Dickinson, Carol R.
Dickinson, David.
Dickinson, J.
Dickinson, Kathryn C.
Dickson, Arthur W.
Dickson, H. R.
Dickson, John.
Dickson, Josias
Dickson, Judith.
Dickson, William, 1739-1820.
Diederichs, Frederick.
Diener, Mary E.
Dietz, David (David Allen), 1992-
Dilda, Renee.
Dill, Alonzo Thomas.
Dill, David D., 1940-
Dill, Lesley, 1950-
Dillard, Brenda.
Dillard, Frances H.
Dillard, Haywood L.
Dillard, Richard, 1857-1928.
Dillard, William B.
Dilliard, Meritt.
Dillon, Linda, 1948-
Dillon, Paul.
Dimitry, Adelaide Stuart.
Dimmick, Gladys L.
Dinsmoor, Samuel, 1766-1835.
Dinwiddie, Robert, 1693-1770.
Dishner, P. J.
Dismukes, George.
Diveley, Ann Long.
Dix, Dorothea Lynde, 1802-1887.
Dix, Frank.
Dixon, C. C.
Dixon, Ervin.
Dixon, Henry.
Dixon, Kenneth P.
Dixon, Tilman.
Dixon, Willie A.
Doak, Frances Renfrow.
Dobbins, William.
Dobbs County (N.C.)
Dobbs, Arthur, 1689-1765.
Dobson Planning Board.
Dockendorf, Kevin J.
Dockery, Oliver H.
Dockery, Oliver H. (Oliver Hart), 1830-1906.
Dodd, Merle S.
Dodson, Mary L.
Doerschuk, H. M.
Doggett, Coleman.
Dohanos, Stevan, 1907-1994.
Dolan, Nancy Payan.
Dolby, William.
Donaldson, Joseph L.
Donat, Win.
Donavant, Millie.
Dorman, Cynthia R.
Dorne, Albert, 1904-1965.
Dorothea Dix Hospital (Raleigh, N.C.)
Dorr, Darwin.
Dorsch, Donald L.
Dorsey, Dora Russell.
Dorsey, Lawrence G.
Dorsey, Lawrence.
Dorsey, Miriam J.
Dortch, W. T.
Doss, Martha Merrill.
Doster, Polly.
Doub, H. W., Mrs.
Doub, Laura.
Doub, Peter.
Doub, Randy D.
Doud, B.
Dougherty, James.
Dougherty, Jimmy.
Dougherty, Thomas.
Douglas, Abraham.
Douglas, B. B.
Douglas, Ben E. (Ben Elbert), 1894-1981.
Douglas, John.
Douglas, Mae.
Douglas, Mary Peacock, 1903-1970.
Douglas, T. Ben.
Douglass, Clyde A.
Douglass, Clyde A., Mrs.
Douglass, David F.
Douglass, John Jordan.
Dow, Jaye.
Dowd, Cornelius.
Dowling, Eliza
Dowling, Eliza Simons
Downing, C.W.
Downshire, Wills Hill, Marquis of, 1718-1793.
Doyle, J.
Drainage Convention.
Drake, Robert Evans, 1923-2007.
Drane, Brent S.
Draper, D. S.
Draper, H. Dennis., Jr.
Drayton, John, 1766-1822.
Drayton, Stephen.
Dreier, Theodore, 1902-1997.
Drewett, George William, 1947-
Drewett, Joseph D.
Dreyer, Martha A.
Driscoll, J. E.
Dromgoole, Alexander.
Droz, E.
Drucker, Lesley M.
Drum, Eunice P.
Drumm, Alida E.
Drury, Newton Bishop, 1889-1978.
Druz, Henry.
Dry, William.
Duane, William, 1760-1835.
Dubay, Larry W.
DuBois, F. L.
DuBois, Joe.
DuBois, Joseph A.
Dubois, Laurent, 1971-
DuBose, D. St. Pierre.
DuBose, L. T. (Laurance Toombs), 1893-1967.
Duckenfield, Nathaniel.
Duckworth, William.
Dudley, Chris.
Dudley, Edward B.
Dudley, Guilford.
Duer, William, 1747-1799.
Duffield, John Warren, 1912-
Duffin, Julie M.
Duffy, William, -1810.
Dugan, George.
Duggan, Mary.
Duke Homestead Education and History Corporation.
Duke University Preventive Approach to Cardiology (Program)
Duke University. Office of Public Affairs.
Dunbibin, Jonathan.
Duncan, David T.
Duncan, Donald A.
Duncan, Ervin J.
Duncan, Frederick
Duncan, Q. A.
Duncan, Robert L.
Duncan, Steven A.
Dunham, W. A.
Dunigan, Martha, 1934-2002.
Dunkle, Margaret C.
Dunlap, Frank L.
Dunn Planning Board.
Dunn, Aaron.
Dunn, Charles L.
Dunn, Charles.
Dunn, Harvey, 1884-1952
Dunn, James A.
Dunn, Jan.
Dunn, John.
Dunn, Mamie.
Dunn, Patricia.
Dunning, Rebecca, 1964-
Duplin County (N.C.)
Duplin County (N.C.). Planning Board.
Duplin County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Dupre, Jacques, 1773-1846.
Durand, Forrest V.
Durbin, Karen, 1944-
Durham Technical Community College.
Durham, Carl Thomas, 1892-1974.
Durrill, Wayne K. (Wayne Keith)
Dutt, Nancy.
Duval, Thomas H.
Duval, Thomas.
Dwyer, M. J.
Dycus, David.
Dycus, Justin C.
Dyson, Susan L.
E. A. Land.
Eades, Brian R. (Brian Russell), 1971-
Eady, Mary M.
Eagles, Faye B.
Eagles, Frank.
Eagles, William A.
Eagleson, Wilson Vashon, Jr., 1920-2006.
Eakes, Alan R.
Eames, Richard M.
Earle-Young, Nastasha.
Earle, Margaret F.
Early, Peter, 1773-1817.
Earp, Jo Anne L., 1943-
Easley, Michael F., 1950-
Eason, Jean.
Eason, Jesse.
East Arcadia (N.C.). Planning Board.
East Carolina University.
East Carolina University. College of Business.
East Carolina University. College of Health and Human Performance.
East Carolina University. Latham Clinical Schools Network.
East Carolina University. School of Business.
East Carolina University. School of Music.
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.
Eastern Hospital (Goldsboro, N.C.)
Eastern North Carolina Insane Asylum (Goldsboro, N.C.)
Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf.
Eastman, Judith N.
Easton, John.
Eatman, Frank W.
Eatman, Mark.
Eaton, Armenta.
Eaton, John.
Eaton, Robert E. L. (Robert Edward Lee), 1909-1993.
Eaton, Thomas.
Eaton, William.
Eborn, Benjamin.
Eccles, John.
Echelberger, Winifred T.
Echols, Lee.
Eckhardt, Frank B.
Ecklar, Marie McRae.
Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina.
Ecosystem Enhancement Program (N.C.)
Ecoy, the Good Warrior of Estatoe.
Eddy, Samuel, 1769-1839.
Eddy, Samuel.
Eden, Charles, 1673-1722.
Edenton Street United Methodist Church (Raleigh, N.C.)
Edgecombe Community College.
Edgecombe County (N.C.)
Edgecombe County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Edgecombe County Planning Board (N.C.)
Edgecombe County Technical Institute.
Edgecombe Technical Institute.
Edgecombe, Warren.
Edgerton, Elizabeth.
Edgerton, James B.
Edgeworth Female Seminary (Greensboro, N.C.)
Edmisten, Rufus, 1941-
Edmonds, D. Terry.
Edmonds, Helen G. (Helen Grey), 1911-1995.
Edmonds, W. R. (William R.)
Edmondson, Pam.
Edmondston, Catherine Devereux
Edmunds, Allen T.
Edmunds, Howell.
Edmunds, J. M.
Edmunds, Nicholas.
Edmunds, William S.
Edmundson, Carolyn Moorhead, 1906-
Edney, John M.
Edney, Samuel J.
Edwards, C. R.
Edwards, Carol H.
Edwards, Claudia M.
Edwards, David.
Edwards, Deborah H.
Edwards, E. Clark.
Edwards, Eric C.
Edwards, Isaac.
Edwards, J. A.
Edwards, J.C.
Edwards, James.
Edwards, Jessica M.
Edwards, John Ellis, 1814-1891.
Edwards, John W.
Edwards, Rebecca L.
Edwards, Shirley M.
Edwards, W. W.
Edwards, Weldon N.
Edwards, William H.
Edwards, William W.
Efird, Frances.
Egremont, Charles Wyndham, Earl of, 1710-1763.
Ehle, John.
Ehringhaus, John Christoph Blucher, 1882-1949.
Ehrlich, Roger.
Eimer and Amend.
Einhorn, Alfred.
Einhorn, Nathan R.
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969.
Eisler, Riane Tennenhaus.
Ekonen, S. Jane Raasch.
El-Khoury, Layla.
Eldredge, A. D.
Eline's Incorporated.
Eliot, Edward James, 1758-1797.
Elizabeth City (N.C.). Planning and Community Development Department.
Elizabeth City (N.C.). Planning Board.
Elizabeth City State University.
Elizabethtown (N.C.). Planning Board.
Eller, Dan W.
Eller, J. P.
Eller, R. C.
Eller, R. F.
Ellin, Howell.
Ellington Studio.
Ellington, A. W.
Elliot, Frances R.
Elliot, Jane Evans, 1820-1882.
Elliott, B.
Elliott, Benjamin.
Elliott, Eric.
Elliott, Frederick H.
Elliott, Josephine C.
Ellis Studio.
Ellis, Barbara Hall.
Ellis, D. G.
Ellis, Dick.
Ellis, Frampton Erroll, 1882-
Ellis, Howard M.
Ellis, James F.
Ellis, John Willis, 1820-1861.
Ellis, John.
Ellis, Mary Lou.
Ellis, Ralph.
Ellis, Richard.
Ellis, Robert.
Ellis, Thomas C.
Ellis, Thomas, C.
Ellison, Alderson.
Ellison, Samuel.
Ellison, W. A., Jr.
Elmore, Emily E.
Elmore, W. E.
Elson, Joan.
Emerson, Casper
Emerson, John H.
Emery, Frank E.
Emmett, James.
Emmitt, James.
Emmons, Phebe.
Emory, H. R.
Endsley, John.
Enfield (N.C.). Planning Board.
Engelhard, J. A. (Joseph Adolphus), 1832-1879.
English, Corinne Grimsley.
English, Ruth.
Enloe, Thomas A.
Ennett, N. Thomas.
Ennis, Bob.
Ennis, Lumsden, Boylston & Associates.
Ennis, Ruth.
Eno, Gisela Pollak.
Ensley, R. C.
Epperly, Sheryan P. (Sheryan Patricia).
Epps, F. E.
Epps, Mabel I.
Epps, Ronald Kent, 1946-
Epstein, Aaron.
Equal Suffrage Association of North Carolina.
Erichson, Severin.
Erickson, Fran.
Erickson, Ray C.
Ervin, Nancy Louise.
Ervin, S. J.
Ervin, Sam J. (Sam James), 1896-1985.
Ervin, Sam J., Jr. (Sam James), 1896-1985.
Erving, John.
Erwin Planning Board.
Erwin, A. M.
Erwin, Andrew.
Erwin, James.
Erwin, John R.
Erwin, Kate.
Escott, Paul D., 1947-
Esquire, inc.
Estes, Alice H.
Estes, Chris.
Etheridge, C.
Etheridge, Mildred.
Etheridge, R. Bruce.
Etheridge, Willie R., Jr.
Ettinger, Beatrice B.
Eubanks, J. W.
Eubanks, Roy.
Eure, J. Bruce.
Eure, S. A.
Eure, Tazewell D.
Eure, Thad, 1899-1993.
Eustis, William, 1753-1825.
Evans, Ann.
Evans, Charles D.
Evans, Charles E., Jr.
Evans, Charles.
Evans, D. L.
Evans, Erv.
Evans, Heather Katheryn Jimenez, 1977-
Evans, J.
Evans, Jeffrey (Fisheries biologist)
Evans, Michael R.
Evans, Oliver.
Evans, P. A.
Evans, Pat.
Evans, Patricia Anne.
Evans, Richard.
Evans, Robert O.
Evans, Sid.
Evans, Thomas.
Evans, V.
Eve, Madelyn C.
Eveleigh, Thomas.
Evening News Publishing Company.
Evens, R.
Everett, Christine M.
Everett, Robinson O.
Everhart, William C.
Everly, Tom.
Evison, Herbert.
Ewell, Richard Stoddert, 1817-1872.
Ewen, Charles.
Ewing, E.B.
Ewing, Tempe Berry, Mrs.
Exner, Frank.
Exum, Iola.
Exum, James G., Jr. (James Gooden), 1935-
Exum, John B. (John Burt), 1889-1957.
Exum, John Burt.
Ezell, William, Sr.
F. and H. Fries Company.
F. F. Fagan and Co.
Facendola, Joe.
Fackler, James.
Factory Insurance Association.
Fahy, William E.
Fair, Barbara, 1958-
Fairchild, Cheryl.
Fairchild, Erica.
Faires, Ralph L.
Fairmont (N.C.). Planning Department.
Faison, Henry W.
Faison, Paul.
Faison, Winifred.
Falkener, Margaret Evans.
Falkener, William.
Falls, C. B. (Charles Buckles), 1874-1960
Falls, C. B. (Charles Buckles), 1874-1960.
Falter, John Philip, 1910-
Fan, Wei, 1974-
Fancher, Louis D., 1884-1944
Fang, Hongbing, 1966-
Fang, Howie.
Farb, Robert L.
Faris, C. B.
Faris, Isaac.
Faris, R. L. (Robert Lee), 1868-1932.
Farmer, Betty.
Farmer, Henry.
Farr, Olivia J.
Farrar, John.
Farrell, Kathleen M. (Kathleen Marie), 1954-
Farrer, Dianne.
Farrington, E. H. (Edward Holyoke), 1860-1934.
Farrior, Christine B.
Farris, Michael P.
Farris, William B.
Farrow, Samuel.
Farthing, William.
Farwell, Leonard J.
FatoricÌ, Sandra.
Faucett, A. A. P.
Faucette, William M. (William Mark), 1961-
Fauchet, Joseph, baron, 1761-1834.
Faulk, Caletta.
Faulk, John Foster.
Faulkland, H. Martin.
Faust, Richard A.
Fautlon, J.
Fawcette, Jennifer E.
Fayetteville (N.C.). Department of Planning.
Fayetteville Observer (Newspaper)
Fayetteville State University.
Fayetteville Technical Community College.
Fayetteville Technical Institute.
Fear, John.
Fearnbach, Heather.
Fechner, Robert, 1876-1939.
Federation of North Carolina Historical Societies.
Feitshans, T. A.
Felder, Nathaniel L.
Fell, Richard D. (Richard Douglas), 1950-
Feller, Lisa M.
Felmley, Jenrose.
Feltner, Henry.
Female Benevolent Society
Fendall, Philip Ricard, 1794-1868.
Fenner, A.
Fenner, Arthur, 1745-1805.
Fenner, R.
Fenson, Carla.
Ferebee, L. R. (London R.), 1849-
Ferebee, Percy B.
Ferenczi, Istvan, 1921-2000.
Ferguson, Gloria.
Ferguson, Randolph L. (Randolph Lyons), 1945-
Ferguson, T. W., Jr.
Fernandez, Gina E., 1958-
Ferree, J. S.
Ferree, Thad S.
Ferreira, Bruno (Bruno S.)
Ferrell, James E.
Ferrell, John A. (John Atkinson), 1880-1965.
Fessenden, Reginald Aubrey, 1866-1932.
Field, Jeremiah.
Fields, Shirley.
Fields, W. O., Jr.
Fiene, Ernest, 1894-1966.
Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration of the North Carolina College at Durham (1960)
Filippi, Angelo.
Fillette, Ted, 1945-
Fillmore, Millard, 1800-1874.
Finch, Beth.
Finch, Darlene.
Findlay, J. D.
Findlay, James.
Findlay, John D.
Findley, Daniel J. (Daniel Jonathan)
Finger, Sidney M. (Sidney Michael), 1837-1896.
Fink, Robert M.
Fink, W. Wesley.
Finke, Jerome R.
Finney, B. F.
Finney, Denise M.
Finnie, William.
Finnson, Einar F.
First Baptist Church (Raleigh, N.C.)
First Baptist Church (Raleigh, N.C.). Sunday School. Officers.
First Presbyterian Church (Marion, N.C.)
First Presbyterian Church (Raleigh, N.C.)
Fischer, Anne N.
Fischer, Anton Otto, 1882-1962.
Fischer, Cynthia A.
Fish, Frederic F., 1905-
Fishburne, Anne.
Fisher, Ben C.
Fisher, Ben Coleman.
Fisher, Charles, 1789-1849.
Fisher, Elliot Lyman.
Fisher, George.
Fisher, Harrison, 1875-1934
Fisher, Henry, Jr.
Fisher, Leo L.
Fisher, Linda.
Fisher, M. L.
Fisher, Marva M.
Fisher, Veronica.
Fisk, J. M., II (James Michael), 1979-
Fitton, Herbert F.
Fitts, Oliver.
Fitz-Wynn, Mari.
Fitzgerald, O. P. (Oscar Penn), 1829-1911.
Fitzgerald, Owen
Fitzgerald, Thomas.
Flagg, Azariah C. (Azariah Cutting), 1790-1873.
Flagg, James Montgomery, 1877-1960.
Flagg, S.C.
Flanagan, Jay A.
Flanagan, L. Martin
Flanary, Marilyn C.
Flanary, Marilyn.
Flaum, Thea K.
Fleischmann, Manly.
Fleischmann, Marty.
Fleishman, Joel L.
Fleming, H. W.
Fleming, Jane P.
Fleming, John B.
Fleming, John K. (John Kerr), 1892-
Fleming, Michael B.
Fleming, R. W. (Robben Wright), 1916-2010.
Fletcher, Carey.
Fletcher, John D.
Fletcher, Ryland, 1799-1885.
Flinchum, Carl Ray.
Flinn, Andrew.
Flintsch, Gerardo W.
Fliss, Mike Dolan.
Floherty, John J. (John Joseph), 1907-1977.
Flood, Dudley E.
Flood, Dudley.
Flood, Margot.
Flood, Marilyn.
Flournoy, Martha Watkins.
Flournoy, William L., Jr.
Flowe, Polly.
Flower, J.
Flower, Josiah.
Flowers, Don R.
Flowers, S. B.
Flowers, Sally
Floyd, Alex.
Floyd, Edwin O.
Floyd, John, 1783-1837.
Floyd, Karen.
Floyd, Robert F.
Floyd, W. F.
Flundy, T.
Flust, Eliya S.
Flust, John.
Flust, Lindsey.
Flust, Sidney.
Flynn, Mary Margaret.
Flynn, Sam C.
Foard, John F. (John Frederick), 1827-
Fodrie, F. Joel.
Fogel, Mark E.
Fogg, Frank P.
Folger, Gordon W.
Folkman, William S.
Fondon, Sandra J. M.
Fooshee, Simon.
Foote, George A.
Foote, George, A.
Foothills Regional Commission Workforce Development
Forbes, John, 1707-1759.
Forbes, John.
Forbes, Thomas G.
Ford Foundation.
Ford, Ernest E.
Ford, Gerald R., 1913-2006.
Ford, W. Kent.
Ford, Walton, 1960-
Fore, George T.
Foreman, Richard, active 1849-1857.
Forest City Planning and Zoning Commission.
Forestieri, Nina.
Foringer, A. E. (Alonzo Earl), 1878-1948.
Forman, Ferris.
Forney, Peter.
Forrest, Sue.
Forster, Francis.
Forsyth County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Forsyth Technical Community College.
Forsyth, James P.
Forsythe, Vic, 1885-1962.
Forum on Geology of Industrial Minerals (42nd : 2006, Asheville, N.C.)
Foss, Robert W.
Foster, Josephine A., 1930-
Foster, O. K.
Foster, O. K., Mrs.
Fouke, George L.
Fountain, Anne.
Fountain, L. H.
Foushee, Roger B. (Roger Babson), 1938-2011.
Foust, Betty Jean.
Foust, Julius Isaac, 1865-
Fowler, Frances F.
Fowler, John E.
Fox, Arthur.
Fox, Dennis L.
Fox, Geraldine.
Fox, R. E.
Foxx, Virginia, 1943-
Foy, C. B.
FPG Child Development Institute.
Fraher, Erin P.
Fraley, Stephen J., 1965-
Francesconi, James J.
Francis, Ke.
Francis, W. M.
Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper.
Frank, Harold L.
Frank, Jane L.
Frank, Richard.
Franklin (State)
Franklin County (N.C.)
Franklin County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790.
Franklin, Hugh J.
Franklin, J.
Franklin, Jack L., 1931-
Franklin, Jennie Ann Johnson.
Franklin, Jesse, 1760-1823.
Franklin, Matthew W.
Franklin, W.
Franks, Sherwood J.
Fraser, James Curtis, 1967-
Frasier, S. David.
Frazier, Lois E.
Frazier, S. David.
Frazier, W. T., Mrs.
Frech, Laura Page, 1929-2007.
Freear, Richard.
Freed, Joseph Edward, 1937-
Freedman, Barbara Cohen (1949-)
Freeman, Allison.
Freeman, Anderson.
Freeman, Claire.
Freeman, Donna.
Freeman, E. B.
Freeman, Franklin E. (Franklin Edward), 1945-
Freeman, Victoria.
Freemasons. Grand Lodge of North Carolina.
French, William H.
Freshwater, Danny G.
Frey, David G. (David Grover), 1915-1992.
Frey, H. Christopher.
Freyelle, Graham.
Friday, Sarah.
Friday, William C. (William Clyde)
Friends of State Parks (N.C.)
Frink, George W.
Frink, Stephen P.
Frist, N.J.
Frist, N.P.
Frohock, Alexander.
Frohock, John, -1772.
Froneberger, D.
Frost, Cecil C.
Frost, Cecil.
Frutchey, Lloyd D., Jr.
Fry, Dan.
Fry, Robert E.
Frye, Christopher T.
Fulcher, Ed.
Fulghum, Mary Susan.
Fulghum, Neil.
Fulghum, Susan.
Fulkerson, Katherine F.
Fuller, Belcher.
Fuller, Jesse.
Fuller, Joseph C.
Fuller, Kirk K.
Fuller, R. Buckminster (Richard Buckminster), 1895-1983.
Fuller, Rauna C.
Fuller, W. C.
Fuller, Walter E.
Fuller, Walter Pliny.
Fuller, Walter, E.
Fullerton, Aimee Heather.
Fullwood, Charles.
Fulmer, Elton, 1864-1916.
Fulton, Robert.
Fultz, Charles F. (Charles Franklin), 1913-1975.
Funk, Megan.
Fuquay-Varina Planning Board.
Furgeson, Thomas.
Furgiuele, Samuel F., Jr.
Furiness, Cari.
Furr, Richard S.
Fuss, J. David.
Fussell, Aaron E., Sr.
Fussell, Harold R.
Fussell, John O.
Futch, Charles F. [Charley].
Futch, John.
Futch, Martha.
Futrell, Ashley B.
Futrell, Madlin.
Gabbie, William.
Gabr, Mohammed A. (Mohammed Awad)
Gabrielson, Ira Noel, 1889-1977.
Gaddy, L. L.
Gadsby, J. H.
Gadski, Mary Ellen.
Gage, Daniel S.
Gage, Thomas, 1721-1787.
Gaines, Martha W.
Gaines, Richard Heyward.
Gaither, Basil, -1802.
Gaither, Henry B.
Galatin, Stephen.
Gales, John.
Gales, Joseph, 1761-1841.
Gales, W. R. (Weston R.), 1802-1848.
Gales, Weston R.
Gales, Winifred Marshall, 1761-1839
Gales, Winifred Marshall, 1761-1839.
Gallagher, James J. (James John), 1926-2014.
Gallitano, Lena.
Galloway, Grady R.
Galloway, Jane.
Galusha, Jonas, 1753-1834.
Gambill, J. Gwyn.
Gambill, Mahala.
Games, John.
Gannon, Travis.
Gant, Robert M.
Garanflo, George E.
Garcia, Cynthia T.
Gardella, Helen T.
Garden Club of North Carolina.
Gardner-Neblett, Nicole.
Gardner, B. M.
Gardner, James Carson, 1933-
Gardner, Leslie.
Gardner, Lytt I.
Gardner, O. Max, Mrs.
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947.
Gardner, Phyllis.
Gardner, T. E.
Gardoqui y Arriquibar, Diego, 1735-1798.
Garey, Carl A.
Garfield, James A. (James Abram), 1831-1881.
Garlow, William J.
Garmon, William M.
Garner, Ben.
Garner, Frances.
Garner, John.
Garner, Les.
Garner, Susan M.
Garner, Susan.
Garnett, John J., 1839-1902.
Garrard, James, 1749-1822.
Garrett, Ronald G. (Ronald Gary)
Garrett, William.
Garrigues, W. E.
Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879.
Garrity-Blake, Barbara J., 1960-
Garrow, Patrick H.
Garson, G. David.
Gary, S. M.
Gaskins, William.
Gaster, J.
Gaster, Jacob.
Gaston College.
Gaston Technical Institute.
Gaston, Alexander.
Gaston, William, 1778-1844.
Gatchell, Charles, 1883-1933
Gately, J.
Gates County (N.C.)
Gates County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Gates, Horatio, 1728-1806.
Gates, Horatio.
Gates, Rosalie Prince.
Gatesville Family Visitor (Newspaper).
Gatewood, John.
Gatlin, R. C. (Richard Caswell), 1809-1896.
Gatton, Holly.
Gault, Frank A.
Gaustad, Brittany V.
Gautier, Thomas Nicholas Boudet, 1764-1848.
Gay, Kenny.
Gay, Norman K.
Gayah, Vikash Varun
Gaynus, Leslie B.
Gearhart, Jeff.
Geary, Philip.
Geddie, J. Edgar.
Gee, James.
Gee, John Henry.
Gee, Kathy D.
Gee, N.
Geiger, Abraham.
Geile, Robert T.
Geis, Scott.
Gelbin, Ellen.
General Business Service.
Geological Survey (U.S.). Division of Hydrography.
George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760.
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820.
George, Nicholas.
Georgia. Governor's Commission on the Status of Women.
Gerard, Jules B.
Gerdes, Jessica H.
Gergely, Janos.
Gerhan, C. F.
Gerner, C. H.
Geroe, Peter.
Gerow, Tom, Jr.
Gerow, Tom.
Giacomo, Baboni.
Gibbes, Joseph.
Gibbs, Henry.
Gibbs, Jonathan, C.
Gibbs, Otis B.
Gibbs, Robert F.
Gibson, Charles Dana, 1867-1944
Gibson, John.
Gibson, Robert T.
Gibson, Solomon.
Giddens, L. D., Mrs.
Giddings, George G.
Gidner, J. C.
Gierisch, Ruth.
Giese, Gill.
Gifford, Henry.
Gilbert, A. M.
Gilbert, Alexander M.
Gilbert, Karl T.
Gilbert, Robert W.
Gilbreth, Thomas.
Gilchrist, A.
Gilchrist, Adam.
Gilchrist, Thomas.
Giles, Andy.
Giles, Howard, 1876-1955.
Giles, Robert E.
Giles, William.
Gilkey, J. Q.
Gillenwater, Anne.
Gillespie Studio.
Gillespie, D.
Gillespie, James, 1747-1805.
Gillespie, James.
Gillespie, Kim L.
Gillette, George W.
Gilliam, John H.
Gilliard, June V.
Gillikin, John W.
Gillis, R.
Gilmore, Ivan K.
Gilmore, Mont B.
Gilmore, S.
Gilmore, Tom.
Gilmore, Voit, 1918-2005.
Gilmore, Voit.
Gilmour, Amy
Gilmour, Monroe T.
Gilmour, William.
Gilpin, Henry D. (Henry Dilworth), 1801-1860.
Gimsey, F.M.
Giraldo, Zee.
Girl's Haven of North Carolina.
Girod, Christopher S.
Gist, Joshua.
Gizlice, Ziya, 1960-
Gladden, Wayne K.
Gladden, Wayne.
Gladstone, W. E.
Glantz, Shirley.
Glasgow, Colonel.
Glasgow, J.
Glasgow, James.
Glass, Henry.
Glass, J. Carter.
Glass, John D., b. ca. 1807.
Glasser, Florence.
Glatthaar, Joseph T., 1956-
Gleason, Bryan.
Gleaves, Francelia D.
Glen, Charlotte.
Glenn, J. F.
Glenn, James H.
Glenn, Marie G.
Global Insight, Inc.
Goad, T. G.
Godard, C. W.
Godbehere, Jerry C.
Godfrey, Jim.
Godfrey, Matthew H.
Godwin, Jane.
Godwin, Philip P.
Godwin, W. Hayes.
Godwin, Walter F.
Goforth, Roy.
Goldfinch, John R.
Goldstein, Robert C.
Goldston, H. P.
Gonzalez, Maru.
Gooch, Charles Milton, 1947-
Gooch, Gladys J.
Gooch, Gladys.
Goodacre, William.
Goode, Brant.
Goode, Lloyd O., Jr.
Goodfellow, Edward, 1828-1899.
Goodfellow, Tim.
Goodhead, John
Goodin, Joan M.
Goodloe, Daniel R. (Daniel Reaves), 1814-1902.
Goodman, David.
Goodman, George C.
Goodwin, Bruce L.
Goodwin, H. Clark.
Goodwin, L. M., Jr.
Goodwin, Mac.
Goodwin, Robert E.
Goodwin, Samuel.
Goodwin, W. H.
Gordon, Margaret.
Gordon, Maxwell, 1910-1983.
Gorman, Patricia K.
Gorrell, Ralph.
Gotbaum, Sarah.
Goudreau, Christopher J.
Gouge, Barbara C.
Gough, Sanford.
Gough, T. S.
Gourley, Thomas.
Governor Morehead School.
Governor's Advisory Council on Aging Symposium on Rural Aging (2000 : Raleigh, N.C.)
Governor's Committee for the Public School Amendment.
Governor's Conference on Child Abuse (1966 : Raleigh)
Governors' Interstate Indian Council.
Govett, William.
Grabarek, R. Wense.
Grabow, Garry.
Grady, Benjamin F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1831-1914.
Grady, Henry A. (Henry Alexander), 1871-1958.
Grady, Sednum.
Grady, William H.
Graffenried, Thomas Pritchett de, 1881-
Gragg, George A., Jr.
Graham, A. H.
Graham, Alexander.
Graham, Burton M.
Graham, Carol.
Graham, Edward E.
Graham, Edward.
Graham, Frank Porter, 1886-1972.
Graham, Frank.
Graham, George W. (George Washington), 1847-
Graham, George.
Graham, J.
Graham, James A.
Graham, John B. (John Borden), 1918-2004.
Graham, John W. (John Washington), 1838-1928.
Graham, John.
Graham, Joseph, 1759-1836.
Graham, Joseph.
Graham, Lonnie T.
Graham, Lonnie T. (Lonnie Thompson), 1894-1938.
Graham, N.
Graham, Patricia Albjerg.
Graham, William A. (William Alexander), 1804-1875.
Graham, Zepheniah.
Grainger, G.
Grand, L. F.
Grandy, Charles.
Granger, C. M.
Grant, Christine, 1936-
Grant, Gordon, 1875-1962
Grant, Robert N. (Robert Noel), 1945-
Grant, Sally.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885.
Granville County (N.C.)
Granville County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Granville County Planning Commission.
Gratton, Weldon W.
Graves Memorial Presbyterian Church (Clinton, N.C.)
Graves, Charles M.
Graves, Herman Windsor Lee, 1935-
Graves, Margaret W.
Graves, Solomon.
Gray, Albert
Gray, Alexander T.
Gray, Don.
Gray, H. G.
Gray, Jeri.
Gray, Josh.
Gray, L. M.
Gray, Mrs. Albert
Gray, Ozzie.
Gray, Phyllis A.
Gray, Rachel G.
Gray, Sam.
Gray, Samuel E.
Gray, Stewart.
Gray, Virginia G.
Graybeal, Kay S.
Great Britain. Ministry of Food
Greeland, David.
Green, Andrew H.
Green, C. Sylvester (Charles Sylvester), 1900-1980.
Green, Charlotte Hilton.
Green, Edwin L., Jr.
Green, H. H.
Green, J. Z. (J. Zebulon), 1867-1935.
Green, James C.
Green, James, Jr.
Green, John C.
Green, John.
Green, Joseph.
Green, Mark.
Green, Nathaniel.
Green, Paul, 1894-1981.
Green, Philip P., Jr., 1922-2003.
Green, Ruzzie.
Green, Sidney J.
Green, T.
Green, Thomas A.
Green, Wharton J. (Wharton Jackson), 1831-1910.
Green, William.
Greenaway, Emerson, 1906-
Greenberg, Leon A.
Greene County (N.C.)
Greene County (N.C.). Clerk of Superior Court.
Greene, Ann Boyd.
Greene, Aubrey.
Greene, Christina, 1951-
Greene, Herman H.
Greene, Howard B.
Greene, Meg.
Greene, Nathanael, 1742-1786.
Greene, O. H.
Greene, Roscoe G. (Roscoe Goddard)
Greenhough, David J.
Greenleaf, Ray, d. 1950
Greenlee, J. G.
Greenlee, Kenneth W.
Greenough, Anna.
Greenough, David S.
Greenough, John.
Greensboro Daily News.
Greenup, Christopher, 1750-1818.
Greenwald, Sheila.
Greenwood, Bernard.
Greenwood, Jerusha B., 1978-
Greer, D.B.
Greer, Lee J.
Gregg, Andrew, 1755-1835.
Gregg, Kurtis L.
Gregg, Maxcy, 1814-1862.
Gregory, Isaac.
Gregory, Jim.
Gregory, Lisa, 1978-
Gregory, Nathan H.
Gregory, William.
Greiner, Emil.
Greiner, John, 1810-1871.
Gresham, Archibald.
Gress, Bobbi.
Gressens, Margaret A.
Greulach, Victor A.
Grice, Charles.
Grieger, Khara.
Grier, T. L.
Griffin, Clarence W. (Clarence Wilbur), 1904-1958.
Griffin, Edith Rosalyn.
Griffin, Joel.
Griffin, Richard.
Griffin, Rosie.
Griffith, Clay.
Grigg, Dorothy.
Grigg, Neil S.
Griggs, Linda Mackie.
Griggs, Linda.
Griggs, Wirt D.
Grim, Pat.
Grimball, John A.
Grimes, Donald W.
Grimes, J. Bryan (John Bryan), 1868-1923.
Grimes, Junius S.
Grimke, J. F.
Grimke, John Fauchereaud, 1752-1819.
Grimke, Thomas.
Grimsley, Joe.
Grimsley, Joseph W.
Grimsley, Linda C.
Grimson, Roger.
Grinstein-Weiss, Michal.
Grissom, Eugene, 1831-1902.
Grist, Frank.
Griswold, H. L.
Griswold, James.
Griswold, Roger, 1762-1812.
Grit, John.
Grizzle, Gloria A.
Grkavac, Olga.
Groesbeck, Dan Sayre, 1878-1950
Grooms, Thomas A.
Gropius, Walter, 1883-1969.
Gross, Frank.
Gross, Kevin H.
Gross, Margaret.
Gross, Paul M.
Gross, Tennala A.
Grove, W. B.
Grove, W. Barry.
Grover (N.C.) Town Board.
Groves, Michael R.
Grubb, Phyllis B.
Gruen, Muriel Michele.
Grygiel, J. S.
Guddati, Murthy.
Gudger, Lamar.
Gudger, Lindsey Madison.
Gudges, J. Cassins.
Guermonprez, Trude, 1910-1976.
Guess, Janice Mack.
Guess, Margaret.
Guier, C. Richard.
Guild, Priscilla A.
Guilford County (N.C.)
Guilford County (N.C.). Clerk of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions.
Guilford County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Guilford Technical Community College.
Guilford Technical Institute.
Guion, J.
Guion, J. W.
Guion, James.
Guion, John W.
Guion, Joseph.
Guire, V. D.
Gulley, Oscar G., Jr.
Gunn, Jno. O.
Gunter, John.
Gunter, T. B., Jr.
Gurin, Wayne.
Gurley, Anthony E.
Guston, William.
Guth, David W.
Guthrie, S. H.
Guthry, Reuben.
Gutierrez, Joseph A., Jr.
Gutman, Erica.
Guttman, Carol G.
Gutwillig, Jacqueline Goyette, 1906-2005.
Guy, Edwin C.
Guy, Millard D.
Guyor, James R.
Haas, Robert, 1898-1997
Haas, Robert, 1898-1997.
Habersham, Joseph, 1751-1815.
Haberyan, Augusta.
Hackney, Archie Lee, 1947-
Hackney, John N. (John Needham), 1894-1979.
Hadden, Linda.
Hadley Taylor Company.
Hadley, John, 1984-
Hadley, John.
Hadley, Simon.
Hadly, John L.
Haerry, John H.
Hafer, Claude.
Hagenberger, Fred.
Hager, Roscoe F.
Hagerty, James A.
Haigh, J. D.
Hair, Elisabeth G.
Hairston, Robert, Mrs.
Haithcock, Wayne S.
Hale, Barbara.
Hale, E. J. (Edward Joseph), 1839-1922.
Hale, Edward J.
Hale, Frederick Toomer.
Hale, Thomas Hill.
Hales, Cheyney McDonald, 1947-
Hales, Lila.
Haley, Michael.
Halifax Community College.
Halifax County (N.C.)
Halifax County (N.C.). Clerk of Superior Court.
Halifax County Technical Institute.
Hall, Allmand, 1772-1831.
Hall, D. J. K.
Hall, Dolores A.
Hall, Edward.
Hall, Everard.
Hall, Frances H., 1919-
Hall, J. W.
Hall, Jason K.
Hall, Jeffrey G. (Jeffrey Galen)
Hall, John, 1767-1833.
Hall, John.
Hall, Lela Moore.
Hall, Rowland M.
Hall, Stephen P.
Hall, Thomas Harmison.
Hall, Thomas.
Hall, Tim.
Hallenbeck, Gael.
Hallock, Margaret.
Hallsey, James B.
Halstead, Lennie.
Halsted, Frances Adams
Halvin, John L.
Ham, Marie Sharpe.
Hambelton, Mathew.
Hambelton, Nian Bel.
Hambelton, Ninian.
Hamblet, Rachel
Hamer, John.
Hamil, Mary A.
Hamill, H. M. (Howard Melancthon), 1847-1915.
Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804.
Hamilton, C. Horace (Charles Horace), 1901-1977.
Hamilton, Chasta.
Hamilton, Gladen R., Jr.
Hamilton, J.
Hamilton, J. M.
Hamilton, James.
Hamilton, John C.
Hamilton, John, -1817.
Hamilton, John.
Hamilton, Joseph Gregoire de Roulhac, 1878-1961.
Hamilton, Lee A.
Hamilton, Molly.
Hamilton, Paul, 1762-1816.
Hamilton, R. A. (Rickey A.), 1951-
Hamilton, Robert.
Hamilton, Walter.
Hamlin, Wilfrid G.
Hamm, Juanita.
Hammerle, W. C.
Hammers, Brad E.
Hammond, Abraham.
Hammond, H. S.
Hammond, Harry.
Hammond, William Alexander, 1828-1900.
Hammons, William.
Hamon, Laurie.
Hamoush, Sameer.
Hampton, Blythe C.
Hampton, Blythe.
Hampton, Francis A.
Hampton, Herbert Worth, 1940-
Hampton, Sally
Hampton, Thomas H.
Hampton, Thurman B.
Hanahan, J. R.
Hanbury, Mary Ruffin.
Hanchett, Thomas W.
Hancock, John, 1737-1793.
Hancock, Ron.
Hancock, Roy Fay, 1933-
Hand, Robert (George Robert)
Handley, George.
Hane, Henry.
Hanes, J. Gordon (James Gordon), 1916-1995.
Hanes, P. Huber, Jr.
Hanes, R. Philip, 1926-2011.
Haney, Art.
Haney, Edsel L.
Hanging Maw.
Hanks, Shirley.
Hanley, Frank.
Hanna, Heather D.
Hansel, Patsy J.
Hanselman, Marguerite O.
Hansford, Theodore.
Hansley, Thomas S.
Hanson, Eileen.
Hanson, John, 1715-1783.
Hanson, John.
Hanson, Kelly.
Hanson, Robert P. (Robert Paul), 1964-
Harbaugh, S.G.
Hardee, Aubrey S.
Hardee, Daniel Edwards, 1945-
Hardee, David L.
Hardee, J. B.
Hardeman, Nicholas Perkins.
Harden, Herman T., Jr.
Harden, John.
Hardin, John W.
Hardin, Mark Bernard, 1838-1916.
Hardin, Thomas H.
Harding, Ann G.
Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel), 1865-1923.
Harding, William Frederick, 1867-
Hardison, Mary W.
Hardy, Aquilla.
Hardy, Barbara.
Hardy, Charles.
Hardy, David H.
Hardy, Ira M.
Hardy, John D.
Hardy, John F. E.
Hardy, Paul.
Hardy, William M.
Hardy, William.
Hare, C. L.
Harget, Fredrick.
Hargrove, Thomas H.
Harkavy, Oscar.
Harker, Zachariah.
Harkin, Sandra A.
Harkins, Laura.
Harlan, James.
Harman, Fred, Jr.
Harmon, Jack F.
Harmon, John M.
Harmon, Katherine J.
Harmon, Rick.
Harned, Douglas.
Harnell, W. H.
Harnett, Thomas A.
Harnett, Cornelius, 1723-1781.
Harney, Selby.
Harper, Emily H.
Harper, Kenneth L.
Harrell, Barbara.
Harrell, Douglas R.
Harrell, George P.
Harrell, Ruth Z.
Harrelson, J. W. (John William), 1885-1955.
Harrelson, Kathy L.
Harrigan, Edward F.
Harrill, Lawson, 1838-1912.
Harrington, H. H. (Henry Hill), 1859-1939.
Harrington, H. W.
Harrington, Henry William, 1748-1809.
Harrington, J. C. (Jean Carl), 1901-1998.
Harrington, James E. (James Elmer), 1927-
Harrington, L. M.
Harrington, Mildred.
Harris & Ewing.
Harris, A. W. (Abram Winegardner), 1858-1935.
Harris, Charles J.
Harris, Clabon.
Harris, Donald E.
Harris, E.
Harris, Fred A.
Harris, G. Ellis (Governor Ellis), 1861-1933.
Harris, Helen M.
Harris, Henry H.
Harris, J. S. (James Sidney).
Harris, J. T.
Harris, James H., 1832-1891.
Harris, James J.
Harris, Jean.
Harris, John H.
Harris, Kendall.
Harris, Kevin A.
Harris, Laura H.
Harris, Lawrence S.
Harris, Mary Louise.
Harris, Ralph R.
Harris, Robert.
Harris, Shearon.
Harris, Sterling.
Harris, Thomas.
Harris, Tyrel.
Harris, W. K.
Harris, West.
Harris, William C.
Harris, William D. (William Durham), 1896-1933.
Harris, William H., 1934-
Harrison, Benjamin, 1833-1901.
Harrison, Charles.
Harrison, Headley.
Harrison, Jane.
Harrison, John.
Harrison, Lloyd
Harrison, William Henry, 1773-1841.
Harrison, William.
Harriss, James.
Harrod, Beth.
Hart, Alban J.
Hart, Clarence.
Hart, Emma.
Hart, Jason.
Hart, Joseph T.
Hart, Lois.
Hart, Nell.
Hart, Thomas.
Hartle, Priscilla.
Hartley, Michael O.
Hartley, Mrs. E. J.
Hartley, Scott.
Hartley, W. M. B.
Hartshorn, W. N. (William Newton), 1843-1920.
Harvey, Alf. R.
Harvey, Frankie K.
Harvey, John, 1725?-1775.
Harvey, Joseph.
Harvey, Judith.
Harvey, Thomas.
Harward, Judy Jenkins.
Harwell, Isham.
Harwell, Sterling.
Hasell, James, -1785.
Hash, Lewis J.
Haslem, William.
Haslet, Joseph.
Hasnat, Md Mehedi.
Hassani, Mehrdad.
Hassell, Charles R.
Hassell, Doris L.
Hassell, Eliza.
Hassell, Julia M.
Hassell, Mary
Hassler, William W.
Hastings, Karen Blalock.
Hatch, Betty Campbell.
Hatch, Edmund.
Hatcher, Kella W.
Hatcher, Oranie Virginia Snead, 1843-
Hathaway, Jon M.
Hathcock, Arch.
Haud, W. F.
Haughton, Mary.
Hautau, Barbara.
Haven, Walter T., 1968-
Hawes, John R. B.
Hawkes, Sara E.
Hawkins, Benjamin, 1754-1816.
Hawkins, Benjamin.
Hawkins, Harold H.
Hawkins, J.
Hawkins, J.H.
Hawkins, Jess H.
Hawkins, John D. (John Davis), 1781-1858.
Hawkins, John.
Hawkins, Oren D.
Hawkins, Phillip.
Hawkins, Rush C. (Rush Christopher), 1831-1920.
Hawkins, Samuel.
Hawkins, Stanley M.
Hawkins, Thomas.
Hawkins, William, 1777-1819.
Hawks, Francis L. (Francis Lister), 1798-1866.
Hawks, Francis.
Hawks, John (Architect)
Hay, George, 1765-1830.
Hay, John, approximately 1757-1809.
Hayden, Margaret.
Hayes, Annie L.
Hayes, Charlotte Willis.
Hayes, Clarence.
Hayes, Horton.
Hayes, Kristin R.
Hayes, Margaret Louise, 1898-1997.
Hayes, Richard.
Hayes, Robert B., II.
Hayes, Rutherford B., 1822-1893.
Hayes, William.
Haygood, Atticus G. (Atticus Greene), 1839-1896.
Haygood, Jennifer.
Hayler, Robert W., 1891-
Hayne, Don W.
Hayne, Robert Young, 1791-1839.
Haynes, E.
Haynes, J. W.
Haynes, Linda.
Hays, Benjamin K., fl. 1887-1918
Hayward, Harold Dewey, 1898-
Hayward, J.
Haywood Community College.
Haywood County (N.C.)
Haywood Technical Institute.
Haywood, A. W. (Alfred Williams), 1853-1916.
Haywood, Alfred M.
Haywood, Edward Graham.
Haywood, Egbert.
Haywood, Elizabeth E.A.
Haywood, Fabius I.
Haywood, George W.
Haywood, John S.
Haywood, John, 1755-1827.
Haywood, Martha H.
Haywood, T. J.
Haywood, Thomas B.
Haywood, William H. (William Henry), 1801-1852.
Hayworth, Raymond H.
Hazel, Dennis W. (Dennis William), 1948-
Hazelton, I. B. (Isaac Brewster), 1875-1943
Head, James W., Jr.
Head, Weston.
Headapohl, Lynne Graff.
Headden, William P. (William Parker), 1850-1932.
Heard, Nancy Tribble.
Hearn, G. Daniel.
Hearn, Ruby G.
Hearn, W. Edward (Williamson Edward), 1877-
Heartney, Eleanor, 1954-
Heartsfield, Andrew.
Heath, Kingston Wm.
Heath, Ralph C.
Heavlin, Lee Bernard, 1946-
Hebert, Rhea.
Hedden, Herb.
Hedgepeth, Charles.
Hedges, Janice Neipert.
Hedman, Benjamin.
Hedrick, L. H.
Heeter, Kathleen.
Heffner, Clayton E., Jr.
Heffner, Joyce.
Heflin, R. T.
Hegamyer, Marina B.
Heglar, Esther.
Heidelbach, Bert A., Jr.
Heimnick, John E.
Heinen, Karla.
Heiniger, Ron W.
Heironimus, Dorothy.
Heise, Ryan J.
Heiskanen, Veronica Stolte.
Heitman, Joshua L.
Helder, Rod W.
Helguera, Leon.
Hellen, J.C.
Helm, David.
Helmlinger, Terri.
Helms, Fred B. (Fred Bryan), 1896-1998.
Helms, Kate.
Helms, Nancy Carolyn.
Helphenstine, R. K. (Rufus King), 1882-
Helsher, Sharon.
Hembree, Louise B.
Hemmann, Paul.
Hemmer, John H., 1892-1981
Hemmes, Helen R.
Henard, David H.
Hendee, A.
Hendersen, F. M.
Henderson (N.C.). Board of School Trustees.
Henderson, A. (Archibald), 1768-1822.
Henderson, Alice E.
Henderson, Archibald, 1877-1963.
Henderson, Archibald.
Henderson, Douglas R.
Henderson, J.
Henderson, John.
Henderson, Jonathan L.
Henderson, Leo.
Henderson, Leonard, 1772-1833.
Henderson, Malory.
Henderson, Richard, 1735-1785.
Henderson, Richard.
Henderson, Thomas, 1752-1821.
Henderson, Thomas, Jr.
Henderson, Thomas.
Henderson, Warren R.
Hendley, J. T.
Hendrick, J. R.
Hendrick, Lucy R.
Henley, Lester.
Henley, Peter, 1724-1758.
Henley, Ruby L.
Henley, S. W.
Hennessee, V. B.
Henry A. Page.
Henry, Everett.
Henry, Gary T.
Henry, Geoffrey B.
Henry, James W.
Henry, John.
Henry, Lynn T.
Henry, Malcolm.
Henry, Patrick, 1736-1799.
Henry, Robert.
Henry, S. T.
Hensley, Bill F.
Henson, Washington.
Hepburn, James.
Herald-Sun (Durham, N.C.)
Herbert, George R.
Herff, Balduin von.
Herman, Alexis M., 1947-
Herman, Lucy Raub.
Herndon, C. Nash (Claude Nash), 1916-1998.
Herndon, T. Mason.
Heron, Allen.
Herr, Mary A.
Herrick, Harry.
Herrick, Henry.
Herring, Betty Kaye.
Herring, N. B.
Herritage, William.
Hertford County (N.C.)
Hertford Planning Board.
Hervieux, F.
Herzmark, Paula.
Hess, Cynthia, 1971-
Hess, Gertrude D.
Hesselman, Donald M.
Hester, Benjamin.
Hester, Ed.
Hester, Robert.
Hester, Vida P.
Hewell, Grace L., -2008.
Hewes, Joseph, 1730-1779.
Hewett, Ouida H.
Hewitt, T. J.
Heyer, John.
Hiatt, Linda.
Hibbard, Addison, 1887-1945.
Hibbard, James.
Hicklin, J. B.
Hicks, Gary D.
Hicks, George.
Hicks, Kristin.
Hicks, Sharron E.
Hicks, Steven L.
Hicks, T. T. (Thurston Titus), 1857-1927
Hidleston, William.
Higgins, Aloysius J.
Higgins, George G.
Higgins, Thomas D., Jr.
High, Richard (Rick).
High, Robert.
Highley, John.
Highsmith, Daniel.
Highsmith, J.F.
Highstein, Jene, 1942-2013.
Hightower, J. E.
Hildreth, John.
Hill, A. P. (A. Powell).
Hill, Asa.
Hill, Buckner.
Hill, C. A. (Charles Applewhite).
Hill, Charles A.
Hill, D. H. (Daniel Harvey), 1821-1889.
Hill, Dickinson.
Hill, F. J.
Hill, George Watts, 1901-1993.
Hill, George Watts, 1926-2002.
Hill, Harvey, b. 1797.
Hill, Isaac.
Hill, J. G.
Hill, James Earl, Sr.
Hill, James Z.
Hill, James.
Hill, L. H.
Hill, Margaret.
Hill, Michael R., 1954-
Hill, N.M., Mrs.
Hill, Nathaniel.
Hill, Newton.
Hill, Teri L.
Hill, W.
Hill, Whitmel.
Hill, Whitmill.
Hill, William Henry, 1767-1808.
Hill, William.
Hillegas, Michael, 1729-1804.
Hilliard, Thomas.
Hilliard, W. L.
Hillman, James E. (James Elgan), b. 1891
Hills Brothers Company (New York, N.Y.)
Hills, Carla A.
Hills, J. L.
Hilton, Juanita S.
Hilton, Palmer.
Hine, Cheryl.
Hines, Lewis.
Hines, Peter.
Hines, Robert W.
Hines, Thomas I.
Hinkley, James R.
Hinnant, Paul W.
Hinnant, Sara Lee.
Hinson, Gordon O.
Hinson, Thelma, 1930-
Hinton, James W.
Hinton, James.
Hinton, John.
Hinton, Mary Hilliard.
Hinton, Richard Seawell.
Hinton, Robert L.
Hiott, John B.
Hipp, JoAnn.
Hipps, Herbert G.
Hirsch, Joseph, 1910-1981.
Historical Records Survey of North Carolina.
Hitchings, Ben.
Hoadley, Charles J.
Hoban, Thomas J.
Hobbs, Marcus E.
Hobbs, Mary Thomas.
Hobbs, R. Thomas.
Hobbs, Samuel Huntington, 1895-1969.
Hocall, Herbert H.
Hodge, Abraham, 1755-1805.
Hodge, Samuel.
Hodges, Alan W.
Hodges, Howard.
Hodges, Kinnon B.
Hodges, Luther Hartwell, 1898-1974.
Hodgin, M. Blanche.
Hodgkins, Sara W.
Hodgson, Edna.
Hoell, Elias.
Hoell, Herbert.
Hoelz, Ronald K.
Hoertz, Frederick J., 1899-1977
Hoey, Clyde Roark, 1877-1954.
Hoff, Krieg
Hoffman, Alice.
Hoffman, Charles W.
Hoffman, Frederick L. (Frederick Ludwig), 1865-1946.
Hoffman, Gail.
Hoffman, Jeanne, 1939-
Hoffman, Lee.
Hoffman, R. C., Jr.
Hoffman, W. F.
Hofler, Lycurgus.
Hofmann, L. L.
Hogan, James.
Hogan, Roger L.
Hogg, Samuel.
Hogsed, Willard Herman, 1928-
Hogun, James.
Hoke, Robert Frederick.
Holcomb, Carol B.
Holcomb, Carol J.
Holden, Isaac.
Holden, Leonard E.
Holden, Reuben A. (Reuben Andrus), 1918-
Holden, W. W. (William Woods), 1818-1892.
Holder, Carolyn.
Holder, Clarence.
Holder, Laurie, Jr.
Holderness, Robert D'Arcy, Earl of, 1718-1778.
Holding, Isham.
Holland, B. Frank, Jr. (Benjamin Frank), 1942-
Holland, Bird.
Holland, James, 1754-1823.
Holland, W. E., Jr.
Holland, William
Hollander, Jane E.
Holley, Joseph.
Holliday, Charles L.
Holliday, William.
Hollis, Linda E.
Holloman, Charles R. (Charles Robert), 1913-2003.
Holloway, John.
Hollowell, Claudia Burgess.
Holly Springs (Wake County, N.C.). Planning Department.
Holman, Robert E.
Holmes, D. A.
Holmes, David, 1769-1832.
Holmes, E. P.
Holmes, Gabriel, 1769-1829.
Holmes, Gabriel, Jr.
Holmes, Gerald J.
Holmes, H.
Holmes, J. A. (Joseph Austin), 1859-1915.
Holmes, J. S. (John Simcox), 1868-1958.
Holmes, James.
Holmes, John.
Holmes, S. H.
Holmes, T. C., Mrs.
Holmes, T. H. (Theophilus Hunter), 1804-1880.
Holshouser, E. D.
Holshouser, Jim, 1934-2013.
Holshouser, L. C.
Holshouser, Patricia.
Holt, Bertha B.
Holt, David H.
Holt, David.
Holt, Eugene.
Holt, Joseph.
Holt, Lafayette.
Holt, Nathan.
Holt, Sidney S.
Homan, Justin M.
Hominy Baptist Church (Candler, N.C.)
Honeycutt, Allison W.
Honeycutt, J. C.
Hooker O.
Hooks, Charles.
Hooks, Hedy.
Hooper, Archibald Maclaine, 1775-1853.
Hooper, George, approximately 1744-1821.
Hooper, George.
Hooper, Ida.
Hooper, Ruby T.
Hooper, William, 1742-1790.
Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964.
Hoover, Michael T. (Michael Thomas), 1953-
Hoover, Ruth B.
Hope Haven of Raleigh, Inc.
Hope, Clarence C. Sr.
Hope, Llevaine.
Hope, R. C.
Hopkins, Archibald W.
Hopkins, Chris.
Hopkins, Giles D.
Hopkins, J.A.
Hopkins, LaDonna.
Hopkins, Lindsey B.
Hopkins, Richard.
Hopkins, Stephen.
Hopkins, Velma.
Hopper, Mary.
Horn, John W. (John William), 1929-2000.
Horn, Robert L.
Horne, Elizabeth.
Horne, Herbert.
Horne, Josh L.
Horne, Virginia.
Horner Military School (Charlotte, N.C.)
Horner, Jack B.
Horner, Junius M.
Horner, W. Elliott.
Hornick, C. D.
Hornthal, L. P.
Horton, Cecil.
Horton, Eloise B.
Horton, Hugh.
Horton, Jane S.
Horton, Larnie G.
Hoskins, James.
Hosmer, A.
Hosmer, Asa.
Hosmer, James K. (James Kendall), 1834-1927.
Hosseini, Payam.
Hotchner, Maurice.
House, Joseph.
House, R. B.
House, R. B. (Robert Burton), 1892-1987.
Houston, Alfred A.
Houston, J.
Houston, Nora, 1883-1942
Houston, William Churchill, approximately 1746-1788.
Howard, Brad.
Howard, Edward.
Howard, Edwin.
Howard, James.
Howard, R. B.
Howard, Rebecca A.
Howard, S. Kenneth.
Howard, Sally P.
Howard, T. E.
Howard, William B.
Howcott, Nathaniel.
Howe, C. K.
Howe, Norval D.
Howe, Robert, 1732-1786.
Howe, Robert.
Howe, Roy.
Howe, Shannon.
Howell, Bill.
Howell, Cheryl Daniels.
Howell, D. Edward.
Howell, Doug (Waterfowl biologist)
Howell, Embry.
Howell, John
Howell, Joseph.
Howell, Juanita.
Howell, Mary N.
Howells, David H.
Howes, Robert M.
Howie, Bill F.
Howkins, Benjamin.
Howland, L. H., Mrs.
Hoyle, David R.
Hoyle, James W.
Hoyman, Howard S.
Hu, Jeff C. H.
Hubbard, E. C.
Hubbard, F. M.
Hubbard, Fordyce Mitchell, 1809-1888.
Hubbard, Glenda T.
Hubbard, Joseph H., 1841-1871.
Hubbard, Michael.
Hubbard, R. E.
Huddleston, Jesse.
Hudson, Arthur Palmer, 1892-1978.
Hudson, Cutbin.
Hudson, Dwight.
Hudson, Isham B. (Isham Barney), 1895-1986
Hudson, Marjorie, 1953-
Hudson, R. A.
Hudson, Ralph L., 1932-
Hudson, Susan E. J.
Hudspeth, David.
Hudspeth, Mary.
Hueske, Edward E.,active 1947.
Huffman, C. Susan.
Huffman, Rodney L.
Huffstetler, Phyllis.
Huger, Francis K.
Huger, John.
Hugh Moore Fund.
Hughes-Oliver, Jacqueline M.
Hughes, Alison M.
Hughes, Barbara Ann.
Hughes, Edith.
Hughes, Ronald G., 1945-
Hughey, Miles.
Hughson, Jerry R.
Hugt, Cidy.
Hulings, William E.
Hull, Robert B.
Hultman, Gustaf P.
Hummer, Joseph E.
Hummer, Kathryn E.
Humphrey, B. E.
Humphrey, James Bradford, Rev.
Humphrey, Lott W.
Humphrey, M. S.
Humphrey, Virginia B.
Humphreys, Michael (Fishery scientist)
Humphries, Brenda.
Humphries, John.
Humphries, Robert L., 1930-
Humphries, W. D.
Hundley, Caroline.
Hunnicut, Ed.
Hunsucker, John K.
Hunt, Ethelyn.
Hunt, J.
Hunt, James B., 1937-
Hunt, James Lee, 1921-2009.
Hunt, John.
Hunt, Margaret A.
Hunt, Memucan, 1729-1808.
Hunt, W. F. (William Frederick)
Hunt, William F. (William Frederick), 1972-
Hunter Library.
Hunter, Bob.
Hunter, Carey J.
Hunter, Charles N., ca. 1851-1931.
Hunter, Eugenia.
Hunter, George W.
Hunter, Herbert B.
Hunter, Hugh W.
Hunter, James.
Hunter, Kitty.
Hunter, Lewis.
Hunter, Nancy H.
Hunter, Robert C., Mrs.
Hunter, T. F.
Hunter, Theo.
Hunter, Theodore.
Hunter, Theophilus.
Hunter, Thomas.
Hunter, W.
Hunter, Wanda.
Hunter, William W.
Huntington, Samuel, 1731-1796.
Huntington, Samuel.
Huntley, Elizabeth.
Huppuch, M. O.
Hurley, Benjamin G.
Hurley, Dorothy W.
Hurst, Adrian D.
Hurst, John L.
Hurt, A. B., Jr.
Hurt, Oscar H.
Huske, B. R.
Husketh, Alma O.
Huston, H. A.
Huston, Matthew.
Huston, Sara L.
Hutaf, August William, 1879-1942
Hutaff, Dorothy.
Hutchings, Thomas.
Hutchins, Terry R.
Hutchinson, P. L.
Hutton, William R., 1916-1997.
Hyate, H. O.
Hyde County (N.C.)
Hyde County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Hyder, Jeannie.
Hyman, Annie.
Hyman, John D.
Hyman, Ned
Hyman, Virgil.
Icenhour, Parks H.
Ijames, Earl.
Ijames, William Calvin.
Illian, George, 1894-1932
Imbus, Harold R.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Seaton Gales Lodge, No. 64 (Raleigh, N.C.)
Independent Tribune.
Indiana Civil Rights Commission.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Libraries. Government Publications Department.
Indiana. General Assembly.
Ingle, Ronald K.
Ingle, Vermell B.
Ingles, John.
Inglis, Robert G., 1940-
Ingraham, Theodore N.
Ingram, James.
Ingram, John.
Ingram, Joseph.
Ingram, Roy L.
Ingres, Maurice
Insane Asylum of North Carolina
Insane Asylum of North Carolina.
Insko, Verla C.
Internal Improvement Convention (1833 : Raleigh, N.C.)
International Aeronautic Federation.
International Order of Good Templars. Grand Lodge of North Carolina.
Interstate Association of Commissions on the Status of Women.
Iobst, Richard W.
Iobst, Richard W. (Richard William), 1934-2010.
Iredell County (N.C.).
Iredell County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Iredell, James, 1751-1799.
Iredell, James, 1788-1853.
Ireland, Joan P.
Irvin, Eugene, Mrs.
Irvin, N. R.
Irvin, Wayne.
Irvine, William.
Irving, Charles G.
Irving, Ophelia M.
Irwin, Henry.
Irwin, Jared, 1750-1818.
Irwin, Jared, 1750-1818. Tisdale, Nathaniel.
Isbell, Temple.
Isbell, Thomas.
Isler, John.
Isothermal Community College.
Israel, Edgar P.
Ives, L. Silliman (Levi Silliman), 1797-1867.
Ives, L. W.
Ivey, Claiborne.
J. A. Hackney & Son.
J. Bishop and Co.
J. E. Rhodes and Sons.
J.G. Ball Company.
J.Y. Joyner Library.
Jackson, A.
Jackson, Alden, 1809 or 1810-1877.
Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845.
Jackson, Ann.
Jackson, David.
Jackson, H. Louis.
Jackson, H. S.
Jackson, Henry R. (Henry Rootes), 1820-1898.
Jackson, Jacquelyne Johnson.
Jackson, James.
Jackson, John.
Jackson, Julia R.
Jackson, Mala.
Jackson, Margaret
Jackson, N. M.
Jackson, Neal A.
Jackson, W.
Jacobs, Doris.
Jacobs, Leonebel
Jacobs, Linda.
Jacobson, Ethel T.
Jacock, Jo.
Jacocks, C. West.
Jacocks, Jonathan.
Jaffarian, Sara.
Jahn, Larry G.
James Sprunt Community College.
James Sprunt Institute.
James, Joseph M.
James, Jules, 1885-1957.
James, Michele L.
James, Nancy.
James, W. Z.
James, Walter "Deet"
Jamieson, Denise J.
Jamieson, Robert.
Jane S. McKimmon Center for Extension and Continuing Education.
Janes, Mary W.
Janke, Emily M.
Janssens, Connie.
Jarman, L. E.
Jarratt, John.
Jarrett, J. M.
Jarvis, Diane L.
Jarvis, Jonathan H.
Jarvis, Moses.
Jarvis, Samuel.
Jarvis, Thomas Jordan, 1836-1915.
Jarvis, Thomas.
Jaselskis, Edward J.
Jay, John, 1745-1829.
Jayson, Karen G.
Jean, Nancy
Jefferson, Arthur M.
Jefferson, Thomas, 1732-1807.
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826.
Jeffery, Richard.
Jefferys, Grady.
Jeffress, Charles.
Jeffrey, Mildred.
Jeffreys, M. Duke.
Jeffreys, William.
Jenkins, B. G.
Jenkins, Charles H.
Jenkins, Cornelia H.
Jenkins, Elisha.
Jenkins, James Lineberry, 1919-2003.
Jenkins, Robert E.
Jennings, Gideon.
Jennings, Gregory D.
Jennings, James Harold, 1931-1999.
Jennings, John.
Jennings, Linnie E.
Jenrette, Tom S.
Jensen, Christine C.
Jensen, Henry W.
Jensen, Zora.
Jenyns, Soame, 1704-1787.
Jerdee, Thomas H.
Jernigan, Kim.
Jerry, W. D.
Jervey, Theodore D. (Theodore Dehon), 1859-1947.
Jessup, Jasper Newton, 1866-
Jessup, T. J.
Jessup, William R.
Jester, Aaron.
Jeuck, James.
Jewkes, Charles.
Jimenez, Gloria C.
Jimenez, Gloria M., 1932-
Jobber's Son.
Jobe, Mary Anne.
Joerg, W. L. G. (Wolfgang Louis Gottfried), 1885-1952.
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company.
John P. Lucas.
Johns, Ben R., 1922-2006.
Johns, Fred L.
Johnson, Andrew, 1808-1875.
Johnson, Ann M.
Johnson, Betsy H.
Johnson, Brenda.
Johnson, C. B.
Johnson, C. H. (Charles Hampton).
Johnson, Charles E. (Charles Earl), 1812-1876.
Johnson, Charles Marion, Junior, 1924-
Johnson, Charles O.
Johnson, Charles.
Johnson, Clarence Walton.
Johnson, E. G.
Johnson, Edward A. (Edward Austin), 1860-1944.
Johnson, Edward Payson, 1850-
Johnson, Elaine Franke.
Johnson, Elmer M.
Johnson, Frances.
Johnson, Guy Benton, 1901-1991.
Johnson, Harold, Jr.
Johnson, Harrel B.
Johnson, J.W.
Johnson, James A.
Johnson, James C.
Johnson, James Daniel, 1940-
Johnson, Jeff D.
Johnson, John M.
Johnson, John.
Johnson, Kristen.
Johnson, L. Marshall.
Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007.
Johnson, Lee.
Johnson, Linwood C.
Johnson, Livingston, 1857-1931.
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973.
Johnson, Lynn Bythan, 1916-2006.
Johnson, Marian M.
Johnson, Martha R.
Johnson, Mike.
Johnson, Pamela.
Johnson, Rhonda K.
Johnson, Richard A., 1942-
Johnson, Ron.
Johnson, Ronald D.
Johnson, Sandra L.
Johnson, Seaborn J.
Johnson, Skip.
Johnson, T. D.
Johnson, Tamara M.
Johnson, Theodore S. (Theodore Sedgwick), 1885-
Johnson, Thomas
Johnson, Thomas H.
Johnson, Thomas L.
Johnson, Tom.
Johnson, V. B.
Johnson, W. Leslie, Jr.
Johnson, Walter L., Jr.
Johnson, William Samuel.
Johnston Community College.
Johnston County (N.C.)
Johnston County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Johnston County Technical Institute.
Johnston Piney Grove Baptist Church (Clayton, N.C.)
Johnston Technical Institute.
Johnston, Douglas A.
Johnston, Fred T.
Johnston, Gabriel, 1699-1752.
Johnston, George Burgwin.
Johnston, Jacob.
Johnston, John.
Johnston, Jonas.
Johnston, Joseph E. (Joseph Eggleston), 1807-1891.
Johnston, Lollie.
Johnston, Paul A.
Johnston, Samuel, 1733-1816.
Johnston, Samuel.
Johnston, William Preston.
Johnston, William.
Johnstone, Homer.
Joines, Sherry J., 1972-
Joint Legislative Study Commission on the Modernization of North Carolina Banking Laws and the Consumer Finance Act.
Joint Select Committee on Capital Trial Sentencing & Post Conviction Procedures for Persons Who Suffer Severe Mental Disabilities
Joint Select Committee on the North Carolina Rail Road.
Joint Select Study Committee on the Potential Impact of Major Hurricanes on the North Carolina Insurance Industry.
Jolley, Harley E.
Jolley, Jason.
Jonas, Lucien, 1880-1947
Jones County (N.C.)
Jones Nathaniel.
Jones-Neill, Kubé Sherron.
Jones-Vessey, Kathleen.
Jones, A. Bruce.
Jones, Alison.
Jones, Allen, 1739-1807.
Jones, Allen.
Jones, Ann.
Jones, Anna R.
Jones, Armistead.
Jones, Arthur H.
Jones, Atlas.
Jones, Barbara Ragland.
Jones, Ben Tidwell.
Jones, Benner, III.
Jones, Beverly.
Jones, Calvin, 1775-1846.
Jones, Calvin.
Jones, Claude V.
Jones, D.
Jones, D. Stephen.
Jones, Daniel W.
Jones, David L.
Jones, David.
Jones, Doug.
Jones, E. Walton.
Jones, E. Z.
Jones, Edm.
Jones, Edmund L.
Jones, Edmund.
Jones, Edward White.
Jones, Edward, 1762-1841.
Jones, Edward.
Jones, Elaine.
Jones, Elizabeth Earl.
Jones, Elizabeth R. (Elizabeth Renee), 1983-
Jones, Elizabeth.
Jones, Evan.
Jones, Francis.
Jones, Fred J.
Jones, Garry D.
Jones, Gene Ronald.
Jones, Gertrude.
Jones, Gilmer Andrew, 1891-
Jones, H. G. (Houston Gwynne), 1924-2018
Jones, Hamilton C. (Hamilton Chamberlain), 1884-1957.
Jones, Harwood.
Jones, Howard Field.
Jones, Hugh Stevens, 1944-
Jones, J. N.
Jones, John David.
Jones, John E.
Jones, John W.
Jones, John.
Jones, Joseph Speed, Mrs.
Jones, Kate E.
Jones, Leesa Bailey.
Jones, Madeline A.
Jones, Mark D. (Wildlife biologist)
Jones, Marmaduke.
Jones, Matthew P. (Matthew Paul), 1983-
Jones, Mavis C.
Jones, May Frances.
Jones, Moses.
Jones, R. I.
Jones, R. W.
Jones, Rafford E.
Jones, Ralph.
Jones, Reuben P.
Jones, Robert A. (Robert Allen), 1951-
Jones, Robert W.
Jones, Roger (Roger I.)
Jones, Ruby W.
Jones, Rudolph, 1910-
Jones, Samuel.
Jones, T. Wayne.
Jones, Vernon S.
Jones, Walter B. (Civil Engineer)
Jones, Walter B., 1913-1992.
Jones, Wayne (Fisheries biologist)
Jones, Wayne.
Jones, William Watts.
Jones, William, 1755-1821.
Jones, William.
Jones, Willie, approximately 1741-1801.
Jones, Willie.
Jones, Willis L.
Jordan, Dillon, Jr.
Jordan, Dillon.
Jordan, E. W.
Jordan, H.P.
Jordan, John R., Jr.
Jordan, Joye E.
Jordan, R. C.
Jordan, Seth B.
Jordan, Whitman H. (Whitman Howard), 1851-1931.
Jordan, William Hill, 1803-1883.
Jordon, Marylyn.
Joseph Pennell, 1857-1926
Joseph, John.
Joslin, William, 1920-2011.
Jourdan, Maggie T.
Jourdan, Ralph G.
Joy, George Mills.
Joyce, Betty Lea.
Joyce, Martha L.
Joyner, Andrew, 1786-1856.
Joyner, Andrew.
Joyner, Bethany R.
Joyner, G. C.
Joyner, Gail H.
Joyner, George D.
Joyner, Henry.
Joyner, James Y.
Joyner, James Yadkin, 1862-1954.
Joyner, Lauris K.
Joyner, Mark C.
Joyner, Michael V.
Joyner, O. L. (Olthos Leland), 1869-1929.
Judson, Paul F.
Judy, Gregory W.
Juelson, Carol.
Juffras, Diane M.
Jung, Ted.
Justus, Boo.
Kahn, Abraham.
Kalet, Bert M.
Kalischer, Clemens
Kalo, Joseph J.
Kalsbeek, William D., 1946-
Kamara, Barbara Ferguson.
Kanady, Andrew.
Kane, Laurie.
Kane, Martin Richard.
Kanof, Abram, 1903-1999.
Kaplan, Debby.
Kaplan, Vicki Z.
Kapp, M. Keith.
Karimoddini, Ali.
Karmel, Marylin O.
Kauffer, E. McKnight (Edward McKnight), 1890-1954.
Kauffmann, Paul J.
Kauffmann, Paul.
Kaufman, Kenneth P.
Kaufmann, Harry.
Kay, Debra.
Kay, Stratford H.
Kays, Laurel.
Kaza, Nikhil, 1978-
Kazarian, Jacqueline S.
Keais, William.
Kean, Doris E.
Kean, John.
Kean, Thomas M.
Kearney, Joseph G.
Kearns, Amos R.
Kearns, Brendan.
Kearson, Lawrence L.
Keefe, Scott G.
Keel, Ralph M., Jr.
Keeler, O. B. (Oscar Bane), 1882-1950.
Keever, L. M.
Keilson, David.
Keith, Sally Ann
Kellam, Ida Brooks.
Kelleher, Gail.
Kellenberger, John A.
Keller, Jennifer J.
Keller, Mark.
Kellermann, Joseph L.
Kelley, Edward M.
Kellogg, J. W.
Kellogg, Peter Paul, 1899-1975.
Kellow, Elizabeth Ridley.
Kelly, Hanson.
Kelly, Harry C.
Kelly, James.
Kelly, John
Kelly, John E.
Kelly, Norbert L.
Kelly, Paul, 1898-1983.
Kelly, Paul.
Kemp, Phillip S.
Kemp, Rose.
Kenan, Felix.
Kenan, James.
Kenan, Owen.
Kenan, T.
Kenan, T. S. (Thomas Stephen), 1838-1911.
Kenan, Thomas.
Kendrick, Elizabeth Ann.
Kendrick, John.
Kendrick, Larkin S.
Kendrick, Mary C.
Kendrick, Thomas L.
Kendrick, W. B.
Kennedy, Bart F.
Kennedy, J.
Kennedy, J. H.
Kennedy, J. H., Mrs.
Kennedy, James.
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963.
Kennedy, John.
Kennedy, William.
Kenneth Creveling Associates.
Kenney, Marie Roberts.
Kennon, Charles.
Kentucky. General Assembly.
Kenworthy, W. Judson.
Kenyon, Adam B.
Keppler, Victor.
Ker, William Balfour, 1877-1918
Kern, Faith.
Kerr, Deon.
Kerr, John H.
Kerr, R. F.
Kerr, Virginia.
Kerr, Washington Caruthers, 1827-1885.
Kerr, William H.
Kessinger, Matilda M.
Kessler, Sanford.
Kester, John Marcus, 1887-1936.
Kester, Lura K.
Ketner, Linda G.
Keupper, Lina.
Key, John C.
Keyes, Betty R.
Keyes, W. J.
Keylon, James.
Keys, Martha.
Keyser, Nirva D.
Keziah, William B.
Khattak, Asad J.
Khayrallah Program for Lebanese-American Studies.
Khosla, N. Paul.
Kibben, George, Jr., Mrs.
Kibler, John R.
Kidd, Joseph.
Kidd, W. S.
Kiely, Owen P.
Kiener, Tyler B.
Kight, Iredell L.
Kiker, Clyde W.
Kilbee, Espher.
Kilburn, Mary Brown.
Kilburn, S. Collins.
Kilgo, Jann.
Kilgo, John Carlisle, 1861-1922.
Kilgore, B. W. (Benjamin Wesley), 1867-1944.
Killette, Edwin Franklin.
Killette, Wiley P.
Killette, Wiley Pearson.
Kilroy, Mary Lou.
Kim, Sangkey.
Kim, Y. Richard.
Kimbrell, Charles H.
Kimbrough, John.
Kimley-Horn and Associates.
Kimmel, June M.
Kimrey, Joel O. (Joel Otto), 1931-
Kincaid, Judy.
Kincanon, George.
Kinchin, John.
King Mountain (N.C.). Planning Board.
King, Adrian.
King, B.S.
King, Brandon A.
King, Gerald W.
King, Jacob.
King, James B., Jr.
King, James.
King, John L.
King, Kevin.
King, Linda D.
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968.
King, Miles.
King, Phyllis H.
King, Robert.
King, Victor C.
King, W. B.
King, W.R.
King, William T.
King, Willie J.
King, Willis, 1908-
Kings Mountain Planning Board.
Kingsbury, John.
Kinlay, James M.
Kinnon, William.
Kinsey, John.
Kinston Bottling Works.
Kiowha, Joseph.
Kirby, Charles L.
Kirby, Charlie E.
Kirby, J. Russell.
Kirby, Rebekah F.
Kirby, Sharon.
Kircher, Joseph C.
Kirk, J. Edgar.
Kirk, J. Sidney.
Kirk, Phil.
Kirk, Raymond S.
Kirker, Thomas.
Kirkland, Will.
Kirkland, Winifred Margaretta, 1872-1943.
Kirkpatrick, A.
Kirkpatrick, Milas Alexander.
Kistler, A. M.
Kitchin, William W. (William Walton), 1866-1924.
Kitty Hawk Kites, Inc.
Klasing, Chris.
Kleist, Andrea Margaret.
Klett, Rex.
Kline, Hibberd V. B. (Hibberd Van Buren), b. 1885
Kluchar, Bryan D.
Kluttz, Theo. F. (Theodore Franklin), 1848-1918.
Knapp, Theodore J.
Kneisner, Cheryl.
Knight, A. M.
Knight, Douglas M., 1921-2005.
Knight, Evan.
Knight, J. T., Jr.
Knight, J.G.
Knight, Jane L.
Knight, Jonathan.
Knight, Ridgway, 1839-1924
Knollenberg, Whitney.
Knott, Joe T., Jr.
Knox, Ambrose.
Knox, H. Edward.
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806.
Knox, Richard D.
Kobrin, Lisa.
Kochuk, Nancy.
Koegeg, O. A.
Koerner, Henry.
Kohl, Pam.
Kohlbecker, Charles A.
Kohlsaat, Betsy.
Koinis, Gerald.
Koinonia Foundation.
Koke Company, Ltd.
Kolb, Anthony.
Kolberg, William H., 1926-
Kome, Hal.
Konsler, T. R. (Thomas Rhinehart)
Kontje, David F.
Koo, Jun.
Koontz, Elizabeth D. (Elizabeth Duncan), 1919-1989.
Korfhage, Robert R.
Kornegay, Horace Robinson, 1924-2009.
Kornegay, J. Royal.
Kornegay, James W.
Korstad, Robert Rodgers.
Korstian, Clarence F. (Clarence Ferdinand), 1889-1968.
Kort-Young, Anne Marie de.
Kotch, Jonathan.
Kowalsky, Mervyn J.
Kramer, Barbara B.
Kramer, Kenneth.
Kratsas, Jane.
Kreger, Rod.
Kreidl, John F.
Kremen, Irwin.
Kroll, Leon, 1884-1974.
Kron, F. J. (Francis Joseph), 1798-1883.
Kruczynski, William L.
Krueger, Bill.
Krueger, Gerald J.
Krug, James Leonard.
Krupnick, Jane.
Krupsak, Mary Anne.
Krusch, Claire Cox.
Kruyer, C. H.
Kubichek, W. F.
Kucuktas, Huseyin.
Kuentz, Oscar O.
Kuenzler, Edward J.
Kulpan, James N.
Kuniholm, Elizabeth F.
Kunz, George Frederick, 1856-1932.
Kusam, Abhilash.
Kwan, William T. W.
Kyle, Ann K.
Kyle, Hamilton.
Kyle, Helena D.
Kyle, Patricia A. (Patricia Ann), 1936-
L'Esperance, Jill.
La Bree, Ben.
La Forest, Antoine René Charles Mathurin de, comte, 1756-1846.
Lacey, Linda M.
Lackey, Carolyn J.
Lackey, J. William.
Lacy, Benjamin R. (Benjamin Rice), 1886-1981.
Lacy, Benjamin Rice, 1854-1929.
Lacy, James Kevin.
Lacy, Thomas A.
Ladd, E. L.
Laesch, Lewis C.F.C.
LaFevre, Martha.
Lagoe, Wanda.
Lail, John W.
Laird, John.
Lake, I. Beverly, Jr.
Lake, M. E.
Lakey, Christopher.
Lakin, Dorothea G.
Lally, Kelly A.
Lama, Mary Ann.
Lamb, Gideon.
Lamb, Joshua.
Lamb, Sarah.
Lamb, William B.
Lamb, William, 1835-1909.
Lambdin, John Bexley.
Lambert, Betsey.
Lambert, David T.
Lambert, David.
Lambert, John, 1746-1823.
Lambert, Nancy J.
Lambert, Richard G.
Lambert, William J.
Lambert, William.
Lambeth, Jim E.
Lambeth, Thomas W. (Thomas Willis), 1935-
Lamm, Dwight C.
Lancaster, H. Martin.
Lancaster, Jim.
Lancaster, Jimmy.
Lance, Elizabeth P.
Lance, Keith Curry.
Lance, L. J.
Land-of-Sky Regional Council.
Land, H. K.
Landa, Esther, 1912-2014.
Landis, Benjamin Young.
Landon, Catharine.
Landon, Molly E.
Lane, Alfred.
Lane, Frank James.
Lane, Isaac.
Lane, J.
Lane, James G. (James Graham), 1893-1956.
Lane, James H.
Lane, Leigh B.
Lane, Mary Turner, 1918-2009.
Lane, W. C.
Laney, Francis Baker, 1875-1938.
Langdon, John, 1741-1819.
Langdon, Russel.
Langdon, William.
Langhorn, Elias.
Lanier, Robert.
Lank, R. B., Jr.
Lapp, Linda C.
Larkin, Beverly Darwin.
Larkins, John R.
Larkins, John R. (John Rodman)
Larkins, John R. (John Rodman).
Larsen, Caroline.
Larsen, Hazel-Frieda.
Larson, Karl Edward.
Larson, Norman C.
Laspeyre, Bernard
Laspeyre, Harriet
Lassiter, Joel Kenneth, Senior, 1943-2012.
Lassiter, Rhonda K.
Lassiter, Thomas J.
Lassiter, Thomas J., Mrs.
Latham, Thomas.
Latham, W. W.
Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820.
Latta, E. Michael.
Lattrell, John.
Lauderdale, Cyndi.
Laughery, Helen.
Laurens, Henry, 1724-1792.
Lautier, Jeff C. (Jeffrey C.), 1955-
Lawhorn, Milton Ray.
Lawhorn, O. M.
Lawing, Michelle F.
Lawler, Ginny.
Lawrence, A. Stratton, Jr.
Lawrence, Carl Harden, 1942-
Lawrence, David P.
Lawrence, J. J.
Lawrence, Joyce V.
Lawrence, W. P.
Lawrenceburg Roller Mills Company.
Lawrie, Judson J.
Laws, John.
Laws, Joseph.
Laws, Joshua.
Laws, Mary Ann.
Laws, Wlizabeth.
Lawson, James O.
Lawton, John C., Mrs.
Lay, John W.
Layfong, Mary
Laymon, Leland L.
Layton, Jerry C.
Lazarus, Rosalind Avnet.
Le Sueur, Jack.
Lea, Diane E.
Lea, James.
Leach, Anita.
Leach, John P.
Leach, Richard H.
League of Women Voters of North Carolina.
Leah, William S.
Leak, Walter.
Learn North Carolina.
Leary, Evelyn.
Leath, Thomas H.
Leatherton, William.
Leavitt, Sturgis E. (Sturgis Elleno), 1888-1976.
LeBlond, Richard J.
LeBude, Anthony.
Ledbetter, Dianne W.
Ledbetter, Marie E.
Leder, Paul M.
Ledford, Delores.
Ledoux, Albert Reid, 1852-1923.
Lee County Planning Board (N.C.)
Lee County Planning Board (N.C.).
Lee, Annie.
Lee, Arthur, 1740-1792.
Lee, Benjamin.
Lee, C. W.
Lee, Charles Cochrane, Mrs.
Lee, Christenberry, 1823-1896.
Lee, Cynthia G.
Lee, Debbie.
Lee, Enoch Lawrence, 1912-1996.
Lee, G. P.
Lee, Henry, 1756-1818.
Lee, Henry.
Lee, Howard, 1934-
Lee, Jae Joon.
Lee, James Kendall, 1829-1861.
Lee, Jim.
Lee, Jon.
Lee, Joshua.
Lee, Lillian S.
Lee, Lillian.
Lee, Lovieree D.
Lee, Mary Ann.
Lee, Mary Heath.
Lee, Richard Henry.
Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward), 1807-1870.
Lee, Sarah (Sarah E.)
Lee, Stephen D. (Stephen Dill), 1833-1908.
Lee, W. C.
Lee, W. D. (William Daniel), 1896-1990.
Lee, William.
Lee, Wilson W.
Leech, David A.
Leech, Joseph.
Leet, John M.
Leet, Mildred Robbins.
Leffmann, Henry.
Lefort, Dorothy O'Donnell.
LeFrancois, Jean.
LeGendre, Henri A.
Leggett, Daniel.
Legislative Research Commission. In-Home and Community Based Mental Health Services for Youth Committee.
Legislative Research Commission. Orderly and Expeditious Removal by Landlord of Personal Property of Deceased Committee.
LeGrand, H. E. (Harry Elwood), 1917-
LeGrand, H. E. (Harry Elwood), 1917-2013.
LeGrand, Harry E., Jr.
Lehman, E. A.
Lehman, Harold.
Lehmann, A.
Leiby, Rowland Willis, 1891-
Leiss, Jack K.
Leister, H. Jack.
Leister, Jack.
Lemmon, Sarah M.
Lemmon, Sarah McCulloh.
Lemmonds, C. Q.
Lenior, Walter Waightsill.
Lenoir Community College.
Lenoir County (N.C.)
Lenoir County Community College.
Lenoir, H. W.
Lenoir, W. W.
Lenoir, William, 1751-1839.
Lentz, Bruce A.
Lentz, L. A., III.
Lentz, W. B.
Leon, Ramon Gonzales.
Leonard-Hartsell, Marie.
Leonard, Jeannie.
Leonard, John P.
Leonard, Pamela J.
Leonard, Steven W.
Lescarboura, Austin C. (Austin Celestin), 1891-
Leslie, Alexander.
Leslie, Ruth Cleveland, 1893-
Lestarjette, Lewis.
Lester, Jesse.
Lester, Reggie.
Lester, Twink.
Letchworth, Will, 1980-
Letourneau, Robert J.
Letsinger, Philip S.
Leung, Gary Y.
Levenson, Hannah.
Leventhorpe, Louisa Bryan.
Leverson, Montague R.
Levine, Joseph H.
Levinson, Stephen N.
Levinthal, David.
Levy, Janet E.
Levy, Joshua.
Levy, Suzanne.
Lewis, Albert L.
Lewis, Alex M.
Lewis, Duck.
Lewis, E. D.
Lewis, Ed H., Jr.
Lewis, Ernest.
Lewis, Figures.
Lewis, Frances B.
Lewis, Henry W. (Henry Wilkins), 1916-2004.
Lewis, Ivey F. (Ivey Foreman), 1882-1964.
Lewis, J. Volney (Joseph Volney), 1869-1969.
Lewis, James H.
Lewis, Jim (Jim B.)
Lewis, Kemp P.
Lewis, M.
Lewis, Micajah.
Lewis, Richard H.
Lewis, W. G. (William Gaston), 1835-1901.
Lewis, William C.
Lewis, William.
Lewis, Yvonne Pelletier.
Leyendecker, Frank X., 1877-1924
Leyendecker, J. C. (Joseph Christian), 1874-1951
Li, Jing.
Library of Congress.
Lichtman, Judy.
Lichty, S. Kendrick.
Lie, Jonas, 1880-1940
Lieber, Richard, 1869-1944.
Lieberman, Marianne.
Lightfoot, Bartholomew.
Ligon, Roddey M.
Lilley, Joseph
Lillington, John A.
Lillington, John Alexander, 1790-1839.
Lilly, Lambert, 1798-1866.
Lilly, Leslie.
Lincoln County (N.C.). Clerk of Superior Court.
Lincoln County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865.
Lincoln, Benjamin, 1733-1810.
Lincoln, Harvey.
Lincoln, Levi, 1749-1820.
Lincoln, Levi, 1782-1868.
Lincolnton (N.C.). Board of Aldermen.
Lindblad, Mark R.
Lindbo, David L.
Lindley, Charles F.
Lindly, Thomas.
Lindquist, David G.
Lindsay, Charles M.
Lindsay, Edward.
Lindsay, H. M.
Lindsay, Kathleen.
Lindsay, Robert.
Lindsey, Daniel McD.
Lindsey, Jonathan.
Lindsey, Joseph B. (Joseph Bridgeo), 1862-
Lindsey, Marge.
Lindsey, Quentin W.
Line, Daniel E.
Lineberry, Huldah.
Lineberry, W.S.
Linehan, Kerry J.
Lingle, Thomas W., Mrs.
Link, Margaret Ann.
Linker, Edgar N.
Linn, George Wilds, 1844-
Linville, Herbert.
Lippin, Tobi.
Lippiner, Thomas.
Lipscomb, Lloyd Harvey, 1946-
Lipscombe, Guy, 1881-1952.
Lipski, Donald, 1947-
Lisle, E. M.
Lisle, E. M. ; Evison, Herbert.
List, George F.
List, M. N.
Little George.
Little, Anne G.
Little, George.
Little, J. D., Jr.
Little, Justin.
Little, M. Ruth (Margaret Ruth), 1946-
Little, Sue.
Littlejohn, Joseph B.
Littlejohn, Wallace M. (Wallace Mason), 1914-1998.
Littleton Planning Board.
Livingston, Abraham.
Livingston, Edward.
Livingston, R. A.
Livingston, Robert P.
Livingston, Robert.
Livingston, Sandra.
Livingstone, John A. (John Alexander), 1885 or 1886-1937.
Lloyd, Calvin Whit.
Lloyd, Edward, 1779-1834.
Lloyd, Edward.
Lloyd, Linda.
Lloyd, Orville B.
Lloyd, R. L.
Lloyd, Richard.
Locher, C. H.
Lock, Matthew.
Locke, Francis.
Lockhart, A.
Lockhart, Adam.
Lockhart, J.
Lockhart, James A.
Lockhart, Natalie.
Loeffler, Michael S.
Loesch, Jacob.
Lofland, Smith.
Loftin, Malissa A.
Loftin, P.B.
Loftis, V. P.
Logan, Allison.
Logan, Frances M.
Logan, G. W.
Logan, Mary.
Logan, Robert A.
London, Arthur H., Mrs.
London, Henry A.
London, Henry Armand, Mrs., 1853-1930.
London, John.
Long, E. G., Jr.
Long, George W.
Long, James A.
Long, James.
Long, Jesse.
Long, Joan.
Long, John F., Jr.
Long, L.
Long, Lenwood V.
Long, Nicholas.
Long, W. L. (William Lunsford), 1890-1964.
Long, Walter Alfred, 1947-
Long, William T.
Long, William.
Loomis, L. J.
Lopez, Laureen Marie, 1953-
Lord, Eliza Hill, 1794-1875
Lord, Vivian B.
Lord, W.
Lords, William.
Louder, Darrell E.
Loudoun, John Campbell, Earl of, 1705-1782.
Loughlin, G. F. (Gerald Francis), 1880-1946.
Loughmiller, Campbell.
Loughridge, R. H. (Robert Hills), 1843-1917.
Louisiana. Legislature.
Lounsbury, Carl.
Louws, Frank John, 1962-
Love, C. W.
Love, David.
Love, Gene M.
Love, H. J., Sr.
Love, Samuel
Love, Thomas, 1766-1844.
Love, Thomas.
Love, William L.
Lovelady, Adam, 1980-
Lovick, Thomas.
Low, James.
Low, William.
Lowe, B. Franklin., Jr.
Lowe, Robert G., Jr.
Lowe, Schuyler.
Lowe, William E., II, 1945-
Lowell, Timothy.
Lowery, Jan.
Lowery, Malinda Maynor.
Lowery, Malinda.
Lowman, Betsy C.
Lowndes, Rawlins, 1721-1800.
Lowrance, Martha W.
Lowrance, Martha Wray.
Lowrance, William B. A.
Lowrie, S.
Lowrie, Samuel.
Lowrie, Walter, 1784-1868.
Lowry, Benjamin.
Lowry, John.
Lucas, Hope K.
Lucas, Mrs. D. M.
Lucas, Robert, 1781-1853.
Lucas, Ronald G.
Lucas, Wade.
Luck, Joseph.
Luczkovich, Joseph J.
Luddy, Elaine C.
Ludgate, Vivian Roswell, 1901-
Luell, S. K. (Stacy Kathleen), 1986-
Luke, Roxanna.
Lukin, Craig G.
Lumberton Planning Board.
Lumsden, Jim.
Lundy, W. F.
Lunger, Richard T., III
Lupo, Carolyn E.
Lupton, Barbara Y.
Lupton, Floyd J.
Lupton, Ruth Paschal.
Lusardi, Wayne R.
Luther, Jessica.
Lutterloh, Charles.
Luttrel, J.
Lyda, Buck.
Lydens Associates.
Lyle, Elizabeth.
Lyles, Pat B.
Lyman, Charles E.
Lyman, W. Paul.
Lynch, D. Parker
Lynch, J. Merrill.
Lynch, John J.
Lynch, Mark G.
Lynn, Cy K.
Lyon, John.
Lyons, John R.
Lyons, Torrey.
Lytle, A.
Lytle, Colonel.
Lytle, William.
M'Rae, Duncan, 1769-1837.
Mabe, Richard.
Macauley, C. R. (Charles Raymond), 1871-1934
Macay, Spruce, approximately 1755-1808.
MacDonald, Donald.
MacDonald, James A.
Mace, Ronald L.
Mace, Ruth L.
MacElyea, Annabella Bunting.
Mack-Ward, Connie.
Mack, Lee Faye.
Mack, Peter
Mackay, Emmie.
Mackay, Mary Elizabeth.
Mackenzie, Frances E.
MacKenzie, James Donald, 1924-
Mackenzie, William.
Mackie, John D.
Mackilwaine, Francis.
Mackintosh, C. G.
Maclaine, A.
Maclaine, Archibald, 1728-1790.
Maclane, A.
MacLean, A. D.
MacLean, Connie.
MacLean, Constance F.
MacLean, J. P. (John Patterson), 1848-1939.
Maclennan, William.
Maclin, William.
MacMillan, Dan.
MacMillan, John.
Macnair, A. H.
Macnaughton, A.
MacNeill, Ben Dixon, 1889-1960.
MacNeill, Ben Dixon.
Macon County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Macon, Daniel.
Macon, John.
Macon, Nathaniel, 1758-1837.
MacRae, Alexander H.
MacRae, Duncan.
Macy, Jesse, 1842-1919.
Macy, Rebecca J.
Maddry, Lynn G.
Madison, James, 1749-1812.
Madison, James, 1751-1836.
Maffitt, John Newland, 1819-1886.
Magruder, Patrick, 1768-1819.
Mahlum, Helen.
Mahoney, Constance.
Mahoney, James William.
Mahoney, Viola L.
Mainair, Ralph.
Maine. Legislature.
Mainland, Charles M.
Major, L. Dragoons.
Major, Undrea.
Makepeace, Harold.
Makhlouf, Tamara.
Malcolm, Ellen.
Malcolm, J. A.
Mallett, P.
Mallett, Peter, 1744-1805.
Mallett, Peter.
Mallin, Michael A.
Mallison, Dallas.
Mallory, Charles K. (Charles King), 1781-1820.
Malloy, C.
Malloy, V. D.
Malone, Bartlett Yancey, 1838-
Maness, Hal.
Maney, Robert.
Manglano-Ovalle, Iñigo, 1961-
Mangourit, M.-A.-B. (Michel-Ange-Bernard), 1752-1829.
Mangum, Betty Oxendine.
Mangum, Willie Person, 1792-1861.
Manly, Basil.
Manly, Charles, 1795-1871.
Manly, Charles.
Mann, C. L. (Carroll Lamb), 1877-1961.
Mann, Carroll L.
Mann, Carroll L., Jr., 1911-1999.
Mann, Ed S.
Mann, Flora O.
Mann, Lawrence.
Mann, Peggy, 1909-1981.
Manney, James.
Manning, Irene E.
Manning, J. J.
Manning, John.
Manning, Mary Anne.
Manning, Theo Lula Creel.
Mansfield, James H., 1947-
Mansfield, Wendell C. (Wendell Clay), 1874-1939.
Manson, C. F.
Manturuk, Kim.
Marano, Cindy.
Marchand, Paul.
Marchant, Frank.
Marcus, Margery L.
Marcy, William L. (William Learned), 1786-1857.
Maremont, Arnold H.
Margolis, David.
Margolis, Roselle Evenson.
Marion-McDowell Industrial Education Center.
Markham, R.
Markham, R. W.
Markland, Nat B.
Marley, Cathren.
Marling, Jacob, 1774-1833.
Marlowe, Diane.
Marlowe, Gene.
Marr, H. E.
Marrow, E. H., Jr., Mrs.
Mars Hill Planning Board.
Marsh, Carole.
Marsh, Francis.
Marsh, John.
Marsh, Scott S.
Marshall, A. G.
Marshall, Howard L.
Marshall, J.
Marshall, J. S.
Marshall, James.
Marshall, Janice Rademaker.
Marshall, Kathy.
Marshall, Kyle.
Marshall, Michael D.
Marshall, Tarma Y.
Marshbourn, Samuel Daniel.
Marshburn, Bruce E.
Martin Community College.
Martin County (N.C.)
Martin County (N.C.). Planning Board.
Martin County Planning Board.
Martin Technical Institute.
Martin, A. C.
Martin, Alexander, 1740-1807.
Martin, Becky.
Martin, Cuthbert.
Martin, David Stone.
Martin, Del.
Martin, Elaine F.
Martin, F. H.
Martin, Francois-Xavier, 1762-1846.
Martin, Gus.
Martin, Harry C., 1920-
Martin, Hoyle H.
Martin, Isaac.
Martin, James B.
Martin, James B. (Transportation engineer)
Martin, James G.
Martin, James G. (James Grubbs), 1935-
Martin, James S.
Martin, James.
Martin, John.
Martin, Joseph, 1740-1808.
Martin, Joseph.
Martin, Josiah, 1737-1786.
Martin, Kristin.
Martin, Leonard.
Martin, Mark, 1963-
Martin, Mary D.
Martin, R.
Martin, Rathias.
Martin, Roy V.
Martin, Thelma.
Martin, Wiley, 1925-2004.
Marvin, Helen Rhyne.
Mary Duke Biddle Gallery for the Blind.
Mary Livermore Library (1967-1998)
Mary Livermore Library (2007- )
Maryland. General Assembly.
Mask, William.
Maskal, William M.
Masnamee, W. Bruce.
Mason, Ann
Mason, Janet.
Mason, John T.
Mason, Mary.
Mason, R. S. (Richard Sharp), 1795-1875.
Mason, Thomas Williams, 1839-1921.
Mason, Thomas.
Mason, Vickie Elaine, 1953-
Massachusetts. General Court.
Massenburg, C.
Massenburg, Cargill.
Massengill, Roy S.
Massengill, Stephen E. (Stephen Edwin), 1950-
Massey, Christine W.
Massey, R.I.
Massie, Raymond.
Masters, John B.
Matheny, Morton Edgar, Junior, 1940-
Mathews, George, 1739-1812.
Mathews, Jane De Hart.
Mathews, John.
Mathews, Nathaniel.
Mathis, Carolyn.
Mathis, Mark A.
Matkins, Clarence C.
Matteson, Bartow
Matthews, Billy Ray.
Matthews, C. M.
Matthews, D. Wayne (Daniel Wayne), 1948-
Matthews, F. G.
Matthews, Harry B.
Matthews, James S.
Matthews, Joe C.
Matthews, Mussendine.
Mattox, Nancy.
Mattson, Alexander and Associates.
Mattson, Richard Leonard, 1953-
Mattson, Richard Leonard.
Mauncy, James.
Mauney, Alfonso L. (Alfonso Leonhardt), 1896-1918.
Mauney, Bonnie, E.
Mauney, James.
Maupin, Warner G.
Maurer, Sascha.
Maxton Planning Board.
Maxwell, George.
Maxwell, J. S.
Maxwell, Kelly.
May, Alan.
May, Brentela B.
May, Bruce, 1937-
May, V. Jeff.
Maybie, A. P.
Mayer, Doug.
Mayland Community College.
Mayland Technical Institute.
Maymi, Carmen R.
Maynor, T. Corky.
Mayo, J. A.
Mazzini, Domenico.
McAfee, Hoyt.
McAlester, Alexander.
McAlister, H.
McAllister, John.
McArthur, D.
McAuslan, Duncan.
McBane, Audrey K.
McBride, Priestly Haggins.
McBryde, A.
McBryde, J. Bolton.
McByde, A.
McCaig, W. D.
McCain Hospital (McCain, N.C.)
McCain, Betty Ray, 1931-
McCain, John L., Mrs.
McCaleb, Emeline.
McCall, Hugh.
McCallum, James D.
McCandless, John M.
McCane, Robert.
McCargo, Jeremy W.
McCarter, K. C.
McCarter, Kathy.
McCarthy, Raymond G.
McCawley, William.
McCay, Winsor
McChesney, J. H.
McCleery, Richard.
McClellan, Nancy.
McClelland, Jacquelyn W.
McCloskey, Manus, 1874-1963.
McClure, Charles.
McClure, Jessica.
McClure, W.
McClurkin, James H.
McColl, John L.
McConnell, Thomas Eric, 1974-
McCool, Benjamin.
McCool, Margaret.
McCorkle, David N.
McCoy, Edward G.
McCoy, Sam (Wildlife biologist)
McCraney, Cecelia.
McCrodden, Elizabeth.
McCrory, Pat, 1956-
McCullers, John.
McCulloch, Alexander M.
McCulloch, Alexander.
McCulloch, Banjamin.
McCulloh, Henry, approximately 1700-1779.
McCullough, Malinda C.
McCullough, U. H.
McCulluk, George.
McDaniel, B.
McDaniel, E. L.
McDonald, Charles B. (Charles Burnett), 1946-
McDonald, D.
McDonald, Hugh.
McDonald, John M.
McDonald, Russell C.
McDonald, Wallace Richard, 1921-2012.
McDonnald, John.
McDonnell, H. B.
McDougall, W. B. (Walter Byron), 1883-1980.
McDowell Technical Community College.
McDowell Technical Institute.
McDowell, Charles.
McDowell, J.
McDowell, Timothy H.
McDrayton, William.
McElney, J. W.
McFadden, Edward R.
McFadden, Gloria N.
McFadden, J. H.
McFalls, Edward B.
McFarland, Dougald.
McFarland, Duncan, -1816.
McGalliard, Harry.
McGarrity, John.
McGeachy, N. Hector, Jr.
McGee, Cornelia.
McGee, Joseph L.
McGee, Linda M.
McGee, Linda M., 1949-
McGee, Mike.
McGee, Victoria.
McGenty, Denis C.
McGhee, Lucy O.
McGill, James, approximately 1798-
McGillivray, Alexander, approximately 1740-1793.
McGinnis, Jacqueline J.
McGinnis, Michelle.
McGirt, J. David.
McGough, Sara Hyder.
McGovern, J. B.
McGrath, Chris (Wildlife biologist)
McGrath, Christopher.
McGrath, Sharon H.
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
McGraw, Thomas J.
McGrew, Ellen Z.
McGuire, Samuel.
McGuire, Thomas.
McHale, J. T.
McHone, Saunders Mc.
McHugh, Gregory.
McIlhany, Hugh Milton, 1874-1910.
McInerny, Stephanie.
McInnis, James A.
McIntyre, N. Duncan.
McIntyre, W. W., Jr.
McIver, John.
McIver, Matthew R., 1969-
McKaughan, Phoebe
McKay, David N.
McKay, Martha C. (Martha Clampitt), 1920-2009.
McKean, Samuel, 1787-1841.
McKean, Thomas, 1734-1817.
McKee, John.
McKee, William
McKee, William Henry, 1814-1875.
McKee, William.
McKeel, C. B.
McKeithan, Deborah.
McKeithan, Hector.
McKenna, Margaret A.
McKenna, Sean A.
McKenney, John.
McKenzie, James.
McKenzie, Kenneth.
McKenzie, Tamboy.
McKenzie, William.
McKimmon, W. S.
McKimmon, W. U.
McKinlay, James M.
McKinlay, James.
McKinley, William, 1843-1901.
McKinne, Barnaba.
McKinney, George W.
McKinney, J. M.
McKinnie, Nancy
McKinnon, Henry A.
McKisick, Daniel.
McKissick-Melton, Charmaine.
McKissick, Floyd B. (Floyd Bixler), 1922-1991.
McKnight, C.
McKnight, L. R.
McKnoll, John.
McKoy, Henry E.
McLamb, Clarence.
McLaren, Dice.
McLarty, Joyce R.
McLaughlin, Jean W.
McLaughlin, Richard A.
McLaughlin, Richard Allen, 1956-
McLaughlin, Tolley B.
McLaurin, James Hudson.
McLawhorn, Kathryn.
McLean, Angus Wilton, 1870-1935.
McLean, D.
McLean, John.
McLean, William.
McLeary, Michael.
McLendon, H. H.
McLene, Jeremiah, 1767-1837.
McLennon, A.
McLeod, Jonnie H. (Jonnie Horn), 1923-2011.
McLeod, Neill.
McLeod, Randall A., Jr., 1921-2017.
McLeran, John.
McLilley, Mildred
McMahon, Bryan.
McManus, Jessica.
McMillan, Emmett Price.
McMillan, James B.
McMillan, John.
McMillan, Robert L.
McMillan, Robert L., Jr.
McMillan, Taylor.
McMillan, W. E.
McMillon, B. T.
McMinn, Bridget.
McMorine, Robert.
McMullan, Brock.
McMullan, Harry, 1884-1955.
McMullan, Monty.
McMurray, Betty D.
McNairy, C. Banks.
McNairy, John, 1762-1837.
McNally, John J.
McNaughton, Ruth.
McNaughton, William D.
McNeely, Carmi Kilpatrick.
McNeely, P. B.
McNeill, John A.
McNeill, Warren Carson
McNeilly, Everett W.
McNider, V. S.
McPheeters, William, 1778-1842.
McPheeters, William.
McPherson, Jane.
McPherson, Joshua.
McQueen, H. C.
McQueen, Jim.
McRae, A. C.
McRae, Brian J.
McRae, Mattie Ham.
McRee, G.
McRee, Griffith John, 1758-1801.
McRee, J.
McRee, William.
McSwain, Charles H.
McVerry, Kevin.
McVitt, C.M.
Mead, Cowles, 1776-1844.
Mease, James.
Mease, Nelson.
Mebane Planning Board (N.C.)
Mebane, Alexander.
Mebane, James.
Mebane, John.
Mebane, Robert.
Mebane, W. G.
Mechanical Transfer Car Corporation.
Mecklenburg County (N.C.).
Mecklenburg County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Mecklenburg County Commission on the Status of Women.
Mecklenburg-Cabarrus Association (N.C.)
Medelsoh, S.
Medical Society of the State of North Carolina.
Medici, Cosimo.
Medlin, Francis M.
Medlin, Joe.
Medlin, Phoebe.
Medlock, Charles.
Meehan, Steve.
Meek, Robert H.
Meeker, J. R.
Meekins, Calvin W.
Meekins, Theodore S.
Megalos, M. A. (Mark Arthur), 1960-
Megginson, Keith.
Meiburg, Albert L.
Meier, Earl W., 1921-2010.
Meigs, Return Jonathan, 1740-1823.
Meiszer, Nicholas M.
Melbourne, Montgomery.
Melchor, Christopher, 1791-1871.
Melvin, Alice.
Melvin, H. Graden.
Melvin, Hiram A.
Melvin, Jim, 1933-
Melvin, Judy.
Melvin, Katherine Shields, 1905-
Melvin, R. Kenneth.
Memminger, C. G. (Christopher Gustavus), 1803-1888.
Menhinick, Edward F.
Menius, A. C., Jr.
Menrees, William.
Mensah-Biney, Robert.
Merback, W. Dennis.
Mercay, Jessie Jardine.
Mercer, Garry C.
Mercer, Helen.
Mercer, James Edward, 1944-
Mercer, Linda P.
Mercer, Linda P. (Linda Pushee), 1947-
Mercer, Mary Speed Jones.
Meredith College (Raleigh, N.C.)
Merithew, Brendan.
Merrill, Odell.
Merriman, E. H.
Merrimon, Augustus Summerfield, 1830-1892.
Merrimon, Maud Lillian.
Merritt, Michael T.
Merschat, Carl E.
Meshak, Len.
Meskimen, J. N.
Messenheimer, Janis.
Messenheimer, Judith M.
Messeny, William S.
Messer, James B.
Messick, J. Kent.
Metcalf, Gail P.
Metcalf, George T.
Metcalf, Ralph, 1798-1858.
Methodist Episcopal Church, South. North Carolina Conference.
Methodist Episcopal Church, South. North Carolina Conference. Lenoir Circuit.
Methodist Episcopal Church, South. North Carolina Conference. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society.
Methodist Episcopal Church, South. North Carolina Conference. Woman's Missionary Society.
Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Western North Carolina Conference. Statesville Circuit.
Methodist Episcopal Church. North Carolina Conference.
Methodist Episcopal Church. North Carolina Conference. Charlotte District.
Methodist Protestant Church (U.S. : 1830-1939). North Carolina Conference.
Methodist Protestant Church. North Carolina Conference.
Metts, John VanB. (John VanBokkelen), 1876-1959
Mew, H. E., Jr., 1942-
Meyer, Duane Gilbert, 1926-
Meyer, Harold D. (Harold Diedrich), 1892-1974.
Meyer, Henry G.
Meyer, Herbert W. (Herbert William), 1882-1960
Meyer, Hobart, Jr.
Meyer, Louis B., III.
Meyer, Robert E.
Meyer, Ruth Mary.
Mial, Alonzo Thomas Rush (1823-1897)
Mial, Alonzo Thomas Rush (1823-1897).
Michael, Emily K.
Michael, Michelle A.
Michalove, Marion C.
Michigan Alcohol Education Foundation.
Michigan State Board of Alcoholism.
Mickey, Joseph H.
Mickle, William English, 1846-1920.
Mid-Carolina Workforce Development Board
Middleton, E. F.
Middleton, Gordon K. (Gordon Kennedy), 1895-1986.
Middleton, Henry, 1770-1846.
Middleton, Henry.
Midgette, Alvin F.
Midkiff, S. Eric.
Midyette, Kate P.
Mielziner, Leo, 1869-1935
Mikulsi, Barbara A.
Mikulski, Barbara.
Milburn, Yancey, 1890-1977.
Miles, Donna R.
Miles, John.
Milius, Tim.
Millar, Claire.
Milledge, John, 1757-1818.
Millenium Concepts, LLC.
Miller Cereal Mills.
Miller, Ada.
Miller, Addy.
Miller, Alison.
Miller, Anita, 1928-
Miller, Arthur.
Miller, Bing, 1894-1966.
Miller, C. M.
Miller, C. M. (Calvin M.)
Miller, Claire.
Miller, Clyde H.
Miller, David.
Miller, Debra.
Miller, Elaine G.
Miller, F. J.
Miller, Frank J.
Miller, George W., 1930-
Miller, George.
Miller, Grady L.
Miller, J. E.
Miller, James A. (James Anderson), 1939-
Miller, James.
Miller, Joseph.
Miller, Linda P.
Miller, Linda.
Miller, Lucy B.
Miller, Lucy G.
Miller, Margaret.
Miller, Mark F.
Miller, Nancy B.
Miller, O.H.
Miller, Rexter.
Miller, Richard D.
Miller, Roy W.
Miller, Tancred.
Miller, Theodore M.
Miller, W. J. F.
Miller, William G. (Fishery biologist)
Miller, William, 1770-1825.
Milloway, Marcelle.
Mills, Albert T.
Mills, George Henry, 1829-1901.
Mills, Hugh B.
Mills, James David, II, 1925-2013.
Mills, James W.
Mills, Mary Lee, 1912-2010.
Mills, Ralph.
Mills, Robert.
Mills, Vough L.
Milroy, Philip R.
Milt, Harry.
Miltenberger, George K.
Minahan, Adele J.
Mincer, Jacob, 1922-2006.
Mincey, Martha W.
Miner, Bonnie.
Minor, James L.
Minter, Rae.
Minton, Mary Jo.
Mintz, Ina Mae.
Mintz, R. I.
Mirabilio, Sara, 1976-
Miriello, Ronald Lynn, 1945-
Mirmiran, Amir.
Mississippi. Legislature.
Mitchell Community College (Statesville, N.C.)
Mitchell County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Mitchell, Beverly R.
Mitchell, C. H.
Mitchell, Carol S.
Mitchell, Charles.
Mitchell, D.
Mitchell, David Brydie, 1766-1837.
Mitchell, Donn.
Mitchell, E. M.
Mitchell, Elisha, 1793-1857.
Mitchell, Elizabeth.
Mitchell, George H.
Mitchell, J. H.
Mitchell, John.
Mitchell, Memory F.
Mitchell, Philip H.
Mitchell, Thornton W.
Mitgang, Iris F.
Mittal, Manjoo.
Mixon, George.
Mizerak, David P.
Mobley, Joe A.
Mobley, Julia.
Mobley, Linda C.
Mock, F. H.
Modzeleski, William.
Moe, Susan Spence.
Moffett, Conley L.
Mohamed, Saeed.
Moler, Stephen H.
Moler, Steve.
Molloy, Martin Ryan, 1945-
Molten, Abraham.
Molton, Thomas Hunter, 1853-
Moment, Joan, 1938-
Monaghan, Elaine S.
Monaghan, George J.
Monaghan, James P.
Monast, Kai.
Monie, John Miller.
Monks, David W.
Monroe, J. P.
Monroe, James, 1758-1831.
Monroe, Jane K.
Montagu, Mrs. (Elizabeth), 1718-1800.
Montague, A.
Montague, Alexander M., 1810-1866.
Montague, Fann.
Montague, George Wm. (George William), b. 1836.
Montayne, S. J.
Montfort, Joseph, 1724-1776.
Montgomery Community College (Troy, N.C.)
Montgomery County (N.C.)
Montgomery Technical Institute.
Montgomery, Anne.
Montgomery, Hugh.
Montgomery, Lizzie Wilson.
Montgomery, Robert.
Montgomery, William.
Montoya, Brina.
Moody, Ann R.
Moody, Ralph.
Moon, C. C.
Moon, Christina R.
Moon, Grace W.
Moon, Kathie.
Mooneham, William
Moore County (N.C.)
Moore County (N.C.). Planning Office.
Moore, A. B., Jr.
Moore, A. Duncan.
Moore, Albert Burton, 1887-1967.
Moore, Alexander Duncan.
Moore, Alfred, 1755-1810.
Moore, Alfred.
Moore, August.
Moore, Beverly C.
Moore, Bruce
Moore, Chs.
Moore, Daniel Killian, 1906-1986.
Moore, Elaine.
Moore, Elizabeth Vann.
Moore, Gabriel, approximately 1785-1845.
Moore, Herbert.
Moore, J.
Moore, James.
Moore, Joan F.
Moore, Joan.
Moore, John W. (John Wheeler), 1833-1906.
Moore, John.
Moore, Joseph.
Moore, Juliet B.
Moore, Laura E.
Moore, Marie D.
Moore, Mary C.
Moore, Mary D.
Moore, Maude H.
Moore, Maurice, Jr.
Moore, Maurice.
Moore, Miriam B.
Moore, R.
Moore, Sam N.
Moore, Sandra M.
Moore, Stephen, 1734-1799.
Moore, Susan E.
Moore, T. O.
Moore, T. O., Mrs.
Moore, Trisha L., 1982-
Moore, W. S.
Moore, Wade.
Moore, William G., 1923-
Moore, William.
Mooring, A. S.
Moorman, Christopher E.
Moose, Brady.
Moose, Debbie.
Moose, Whitaker.
Morales, Suzette.
Moran, William E.
Mordecai, Jacob, 1762-1838.
Morehead, John Motley, 1870-1965.
Morehead, Joseph M. (Joseph Motley), 1840-1911.
Morehouse, Henry L., 1834-1917.
Morgan, April J.
Morgan, David.
Morgan, Eric E.
Morgan, G. W.
Morgan, James M., III.
Morgan, James, b. ca. 1707-1778.
Morgan, Jan.
Morgan, Jennifer W.
Morgan, Jonathan Q.
Morgan, K. Z. (Karl Ziegler), 1908-
Morgan, Marsellette B.
Morgan, Nathan.
Morgan, Oliver C.
Morgan, Perri.
Morgan, R. G.
Morgan, Richard T.
Morgan, Robert.
Morgan, Wallace
Morganton Chamber of Commerce.
Morin, Richard H.
Morley, Rosa.
Morrell, Fred.
Morris, A. R., Mrs.
Morris, H. A.
Morris, Howard O. (Howard Odell), 1916-2006.
Morris, Jimmy A.
Morris, John W.
Morris, Naomi Elizabeth, 1921-1986.
Morris, R. E.
Morris, Robert, 1734-1806.
Morris, Thomas S.
Morris, W. E.
Morris, William E.
Morrisey, John T., Sr.
Morrison, Brady K.
Morrison, Cameron, 1869-1953.
Morrison, Fred G. (Fred Gilbert), 1939-
Morrison, Jeremiah.
Morrison, John.
Morrison, N.
Morrison, Robert R., Jr. (Robert Raymond), 1925-2007.
Morriss, D. J.
Morriss, Elizabeth Cleveland, 1877-
Morrow, Kerry.
Morrow, Robert H.
Morrow, Sarah Taylor, 1921-
Morrow, Van.
Morse, Clarence Gordon, 1904-
Morse, Fred W. (Fred Winslow), 1865-1947.
Morse, Thomas W.
Morten, John.
Mortimore, Charles E.
Morton, Hugh M.
Morton, John L.
Morton, Mary C.
Morton, Vernon.
Moseley, Sampson.
Moser, Arthur L.
Moser, Artus.
Moser, David Lafayette.
Moses, Abraham.
Mott, Abigail, 1766-1851.
Motte, Isaac, 1738-1795.
Mottershead, Chester.
Mottershead, Cheston V., Jr.
Mottesi, Gabriela B.
Moultrie, William, 1730-1805.
Mounger, Dwyn M.
Mountflorence, James Cole.
Mousavi, S. Hamed.
Mouton, Grover.
Mowrey, R. A.
Moxon, Barbara W.
Moya-Astudillo, Carlos E.
Moye, Robert J.
Moye, William T.
Mozingo, Elmer L.
Mrha, Ellen.
Mueller, Harry S.
Mueller, Lee.
Muga, Bruce J. (Bruce Jennings)
Muhlenberg, Frederick Augustus Conrad, 1750-1801.
Muir, William.
Mulford, John C.
Mullis, Anthony W.
Mulvihill, Anthony D. M.
Mumford, Douglas G.
Mumford, George W.
Mumford, R.
Mumford, Robin.
Munden, Fentress H.
Mundkur, Mohini.
Mundorff, Maurice John, 1910-2002.
Munoz-Vissepo, Nilda.
Munson, Kit.
Murden, Mary
Murden, Robert.
Murdock, Margaret.
Murdock, Rebecca.
Murdock, Roger W.
Murdock, Thomas G. (Thomas Glenn), 1901-
Murfree, H.
Murfree, Hardy, 1752-1809.
Murfree, Will H.
Murphey, Archibald D. (Archibald De Bow), 1777-1832.
Murphey, Matt.
Murphy Planning Board.
Murphy, A.
Murphy, A. D.
Murphy, C. Tate.
Murphy, Deena M.
Murphy, Ted.
Murphy, W. B., Mrs.
Murphy, Willard Marshel, 1941-2008.
Murray, Alan.
Murray, Annette L.
Murray, Carl.
Murray, Cynthia Jo.
Murray, David.
Murray, Doris L.
Murray, Glenda H.
Murray, Haydn H. (Haydn Herbert), 1924-
Murray, Rebecca.
Murray, William Vance.
Murrell, James.
Murrill, W. E., Mrs.
Murrow, Charles Harlan1867-1956.
Murry, James.
Muse, Amy (Amy Bradley)
Muse, Howard S., Jr.
Musk, William.
Mustian, R. David.
Mutart, Marie.
Myers, A. C.
Myers, Charles Dominicy.
Myers, Charles F.
Myers, Charles F., Jr.
Myers, P. A.
Myers, Sara M.
Myhra, David Olaf.
Mynard, William.
Myrick, John.
Myron, Phyllis.
N. W. S. Publishing Company.
Nacoste, Rupert Wayne, 1951-
Nakagawa, Masato.
Nakai, Heather McMillan.
Namkoong, Carol R.
Nance, H. Hugh.
Nance, James R.
Nance, John.
Nance, Sarah Lynn Dorsey.
Nance, Virgina.
Narkunas, James
Nash Community College.
Nash County (N.C.)
Nash County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Nash County Planning Board (N.C.)
Nash Technical Institute.
Nash, Abner, approximately 1740-1786.
Nash, Barry.
Nash, Clement.
Nash, Dennis.
Nash, Frank, 1855-1932.
Nash, W.
National Advisory Committee for Women.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Lakeview Branch.
National Association of Counties Research Foundation.
National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage.
National Center for Health Statistics (U.S.)
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol Information.
National Commission on the Observance of International Women's Year.
National Commission on Working Women.
National Congress of Parents and Teachers.
National Council for Homemaker Services.
National Council for the Protection of Roadside Beauty.
National Council of Women of the United States.
National Council on Alcoholism.
National Institute of Education (U.S.)
National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.)
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (U.S.)
National Occupational Alcoholism Training Institute.
National Organization for Women.
National Tuberculosis and Respiratory Association.
National Tuberculosis Association.
National Woman Suffrage Publishing Company, Inc.
National Women's Education Fund.
National Women's Political Caucus (U.S.)
Natividad, Irene.
Natural areas, 1982
Navarro, Ignacio.
NC Equity.
Neal, Beverly.
Neal, Joseph C. (Joseph Crowell)
Neal, Stephen L., 1934-
Neal, William E.
Neale, Abner.
Neale, Christopher.
Neale, W. McC.
Needham, William.
Neel, Andrew.
Neel, James Carnie.
Neel, Thomas.
Neilson, Betty L.
Neisler, J. A., Jr.
Nelson, C. Louise, 1918-2008.
Nelson, Debi.
Nelson, Hugh.
Nelson, Jean H.
Nelson, John A.
Nelson, John.
Nelson, Kent L.
Nelson, M. D. (Melvin Dempsey), 1956-
Nelson, Perry F.
Nelson, Stacy A. C.
Nelson, Thomas.
Nelson, W. Dale.
Neufville, John.
Neumann, Howard P.
Neumont, Maurice, 1868-1930
Neuse River Council of Governments.
Neustein, Joshua, 1940-
New England Freedmen's Aid Society.
New Hampshire. General Assembly.
New Hanover County (N.C.).
New Hanover County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
New Jersey. Legislature.
New Jersey. Legislature. General Assembly.
New Orleans Coffee Company.
New Prague Flouring Mill Company.
New York (State). Legislature. Assembly.
New York Times Company.
New, Libby.
Newhall, Beaumont, 1908-1993.
Newhall, Nancy Wynne
Newkirk, William.
Newland, Harry.
Newlin, Jim.
Newman, Elaine L.
News and observer (Raleigh, N.C.)
News and Observer Publishing Company.
News-times (Morehead City, N.C.)
Newsom, J. H.
Newsom, Joab.
Newton, Anthony.
Newton, George.
Newton, Thomas, Jr.
Newton, Warren (Warren P.)
Nguyen, Linh C.
Nguyen, Thu.
Niblock, John S.
Nice, Ethel.
Nicholas, Mary Burke.
Nicholas, Patricia Ann.
Nicholas, Thomas, II.
Nicholls, Lauren.
Nichols, B. J.
Nichols, George.
Nichols, L. T.
Nichols, Lacy E., Jr.
Nichols, Nathan Round, 1840-
Nichols, Robert C.
Nichols, Ruth.
Nicholson-Guard, Roxie.
Nicholson, George E., Jr.
Nick, Patricia.
Nicole, Duncan M.
Nicolson, John.
Niel, Honori.
Nielsen, Biruta A.
Nielsen, Laurie.
Nielsen, Walter M.
Niemi, Raymond S.
Nifong, Timothy D.
Nile, Julia.
Nitze, Henry B. C. (Henry Benjamin Charles)
Nixon, A. (Alfred), 1856-1924.
Nixon, Joseph R. (Joseph Robert).
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994.
Nixon, Samuel.
Nixon, William.
Noble, Alice.
Noble, Elizabeth B.
Noble, Laz.
Noble, M. C. S., (Marcus Cicero Stephens), 1899-1962.
Noble, Richard L.
Noblit, John Hyndman, 1844-
Nocks, Hilda J.
Noga, Edward J.
Noggle, Willie June., Mrs.
Nolen, Clay.
Nooe, Thomas L.
Nooney, Judy.
Norcom, Jo.
Norcom, W. A. B. (William A. B.), 1836-1881
Nordstrom, Kristopher.
Norerm, W. A. B.
Norfleet, Nathaniel.
Norfolk Argus (Newspaper).
Norfolk Daybook (Newspaper).
Norman, Leona O.
Norment, Mary C.
Norment, W.
Norris, Billy T.
Norris, Elvira.
Norris, Joseph L.
Norris, William.
Norstrand, George W.
North Carolina Advisory Committee on Education.
North Carolina Agency for Public Telecommunications.
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.
North Carolina Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund.
North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station.
North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service.
North Carolina Agricultural Research Service.
North Carolina Agricultural Society.
North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission.
North Carolina Alcoholic Rehabilitation Program.
North Carolina Aquatic Recreation Study Commission.
North Carolina Area Health Education Centers Program.
North Carolina Arts Council.
North Carolina Assembly on Women and the Economy.
North Carolina Association of County Commissioners.
North Carolina Auctioneer Licensing Board.
North Carolina Awards Committee.
North Carolina Banking Commission.
North Carolina Biotechnology Center.
North Carolina Black Women's Political Caucus.
North Carolina Board of Architecture.
North Carolina Board of Electrolysis Examiners.
North Carolina Board of Higher Education.
North Carolina Board of Massage & Bodywork Therapy.
North Carolina Board of Physical Therapy Examiners.
North Carolina Board of Public Charities.
North Carolina Board of Science and Technology.
North Carolina Botanical Garden.
North Carolina Cape Hatteras Seashore Commission.
North Carolina Center for Nursing.
North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching.
North Carolina Central University.
North Carolina Central University. School of Law.
North Carolina Child Fatality Prevention Team.
North Carolina Child Fatality Task Force.
North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fund.
North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.
North Carolina Colonial Courts.
North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs.
North Carolina Commission on the Administration of Law & Justice.
North Carolina Commission on the Education and Employment of Women.
North Carolina Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service.
North Carolina Community College System.
North Carolina Community College System. Economic & Workforce Development.
North Carolina Confederate Centennial Commission.
North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service.
North Carolina Correction Enterprises.
North Carolina Council for Women.
North Carolina Council of Civil Defense.
North Carolina Council of Defense.
North Carolina Council of Women's Organizations.
North Carolina Criminal Justice Analysis Center.
North Carolina Dispute Resolution Commission.
North Carolina Division of Community Assistance. Northeastern Field Office.
North Carolina Division of Community Assistance. South Central Field Office.
North Carolina Division of Community Planning. Western Area Office.
North Carolina Division of Water Resources, Inlets, and Coastal Waterways.
North Carolina e-Learning Commission.
North Carolina Early Mathematics Placement Testing Program. Advisory Committee.
North Carolina ECHO (Project)
North Carolina Efficiency and Loophole-Closing Commission.
North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration.
North Carolina Federation of Women's Clubs.
North Carolina Folklore Society.
North Carolina Food Manufacturing Task Force.
North Carolina Foreign Languages Curriculum Study Committee.
North Carolina Forestry Association. Annual Convention, (2nd, 1912 : Raleigh, N.C.)
North Carolina Foundations Task Force.
North Carolina Fund.
North Carolina Genealogical Society.
North Carolina Geographic Information Coordinating Council.
North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey.
North Carolina Geological Survey (1883-1905)
North Carolina Good Neighbor Council.
North Carolina Good Roads Association.
North Carolina Good Roads Convention (1912 : Charlotte, N.C.)
North Carolina Good Roads Convention (1913 : Morehead City, N.C.)
North Carolina Governor's Coordinating Committee on Aging.
North Carolina Health Care Reform Commission.
North Carolina Health Coordinating Council.
North Carolina Health Council.
North Carolina Health Plan for Teachers and State Employees.
North Carolina Highway Commission.
North Carolina Historical Commission.
North Carolina Housing Finance Agency.
North Carolina Human Relations Commission.
North Carolina Human Relations Council.
North Carolina Infant-Toddler Program.
North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission.
North Carolina Institute of Medicine. Task Force on Behavioral Health Services for the Military and Their Families.
North Carolina Institute of Medicine. Task Force on the Co-Location of Different Populations in Adult Care Homes.
North Carolina Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind.
North Carolina International Women's Year Coordinating Committee.
North Carolina Internship Program.
North Carolina Lawyer Assistance Program.
North Carolina League of Municipalities.
North Carolina League of Women Voters.
North Carolina Library Commission.
North Carolina Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.
North Carolina Licensing Board for General Contractors.
North Carolina Life Assurance, Annuity and Trust Company.
North Carolina Literary and Historical Association.
North Carolina Marine Recreational Fishing Forum (7th : 2012)
North Carolina Maritime History Council.
North Carolina Martin Luther King Jr. Commission.
North Carolina Medical Board.
North Carolina Medical Care Commission.
North Carolina Migrant Health Project.
North Carolina Milk Commission.
North Carolina Museum of Art.
North Carolina Museum of History.
North Carolina Natural Heritage Program.
North Carolina Natural Heritage Trust Fund.
North Carolina Office of Citizen Participation.
North Carolina Office of Employment and Training.
North Carolina Office of Manpower Services.
North Carolina On-site Wastewater Contractors and Inspectors Certification Board.
North Carolina Organization of Home Demonstration Clubs.
North Carolina Parks and Recreation Trust Fund.
North Carolina Penitentiary.
North Carolina Progress Board.
North Carolina Psychology Board.
North Carolina Railroad Company.
North Carolina Real Estate Commission.
North Carolina Respiratory Care Board.
North Carolina Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis.
North Carolina School for the Deaf.
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics.
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. Department of Guidance and Counseling.
North Carolina Sentencing and Policy Advisory Commission.
North Carolina Society of Pennsylvania.
North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America.
North Carolina Society of the Sons of the Revolution.
North Carolina Standard (Newspaper).
North Carolina State Archives.
North Carolina State Bar. Lawyer Assistance Program.
North Carolina State Board of Barber Examiners.
North Carolina State Board of Certified Public Accountant Examiners.
North Carolina State Board of Charities and Public Welfare.
North Carolina State Board of Public Welfare.
North Carolina State Building Commission.
North Carolina State College.
North Carolina State College. Inter-Dormitory Council.
North Carolina State Commission for the Blind.
North Carolina State Committee on Rural Electrification.
North Carolina State Data Center.
North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority.
North Carolina State Ethics Commission.
North Carolina State Fair.
North Carolina State Highway Commission.
North Carolina State Highway Commission. Public Relations Department.
North Carolina State Highway Patrol.
North Carolina State Laboratory of Public Health.
North Carolina State Library.
North Carolina State Library. Processing Center.
North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences.
North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College.
North Carolina State Normal and Industrial School.
North Carolina State Rehabilitation Council.
North Carolina State School for the Blind and the Deaf.
North Carolina State Ship and Water Transportation Commission.
North Carolina State University.
North Carolina State University. College of Design.
North Carolina State University. College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
North Carolina State University. College of Veterinary Medicine.
North Carolina State University. Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences.
North Carolina State University. Department of Horticultural Science.
North Carolina State University. Division of Student Affairs.
North Carolina State University. Institute for Nonprofits.
North Carolina State University. School of Forest Resources.
North Carolina State University. Student Government.
North Carolina Students Against Destructive Decisions (Organization)
North Carolina Study Commission on Aging.
North Carolina Symphony.
North Carolina Teachers Association.
North Carolina Transitions to Community Living Initiative.
North Carolina Transportation Museum.
North Carolina Turnpike Authority.
North Carolina Voter Education Project.
North Carolina Water Treatment Facility Operators Certification Board.
North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program.
North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission.
North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Division of Inland Fisheries.
North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Division of Wildlife Management.
North Carolina Wine & Grape Council.
North Carolina Women's Forum.
North Carolina Women's Political Caucus.
North Carolina.
North Carolina. Bureau of Vital Statistics.
North Carolina. Accessible Books and Library Services
North Carolina. Adjutant General's Department.
North Carolina. Adjutant General's Office.
North Carolina. Administrative Office of the Courts.
North Carolina. Administrative Office of the Courts. Court Programs and Management Services Division.
North Carolina. African American Heritage Commission.
North Carolina. Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study.
North Carolina. Appraisal Board.
North Carolina. Apprenticeship and Training Bureau.
North Carolina. Atomic Energy Advisory Committee.
North Carolina. Board of Agriculture.
North Carolina. Board of Chiropractic Examiners.
North Carolina. Board of Conservation and Development.
North Carolina. Board of Correction and Training.
North Carolina. Board of Ethics.
North Carolina. Board of Funeral Service.
North Carolina. Board of Internal Improvements.
North Carolina. Board of Nurse Registration and Nursing Education.
North Carolina. Board of Nursing.
North Carolina. Board of Pharmacy.
North Carolina. Board of Railroad Commissioners.
North Carolina. Board of War.
North Carolina. Board of Water and Air Resources.
North Carolina. Bureau of Employment Security Research.
North Carolina. Charitable Solicitation Licensing Division.
North Carolina. Charitable Solicitation Licensing Section.
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Alamance County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Alexander County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Alleghany County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Anson County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Ashe County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Avery County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Beaufort County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Bertie County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Bladen County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Brunswick County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Buncombe County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Burke County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Cabarrus County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Caldwell County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Camden County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Carteret County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Caswell County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Catawba County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Chatham County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Cherokee County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Chowan County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Clay County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Cleveland County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Columbus County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Craven County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Cumberland County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Currituck County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Dare County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Davidson County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Davie County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Duplin County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Durham County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Edgecombe County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Forsyth County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Franklin County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Gaston County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Gates County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Graham County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Granville County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Greene County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Guilford County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Halifax County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Harnett County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Haywood County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Henderson County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Hertford County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Hoke County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Hyde County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Iredell County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Jackson County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Johnston County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Jones County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Lee County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Lenoir County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Lincoln County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Macon County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Madison County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Martin County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (McDowell County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Mecklenburg County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Mitchell County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Montgomery County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Moore County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Nash County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (New Hanover County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Northampton County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Onslow County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Orange County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Pamlico County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Pasquotank County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Pender County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Perquimans County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Person County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Pitt County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Polk County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Randolph County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Richmond County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Robeson County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Rockingham County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Rowan County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Rutherford County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Sampson County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Scotland County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Stanly County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Stokes County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Surry County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Swain County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Transylvania County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Union County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Vance County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Wake County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Warren County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Washington County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Watauga County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Wayne County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Wilkes County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Wilson County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Yadkin County)
North Carolina. Clerk of Superior Court (Yancey County)
North Carolina. Code Officials Qualification Board.
North Carolina. Commercial Fisheries Study Commission.
North Carolina. Commission on Higher Education.
North Carolina. Commission on University Consolidation.
North Carolina. Commission to Investigate Charges of Fraud and Corruption.
North Carolina. Committee of Safety (Edenton, N.C.)
North Carolina. Committee of Safety (Edgecombe County)
North Carolina. Committee of Safety (Halifax District)
North Carolina. Committee of Safety (Hyde County)
North Carolina. Committee of Safety (New Bern District)
North Carolina. Committee of Safety (New Hanover County)
North Carolina. Committee of Safety (Pasquotank County)
North Carolina. Committee of Safety (Pitt County)
North Carolina. Committee of Safety (Rowan County)
North Carolina. Committee of Safety (Surry County)
North Carolina. Committee of Safety (Tryon County)
North Carolina. Committee of Safety (Wilmington, N.C.)
North Carolina. Committee to Study the Request of East Carolina University for a Second Year of Medical Education.
North Carolina. Constitutional Convention (1835)
North Carolina. Constitutional Convention (1875)
North Carolina. Convention (1788)
North Carolina. Convention (1789)
North Carolina. Corporation Commission.
North Carolina. Council of Safety.
North Carolina. Council.
North Carolina. County Court (Onslow County)
North Carolina. County Government Advisory Commission.
North Carolina. Court of Appeals.
North Carolina. Court of Chancery.
North Carolina. Court of Ordinary (Craven County)
North Carolina. Court of Ordinary (Cumberland County)
North Carolina. Court of Ordinary (Duplin County)
North Carolina. Court of Ordinary (Hyde County)
North Carolina. Court of Ordinary (New Hanover County)
North Carolina. Court of Ordinary (Northampton County)
North Carolina. Court of Ordinary (Onslow County)
North Carolina. Court of Ordinary (Orange County)
North Carolina. Court of Oyer and Terminer (Bladen County)
North Carolina. Court of Oyer and Terminer (Bute County)
North Carolina. Court of Oyer and Terminer (Chatham County)
North Carolina. Court of Oyer and Terminer (Cumberland County)
North Carolina. Court of Oyer and Terminer (Dobbs County)
North Carolina. Court of Oyer and Terminer (Duplin County)
North Carolina. Court of Oyer and Terminer (Edenton District)
North Carolina. Court of Oyer and Terminer (Granville County)
North Carolina. Court of Oyer and Terminer (Guilford County)
North Carolina. Court of Oyer and Terminer (Halifax District)
North Carolina. Court of Oyer and Terminer (Hillsborough District)
North Carolina. Court of Oyer and Terminer (New Bern District)
North Carolina. Court of Oyer and Terminer (Onslow County)
North Carolina. Court of Oyer and Terminer (Rowan County)
North Carolina. Court of Oyer and Terminer (Salisbury District)
North Carolina. Court of Oyer and Terminer (Surry County)
North Carolina. Court of Oyer and Terminer (Wake County)
North Carolina. Court of Oyer and Terminer (Wilmington District)
North Carolina. Courts Commission.
North Carolina. Criminal Justice Information Network.
North Carolina. Criminal Justice Information Network. Governing Board.
North Carolina. Department of Administration.
North Carolina. Department of Administration. Motor Fleet Management Division.
North Carolina. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
North Carolina. Department of Agriculture.
North Carolina. Department of Art, Culture, and History.
North Carolina. Department of Commerce.
North Carolina. Department of Community Colleges.
North Carolina. Department of Community Colleges. Office of Policy and Planning.
North Carolina. Department of Conservation and Development.
North Carolina. Department of Conservation and Development. Division of Game and Inland Fisheries.
North Carolina. Department of Correction.
North Carolina. Department of Crime Control and Public Safety.
North Carolina. Department of Cultural Resources.
North Carolina. Department of Cultural Resources. Office of the Secretary.
North Carolina. Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
North Carolina. Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Sustainability Team.
North Carolina. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources.
North Carolina. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Accountability Task Force.
North Carolina. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Division of Planning & Assessment.
North Carolina. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Environmental Programs Action Team.
North Carolina. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Information Resource Management Team.
North Carolina. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs.
North Carolina. Department of Health and Human Services.
North Carolina. Department of Information Technology.
North Carolina. Department of Insurance.
North Carolina. Department of Insurance. Healthcare Review Program.
North Carolina. Department of Justice.
North Carolina. Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
North Carolina. Department of Labor and Printing.
North Carolina. Department of Labor.
North Carolina. Department of Labor. Division of Statistics.
North Carolina. Department of Labor. Employment Discrimination Bureau.
North Carolina. Department of Labor. Mine and Quarry Bureau.
North Carolina. Department of Mental Health.
North Carolina. Department of Motor Vehicles.
North Carolina. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development.
North Carolina. Department of Public Education.
North Carolina. Department of Public Education. Division of Computer Services. Media and Technology Services.
North Carolina. Department of Public Instruction.
North Carolina. Department of Public Instruction. Division of Instructional Services.
North Carolina. Department of Public Instruction. Division of Professional Services. Visitation Committee.
North Carolina. Department of Public Instruction. Guidance Programs Section.
North Carolina. Department of Public Safety.
North Carolina. Department of Revenue.
North Carolina. Department of Social Services.
North Carolina. Department of State Auditor.
North Carolina. Department of State Treasurer
North Carolina. Department of State Treasurer.
North Carolina. Department of the Secretary of State.
North Carolina. Department of Transportation.
North Carolina. Department of Transportation. Financial Management Division.
North Carolina. Department of Transportation. Preconstruction
North Carolina. Department of Transportation. Traffic Engineering Branch
North Carolina. Department of Water Resources.
North Carolina. Department of Water Resources. Board of Consultants.
North Carolina. Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice.
North Carolina. Division of Archives and History.
North Carolina. Division of Archives and History. Historical Publications Section.
North Carolina. Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation.
North Carolina. Division of Commerce and Industry.
North Carolina. Division of Commerce and Industry. Research and Statistics Section.
North Carolina. Division of Community Assistance.
North Carolina. Division of Community Assistance. Asheville Regional Office.
North Carolina. Division of Community Assistance. Eastern Area Office.
North Carolina. Division of Community Assistance. Eastern Area Planning Office.
North Carolina. Division of Community Assistance. Local Planning and Management Services Section.
North Carolina. Division of Community Assistance. North Piedmont Field Office.
North Carolina. Division of Community Assistance. Northeastern Field Office.
North Carolina. Division of Community Assistance. South Central Field Office.
North Carolina. Division of Community Assistance. South Piedmont Field Office.
North Carolina. Division of Community Assistance. Western Field Office.
North Carolina. Division of Community Planning.
North Carolina. Division of Community Planning. Central Area Office.
North Carolina. Division of Community Planning. Coastal Area Office.
North Carolina. Division of Community Planning. Eastern Area Office.
North Carolina. Division of Community Planning. Piedmont Area Office.
North Carolina. Division of Community Planning. Western Area Office.
North Carolina. Division of Community Services. Central Area Office.
North Carolina. Division of Community Services. Eastern Area Office.
North Carolina. Division of Community Services. Northeastern Field Office.
North Carolina. Division of Community Services. Western Field Office.
North Carolina. Division of Educational Media.
North Carolina. Division of Emergency Management.
North Carolina. Division of Emergency Management. Risk Assessment and Planning Branch.
North Carolina. Division of Employment Security.
North Carolina. Division of Environmental Management. Water Quality Section.
North Carolina. Division of Exceptional Children's Services.
North Carolina. Division of Forest Resources.
North Carolina. Division of Health Benefits.
North Carolina. Division of Health Services.
North Carolina. Division of Highways.
North Carolina. Division of Highways. Planning and Research Branch.
North Carolina. Division of Highways. Small Urban Planning Unit.
North Carolina. Division of Highways. Statewide Planning Branch.
North Carolina. Division of Highways. Statewide Planning Group.
North Carolina. Division of Highways. Systems Planning Unit.
North Carolina. Division of Highways. Systems Study Unit.
North Carolina. Division of Highways. Urban Planning Unit.
North Carolina. Division of Highways. Urban Studies Unit.
North Carolina. Division of Human Relations and Student Affairs.
North Carolina. Division of Instructional Services.
North Carolina. Division of Instructional Services. Career-Technical Education.
North Carolina. Division of Land Resources. Geodetic Survey Section.
North Carolina. Division of Marine Fisheries.
North Carolina. Division of Medical Assistance.
North Carolina. Division of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services. Information Systems-Statistics.
North Carolina. Division of Mental Health Services.
North Carolina. Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services.
North Carolina. Division of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services.
North Carolina. Division of Mineral Resources.
North Carolina. Division of National Guard.
North Carolina. Division of Occupational Safety and Health.
North Carolina. Division of Occupational Safety and Health. Bureau of Consultative Services.
North Carolina. Division of Occupational Safety and Health. Bureau of Education, Training and Technical Assistance.
North Carolina. Division of Parks and Recreation.
North Carolina. Division of Parks and Recreation. Consulting Services Section.
North Carolina. Division of Parks and Recreation. Master Planning Unit.
North Carolina. Division of Prisons.
North Carolina. Division of Prisons. Educational Services.
North Carolina. Division of Public Health. Oral Health Section.
North Carolina. Division of School Planning.
North Carolina. Division of Services for the Blind.
North Carolina. Division of Services for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing.
North Carolina. Division of Social Services.
North Carolina. Division of Soil & Water Conservation.
North Carolina. Division of State Historic Sites.
North Carolina. Division of State Library.
North Carolina. Division of State Parks.
North Carolina. Division of Tourism, Film and Sports Development.
North Carolina. Division of Tourism, Film, and Sports Development.
North Carolina. Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
North Carolina. Division of Waste Management. Underground Storage Tank Section.
North Carolina. Division of Water Quality.
North Carolina. Division of Water Quality. Planning Branch.
North Carolina. Division of Water Quality. Planning Section.
North Carolina. Division of Water Quality. Water Quality Section.
North Carolina. Division of Water Resources.
North Carolina. Division of Women's and Children's Health.
North Carolina. Economic Development Board.
North Carolina. Economic Future Study Commission.
North Carolina. Election Laws Revision Commission.
North Carolina. Elevator and Amusement Device Bureau.
North Carolina. Employment Security Commission.
North Carolina. Employment Service Division.
North Carolina. Eugenics Board.
North Carolina. Eugenics Study Committee.
North Carolina. Executive Department.
North Carolina. Forest Service.
North Carolina. General Assembly.
North Carolina. General Assembly. 1861 Peace Conference Delegates.
North Carolina. General Assembly. 21st Century Transportation Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Agriculture and Forestry Awareness Study Commission.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Arts Education Commission.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Blue Ribbon Commission on Transitions to Community Living.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Blue Ribbon Commission to Study North Carolina's Urban Transportation Needs.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Blue Ribbon Commission to Study the Building and Infrastructure Needs of the State (2013)
North Carolina. General Assembly. Blue Ribbon Task Force on the State Health Plan for Teachers and State Employees.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Child Fatality Task Force.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Committee Appointed to Investigate the Affairs of the N.C. Department of Agriculture and the State's Prison.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Criminal Code Revision Study Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Dorothea Dix Hospital Property Study Commission.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Environmental Review Commission.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Fiscal Research Division.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Hazardous Waste Study Commission of 1983.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Higher Education Bond Oversight Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Commons.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Interim Study Committee on Capital Punishment.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Adoptee Birth Certificates.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Advancing Women in STEM.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Agricultural Regulations.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on an Education System for North Carolina's Future.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Childhood Obesity.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Civil Custody Guardians.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Community Relations, Law Enforcement and Justice.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Early Childhood Education Improvement.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Education of Students with Disabilities.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Education Reform.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Education Strategy and Practices.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Eminent Domain Powers.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Alternative Fuels.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on High Speed Internet Access in Rural Areas.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Homeowners Associations.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Licensing Midwives.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Methamphetamine Abuse.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Military Affairs.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on North Carolina River Quality.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Public School Construction Funding.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Public-Private Partnerships.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Rising Home Foreclosures.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on School Safety.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Sex Offender Issues.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Sex Offender Registration and Internet Crimes Against Children.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Small Business.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on State Owned Assets. Subcommittee on Surplu
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on State-Owned Assets.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Stem Cell Research.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Step Therapy.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Strategic Transportation Planning and Long Term Funding Solutions
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on the State's Role in Immigration Policy.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on the Use of 911 Funds.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Committee on Wildlife Resources.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Select Study Committee on High School Graduation and Drop Out Rates.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Study Committee on Unbanked and Underbanked Consumers.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Study Committee to Preserve the Culture and Customs of Indian
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Unemployment Fraud Task Force.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives. Select Committee on Domestic Violence.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House Select Committee on a Comprehensive Rail Service Plan for North Carolina.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House Select Committee on Achievement School Districts.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House Select Committee on Compensation for Victims of the Eugenics Sterilization Program.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House Select Committee on Strategic Transportation Planning and Long Term Funding Solutions.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House Select Committee on the Certificate of Need Process and Related Hospital Issues.
North Carolina. General Assembly. House Study Committee to Preserve the Culture and Customs of Indian Children.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Administrative Procedure Oversight Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Commission on Dropout Prevention and High School Graduation.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Commission on Land and Water Conservation.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Commission on Seafood and Aquaculture.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Committee on Domestic Violence.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Corrections, Crime Control, and Juvenile Justice Oversight Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Economic Development and Global Engagement Oversight Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Emergency Management Oversight Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Joining Our Businesses and Schools (JOBS) Study Commission.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Agriculture and Natural and Economic Resources.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Capital Improvements.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on General Government.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health and Human Services.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Information Technology.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Justice and Public Safety.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Medicaid and NC Health Choice.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on the North Carolina State Lottery.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Unemployment Insurance.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Study Commission on Poverty Reduction and Economic Recovery.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Study Commission on the Modernization of North Carolina Banking Laws.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Study Committee on Public School Funding Formulas.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Study Committee on School-Based Administrator Pay.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Study Committee on Small Business Retirement Options (2019)
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Study Committee on the Division of Local School Administrative Units (2017)
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Task Force on Diabetes Prevention and Awareness.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Transportation Oversight Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Utility Review Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Workforce Development System Reform Oversight Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Select Committee on Arts Education.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Select Committee on Economic Development Incentives.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Study Committee on a North Carolina Applied Furniture Technology Center.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Study Committee on Alcoholic Beverage Control.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Study Committee on Autism Spectrum Disorder and Public Safety.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Study Committee on Autism Spectrum Disorder, Law Enforcement, Public Safety, and First Responders.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Study Committee on Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Management Recovery.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Study Committee on Hospital Infection Control and Disclosure.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Study Committee on Housing.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Study Committee on Local Social Services Issues.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Joint Study Committee on the Equine Industry.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Commission on Global Climate Change.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Committee on New Licensing Boards.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Ethics Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Advisory Subcommittee on Offshore Energy Exploration.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Age of Juvenile Offenders Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Automobile Insurance Modernization Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Career and Technical Education Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Committee on Access to Healthcare in Rural North Carolina.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Committee on Banking Law Amendments.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Committee on Dispute Resolution Options for Homeowners, Associations and Governing Entities.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Committee on Homeless Youth, Foster Care and Dependency.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Committee on Immunity from Negligence.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Committee on Inmate Substance Abuse Therapy Program.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Committee on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Committee on Marine Fisheries.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Committee on Municipal Service Districts.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Committee on Private Process Servers.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Committee on Regulatory and Rate Issues in Insurance.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Committee on Revenue Laws.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Committee on Savings Reserve Account.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Criminal Record Expunctions Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Digital Learning Environments in Public Schools Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Efficiencies in State Government Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Energy Policy Issues Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Incapacity to Proceed Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Life Cycle Cost Analysis Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Mechanics Lien on Real Property Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Metropolitan Sewerage/Water System Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Municipal Power Agency Relief Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Pathological Materials Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Research Commission. Property Insurance Rate Making Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Services Office.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Services Office. Research Division.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Study Commission on State Construction Inspections.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Study Commission on Urban Growth and Infrastructure Issues.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Study Commission on Water and Wastewater Infrastructure.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Municipal Government Study Commission.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Partition Sales Study Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Permanency Innovation Initiative Oversight Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Program Evaluation Division.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Public Health Study Commission.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Revenue Laws Study Committee.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Senate.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Study Commission on the Future of Electric Service in North Carolina.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Task Force on Childhood Obesity.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Task Force on Fraud Against Older Adults.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Task Force on Sentencing Reforms for Opioid Drug Convictions.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Task Force on the Consolidation of Early Childhood Education and Care.
North Carolina. General Assembly. Waterfront Access Study Committee.
North Carolina. General Communicable Disease Control Branch.
North Carolina. General Statutes Commission.
North Carolina. Good Neighbor Council.
North Carolina. Governor (1885-1889 : Scales)
North Carolina. Governor (1945-1949 : Cherry)
North Carolina. Governor (1969-1973 : Scott)
North Carolina. Governor (2001-2009 : Easley)
North Carolina. Governor (2009-2013 : Perdue)
North Carolina. Governor (2013- : McCrory)
North Carolina. Governor's Commission on Education Beyond the High School.
North Carolina. Governor's Commission on the Status of Women.
North Carolina. Governor's Commission to Modernize State Finances.
North Carolina. Governor's Commission to Promote Government Efficiency and Savings on State Spending.
North Carolina. Governor's Committee on State Government Reorganization.
North Carolina. Governor's Crime Commission.
North Carolina. Governor's Highway Safety Program.
North Carolina. Governor's Study Committee on Structure and Organization of Higher Education.
North Carolina. Governor's Task Force on Driving While Impaired.
North Carolina. Governor's Task Force on Mental Health and Substance Use.
North Carolina. Governor's Task Force to Determine the Method of Compensation for Victims of North Carolina's Eugenics Board.
North Carolina. Health Insurance Smart NC.
North Carolina. House Select Committee on Legacy Costs for the State's Obligations for Pensions, Retiree Health Benefits
North Carolina. House Select Committee on the Legal Aspects of Using Lottery Proceeds for Charter School Funding.
North Carolina. Injury and Violence Prevention Branch.
North Carolina. Intergovernmental Working Group on PCB Detoxification.
North Carolina. Judicial Standards Commission.
North Carolina. Juvenile Code Revision Committee.
North Carolina. Labor Market Information Division.
North Carolina. Licensure and Certification Section.
North Carolina. Local Government Commission.
North Carolina. Marine Fisheries Commission.
North Carolina. Marine Fisheries Study Commission.
North Carolina. Migrant Health Project.
North Carolina. Motor Vehicle Bureau.
North Carolina. National Guard.
North Carolina. Occupational Health Section.
North Carolina. Occupational Safety and Health Division.
North Carolina. Occupational Safety and Health Division. Education, Training and Technical Assistance.
North Carolina. Office of Archives and History.
North Carolina. Office of Archives and History. Division of Archives and Records Management.
North Carolina. Office of Archives and History. Division of Historical Publications.
North Carolina. Office of Archives and History. Historical Publications Section.
North Carolina. Office of Child Day Care Licensing.
North Carolina. Office of Environmental Education.
North Carolina. Office of Indigent Defense Services.
North Carolina. Office of Minority Business Enterprise.
North Carolina. Office of Rural Health.
North Carolina. Office of State Budget and Management.
North Carolina. Office of State Budget.
North Carolina. Office of State Fire Marshal.
North Carolina. Office of State Management Systems.
North Carolina. Office of State Personnel.
North Carolina. Office of State Planning.
North Carolina. Office of the Commissioner of Banks.
North Carolina. Office of the Governor.
North Carolina. Office of the State Auditor.
North Carolina. Office of the State Controller.
North Carolina. Plant Industry Division.
North Carolina. Prison Department
North Carolina. Provincial Congress.
North Carolina. Public Health Statistics Branch.
North Carolina. Public Health Statistics Section.
North Carolina. Public Schools of North Carolina.
North Carolina. Public Transportation Division.
North Carolina. Recreation Commission.
North Carolina. Recreation Planning Task Force.
North Carolina. Rural Electrification Authority.
North Carolina. Sanitary Engineering Division.
North Carolina. School Health Coordinating Service.
North Carolina. Scott, Wilson R.
North Carolina. Secretary of State.
North Carolina. Sedimentation Control Commission.
North Carolina. Speaker Ban Study Commission.
North Carolina. State Advisory Council on Vocational Education.
North Carolina. State Board of Education.
North Carolina. State Board of Education. Department of Curriculum Study and Research.
North Carolina. State Board of Elections.
North Carolina. State Board of Elections. Campaign Finance Office.
North Carolina. State Board of Examiners in Optometry.
North Carolina. State Board of Examiners of Plumbing, Heating, and Fire Sprinkler Contractors.
North Carolina. State Board of Examiners.
North Carolina. State Board of Health.
North Carolina. State Board of Refrigeration Examiners.
North Carolina. State Board of Registration for Foresters.
North Carolina. State Capital Planning Commission.
North Carolina. State Center for Health Statistics.
North Carolina. State Crime Laboratory.
North Carolina. State Department of Archives and History.
North Carolina. State Department of Archives and History. Division of Publications.
North Carolina. State Education Commission.
North Carolina. State Highway Commission. Planning and Research Department
North Carolina. State Highway Patrol.
North Carolina. State Historical Records Advisory Board.
North Carolina. State Industrial Farm Colony for Women.
North Carolina. State Information Processing Services.
North Carolina. State Inspector of Public High Schools.
North Carolina. State Parks Study Commission
North Carolina. State Personnel Department.
North Carolina. State Planning Board.
North Carolina. State Planning Board. Committee on Services for Children and Youth.
North Carolina. State Prison.
North Carolina. State Water Infrastructure Commission.
North Carolina. Superintendent of Common Schools.
North Carolina. Supreme Court.
North Carolina. Task Force on Alternatives to Hospitalization for Frequent Users of Psychiatric Hospitals in North Carolina.
North Carolina. Thoroughfare Planning Unit.
North Carolina. Transit Alternative Fuels Committee.
North Carolina. Transportation Planning Branch.
North Carolina. Travel and Promotion Division.
North Carolina. Tryon Palace Commission.
North Carolina. Tuberculosis Control Branch.
North Carolina. Tuberculosis Control Section.
North Carolina. Underground Storage Tank Section.
North Carolina. Utilities Commission.
North Carolina. Utilities Commission. Public Staff.
North Carolina. Vital Records Branch.
North Carolina. Wage and Hour Bureau.
North Carolina. Youth Advocacy and Involvement Office.
Northampton County (N.C.)
Northeastern Workforce Development Board
Northington, Samuel.
Northrop, L. B.
Norton, J. W. Roy, 1898-1974.
Norton, John
Norton, Lafayette Ferguson, 1939-
Norton, Lucille P.
Norton, Patricia.
Norwood, William, 1767-1842.
Nourse, Joseph, 1754-1841.
NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science.
Nunn, Rodolph.
Nusser, Mary.
Nygard, Margaret, 1925-1995.
O'Barr, Jean F.
O'Briant, Alexander.
O'Briant, Lillian B.
O'Brien, Sarah Worth.
O'Brien, Sarah.
O'Connor, Diane.
O'Connor, Kristine A.
O'Donnell, Anne W.
O'Donnell, John B. (John Burke), 1906-2003.
O'Donnell, John E.
O'Donnell, Tom.
O'Driscoll, Michael (Michael Anthony)
O'Hagan, C. I.
O'Hara, James G.
O'Keef, Herbert.
O'Neal, Willene E.
O'Neil, W. E., Jr.
O'Neill, June.
O'Rear, Charles W.
O'Rorke, John.
O'Shaughnessy, Karlynn.
O’Neil, William.
Oakley, Shawn C.
Oates, Isabelle C.
Oates, James.
Occarman, Daniel.
Ochsner, H. E.
Odell, Randolph.
Oden, G. W.
Office of Adjutant General.
Ogden, Robert.
Ogden, Thomas.
Ogden, Titus.
Ogilvy, William.
Ogle, Benjamin, 1749-1809.
Ogle, Phillip E.
Ohio. General Assembly.
Olds, Fred A.
Olds, Hayden W.
Olfenbuttel, Colleen
Olfenbuttel, Colleen.
Oliphant, Ernie.
Oliver, Barbara.
Oliver, Charlotte.
Oliver, John.
Oliver, Leona.
Oliver, Louis A.
Oliver, Mary W.
Oliver, Roy E.
Oliver, William W.
Oliver, Zack.
Olmstead, Elsie M.
Olmsted, Denison, 1791-1859.
Olsen Associates, Inc.
Olson, J. C. (Jerry Chipman), 1917-2013.
Ombersley, Samuel Sandys, Baron of, 1695-1770.
Onslow County (N.C)
Onslow Technical Institute.
Oppermann, Langdon E.
Orange County (N.C.)
Orange County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Orcutt, Selwyn.
Orleans, Jeffrey H.
Orlinsky, Jo-Ann.
Ormond, Wyriot, Sr.
Orne, Mary L.
Orr, Alfred Everitt, b. 1886
Orr, Diane S.
Orr, Oliver H.
Orr, William.
Orrell, Mildred E.
Orrell, T. R.
Ortega, Sonia.
Orthner, Dennis.
Oruch, Morna.
Osberg, James W.
Osborn, Adler.
Osborn, Edwin J.
Osborn, Jeffreys.
Osborn, Rachel.
Osborne, Adlai (1744-1814)
Osborne, Francis I. (Francis Irwin), 1853-1920.
Osborne, Nathaniel, 1986-
Osborne, Robert M.
Osgood, Samuel.
Osmond, Deanna L. (Deanna Lynn), 1952-
Ostrom, Mary Anne.
Oswald, John H., 1777?-1810.
Otis, Samuel Allyne, 1740-1814.
Otwell, W. Steven.
Outer Banks Tours, Inc.
Outlaw, A. T. (Albert Timothy), 1894-1962.
Outlaw, Charles H.
Outlaw, George.
Overby, Kathryn W.
Overton, Dabney.
Overton, J. W.
Overton, Margery F., 1954-
Overton, Thomas.
Owen, Betty, 1935-2012.
Owen, Fred V.
Owen, James, 1784-1865.
Owen, James.
Owen, Jeffrey H.
Owen, Pauline Gougeon.
Owens, Daniel M.
Owens, Doris J.
Owens, G. H.
Owens, P.
Owens, Robert B. (Robert Bruce), 1871-
Owensby, Dylan.
Oxford Orphan Asylum (Oxford, N.C.)
Oxford Orphanage (Oxford, N.C.)
Oxley, Lawrence A.
P. F. Vollard & Co.
Pace, J. C.
Paden, Clarence E.
Padgett, James E.
Paerl, Hans W.
Page, B. W.
Page, Don (Charles Donald), 1917-
Page, Frank.
Page, Jim.
Page, John, 1744-1808.
Page, Robert C.
Page, Rufus H.
Pain, Thomas.
Paine, James.
Paine, John.
Paisley, John.
Pait, Grover.
Palfrey, Francis Winthrop, 1831-1889.
Palin, John.
Pallen, M. M.
Palmer Memorial Institute (Sedalia, N.C.)
Palmer, A. H. (Alfred Herbert), b. 1853.
Palmer, E. B.
Palmer, Malcolm M.
Palmer, Mathew.
Palmer, Melvin Lee.
Palmer, Robert, 1723-1802.
Palmer, Robert.
Pamlico Community College.
Pamplin, Lewis.
Panaggio, Leonard J.
Papgynshi, Dick.
Parajuli, Rajan.
Paramore, Lee.
Parchall, Daniel A.
Pardue, Ray S.
Paris, Bryant D., Jr.
Parish, Charles.
Parish, Joel.
Parker, A.
Parker, A. Leroy, Mrs.
Parker, C. J., Jr.
Parker, Charles B., Jr.
Parker, Charles.
Parker, Charlie [?]
Parker, Cushman, b. 1881.
Parker, Daniel, 1782-1846.
Parker, Frank M.
Parker, Gardiner B.
Parker, J.
Parker, J. P.
Parker, Jerry A.
Parker, Jesse.
Parker, John M., III (John Mason), 1906-1995.
Parker, John Mason, 1906-
Parker, John R., Jr.
Parker, John.
Parker, Judith.
Parker, Junius, 1867-
Parker, Mattie Erma Edwards.
Parker, Michael L. (Michael Lee), 1960-
Parker, Mozelle C.
Parker, Nina G.
Parker, Norman T., Junior, 1939-
Parker, Peggy.
Parker, Samuel.
Parker, Sarah, 1942-
Parker, Sarah.
Parker, Wallace O.
Parker, Wallace.
Parker, William F. (William Frank), 1897-1960.
Parkinson, James.
Parks, John.
Parks, Robert, J.P.
Parleir, James W.
Parnell, David B.
Parnell, Mary-Susan.
Parott, James.
Parramore, Thomas C.
Parris, Fred P.
Parrish, Judy R.
Parrish, Rosalind E.
Parrott, Harriet Susan, 1879-
Parrott, Hattie S. (Harriet Susan), 1879-1957.
Parrott, James.
Parsley, Walter L.
Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade & Douglas.
Parsons, Grant.
Parsons, Jeremiah, ca. 1750-1807.
Parsons, Joseph.
Partin, Green
Partridge, Carolyn A.
Partridge, John.
Partridge, Kay W.
Paschal, Eliza.
Paseavouras, Kay F.
Pasour, E. C.
Pasquotank County (N.C.)
Pasquotank County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Pass, John W.
Paster, William.
Pasteur, Abner.
Pasteur, E.
Pasteur, Edward.
Pasteur, Will.
Pastuer, Thomas.
Pate, C. P.
Pate, Preston P. (Preston Parks), 1947-
Pate, Thorogood.
Patetta, Michael J. (Michael James)
Pathman, Donald E.
Paton, John.
Paton, William.
Patrick, Ben Moore.
Patrick, D. W.
Pätschke, Herbert.
Patt, Heather.
Pattee, John.
Pattee, Lemuel N.
Patterson, Alexander.
Patterson, Emanuel Arthur.
Patterson, Henry
Patterson, J.A.
Patterson, Jane Smith, 1940-
Patterson, Jane.
Patterson, John.
Patterson, Lee A.
Patterson, Lorena.
Patterson, Tommie Cochran.
Patterson, William Clark.
Patterson, William.
Pattishall, Rachel P.
Patton, Clyde P. (Clyde Pharr)
Patton, Elijah.
Patton, James Welch, 1900-1973.
Patton, James.
Patton, William.
Paul, J.D.
Paul, Roy A.
Paulette, Mable.
Paus, Herbert Andrew, 1880-1946
Payne, David S.
Payne, Elizabeth Anne, 1943-
Payne, Helen M.
Payne, Michael.
Payne, R. L.
Payne, R. S.
Payne, Robert F.
Payne, T. P.
Payne, W. Hal.
Paynter, David M.
Peace, Richard R., Jr., 1924-
Peach, Brandon T.
Peacock, Charles H. (Charles Harris)
Peacock, S. Lance.
Peal, Eli.
Pearce, Kenneth B.
Pearce, Slade.
Pearsall, Adelaide B.
Pearsall, George W.
Pearsall, Mack.
Pearse, R. J.
Pearson, Cora Wallace, 1884-1934.
Pearson, J.A.
Pearson, Jesse A., 1776-1823.
Pearson, Jo.
Pearson, Joseph.
Pearson, T. Gilbert (Thomas Gilbert) 1873-1943.
Pearson, T. Gilbert (Thomas Gilbert), 1873-1943.
Peebles, Dorothy.
Peebles, John H.
Peebles, Niles.
Peek, Harry M. (Harry Miles), 1923-
Peek, William W.
Peel, Vicki L.
Peel, William R.
Pegg, Mary N.
Pegram, Margie.
Pegram, Tim, 1951-
Peisner-Feinberg, Ellen, 1959-
Pell, Edward Leigh, 1861-1943.
Pell, Joe.
Pell, William E.
Pelletier, E.
Pelton, Herbert W.
Pemberton, Gwendolyn H., 1968-
Pender, Joseph.
Pender, Luther B., 1948-2016.
Pendleton, Edmund, 1721-1803.
Penfield, Edward, 1866-1925
Penick Jr., C. A.
Penn, John, 1740 or 1741-1788.
Penn, John.
Pennell, Joseph, 1857-1926
Pennell, Joseph.
Penney, John M.
Pennington, Levice
Pennsylvania. General Assembly.
People to Preserve Jockey's Ridge.
Pepsi-Cola Company.
Percy, Charles H., 1919-2011.
Perdue, Bev, 1947-
Perkins Products Company.
Perkins, A. F.
Perkins, Arthur F.
Perkins, Gloria.
Perkins, J.
Perkins, J. E.
Perkins, Jesse, Sr.
Perkins, Thomas.
Perley, F. A.
Perlin, Bernard, 1918-
Perquimans County (N.C.)
Perquimans County (N.C.). Clerk of Superior Court.
Perrier, Janice.
Perrin, Carol Carré.
Perrin, Christy.
Perritt, Thomas.
Perry, Burrill
Perry, Dorothy.
Perry, Evelyn Reis.
Perry, H. Arnold (Haywood Arnold), 1905-1983.
Perry, James M.
Perry, Josef H.
Perry, Louise M.
Perry, Milton F.
Perry, Samuel.
Perry, William G.
Pershing, John J. (John Joseph), 1860-1948.
Person County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Person, Benjamin.
Person, J. L.
Person, Thomas.
Person, William.
Pesonen, E. A.
Peteoff, Jessie.
Peter, Alfred M.
Peterkin, Ernest W.
Peterman, Julie.
Peternal, Nancy.
Peters, Ann DeHuff.
Peters, John A.
Peters, Richard.
Petersen, Elisabeth S. (Elisabeth Saranec), 1947-1999.
Peterson, Carl I.
Peterson, Charles H., 1946-
Peterson, Esther.
Peterson, Harold L. (Harold Leslie), 1922-1978.
Peterson, Lee, Mrs.
Peterson, Tom.
Pezzoni, J. Daniel, 1961-
Pfohl, Cyrill H.
Pfouts, Jane H. (Jane Hoyer), 1921-1982.
Phalen, Paul Stanley.
Pheeters, William M.
Phelon, Heidi R.
Phelps, Benjamin.
Phelps, David Sutton.
Phelps, Dennis H., Sr.
Phelps, Lovett.
Phelps, Noah Amherst, 1788-1872.
Phi Kappa Phi.
Phifer, Caleb.
Phifer, Charles Henry, 1847-
Phifer, Edward William.
Philips, Bobby.
Philips, Charles.
Philips, Etheldred.
Philips, M. D.
Phillips, A.
Phillips, Bennie W.
Phillips, Brian D. (Brian David), 1974-
Phillips, Cindy M.
Phillips, Cliff.
Phillips, Craig.
Phillips, Harriet B.
Phillips, Hilton A.
Phillips, Laura A. W.
Philpott, Jason W.
Phisterer, Frederick.
Phoenix, Wendy.
Pianin, Eric.
Pichon, L. A. (Louis Andre?), baron, 1771-1850.
Pickard, T. Ed, Jr.
Pickel, J. M.
Picken, George, 1898-
Pickens, Andrew, 1739-1817.
Pickens, Isaac.
Pickens, Israel, 1780-1827.
Pickens, Israel.
Pickering, Tim.
Pickering, Timothy, 1745-1829.
Pickett, George E.
Pickett, James.
Pickett, Joseph.
Pickett, M. J.
Pickett, Thomas.
Pickett, W.R.
Picornell-Darder, Miguel, 1942-
Picot, L. Julien.
Piedmont Community College.
Piedmont Technical Institute.
Piedmont Triad Regional Workforce Development Board
Pierberg, April.
Pierce, Carol J.
Pierce, E.H.
Pierce, Franklin, 1804-1869.
Pierce, Pat.
Pierce, Richard.
Pietrafesa, Leonard J.
Pietro, Calabrese.
Piggot, Benjamin.
Pike, H. L.
Pike, Lillian.
Pike, Pamela M.
Pile, Paula.
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, 1746-1825.
Pinckney, Charles, 1757-1824.
Pinckney, Thomas, 1750-1828.
Piner, Milton B.
Pinkerton, Linda H.
Pinkham, Nathaniel.
Pinkney, lieutenant-colonel (Ninian), 1776-1825.
Piomingo, 1782-1833?
Piper, Alan.
Pipkin, William Philip.
Pippin, Charles G.
Pitcher, John
Pitman, Robert, Jr.
Pitt Community College.
Pitt County (N.C.)
Pitt County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Pitt Technical Institute.
Pitt, Moses B.
Pittillo, Dan.
Pittman, Gladys M.
Pittman, Hobson Lafayette, 1899 or 1900-1972.
Pittman, Lou Ann.
Pitts, Linda.
Place, George.
Planer, Samuel R.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
Planned Parenthood of Greater Winston-Salem, Inc.
Platt, T. Beach, Mrs.
Platt, T. Beach.
Pleasants, J.W.
Pleasants, James A. Jr.
Pleasants, James, 1769-1836.
Plumer, William, 1759-1850.
Plummer, Kemp, 1769-1826.
Plyler, Marion Timothy, 1867-1954.
Poe, Clarence Hamilton, 1881-1964.
Pogány, Willy, 1882-1955.
Pogue, Joseph E. (Joseph Ezekiel), 1887-
Poindexter, Richard.
Poisson, John J.
Polachek, S. W.
Poland, C. Beauregard.
Poland, Patricia.
Poling, E. B. (Edward Barclay), 1953-
Polk, Ezekiel.
Polk, James K. (James Knox), 1795-1849.
Polk, Thomas.
Polk, Will.
Polk, William, 1758-1834.
Pollard, Brenda Hill.
Pollock, David.
Polson, Beth.
Polston, Christine.
Ponder, Daniel.
Ponder, David.
Pool, John.
Poole, Carole M.
Poole, Gloria L.
Poole, M. Otis.
Pope-Lance, Deborah J.
Pope, April D. Boggs.
Pope, Elijah
Pope, Pierce Rose.
Pope, William R.
Pope, William.
Poplin, Prentis W.
Poplin, Robert O.
Porter, E. O.
Porter, Anthony.
Porter, Diane H.
Porter, Gayle A.
Porter, Hugh J.
Porter, James.
Porter, Patricia.
Porter, Sandra.
Porter, William.
Porterfield, James.
Posey, Robert.
Post, Helen M.
Poteat, William Otto, Jr, 1941-
Poteet, Francis Marion.
Poteet, Martha Hendley.
Poteet, Peter.
Potoka, Kathryn M.
Potter, A. (Asa), 1802-1872.
Potter, B. M.
Potter, C. R.
Potter, Donald H.
Potter, Doris B.
Potter, Edward E.
Potter, F. W.
Potter, G. A.
Potter, H.
Potter, Henry, 1766-1857.
Potter, Jacqueline.
Potter, Matthew W.
Potter, Nathaniel.
Potter, Samuel.
Potter, Ted.
Potter, William H.
Potter, William H., Jr.
Potts, David L.
Potts, Jesse.
Potts, Joshua.
Potts, Thomas Maxwell, 1836-
Pou, Edward W. (Edward William), 1863-1934.
Powe, William A.
Powell, B.
Powell, Caletha M.
Powell, Clarence G.
Powell, Edward L.
Powell, Isaac.
Powell, Jacob.
Powell, Jeremy.
Powell, John W.
Powell, Junius K.
Powell, M. A.
Powell, Mabel White.
Powell, R. Buzz.
Powell, R. Monty.
Powell, William S., 1919-2015.
Power, Scott.
Powers, James S.
Poyner, J.W., Mrs.
Poythress, John.
Pratt, Joseph Hyde, 1870-1942.
Preaud, L.
Prediger, D. J.
Presbyterian Church in the U.S. Presbytery of Albemarle.
Presbyterian Church in the U.S. Presbytery of Concord.
Presbyterian Church in the U.S. Synod of North Carolina. Synodical of North Carolina.
Presbyterian Church in the U.S. Synod of North Carolina. Woman's Auxiliary.
President's Committee on Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Crime.
President's Council on Aging (U.S.)
Preu, Lester F.
Preyer, Richardson.
Price Cereal Products Company.
Price Waterhouse LLP.
Price, Blake.
Price, Bruce.
Price, Charlotte A.
Price, Daniel D.
Price, Gwyn B.
Price, Jackson E.
Price, John, Jr.
Price, Jonathan, -1822.
Price, Jonathan.
Price, Kelly.
Price, Needham (1808-1870).
Price, Norma T.
Price, Sarah
Price, Thomas
Price, William Solomon Price, Junior, 1941-
Pridgen, Claude L.
Pridgen, Marty.
Priestley, Bernard G.
Prieve, Miller.
Prince of Notoly.
Prince, J. H.
Prince, L. B. (Lawrence Benton), 1898-1982.
Princeville (N.C.)
Pritchard, Jeter Connelly, 1857-1921.
Privett, Mary E.
Privott, W. S.
Procter, Ivan M. (Ivan Marriott), 1891-
Proctor, Creasy K.
Proescholdbell, Scott.
Props, Kathy W.
Provost, Stephen.
Pruett, James W.
Prutsman, Christian Miller.
Psuty, Norbert P.
Ptolemy, Powell.
Pugh, Charles R.
Pugh, Edward S.
Pugh, Elizabeth.
Pugh, John.
Pugh, Thomas.
Pullen, Coleen.
Pullen, Velda.
Pulugurtha, Srinivas S.
Purrentine, L.
Purrington, Ward.
Purser, J. R.
Purtell, Kelly M.
Purviance, Samuel Dinsmore, 1774-1806.
Purvis, Connell E.
Pusey, Richard D.
Putnam, Arthur P.
Putnam, Emeline.
Putnam, Gloria.
Putnam, John L.
Putney, W. A.
Putnum, Arthur P.
Putt, June R.
Quay, Thomas L.
Qubain, Joseph S.
Queen, Minnie.
Queen, W. C.
Quercia, Roberto G.
Quesenberry, Matthew.
Quimby, J. B.
Quinlan, Pierce A.
Quinn, David B.
Quinn, Mary T.
Quinterno, John.
R.T. French Company.
Rabalais, Elson Paul, 1921-2005.
Raburne, Hodge.
Rachels, Kyle T.
Racketa, Henry.
Rackliffe, C. N.
Radford, A. E.
Rael, Chester D.
Raemaekers, Louis, 1869-1956
Raffeneau-Delile, Alire, 1778-1850.
Ragan, Leslie Darrell, b. 1897.
Ragan, Mary.
Ragland, Barbara G.
Ragland, John.
Raines and Cox (Photographers)
Rajasekhara, K.
Raker, Mary.
Raleigh (N.C.). Mayor.
Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company.
Raleigh Baptist Association (N.C.)
Raleigh Chamber of Commerce (Raleigh, N.C.)
Raleigh Police Department.
Raleigh, Henry, 1880-1945
Raley, Charles.
Ramey, Craig T.
Ramirez-Hernandez, Ana.
Ramirez, Doris Vazquez.
Ramquist, Janis.
Ramsay, David, 1749-1815.
Ramsay, J. G. (James Graham)
Ramsay, John Erwin, 1915-
Ramsey, A.
Ramsey, Annie S.
Ramsey, Beverley A.
Ramsey, Catherine.
Ramsey, Donna.
Ramsey, James E.
Ramsey, Jerry W.
Ramsey, John.
Ramsey, Martin.
Ramsey, Matthew.
Rand, James Hall.
Rand, John.
Randall, John.
Randall, Stephen B.
Randall, William George, 1860-1905.
Randazzo, Anthony F.
Randolph Community College Foundation.
Randolph Community College.
Randolph County (N.C.)
Randolph Technical Institute.
Randolph, Benjamin F.
Randolph, Beverley, 1754-1797.
Randolph, Beverly.
Randolph, Edmund, 1753-1813.
Randolph, Edmund.
Randolph, George W.
Raney, C. W.
Raney, William A., Jr.
Range, Ella Mulkey.
Rankin, David.
Rankin, E. L., Jr.
Rankin, E. R. (Edgar Ralph).
Rankin, Henry, Jr.
Rankin, Julia.
Rankin, Lily.
Rankin, S. P.
Rankin, Susan C.
Rankin, W. S. (Watson Smith), 1879-1970
Ranney, Thomas G.
Ransom, Matt W. (Matt Whitaker), 1826-1904.
Ransom, R. (Robert), 1828-1892.
Ransom, Robert.
Ransom, Shannon J.
Ranson, Carolyn K.
Rape Crisis Center (Washington, D.C.)
Raper, Hugh M.
Rapley, Clinton E.
Raquet, Michelle.
Rasdorf, W. J. (William J.)
Rasmussen, Bernadette.
Ratcliff, Terry.
Ratledge, Hayden M.
Raup, Hugh M. (Hugh Miller), 1901-1995.
Raval, Shardul.
Ravenel, Stephen.
Raver, Duane, 1927-
Rawalt, Marguerite, 1895-1989.
Rawlins, James
Ray, Charles E.
Ray, David.
Ray, Duncan.
Ray, Elizabeth N.
Ray, Inez P.
Ray, Jim, 1893-1955.
Ray, Melinda.
Ray, Neill W. (Neill William), 1839-1899.
Ray, Rita L.
Ray, Smith.
Ray, Worth S. (Worth Stickley), 1877-1952.
Rayner, Douglas A. (Douglas Alan)
Rayner, Kenneth, 1808-1884.
Raynor, Clara P.
Raytheon Company. Submarine Signal Division.
Read, Carl, 1918-
Read, James.
Read, Jesse.
Read, Thomas.
Reade, E. G. (Edwin Godwin), 1812-1894.
Reade, R. P.
Reagan, John H.
Reagan, Ricky.
Reagan, Ronald.
Reavis, Dale W.
Reavis, Harold.
Reddick, Kit.
Redding, Connie H.
Redding, Hugh S.
Redlich, Anita F.
Redmond, J. R.
Redmond, Job R.
Reece, Bettie.
Reece, J. F.
Reece, J. W.
Reece, Kathy Myera.
Reece, Mary.
Reece, Susan.
Reed, Ann.
Reed, C. E.
Reed, C. H., Mrs.
Reed, Elwood L.
Reed, Helen T.
Reed, John C.
Reed, Laurieann.
Reep, Mark L.
Rees, Daniel.
Reese, Joel.
Reeves, J. P.
Reeves, Julia H.
Reeves, Robert J.
Regan, Dennis C.
Regan, J.
Regional Council GIS Workshops ( 1999 : Elizabeth City, Ahoskie, Kinston, Windsor, and Tarboro, N.C.)
Regional Partnership Workforce Development Board
Register, Carolyn C.
Register, Edward Chauncey, 1860-
Register, Likie A.
Rehm, Gerald S.
Reichard, Donald J.
Reichman, Tamera.
Reid, David S.
Reid, David Settle, 1813-1891.
Reid, I. T.
Reid, Jeffrey C.
Reid, Larry E., 1941-
Reid, Lib, 1961-
Reid, Lucy T.
Reid, Polly
Reilley, Eugene.
Reiman, Robert E.
Reinhardt, D.
Reinhardt, John.
Reinhardt, Richard D.
Reiss, Maryruth.
Reiter, Kristin L. (Kristin Leanne)
Rejesus, Roderick M.
Relos, Ruth.
Renfro, Carl.
Renfrow, Edward.
Renkow, Mitch.
Research Triangle Regional Planning Commission.
Resnik, Rhea R.
Resource uses, 1982
Ressvess, John R.
Reuschle, Robert M.
Reuterdahl, Henry, 1871-1925
Revel, Matthew.
Revels, H.R.
Revis, Daniel W.
Revis, J. F.
Revis, J. M.
Revis, J.A.W.
Revis, John E.
Revis, Rebecca.
Revis, Sarepta.
Rex, Will.
Reyazuddin, Mohammed.
Reybold, Eugene, 1884-1961.
Reynolds, G. D. B., Mrs.
Reynolds, J. L.
Reynolds, Jack.
Reynolds, John, 1788-1865.
Reynolds, Karen S.
Reynolds, L. H.
Rhames, Monique.
Rhea, John, 1753-1832.
Rheinhardt, Richard D., 1954-
Rhinehart, William C.
Rhodes, Alice.
Rhodes, Hughes J.
Rhodes, J.
Rhodes, James.
Rhodes, Joseph T.
Rhodes, Joseph.
Rhodes, Raymond.
Rhodes, Ted O.
Rhyne, Abel Peterson.
Rhyne, Alison.
Rice, Aaron K.
Rice, Burton
Rice, Charles E., III.
Rice, D. E.
Rice, George.
Rice, John.
Rice, Nathaniel.
Rich, Ben.
Rich, Samantha Rozier.
Richards, George M. (George Mather), 1880-1958
Richards, John E.
Richards, Walter DuBois, 1907-
Richardson, C. C.
Richardson, Curtis J.
Richardson, E. W.
Richardson, Frank R.
Richardson, Harry Percy, Jr.
Richardson, Howard E., 1940-
Richardson, Isabelle.
Richardson, James Burchill, 1770-1836.
Richardson, John M.
Richardson, Karin.
Richardson, Paula Olivia.
Richardson, R. R.
Richardson, Robert J. (Robert Jeryl), 1974-
Richardson, V. V.
Richmond Community College.
Richmond County (N.C.)
Richmond County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Richmond, Christopher.
Richmond, Ella L.
Rickard, Inez.
Rickenback, William.
Ricketts, Thomas C.
Rickman, Geraldine.
Ricks, Ben.
Ricks, Benjamin R.
Ricks, James R.
Ricks, Thomas.
Riddick, Abram.
Riddick, Joseph, 1735-1818.
Riddick, Joseph.
Riddick, William.
Riddick, Willie.
Riddick, Willis.
Rideout, Rebecca R.
Ridout, Gary L.
Ridout, N. E.
Rieger, A. D.
Rieger, Cathy.
Rierson, Robert G.
Ries, Heinrich, 1871-1951.
Riesenberg, Sidney H.
Riggs, Stanley R.
Rigsbee, Arnold W., 1945-
Riley, Sarah F.
Rimberg, John D.
Rimmer, Ann M.
Rinehardt, Bobby.
Rippon, Michelle.
Ritchie, Cheryl P.
Ritchie, David F. (David Frey)
Ritchie, Richard Stephen, 1942-
Ritchie, Shirley.
Ritner, Joseph, 1780-1869
Ritter, John Richardson (ca.1793-ca. 1860)
Ritter, William T.
Ritzhaupt, John.
Rivard, Cary.
Rivers East Workforce Development Board
Riviere, Terrien de.
Rizkalla, S. H.
Rizzo, Nancy E.
Roach, John P.
Roach, W. Linville.
Roane, Archibald, 1759-1819.
Roane, Spencer, 1762-1822.
Roanoke River Water Flow Committee.
Roanoke-Chowan Community College.
Robards, William
Robb, Lynda Bird, 1944-
Robb, Nat H.
Robbins Planning Board.
Robbins, C. W.
Robbins, Richard.
Roberson, Gary T.
Roberson, Nancy.
Roberson, Thomas.
Roberson, W. R., Jr.
Roberts, Bruce.
Roberts, C. Larry.
Roberts, Charles.
Roberts, Coleman W.
Roberts, F.
Roberts, Frank M.
Roberts, Gallatin.
Roberts, H. K.
Roberts, Hazel
Roberts, J.
Roberts, J. D.
Roberts, John.
Roberts, Joseph B.
Roberts, Susan L.
Roberts, Vivienne.
Roberts, William G.
Robertson, Brett P.
Robertson, Drury, 1727-1797.
Robertson, Elijah.
Robertson, James, 1742-1814.
Robertson, James.
Robertson, John B.
Robertson, John.
Robertson, Judge Buxton, 1875-1946.
Robertson, Judy.
Robertson, Thomas Chinn, 1842-1866.
Robeson Community College.
Robeson County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Robeson County Council on the Status of Women.
Robeson, Thomas J.
Robinett, John.
Robinson, Benjamin.
Robinson, Beverly G.
Robinson, Blackwell P. (Blackwell Pierce)
Robinson, Bonnie.
Robinson, Charles D.
Robinson, D. M.
Robinson, Danielle C.
Robinson, George.
Robinson, Gordon W.
Robinson, H. F.
Robinson, Helen.
Robinson, J. M.
Robinson, Kerrick W.
Robinson, M. E.
Robinson, R. C.
Robinson, Vilas J.
Robinson, Ward R.
Robinson, William C.
Robison, Michael S.
Robison, Thomas.
Robison, Tully M.
Robson, Thomas.
Rochester, Nathaniel, 1752-1831.
Rochester, North.
Rockingham (N.C.). Planning Department.
Rockingham Community College.
Rockingham County (N.C.)
Rockwell, Ethel Theodora, 1884-
Rockwell, James Chester, 1868-1893.
Rockwell, Kiffin Yates, 1892-1916.
Rockwell, Norman, 1894-1978.
Roddey, James.
Rodenbough, Jean.
Rodgers, Eric W. (Eric Winfred), 1898-1994.
Rodman, William W.
Rodney, Daniel.
Rodriguez, Carlos M.
RodriÌguez, David A.
Roe, Charles E.
Roe, Chuck.
Roesner, Frank.
Rogers, Allen.
Rogers, Charles R.
Rogers, David.
Rogers, Golden & Halpern.
Rogers, Hollis J.
Rogers, J. B.
Rogers, James L.
Rogers, James, 1779-1868.
Rogers, Mary Edith.
Rogers, Michael.
Rogers, R. S.
Rogers, Raymond.
Rogers, Sion Hart.
Rogers, Spencer M.
Rogers, Thomas.
Rogers, W. A. (William Allen), 1854-1931
Rogers, W. H., Jr.
Rohde, Fritz.
Rohrer, Grace Jemison, 1924-
Roller, Jim.
Rollins, Tim, 1955-
Rollins, William.
Roney, Ben.
Roop, J. Howard.
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945.
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919.
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1887-1944.
Root, Cary.
Rosa, Bess N.
Roscower, Emma.
Rose, Alexander.
Rose, Billy.
Rose, Charles G., 1939-2012.
Rosen, Benson.
Rosenberg, Daniel C.
Rosenberg, Morris D.
Rosenfeld, Isadore.
Ross, Alex.
Ross, Carla.
Ross, Charles.
Ross, David.
Ross, F. Esther.
Ross, Fred S.
Ross, George R.
Ross, Helen Patricia.
Ross, Jeffrey L.
Ross, Steve W., 1951-
Ross, Susan Deller.
Ross, Tagert.
Ross, Z. T.
Rossell, C. Reed.
Rosser, Donna Bass.
Rosser, John C., 1933-
Rost, Barbara.
Roten, Rory L. (Rory Lucas), 1985-
Roth, Herbert C.
Rothchild, Nina, 1930-
Rothwell, Charles J.
Roundtree, W. D.
Rountree, Janet E.
Rouphail, Nagui M.
Rouse, Durwood E.
Rowan County (N.C.)
Rowan County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Rowan Technical Institute.
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College.
Rowan, Matthew.
Rowan, Robert.
Rowan, Stephen C. (Stephen Clegg), 1808-1890
Rowe, Roy.
Rowland, A.
Rowland, Henry C., Jr.
Rowland, Thomas.
Roxboro Planning Board.
Roy, Alvin R.
Roy, Brona N.
Royal, Robert O.
Royall, Kenneth C. (Kenneth Claiborne), 1894-1971.
Royster, Francis.
Royster, Hubert Ashley, 1871-1959.
Royster, Larry H. (Larry Herbert)
Rozen, Jerome, 1895-1987.
Rozier, Justine.
RTI International Center for Technology Applications.
Rubin, Sarah.
Rubinas, J. Leigh.
Rudd, John H.
Rudd, Linda.
Ruffin, Benjamin S.
Ruffin, Edmund, 1794-1865.
Ruffin, Jane.
Ruffin, John K.
Ruffin, Peter B.
Ruffin, Thomas C.
Ruffin, Thomas, 1787-1870.
Ruiz, Robert C.
Rulifson, Roger A. (Roger Allen), 1951-
Rulison, Michael v. E.
Rumph, George.
Rundle, Kirk R.
Runyon, B.
Rush, Jacob.
Russell, Alice B., 1953-
Russell, Carl Parcher, 1894-1967.
Russell, David.
Russell, Edward.
Russell, Gene Austin, 1932-
Russell, Robert D.
Russell, Thomas.
Russell, William.
Ruth, Earl B. (Earl Baker), 1916-1989.
Rutherford County (N.C.)
Rutherford, Griffith 1721-1805.
Rutherford, Griffith.
Rutherford, John.
Rutherford, Mildred Lewis, 1852-1928.
Rutledge, Edward, 1749-1800.
Rutledge, J.
Rutledge, John, 1739-1800.
Rutledge, John.
Ruttan, Charles E.
Rya, J. M.
Ryals, Robert Wilson, Sr., 1924-2011.
Ryan, James.
S. H.
Saalburg, Allen Russell, 1899-1987.
Saallring, Allen.
Sabiston, Larry.
Sabo, Lees.
Sacks, Betty B.
Sacks, Paul E.
Safley, Charles, 1951-
Sage, Larry.
Saleem, Taha.
Salisbury, F. C. (Frank Currier), 1874-1964.
Sallis, John.
Salter, Hugh, 1921-
Salter, Robert.
Saltus, Allen R.
Saluy the Young Warrior of Estatoe
Salyear, Samuel.
Samberg, Art.
Sampair, James L.
Sample, Sue.
Sampson Community College.
Sampson County (N.C.)
Sampson County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Sampson-Livermore Library.
Sampson, Daniel G.
Sampson, James.
Sampson, John.
Sams, Erban P.
Sanchez-Dirks, Ruth.
Sandbeck, Penne Smith.
Sandbeck, Peter B.
Sanders, Alexander.
Sanders, D. C. (Douglas C.)
Sanders, E.
Sanders, Elliot.
Sanders, Evelyn.
Sanders, Hardy.
Sanders, J.
Sanders, John L.
Sanders, Linn Banks (1814-1879).
Sanders, R.
Sanderson, Angela.
Sanderson, John, 1783-1844.
Sandford, Betty J.
Sandhills Community College.
Sandler, Bernice Resnick.
Sandrow, Hope, 1951-
Sanford Herald (Sanford, N.C.)
Sanford, Catherine P.
Sanford, Catherine.
Sanford, Diane.
Sanford, Terry, 1917-1998.
Sangree, Nathan B.
Santo-Tomas, Olga B.
Sappington, Thomas E.
Sarder, Nazia.
Sargent, Howard R.
Satchwell, S. S. (Solomon Sampson)
Sather, Dawson.
Satterfield, Cynthia W.
Satterwhite, Franklin.
Satterwhite, T.
Saunders, Lenore M.
Saunders, Lyle.
Saunders, Margaret I. (Margaret Isabelle Henderson), 1914-1999.
Saunders, Marion.
Saunders, R. M.
Saunders, Thomas.
Saunders, William Preston.
Savage, Ann.
Savage, Betsey P.
Savage, Jesse.
Savage, Tom, 1943-
Savage, W.
Savage, William.
Savill, Timothy.
Saville, Thorndike, 1892-1969.
Sawyer, Donna D.
Sawyer, Ivey.
Sawyer, J. G.
Sawyer, J. Winton.
Sawyer, John G.
Sawyer, L.
Sawyer, Lemuel, 1777-1852.
Sawyer, M.E.
Sawyer, Mile.
Saxon, John L.
Sayer, Floyd M., Jr.
Sayer, W. M., Jr.
Scales, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore), 1827-1892.
Schaaf, William E.
Schaenzer, Richard C.
Schafale, Michael P.
Schaller, John J.
Schan, Daniel.
Schatz, Martha.
Schaub, E. L.
Schaw, Robert.
Scheitlin, Thomas E.
Schenck, Gordon H., Jr.
Schenck, Michael, III.
Schenk, Gretchen Knief, 1901-
Schiebel, Herman Max.
Schipf, R. G. (Robert G.)
Schlabs, Suzanne Smith.
Schlaikjer, Jes Wilhelm, b. 1897.
Schmid, Dorothee.
Schmidly, David J., 1943-
Schnabel, Timothy A.
Schnitker, Detmar.
Schoonmaker, Meyressa H.
Schoudt, Russell Lawrence, 1946-
Schrader, Esther.
Schreck, Horst
Schroeder, Bastian J.
Schroeder, Elissa M.
Schroeder, Pat.
Schuhmann, Peter W.
Schulken, Joe B.
Schull, John G.
Schultheis, Jonathan R., 1958-
Schultz, Fred.
Schwab, Anna K.
Schwartz, A.
Schwartz, Frank J., 1929-
Schwartzman, Edward (Edward J.), 1971-
Schwarzkopf, S. Kent.
Schweitzer, Ed.
Schweitzer, Sara H.
Schweninger, Loren.
Scientific American Publishing Company.
Scoggin, Lewis G.
Scoles, William.
Scott-Jeffries, Jessica.
Scott, Abram M., 1785-1833.
Scott, Anne.
Scott, Betsy.
Scott, Catherine S.
Scott, Charles, 1739-1813.
Scott, Elsie L.
Scott, F. L.
Scott, Gloria Dean Randle, 1938-
Scott, J. C.
Scott, J. F.
Scott, John Dunn
Scott, John.
Scott, Joyce, 1948-
Scott, Ralph Henderson.
Scott, Robert Walter, 1929-2009.
Scott, S. Kay.
Scott, William Kerr, 1896-1958.
Scroggs, Andrew A.
Scruggs, L. A. (Lawson Andrew), 1857-1914.
Scurlock, William.
Seabrook, James Ward, 1886-1974.
Seagrove, James.
Sealshipt Oyster System.
Searcy, Sarah.
Sears, George
Seaton, Edward C. (Edward Cator), 1815-1880.
Seawell, Benjamin.
Seawell, Henry, 1774 or 1775-1835.
Seawell, Henry.
Seawell, J.
Seawell, J. L.
Seawell, Malcolm, 1909-1977.
Seay, Esther.
Sebo, Katherine A.
Sechler, Mary Alice.
Sechrist, Jacqueline M.
Seddon, James A.
Seelbinder, Ben M.
Seeley, Walter J., Mrs.
Seely, Lucille J.
Segovia, Edelmira.
Seibert, E. C.
Self, Anita.
Sellers, Charles L.
Sellers, Daniel.
Selley, Hen.
Sellstrom, Judy W.
Selma Planning Board.
Selma Planning Commission.
Semi Weekly Raleigh Register.
Semonche, Barbara P.
Senseny, B. Rush.
SEPI Engineering & Construction, Inc.
Serafin, Lou.
Serkin, Allen.
Serv-US Pure Food Company.
Sesser, W. G.
Setzer, C. Peter.
Seuss, Dr.
Severinson, Eloise.
Sevier, John, 1745-1815.
Sewell, Raeford W.
Seymour, Frank.
Seymour, Mary P.
Shackelford, Walter E.
Shackelford, Walter E. (Walter Eugene), 1920-2016.
Shade, Dorothy H.
Shafer, L. A. (Leon Alaric), 1866-1940
Shaffer, A. Webster.
Shaffer, George A.
Shaffer, Karl A.
Shah, Hemal.
Shah, Sanjay.
Shali︠a︡pin, Boris, 1904-1979.
Shane, William.
Shank, Gerald Christopher.
Shannon, Eugene H.
Shannonhouse, James L.
Sharara, Mahmoud.
Shargo, Janet.
Sharp, Jane.
Sharp, Megan.
Sharp, Susannah
Sharp, Susie, 1907-1996.
Sharp, William.
Sharpe, A.
Sharpe, Bill (William Pleasants), 1903-1970.
Sharpe, Charles C., III.
Sharpe, Horatio, 1718-1790.
Sharpe, Josephine W.
Sharpe, L. A.
Sharpe, Terry.
Sharpe, W.
Sharpe, William, 1742-1818.
Sharpe, William, active 1757.
Sharpe, William.
Shatas, W. J.
Shatter, Susan, 1943-
Shattuck, John.
Shaub, George.
Shautz, John L.
Shaver, Joyce.
Shaver, Nick.
Shaw, C. H., Jr.
Shaw, Elyse.
Shaw, H.B. (Howard B.)
Shaw, James T.
Shaw, John C.
Shaw, John G.
Shaw, Robert.
Shaw, William.
Shaw, Williams.
Shaw, Willie.
Shaw, Zachariah.
Shay, A.
Shea, Katherine.
Shea, Laurie.
Shea, Patrick Joseph, 1944-2017.
Sheares, Shirley J.
Sheeres, John W.
Sheets, William.
Sheffield, Charles A. (Charles Arthur), b. 1873
Shefter, Julanne W.
Shelby, Evan.
Sheldon, Christine W., 1901-
Shell, Glenn S.
Shell, Jo Anne.
Shelton, Margaret G.
Shelton, R. Page.
Shepard, David.
Shepard, Kathryn Y.
Shepard, Richard B.
Shepard, William B. (William Biddle), 1799-1852.
Shepherd, Bertha E.
Shepherd, D. Wayne.
Shepherd, James E. (James Edward), 1847-1910.
Shepherd, James William.
Sheppard, Abraham.
Sheppard, Audrey.
Sheppard, James.
Shepperd, William.
Sheridan, John E.
Sherman, Franklin, 1877-1947.
Sherman, Gordon M.
Sherman, Rhonda L.
Sheron, John.
Sherrer, Mary.
Sherrill, Elizabeth Bray.
Sherrill, Elizabeth.
Sherrill, Jeptha.
Sherrill, O. L.
Sherrill, William L. (William Lander), 1860-
Sherron, J. K.
Shield, John.
Shields, Anne Kesler, 1932-
Shields, Laurie.
Shields, W.B.
Shimin, Symeon, 1902-
Shine, John W., 1861-
Shinn, Thomas P. (Thomas Pickney), 1896-1988.
Shipp, Bartlett, 1786-1869.
Shires, William A.
Shirley, Jack.
Shirley, Larry E.
Shober, Gottlieb, 1756-1838.
Shoemaker, Mary McCahon.
Sholar, Terry M.
Shook, D. G., Mrs.
Shore, Clarence A.
Shore, Frank P.
Shore, John.
Short, Christopher B.
Shotwell, Randolph Abbott, 1844-1885.
Shrader, J. H.
Shue, Dorothy E.
Shuffler, Marion J.
Shuford, A. Alex.
Shuford, Steve M.
Shulenberger, F. Wilbur.
Shull, Leon.
Shuping-Russell, Sallie M.
Shuping, Sallie M.
Sibley, John.
Sibley, Robert.
Sickles, Patricia.
Siddell Studios.
Sidebottom, Jill R.
Sidebottom, Richard.
Sides, J. L.
Sides, Susan C.
Sidney, Algernon.
Sigmon, Melissa K.
Silberman, Pam.
Silcocks, W. R.
Silver, Martha A.
Simmons, Edward.
Simmons, Fannie Vann.
Simmons, Kenneth B.
Simmons, Richard L.
Simmons, Rika.
Simmons, Roger E. (Roger Edwin)
Simmons, Shirley L.
Simmons, Tim.
Simmons, W. A.
Simmons, W. H.
Simonson, Joy R.
Simpson, Ann K.
Simpson, Bob.
Simpson, Helen.
Simpson, J. Al (John Alfred)
Simpson, John
Simpson, John.
Simpson, Lyman.
Simpson, Margaret L.
Simpson, Richard L.
Simpson, W. L.
Simpson, William M.
Sims, Anastatia.
Sims, Carleen V.
Sims, Charles.
Sims, Clarence L.
Simsek, Fatma.
Singleton, Harold C.
Sioussat, Charles.
Sisk, Ray M.
Sistla, Vani.
Sistrunk, James D.
Sitgreaves, John.
Sitton, John, Mrs.
Sizemore, Margaret D.
Sizemore, Pat.
Skaggs, R. W.
Skidmore, Fay.
Skinner, George T.
Skinner, George T. (George Travis), 1890-1987.
Skinner, Robert B.
Skinner, W.
Skinner, William, 1728 or 1729-1798.
Skinner, William.
Skvaria, Mona.
Slack, Thomas.
Slade, J.
Slade, Jere.
Slade, Jeremiah.
Slane, Heather Wagner.
Slater, Leland S.
Slater, Paul.
Slaughter, Freeman C.
Sledge, John, Jr., Mrs.
Sleeper, E. H.
Sleeper, Henry Davis, 1878-1934.
Sleeper, Lora E.
Slemmon, James E., Mrs.
Slifkin, Lawrence M.
Slifkin, Miriam.
Sligar, Steven R.
Sloan, Catherine B.
Sloan, Henry (1769-1783)
Sloan, John Alexander.
Sloan, Robert S.
Slocum, George K.
Slocumb, Ezekiel.
Sloop, W. B.
Slycott, Brian.
Small, John H.
Smalley, I. H.
Smathers, Sarah Baird.
Smeal, Eleanor.
Smedes, Henrietta R.
Smeltzer, Suzanne C. O'Connell.
Smith, Alice R. Huger (Alice Ravenel Huger), 1876-1958.
Smith, Amanda J.
Smith, Barbara A.
Smith, Bazell.
Smith, Belcher P.
Smith, Ben W.
Smith, Benjamin, 1756-1826.
Smith, Benjamin.
Smith, C. Alphonso (Charles Alphonso), 1864-1924.
Smith, C. B., Mrs.
Smith, Carol.
Smith, Cherri.
Smith, Christopher A.
Smith, Christopher A. (writer on fisheries)
Smith, Cindy.
Smith, Clyde E.
Smith, Clyde.
Smith, Dan, 1865-1934
Smith, Daniel J. (Daniel Joseph), 1957-
Smith, Daniel, Ph.D.
Smith, Daniel.
Smith, David.
Smith, Dollie L.
Smith, Donna.
Smith, E. E.
Smith, Earlie W.
Smith, Earlie W. (Earlie Wright), 1892-1974.
Smith, Emma.
Smith, G. W.
Smith, George A.
Smith, George W.
Smith, George William.
Smith, Gerald Thomas, 1948-
Smith, Gordon, III.
Smith, H. A.
Smith, H. Gilbert.
Smith, Helen I.
Smith, Hugh M. (Hugh McCormick) 1865-1941.
Smith, Israel, 1759-1810.
Smith, J. A.
Smith, James W.
Smith, James.
Smith, Jane E. W.
Smith, Jane.
Smith, Jessica, 1965-
Smith, Jessica.
Smith, Jim.
Smith, John
Smith, John David, 1949-
Smith, John F.
Smith, John T.
Smith, John.
Smith, Joseph.
Smith, June T.
Smith, Kathryn Baker.
Smith, Kenneth Howard, 1944-2017.
Smith, Kurt.
Smith, Lois W.
Smith, Lowell M., Jr.
Smith, Lucy Lu.
Smith, M.
Smith, M.R., Mrs.
Smith, Mae.
Smith, Margie.
Smith, Marjorie L.
Smith, Mary B.
Smith, Mary Chapin.
Smith, Mary Lou.
Smith, Mary Paige.
Smith, Meredith S.
Smith, N. Bradner.
Smith, N. R. (Nathan Ryno), 1797-1877.
Smith, Paige Hall.
Smith, Patricia T.
Smith, Peggy.
Smith, Peter, 1967-
Smith, R.
Smith, R. Gage.
Smith, R. W.
Smith, Ralph W.
Smith, Rd.
Smith, Reginald.
Smith, Robert C. (Robert Chester), 1912-1976.
Smith, Robert.
Smith, Russell T.
Smith, S.
Smith, Sam B.
Smith, Samuel.
Smith, Sarah.
Smith, Thomas.
Smith, V. Kerry (Vincent Kerry), 1945-
Smith, Vance.
Smith, W. A. (William Alexander), 1843-1934.
Smith, W. G.
Smith, W. N. H.
Smith, W. S.
Smith, W. Townsend.
Smith, William A. (William Alexander), 1843-
Smith, William B.
Smith, William B. (Biologist)
Smith, William Bailey.
Smith, William R.
Smith, William S.
Smith, William.
Smith, Zachary.
Smitherman, John A. (John Alexander), 1892-1956.
Smithfield Herald (Smithfield, N.C.)
Smithfield Planning Board (N.C.)
Smithson, Patricia D.
Smithwick, Jake.
Smutko, L. Steven, 1955-
Smyth, Hugh.
Sneed, William.
Snell, Charles H.
Snell, Roger.
Snelling, Tracey, 1970-
Snelson, Kenneth, 1927-
Snider, Lena R.
Snipes, M. L.
Snodgrass, R. E. (Robert E.), 1875-1962
Snow, A.C.
Snow, B. C.
Snow, Beverly C. (Beverly Carradine), 1923-
Snow, George H.
Snow, Helen, 1940-
Snow, O. E.
Snowden, Nathan.
Snyder, Franke.
Snyder, Michael J.
Snyder, Simon, 1759-1819.
Snyder, Simon.
Snyder, Stephen W.
Society for International Development.
Sokol, John S.
Sommer [?]
Sommerkamp, Frank M.
Sondley, F. A. (Forster Alexander), 1857-1931.
Sons of Confederate Veterans (Organization). Stars and Bar Committee.
Soots, Robert F.
Sorensen, Kenneth A. (Kenneth Alan), 1944-
Sorrie, Bruce A.
Soul City Foundation, Inc.
Sousa, John Philip, 1854-1932.
South Carolina. General Assembly.
South Piedmont Community College.
South, Stanley A.
Southall, Maycie Katherine, 1895-1992.
Southard, Samuel L. (Samuel Lewis), 1787-1842.
Southeast Dairy Foods Research Center.
Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art.
Southeastern Community College (N.C.)
Southeastern Community College bulletin
Southeastern Community College general catalog
Southeastern Community College.
Southeastern Personnel Association.
Southern Beverage Company.
Southern History Association.
Southern Milling Company.
Southern Railway (U.S.)
Southern Regional Institute on Hospital Recreation.
Southern Rejection League.
Southern, Michael T.
Southern, Phillip Sterling.
Southerner (Newspaper : Tarboro, N.C.).
Southside Roller Mills.
Southwestern Community College.
Southwestern Technical Institute.
Southwestern Workforce Development Board
Southworth, Francis N.
Sowers, Roy G., Jr.
Spader, Jon.
Spaight, Richard Dobbs, 1758-1802.
Spaight, Richard Dobbs, 1796-1850.
Spainhour, Penelope.
Spanbauer, Rebecca O.
Spangler, C.D., Jr. (Clemmie Dixon), 1932-2018.
Sparks, Jack L.
Sparks, Ted.
Sparks, Thad W.
Sparrow, L. W., Mrs.
Spaulding, C. C. (Charles Clinton), 1874-1952.
Spaulding, Elna B. (Elna Bridgeforth).
Spaulding, Maria F.
Speaker Ban Study Commission (N.C.)
Spear, Gil
Spearman, Robert W.
Spears, H. P., Mrs.
Speed, Charles A.
Speer, J. Alexander.
Speers, Elisha.
Speight, William J.
Speir, Betty S.
Spellen, James.
Spence, G. B.
Spence, James R.
Spencer, Samuel, 1734-1793.
Spencer, Samuel.
Spero, Julie C.
Spicer, Sam.
Spigel, Frederic H.
Spiller, James.
Spillman, Sallie.
Spindel, Donna.
Spitsbergen, Dennis.
Spivey, James.
Spoon, William L. (William Luther), 1862-1942.
Spratt, J. R.
Sproull, Marilynn.
Sprouse, Walter
Spruce Pine Planning Board.
Spruill, C. P. (Corydon Perry), 1899-1988.
Sprunt, J. L. (James Laurence), 1886-1973.
Sprunt, James, 1846-1924.
Spurgin, R. E.
Spyers, Singleton.
Squires, Cedric P.
Squires, John W.
Srinivasan, Raghavan.
St. John, James Allen, 1872-1957
St. Mary's Junior College (Raleigh, N.C.)
Stacey, Rowan, Jr.
Stadler, Alan T., 1961-
Stafford, E. F.
Stafford, Elias Eller.
Stafford, Frank.
Stafford, Lillian Exum Clement, 1894?-1925.
Stafford, M. Julie.
Stafford, Thomas H., Jr.
Stahr, Paul, 1883-1953
Stallings, Cathi.
Stallings, Kevin.
Stallings, Robert L., Jr.
Stallings, Stephanie
Stallings, T. L.
Stalvey, Carter.
Stamper, William G.
Stamps, Samuel.
Stanback, Jeffrey F.
Stancil, H. B.
Stancil, W. L.
Stanford, Charles W., Jr., 1924-1990.
Stanford, Martie.
Stanley, Carol.
Stanley, Colene B.
Stanley, Donald W.
Stanley, Howard G.
Stanley, John.
Stanley, Marie.
Stanley, Wm. Ralph.
Stanly Community College.
Stanly News & Press (Albemarle, N.C.)
Stanly Technical College.
Stanly Technical Institute.
Stanly, Edward.
Stanly, J. W.
Stanly, John Wright, 1742-1789.
Stanly, John, 1774-1833.
Stanly, John.
Stanton, Frank Lebby, 1857-1927.
Stanton, Winnie.
Staples, Helen C.
Stark, Robert.
Starkey, Edward.
Starne, Alexander, 1813-1886.
Starnes, Wayne C.
Starr, Joseph Blake, 1830-1913.
Starr, W. Douglas.
Starrat, John.
State Advisory Council on Indian Education (N.C.)
State Capitol Foundation (Raleigh, N.C.)
State Colored Normal School (Fayetteville, N.C.)
State Home and Industrial School for Girls (Samarcand, N.C.)
State Hospital (Goldsboro, N.C.)
State Hospital (Raleigh, N.C.)
State Journal (N.C.)
State Library of North Carolina.
State Ports Magazine (N.C.)
State University of New York.
Statewide Family Planning Program (N.C.)
Staton, William W.
Staudt's Bakery.
Steadman, Connie M.
Steadman, R. T.
Stearns, George R.
Stedman, E.
Stedman, N. L.
Steel, Robert E.
Steele, James Columbus, 1839-1921.
Steele, John, 1764-1815.
Steele, John.
Steer Davies Gleave (Firm)
Stegall, Martha E.
Stegman, Michael A.
Steinbacher, Roberta.
Steinbeck, Frank.
Steinberg, Jeanette.
Steinem, Gloria.
Stemle, Adam.
Stenhouse, J. A.
Stephan, Dianne.
Stephens, Dewey.
Stephens, Earl.
Stephens, George Erwin Gullett, 1873-1946.
Stephens, James F.
Stephens, Julianne C.
Stephens, Marcus C.
Stephens, W.
Stephenson, Jennifer.
Stephenson, John P.
Stephenson, Lloyd William, 1876-
Stephenson, Martha.
Steppe, Clarence M.
Sterling, Richard, 1812-1883.
Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin, Baron von, 1730-1794.
Stevens, Caleb.
Stevens, Charles A., Sr.
Stevens, Charles L.
Stevens, Christy.
Stevens, H. S.
Stevens, H. S. (Henry S.).
Stevens, Harrison R., Jr.
Stevens, Hugh B.
Stevens, Isaac Ingalls, 1818-1862.
Stevens, James S., Jr.
Stevens, Jocelyn E.
Stevens, John.
Stevens, Mary L.
Stevens, Thomas Wood, 1880-1942.
Stevens, Virginia M. R.
Stevens, William Dodge, 1870-1942
Stevenson, George, 1936-2009.
Stevenson, S. S.
Stevenson, W. J.
Stevick, C. P.
Stewart, Alexander.
Stewart, Bruce B.
Stewart, Cynthia H.
Stewart, Dan E.
Stewart, Daniel C.
Stewart, Debra W., 1943-
Stewart, Donna.
Stewart, Eleanor Grace.
Stewart, Howard L.
Stewart, James.
Stewart, John.
Stewart, Leslie (Leslie S.)
Stewart, Pearson H.
Stewart, William.
Stewart, Z. V.
Stick, Daniel.
Stick, David, 1919-2009.
Stick, Frank.
Stick, Lydia.
Stick, Maud Hayes, 1889-1972.
Stick, Phyllis.
Stikeleather, John Alexander.
Still, Berry.
Still, Roy Hull
Still, William N., Jr. (William Norwood), 1932-
Stines, Kimberly J.
Stinson, P. E.
Stites, Robert B.
Stith, Bassett.
Stith, David W.
Stiven, Alan E. (Alan Ernest),1935-
Stix, John.
Stock, Leo Francis, 1878-1954.
Stoddard, Edward F., 1949-
Stokes County (N.C.). Clerk of Superior Court.
Stokes County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Stokes County Planning Board (N.C.)
Stokes, Charles.
Stokes, J. Lemacks (John Lemacks), 1854-
Stokes, Jeanette.
Stokes, M.
Stokes, Montfort, 1762-1842.
Stoll, Evans, Woods & Associates.
Stoller, Claude.
Stone, Andrew.
Stone, Barbara F.
Stone, Betty.
Stone, David, 1770-1818.
Stone, E. B., Jr.
Stone, John R. (John Randolph), 1944-
Stone, Paul S.
Stone, Polly.
Stone, Richard E., Mrs.
Stone, Thomas E.
Stong, Caleb.
Storm, John.
Stott, Charles C.
Stott, Eva L.
Stott, William.
Stout, Ann J.
Stout, Don O.
Stout, Ralph D.
Stover, Anne S.
Stover, M. L.
Stowe, Jim.
Stowe, W.I.
Straight, Joanne.
Strang, Ernest W.
Strange, Robert, 1796-1854.
Strange, Robert.
Stratton, A. C.
Strause, N. P., Mrs.
Street, Charlotte
Street, E. Dolores.
Street, Michael W.
Street, Mike.
Street, Richard.
Streib, Bob.
Strickland, Olivia.
Strickland, Rhonda C.
Strickland, William.
Strickland, Wilton Wayne, 1934-
Stricklin, Howard B.
Stringham, Stephen M.
Strohmeyer, Walter.
Stromberg, R. K.
Strong, Bela W.
Strong, Grover.
Strong, J. Hugh.
Strong, Raymond E.
Strong, Svea E.
Strosnider, C. F.
Strother, George.
Strothmann, F. (Frederick), b. 1872
Stroud, J. Wilson.
Stroud, Janice G. (Janice Goldman)
Stroud, Patricia M.
Stroup, Jessie M.
Stroup, Peter.
Strudwick, Robert C.
Strudwick, Samuel.
Struthers, Caroline.
Stuart, Isaac.
Stuart, James.
Stuart, John, 1718-1779.
Stubbs, Elizabeth
Stuckey, Jasper L. (Jasper Leonidas), 1891-1979.
Stucky, Jon M.
Stute, John.
Stutts, Jane C.
Such, Joseph.
Suchoff, David, 1984-
Sugg, John
Sugg, William.
Suhart, Marietta P.
Suit, Emory C.
Suiter, Lucille F.
Suljak, Ned.
Sullivan, Dee.
Sullivan, J.
Sullivan, L. J.
Sullivan, Lee A., 1958-
Sullivan, Roy.
Sullivan, Willard P., 1880-
Summerell, J. J.
Summers, Leah.
Summers, Mary C.
Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874.
Sumner, Charles.
Sumner, J. D.
Sumner, Jethro, 1733?-1785.
Sumner, Jethro.
Sumner, Perry W.
Sumner, Sheron K.
Sump, Dwyer.
Sumsion, C. T.
Sumsion, Carlton T.
Sun Journal (New Bern, N.C.)
Surface, Sallie.
Surles, Cathy.
Surles, Kathryn.
Surry Community College.
Surry County (N.C.)
Surry County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Surti, Hemang M.
Sussman, Richard H.
Suter, Walter R.
Sutphin, L. L.
Sutter, Lori.
Suttle, Drury D., active 1864.
Sutton, Carey Connell.
Sutton, Edward H.
Sutton, George H.
Sutton, James.
Sutton, Myron D.
Sutton, Raleigh L.
Sutton, Ralph C.
Sutton, Richard L.
Sutton, Sydney Cheryl.
Sutton, Turner B.
Swab, Edward C. (Edward Calvin), 1944-
Swaim, Arthur R.
Swain, D. S.
Swain, David L. (David Lowry), 1801-1868.
Swain, Elinor Henderson.
Swain, Frederick M. (Frederick Morrill), 1916-2008.
Swain, George.
Swain, Irvin.
Swann, John.
Swann, Samuel.
Swansboro Bicentennial Committee.
Swart, William, Mrs.
Swecker, Chris.
Sweeney, Patrick.
Sweigart, Nancy.
Swenson, Ingrid.
Swift, James Gardner.
Swift, Samuel, 1782-1875.
Swindell, E. S., Jr.
Swindell, Elizabeth G.
Swinney, N. T.
Sydansk, R.
Sylva Planning Board.
Symes, Edward.
Symons, Michael J.
Symposium on Endangered and Threatened Biota of North Carolina (1st : 1975 : Meredith College)
Syria, John M.
Tadlock, W. T.
Taft, Michael L.
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930.
Taggart, John Bryant, 1948-
Tait, Bacon, 1796-1871.
Takade-Heumacher, Helen.
Taliaferno, V. H.
Taliaferro, Carol D.
Taliaferro, Jocelyn DeVance.
Tallant, Winnie Bramblett.
Tallent, Joseph E.
Tallent, Lucinda Ann Harrill.
Tallent, William Joseph.
Tally, Lura S.
Talton, John T., Jr.
Tang, Wenwu.
Tanner, James T. (James Thomas), 1931-
Tanner, Melinda.
Tappen, Christine.
Tarascio, Eugene.
Tarboro Planning Commission.
Tarkington, B. E.
Tarkinton, John.
Tarlton, William S.
Tarplee, William H.
Tarpy, David R.
Tart, Charles E.
Tate, David.
Tate, Sally.
Tate, Suzanne.
Tatham, William, 1752-1819.
Tatom, A.
Tattnall, Edward Fenwick, 1788-1832.
Tatum, A.
Tatum, Buford L.
Tatum, Howell, 1753-1822.
Taves, Henry V.
Tayebali, Akhtarhusein A.
Tayebali, Akhtarhusein A. (Akhtarhusein Asgarali)
Taylor, Alfred.
Taylor, Angus.
Taylor, Anne.
Taylor, Benjamin I. (Benjamin Ira), 1895-1918.
Taylor, Bryan J., 1942-
Taylor, Charlotte.
Taylor, Cyndie.
Taylor, David L. (David Littleton), 1955-
Taylor, Emily.
Taylor, Gary E.
Taylor, Glenn E.
Taylor, H. Patrick (Hoyt Patrick), 1924-
Taylor, H. W. (Herman Ward), 1900-1988.
Taylor, Helen.
Taylor, Henry.
Taylor, J. John.
Taylor, J.L.
Taylor, James.
Taylor, John Louis, 1769-1829.
Taylor, John.
Taylor, Joseph.
Taylor, Joyce A.
Taylor, Judith Tutt.
Taylor, Julia.
Taylor, Karen.
Taylor, Matt.
Taylor, Matthew.
Taylor, Michael W.
Taylor, Mike.
Taylor, Nathaniel.
Taylor, O. B.
Taylor, Patsy.
Taylor, Raymond M. (Raymond Mason)
Taylor, Robert B. (Robert Barraud), 1774-1834.
Taylor, Robert.
Taylor, Simon.
Taylor, Stephen D.
Taylor, Stephen.
Taylor, Thomas.
Taylor, W. H. S.
Taylor, Walter H.
Taylor, Zachary, 1784-1850.
Teague, Harvey L.
Teates, Devyn.
Tebo, L. B., Jr. (Lee B.), 1926-2013.
Technical Institute of Alamance.
Tedori, Fred.
Telfair, Edward, approximately 1735-1807.
Temple, F. W.
Templeman & Dabney.
Tench, Ben S.
Teng, S. Gary.
Tennessee. General Assembly.
Tenney, H.A, Mrs.
Terrell, James L.
Terry, Charles E., 1878-
Terry, Jason.
Terry, Robert.
Tessenear, Clara K.
Tetterton, Beverly.
Teulings, Robert P., 1934-
Tewkes, Charles.
Thacker, William.
Thames, John, Sr.
Tharrington, Ann L.
Thatcher, Helen Hayes.
Thatcher, Richard.
Thayer, Paul A.
Thayer, William Frederick, 1841-1904.
The Appalachian Regional Commission.
The Chapel Hill Weekly.
The Charlotte News.
The Charlotte Observer.
The Concord Tribune.
The Governor's Task Force on Equal Employment Opportunity.
The President's Commission on the Status of Women.
The Wilson Company.
Thierbach, Adolph.
Thiessen, A. H.
Thomas, Abishai.
Thomas, Annie M.
Thomas, Betty.
Thomas, Brenda.
Thomas, Chad D., 1969-
Thomas, Charles Randolph, 1888-1931.
Thomas, Dale G.
Thomas, Earlene W.
Thomas, Edmond.
Thomas, Edmund.
Thomas, Frank B. (Frank Bancroft), 1922-
Thomas, G. G.
Thomas, George.
Thomas, H. H.
Thomas, J.A.
Thomas, James, 1785-1845.
Thomas, Jennie.
Thomas, John.
Thomas, Libby.
Thomas, Mason P., Jr. (Mason Page), 1928-2010.
Thomas, Metaleen Morgan.
Thomas, Michael C.
Thomas, Mike.
Thomas, Preston.
Thomas, R. P.
Thomas, Raymond G.
Thomas, Sandra C.
Thomas, Sandra C. (Sandra Carol), 1941-
Thomas, William G.
Thomas, William H.
Thomason, Charles.
Thomasson, G. A.
Thomasson, Samuel J.
Thompson, Carter.
Thompson, Charles L. (Charles LeRoy).
Thompson, Christina, Ph. D.
Thompson, Cyrus, 1855-1930.
Thompson, Deborah J.
Thompson, Dennis.
Thompson, Edgar T. (Edgar Tristram), 1900-1989.
Thompson, Eric Austin.
Thompson, George, 1804-1878.
Thompson, Henry, Jr.
Thompson, Herbert A.
Thompson, John H.
Thompson, John R.
Thompson, John.
Thompson, Julia Ann
Thompson, Karla.
Thompson, Marian L.
Thompson, Marvin W.
Thompson, Sharon A.
Thompson, Sydnor.
Thompson, T. M.
Thomson, Charles, 1729-1824.
Thomson, Charles.
Thomson, W. A. B.
Thomson, William.
Thomson, Willis, d. ca.1827.
Thoreson, Bruce David, 1938-
Thorn, James I.
Thorn, James.
Thornburg, Lacy H.
Thornbury, Leslie Arden, 1947-
Thornhill, Robert (Robert Willis)
Thornton, James Innes, 1800-1877.
Thornton, William E. (William Edgar), 1929-
Thorp, Herb.
Thorp, Seabury Daniel.
Thorpe, Earl E.
Thorpe, Francis Newton, 1857-1926.
Thorpe, John Houston, 1840-
Thorpe, William.
Thrailkill, Manuel T.
Threadgill, Percy.
Threadgill, Thomas.
Threatt-Taylor, Dale.
Thurston, B. K.
Tichenor, Isaac, 1754-1838.
Tiencken, Wilfred P.
Tietze, Christopher.
Tiffin, Edward, 1766-1829.
Tilghman, Alma.
Tillett, Gladys Avery, 1891-1984.
Tilley, Judi.
Tilley, Mary Ethel.
Tillman, H.
Tillman, J.
Tillman, John.
Tillman, Mae K.
Tillotson, M. R. (Miner Raymond), 1886-1955.
Tillson, R. D.
Tily, James C., 1902-
Timberlake, Betty.
Timberlake, Claire M.
Timson, John
Tindal, Susan Evans
Tingen, Dan H.
Tinnin, Hugh.
Tinsley, Jesse.
Tippett, John C.
Tippin, Robert Bruce.
Tipton, John.
Tisdale, Edward.
Tisdale, Nathan.
Tisdale, Nathaniel.
Tisdale, William.
Tise, Larry E.
Tittle, Walter, 1883-1966
Todd, Delores.
Todd, Joanne L.
Todd, Ralph R.
Todd, Solomon
Toews, Curtis D.
Tolchin, Susan J.
Toler, John J.
Tolley, Lisa.
Tolson, Hillory, A.
Tolson, John J., III.
Tombereau, Lewis
Tomczak, F. A.
Tomlin, Fran.
Tomlinson, W. F.
Tompkins, D.D.
Tompkins, Daniel D.
Toms, Dave.
Tong, Amanda.
Toomer, Anthony B.
Toomer, Arthur B.
Toomer, Henry.
Topsail Beach (N.C.). Board of Commissioners.
Torinus, L. E.
Tornrose, A. T. (Axel T.)
Torrence, Thomas E.
Torrey, Raymond H.
Torsen, Marilyn.
Tortorella, James.
Toth, Stephen J.
Toulmin, Harry, 1766-1823.
Town, Ithiel, 1784-1844.
Towne, Carroll A.
Towns, W. L.
Townsend, D. T.
Townsend, F. H. (Frederick Henry), 1868-1920
Toy, Walter D.
Tracy, Erin.
Tracy, Eugene Kenneth, 1947-
Traffic and Planning Associates.
Training Research & Development.
Transit 2001 Commission (N.C.)
Traveller, Robert D.
Treadwell, John.
Treadwell, Thomas, 1779-1860.
Tredwell, Samuel.
Treece, M. W.
Treidler, Adolph, b. 1886
Treidler, Adolph, b. 1886.
Trent, Charles T.
Trent, Clyde B., Jr.
Trent, W. J., Jr.
Trevitt, William.
Trexler-Culpepper, Cindy.
Tri-County Community College.
Tri-County Technical Education Center.
Tri-County Technical Institute.
Triangle J Council of Governments.
Triebert, Lauren.
Trimmer, Reece.
Triplett, Gina L.
Trivette, Jay W.
Trivette, Larry.
Trogdon, Mark.
Trötschel, Werner.
Trott, Holly.
Trott, Irene D.
Trotter, Jeannette.
Trotter, Saravette
Trotter, Saravette R.
Troup, Robert, 1757-1832.
Troutman, Anne.
Troutman, Doris.
Troutman, Ralph.
Troxler, Carole Watterson.
Troy, M.
Troy, M. A.
Trueblood, Kissiah.
Truex, Jay.
Truit, John.
Truitt, Jan.
Trull, Margaret L.
Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972.
Truman, Jonathan Otis.
Trumbull, Jonathan, 1740-1809.
Trump, Robert T.
Tryon Palace (New Bern, N.C.).
Tryon, William, 1729-1788.
Tschetter, Paul D.
Tucker, A. W.
Tucker, Barbara.
Tucker, Betty.
Tucker, G. Alvin.
Tucker, Glenn.
Tucker, Granbery.
Tucker, Louise.
Tucker, M. Ray.
Tucker, Mary Ellen.
Tucker, R. H.
Tufftoe [Tifftoe?] Sallowee the Young Warrior of Keowee
Tufts, James W.
Turano, Marc J.
Turberg, Edward F.
Turmine, Ignatius.
Turnbull, Marianne.
Turnbull, Robert B.
Turner, Alienne Wiggins.
Turner, Bruce H.
Turner, Charles.
Turner, Debra.
Turner, E. W.
Turner, Eula.
Turner, Frank B.
Turner, George.
Turner, J.
Turner, James, 1766-1824.
Turner, Jerry.
Turner, Jim.
Turner, Mary
Turner, Mary Boyd.
Turner, Samuel, Jr.
Turner, Thomas.
Turner, Tracy R.
Turner, W. L.
Turner, W. R., Jr.
Turner, William L.
Turner, William.
Turning Point Workforce Development Board
Turnipseed, Patricia.
Turrentine, L.
Turrentine, Samuel.
Tutwiler, Michael.
Twaddle, William G.
Twelvetrees, W. H. (William Harper), 1848-1919.
Twisdale, Barbara.
Twitty, Robert G.
Tyler, E. Carole (Esther Carole), 1939-
Tyler, John, 1747-1813.
Tyler, John, 1790-1862.
Tyler, Mary, 1950-
Tymvios, Nicholas.
Tyndall, Earl H., Jr.
Tyree, Manly W.
Tyree, Seth.
Tyrell County (N.C.)
Tysinger, H. D.
Tyson, G. T., Jr.
Tyson, L. B.
Tyson, Nancy J.
U.S. Center for International Women's Year.
Ugbaja, Arlene.
Ulrich, Ed.
Umfleet, LeRae.
Umstead, John.
Umstead, William Bradley, 1895-1954.
UNC Health Care.
UNC Institute for Transportation Research and Education.
Underhill, Florence May Egerton, 1882-1953.
Underwood, B. Shane.
Underwood, Bess C.
Underwood, Clarence F.
Underwood, Shane (B. Shane)
Union County (N.C.)
Union County (N.C.). Clerk of Superior Court.
Union League of America.
Union League of America. New York State Council.
United Nations. Commission on the Status of Women.
United Service Organizations (U.S.).
United States Civil Service Commission.
United States Commission on Civil Rights.
United States Fish and Wildlife Service, United States Department of the Interior.
United States Food Administration.
United States Sanitary Commission.
United States--Armed Forces.
United States. Air Force. Systems Command. Armament Development and Test Center.
United States. Army
United States. Army.
United States. Army. Army, 3rd.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers.
United States. Army. Corps, 19th
United States. Army. Infantry Division, 30th.
United States. Army. Signal Corps
United States. Bureau of Biological Survey.
United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
United States. Bureau of Outdoor Recreation.
United States. Bureau of Public Roads.
United States. Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands.
United States. Children's Bureau.
United States. Civil Air Patrol. North Carolina Wing.
United States. Coast Guard.
United States. Congress.
United States. Congress. House. Office of the Law Revision Counsel.
United States. Continental Congress.
United States. Department of Agriculture.
United States. Department of Commerce. Aeronautics Branch.
United States. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.
United States. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
United States. Department of Justice.
United States. Department of Labor.
United States. Department of Labor. Manpower Administration.
United States. Department of State. Office of Media Services.
United States. Department of the Army.
United States. Department of the Interior.
United States. Dept. of Agriculture
United States. Dept. of Labor
United States. District Court (North Carolina: Edenton District)
United States. District Court (North Carolina: Fayetteville District)
United States. District Court (North Carolina: Halifax District)
United States. District Court (North Carolina: Hillsborough District)
United States. District Court (North Carolina: Morgan District)
United States. District Court (North Carolina: New Bern District)
United States. District Court (North Carolina: Salisbury District)
United States. District Court (North Carolina: Wilmington District)
United States. Employment Standards Administration.
United States. Employment Standards Administration. Office of Information and Consumer Affairs.
United States. Federal Energy Administration.
United States. Food Administration
United States. Food and Drug Administration.
United States. Housing and Home Finance Agency.
United States. Marine Corps.
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
United States. National Park Service.
United States. Navy.
United States. Office of Federal Contract Compliance.
United States. Office of Management and Budget.
United States. Office of the Federal Register.
United States. Patent Office.
United States. President's Commission on Mental Health.
United States. Public Health Service.
United States. Selective Service Board (Alamance County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Alexander County, N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Alleghany County, N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Anson County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Ashe County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Avery County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Beaufort County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Bertie County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Bladen County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Brunswick County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Buncombe County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Burke County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Cabarrus County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Caldwell County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Camden County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Carteret County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Caswell County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Catawba County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Chatham County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Cherokee County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Chowan County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Clay County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Cleveland County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Columbus County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Craven County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Cumberland N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Currituck County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Dare County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Davidson County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Davie County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Duplin County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Durham County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Edgecombe County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Forsyth County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Franklin County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Gaston County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Gates County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Graham County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Granville County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Greene County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Guilford County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Halifax County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Harnett County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Haywood County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Henderson County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Hertford County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Hoke County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Hyde County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Iredell County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Jackson County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Johnston County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Jones County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Lee County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Lenoir County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Lincoln County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Macon County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Madison County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Martin County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (McDowell County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Mecklenburg County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Mitchell County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Montgomery County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Moore County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Nash County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (New Hanover County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Northampton County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Onslow County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Orange County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Pamlico County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Pasquotank County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Pender County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Perquimans County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Person County N.C)
United States. Selective Service Board (Pitt County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Polk County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Randolph County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Richmond County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Robeson County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Rockingham County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Rowan County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Rutherford County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Sampson County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Scotland County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Stanly County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Stokes County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Surry County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Swain County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Transylvania County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Tyrrell County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Union County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Vance County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Wake County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Wake County, N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Warren County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Washington County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Watauga County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Wayne County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Wilkes County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Wilson County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Yadkin County N.C.)
United States. Selective Service Board (Yancey County N.C.)
United States. Social Security Administration.
United States. Wage and Labor Standards Administration.
United States. War Dept.
United States. White House Office of Public Liaison.
United States. Women's Bureau.
United States. Work Projects Administration.
University of California, Los Angeles. Library.
University of Cincinnati.
University of Hawaii (Honolulu). College of Education.
University of Michigan. Division of Management Education.
University of North Carolina (1793-1962). Board of Trustees.
University of North Carolina (1793-1962). Bureau of Extension.
University of North Carolina (1793-1962). Institute of Government.
University of North Carolina (1793-1962). School of Social Work.
University of North Carolina (System)
University of North Carolina (System). Board of Governors.
University of North Carolina (System). Board of Governors. President.
University of North Carolina (System). Board of Trustees
University of North Carolina (System). Board of Trustees.
University of North Carolina (System). Board of Trustees. Visiting Committee.
University of North Carolina (System). Committee on Educational Planning, Policies, and Programs.
University of North Carolina (System). General Administration.
University of North Carolina (System). Tomorrow Commission.
University of North Carolina at Asheville.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Center for Teaching and Learning.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Center for the Study of the American South.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Center for Urban and Regional Studies.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. College of Arts and Sciences.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Committee on the Status of Black Faculty.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Department of Computer Science.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Department of Psychology.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Eshelman School of Pharmacy.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Faculty Advisory Committee to the Chancellor.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Folklore Council.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Injury Prevention Research Center.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Office of Communications and Public Affairs.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. School of Information and Library Science.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. School of Journalism and Mass Communication.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. School of Law.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. School of Social Work.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Smart Start Evaluation Team.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Women in Law.
University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Financial Aid Office.
University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Graduate School.
University of North Carolina at Greensboro. School of Education.
University of North Carolina at Pembroke.
University of North Carolina at Wilmington.
University of North Carolina at Wilmington. College of Arts and Sciences.
University of North Carolina at Wilmington. College of Health and Human Services.
University of North Carolina Center for Public Television.
University of North Carolina, Wilmington. Cameron School of Business.
University of North Carolina, Wilmington. College of Arts and Sciences.
University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
University of Toledo. Libraries.
Upchurch, Avron B.
Upchurch, Gary H.
Upjohn, Anna Milo, 1868-1951
Upperman, Gloria.
Urban, Jane.
Urquhart, Helen L.
Urquhart, W.
Urquihart, R. A.
Ussery, Robert M.
Ustenuah Otassatic[Osteneco] [Jud's Friend]
Utterdell, Martin C.
Vail, Jeremiah.
Valand, Wymene.
Valder, Bob.
Valentine, I. T. (Itimous Thaddeus), 1926-
Valentine, Sharon F.
Valentine, Stephen.
Valenzuela, Gloria.
Valladares, Banu.
Van Alstine, Nancy E.
Van Belois, Kandee.
Van Buren, Jeff.
Van Buren, Martin, 1782-1862.
Van Camp, Paul M.
Van Court, Elmer.
Van den Hurk, Jeroen.
Van Dolsen, Nancy.
Van Duyn, J. W.
Van Gieson, Fern M.
Van Horn, Earl C.
Van Horn, Scott L. (Scott Lee), 1950-
Van Ness, John Peter, 1770-1846.
Van Slyke, Lucius L. (Lucius Lincoln), 1859-1931.
Van Straten, H. J.
Van Straten, H. J., Mrs.
Van Voorhies, William.
Vance County (N.C.) Planning Board.
Vance County Planning Board.
Vance County Technical Institute.
Vance-Granville Community College.
Vance, D.
Vance, David.
Vance, Elmo.
Vance, J.
Vance, Robert B. (Robert Brank), 1828-1899.
Vance, Zebulon Baird 1830-1894.
Vance, Zebulon Baird, 1830-1894.
Vandenberg, J. J. (John Jay)
Vanderbilt, Edith Stuyvesant Dresser, 1873-1958.
Vandergrif, Jacob.
Vanderhorst, Arnoldus, 1748-1815.
Vandiver, D. S., Mrs.
VanMiddlesworth, Todd D.
Vann, George.
Vannoy, Jenney.
VanSistine-Yost, Linda.
Vanstory, Mary Kelly.
Varney, Porter.
Varser, Lycurgus Rayner, 1878-
Vass, Phillip.
Vaubawpey, O. W.
Vaughan-Prather, Judith.
Vaughan, Charles.
Vaughan, George.
Vaughan, James.
Vaughan, Michael R.
Vaughn Grocery Company.
Vaughn, Bertha Hayes.
Vaughn, Charles E.
Vaughn, Robert C., Jr.
Veach, Dwain M.
Veal, Matthew W., 1977-
Verell, James J.
Vernon, James.
Vernon, Robert.
Verrees, J. Paul, b. 1889
Versteeg, Robert John, 1930-2015.
Vessey, Jim K.
Vestal, Evelyn S.
Vianey, Lucien R.
Vick, Kelly.
Viglione, Vonna.
Vilbrandt, Frank C. (Frank Carl), 1893-
Vincent, Clarence.
Vincent, Willie L.
Virginia. General Assembly.
Virginia. General Assembly. House of Delegates.
Virginian Pilot (Hampton Roads, Va.)
Vodak, Friedrich.
Vogt, David.
Voight Milling Company.
Voight, Nancy L.
Voland, Ellen L.
Voliva, Frances S.
Volk, Douglas, 1856-1935
Volz, J. Leonard.
Von Amsberg, Hans J.
Von Brock, Ann L.
von Herff, B.
Von Oesen, Elaine.
Von Oesen, Henry M.
Voorhees, John.
Vorwerck, John C.
Votaw, Carmen Delgado.
Vuncannon, Margaret M.
W.W. Holding Technical Institute.
Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore), 1834-1912.
Waddell, Charles E.
Waddell, Edmund.
Waddell, Hugh, 1734?-1773.
Waddell, James I. (James Iredell), 1824-1886.
Waddill, Thomas.
Wade, Charles B. (Charles Byrd), 1915-
Wade, Dan W.
Wade, Melanie.
Wade, Thomas.
Wagner, J.
Wagner, Jacob.
Wagner, Max.
Wagoner, Anna Mills.
Wagoner, Tommy R.
Wainstein, Kenneth L.
Wake County (N.C.)
Wake County (N.C.). Board of Education.
Wake County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Wake Technical Community College.
Waldman, Elizabeth.
Waldvogel, Michael G., 1951-
Walgenbach, James F.
Walken, Jennifer W.
Walker, Abner
Walker, Alice M.
Walker, Amy.
Walker, Carlton, 1777-1840.
Walker, Claude, Junior, 1954-
Walker, David, 1806-1879.
Walker, Denise.
Walker, Doris R.
Walker, Frances P.
Walker, George.
Walker, Harriette Hammer.
Walker, Harry.
Walker, Hay, Jr.
Walker, J. C.
Walker, James.
Walker, John (1741-1813)
Walker, John Otey, 1887-
Walker, John T.
Walker, John, 1728-1796.
Walker, John.
Walker, Joseph.
Walker, Leroy Pope, 1817-1884.
Walker, Nathan Wilson, 1875-
Walker, Nedda.
Walker, Nicholas L.
Walker, Philip A.
Walker, Platt Dickinson, 1849-1923.
Walker, Randolph A.
Walker, Richard L.
Walker, Ruth H.
Walker, Samuel.
Walker, Shirley A.
Walker, Tom.
Walker, William L.
Walker, William.
Walker, Willie Allison
Wall, Alton P.
Wall, Bennett H.
Wall, Elaine F.
Wall, James W.
Wall, Patricia A.
Wall, Robert L., 1936-
Wall, Walter Ashe, 1919-2004.
Wallace, C.
Wallace, Charles S.
Wallace, David.
Wallace, George N.
Wallace, James C.
Wallace, Jasper L.
Wallace, Lillian Parker
Wallace, Sam.
Wallen, John L.
Wallis, John, Jr.
Walls, Ted.
Waln, Robert, 1794-1825.
Walter, Tracy A.
Walter, Tracy.
Walters, Charles S.
Walthall, Lacy M., Jr.
Walton, Eloise.
Walton, Thomas.
Wandow, Edward.
Wang, Sheng-Guo.
Wang, Shuying.
Wannamaker, Allen.
Ward, Anne M.
Ward, Anthony.
Ward, Enoch.
Ward, H. C.
Ward, Hallett S. (Hallett Sydney), 1870-1956.
Ward, Hamilton, 1871-1932.
Ward, Harry Lee, 1906-1972.
Ward, Henry.
Ward, James A.
Ward, Jason.
Ward, John James.
Ward, Joseph.
Ward, Stephanie Hill.
Ward, Stephanie.
Ward, Tena H.
Ware, W. R. (William R.)
Waring, Thomas, Jr.
Warlick, Wilbur Wilson, 1921-2005.
Warner, Lorena.
Warrell, Erma B.
Warren County (N.C.)
Warren County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Warren, A. Eugene.
Warren, Betsy.
Warren, Charles H. (Charles Henry), 1895-1967.
Warren, David G.
Warren, F. (Ferdinand)
Warren, James Sam.
Warren, Jeffrey D.
Warren, Lee G.
Warren, Mary Alice.
Warren, Thomas L. (Thomas Lafayette), 1894-1971.
Warsaw Planning Board (N.C.)
Washburn, B. E. (Benjamin Earle)
Washington Coffee Refining Company.
Washington County (N.C.)
Washington County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Washington Post Company.
Washington, Elijah.
Washington, George, 1732-1799.
Washington, John.
Waterhouse, Benjamin, 1754-1846.
Watermann, Jetta.
Waters, Cyrus.
Waters, Gilbert S.
Watkins, Fred B.
Watkins, James
Watkins, K.
Watkins, William Bismarck.
Watkins, William T.
Watson, Ada B.
Watson, Alan D., 1942-
Watson, Almyra M.
Watson, Anne Page.
Watson, Brian T.
Watson, Eugene.
Watson, F. M.
Watson, James.
Watson, Lewis P.
Watson, Mary E. (Mary Ellen), 1955-
Watson, Richard L.
Watson, T. Max.
Watson, Thomas L. (Thomas Leonard), 1871-1924.
Watson, William A.
Watson, William.
Watters, Henry.
Watterson, Carter.
Watterson, J. Carter.
Wattles, Augustus.
Watts, Amelia J.
Watts, Gordon P.
Watts, L. Poindexter (Lewis Poindexter), 1928-
Watts, William.
Wauchope, Robert, 1909-1979.
Wayave, T. M.
Wayne Community College.
Wayne County (N.C.)
Wayne County (N.C.). Clerk of Superior Court.
Wayne County Planning Board (N.C.)
Wayne State University.
Wayne Technical Institute.
Wayne, Anthony, 1745-1796.
Wayne, Clyde.
Waynesville Planning Board (N.C.)
Waynick, Capus M.
We the People of North Carolina.
Weakley, Alan S.
Weal Fund.
Weatherly, Earl R.
Weathers, Henry L.
Weatherspoon, R. T.
Weatherwax, H. E.
Weatt, John R.
Weaver, A. K.
Weaver, Benjamin.
Weaver, David S.
Weaver, Fred H. (Frederick Henry), 1915-1972.
Weaver, George B.
Weaver, Harold J.
Weaver, Howard E.
Weaver, Ina G.
Weaver, J. M.
Weaver, J. Stephen.
Weaver, J.H.
Weaver, Marinelle.
Weaver, Patricia M.
Weaver, Reagan H.
Weaver, Zebulon, 1872-1948.
Webb, Deborah.
Webb, Eliza D.
Webb, Harold H.
Webb, James, 1774-1855.
Webb, John M.
Webb, Mary
Webb, N. B.
Webb, Neil Broyles, 1930-
Webb, O. K., Jr.
Webb, Robert Dickins.
Webb, Robert.
Webb, Stephen M.
Weber, Joey.
Webster, Charlotte.
Webster, Harvey.
Webster, James.
Webster, Juanita H.
Webster, Leila.
Webster, William A.
Weddington, Sarah Ragle.
Wedger, Utley.
Weekly Raleigh Register (Newspaper).
Weeks, Morris T., Jr.
Weems, Sam P.
Wehinger, Edwin Edward, 1921-2006.
Weil, Gertrude, 1879-1971.
Weil, Lionel, 1877-1948.
Weintraub, Jon.
Weitz, Jerry.
Welborn, Drusilla E.
Welborn, J.
Welborn, Jane
Welborn, Thomas.
Welch, David (David P.)
Welch, H. H., Jr.
Welch, William.
Weldon, Daniel.
Weldon, Samuel.
Wellborn, James, 1767-1854.
Weller, Dennis P.
Wellman, Manly Wade, 1903-1986.
Wells, B. W. (Bertram Whittier), 1884-1978.
Wells, Dewey W.
Wells, John T.
Wells, Mary P.
Wells, Thomas R.
Wells, Wilfred A.
Wells, William W.
Wells, William.
Welsh, Doris V.
Welsh, H. Devitt, 1888-1942
Welsh, W.
Welty, Jeff.
Wenner, Elizabeth Lewis.
Werley, Leroy Delbert, III, 1945-
Werner, Carol.
Werner, Keith.
Wessell, John C.
West Raleigh Presbyterian Church.
West, Alex B.
West, Betsy.
West, Charles.
West, Cindy.
West, George H.
West, James S., Senior, 1944-
West, Jesse L., Jr.
West, John S.
West, John.
West, Karen A.
West, M. D.
West, Mayhue Lane, 1915-2007.
West, Robert Lee, Junior, 1934-
West, Robert.
West, Ruth.
West, Terry L. (Terry Lynn), 1946-
West, Th. L.
Western Carolina University.
Western Carolina University. Department of Music.
Western Carolina University. Institute for the Economy and the Future.
Western North Carolina Railroad Company.
Western North Carolina Regional Planning Commission.
Western North Carolina Sanatorium (Black Mountain, N.C.)
Western Piedmont Community College.
Western Piedmont Council of Governments.
Western Piedmont Planning Office.
Western Piedmont Workforce Development Board
Westervelt, Walter M.
Westmoreland, Alan.
Westmoreland, Shirley.
Weston, Lynda.
Wetherington, Julia.
Wetmore, I.
Wey, Herbert W.
Weyand, Ruth.
Whanger, Ernest G.
Wharton Photography Studio (Raleigh, N.C.).
Wharton, J. P.
Wharton, Richard L.
Wheaton, Liz.
Wheaton, R. G.
Whedbee, Charles Harry.
Wheeler, George.
Wheeler, J. H.
Wheeler, John H. (John Hill), 1806-1882.
Wheeler, Martha W.
Wheeler, Raymond, 1919-1982.
Whelan, Katie.
Whelan, Matthew J.
Whelan, Matthew.
Whelan, Michael P.
Whichard, Willis P.
Whicker, Adrian.
Whitaker, Benjamin.
Whitaker, Bessie Lewis.
Whitaker, Gordon P.
Whitaker, John.
Whitaker, O'Kelley.
Whitaker, Spier, 1841-1901.
Whitcomb, Jon, 1906-1988.
White, Barbara.
White, Benajah.
White, Bonnie D.
White, Buxton.
White, C. H.
White, Charles H.
White, Charles M.
White, Edwina J.
White, Henry.
White, Holly.
White, J. R.
White, J.B.
White, James C.
White, James G.
White, James, 1749-1809.
White, Janet.
White, Jean M.
White, John.
White, Judith S.
White, M. E.
White, M. L.
White, M. R.
White, Marci L.
White, Nancy.
White, Phillip Allen, 1949-
White, Ryan L.
White, Sam T., II.
White, T. R.
White, Virginia.
White, W. D.
White, W. W.
White, William, -1811.
Whitehead, R.H.
Whitehead, Walter, 1874-1956
Whitehead, Wilma.
Whitehouse, F. E.
Whitehurst, Jonathan H. (Jonathan Haywood)
Whitfield, Bryan.
Whitfield, Fred E.
Whitford, Annie K.
Whitford, Katherine K.
Whiting, William Henry Chase, 1824-1865.
Whitley, Ann.
Whitley, Caroline B.
Whitmen, Gloria.
Whitmire, J. Timothy.
Whitmore, Robert.
Whitney, Abner.
Whitney, George C.
Whitney, Sally.
Whitt, Lum W.
Whitted, Richard E.
Whyburn, William M. (William Marvin), 1901-1972.
Wiatt, John.
Wicks, Elliot K.
Wiener, Leonard S.
Wier, Alex.
Wier, J. A.
Wiggins, Hazel L.
Wiggins, James.
Wiggins, Marguerite.
Wiggins, Norman Adrian.
Wiggins, Thomas Medicus.
Wilber, S. C., Jr.
Wilborn, Elizabeth W.
Wilde-Ramsing, Mark.
Wildlife Diversity Program (N.C.)
Wiles, G. E.
Wiley, C. H. (Calvin Henderson), 1819-1887.
Wiley, Mary C.
Wiley, Nelson A.
Wiley, Samuel S.
Wilkerson, R. N.
Wilkes Community College.
Wilkes County (N.C.)
Wilkes County (N.C.). Board of Education.
Wilkes County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Wilkins, Kevin.
Wilkins, William.
Wilkinson, James, 1757-1825.
Wilkinson, Norman, 1878-1971
Wilkinson, W.
Wilkinson, William.
Willborn, J.
Willcox, W. A.
Willett, E. C.
William Madison Randall Library.
William, Bull.
Williams, Andrew J.
Williams, Arthur.
Williams, Austin B.
Williams, B.
Williams, Ben F., Mrs.
Williams, Benjamin, 1751-1814.
Williams, Benjamin, Jr.
Williams, Billy M.
Williams, C. F.
Williams, C. Raymond.
Williams, Christine W.
Williams, Diane.
Williams, Edward.
Williams, Elynor A.
Williams, Floyd R.
Williams, G. M.
Williams, George A.
Williams, George.
Williams, Gretchen.
Williams, Harris A.
Williams, Heather Andrea.
Williams, Hope.
Williams, I. J.
Williams, Isabel M.
Williams, J.
Williams, J. A.
Williams, J. B.
Williams, J. Gregory.
Williams, J. Scott (John Scott), b. 1877
Williams, James, 1740-1780.
Williams, James.
Williams, Jerri S.
Williams, Joel.
Williams, John
Williams, John A., Jr.
Williams, John E.
Williams, John G.
Williams, John L. (John Lawrence), 1968-
Williams, John P.
Williams, John, 1778-1837.
Williams, John.
Williams, Jonathan, 1929-2008.
Williams, Jonathan.
Williams, Joseph.
Williams, Joshua.
Williams, Julia K.
Williams, Kelly B.
Williams, Kristen M.
Williams, Lewis.
Williams, Luther E.
Williams, Luther S.
Williams, Mary K.
Williams, Maurvene D.
Williams, Michael Ann.
Williams, Mike.
Williams, Milton Franklin, 1846-
Williams, Morley J.
Williams, Patricia.
Williams, Robert, 1758-1840.
Williams, Robert.
Williams, Sally, approximately 1796-
Williams, Samuel.
Williams, Sidney S., 1837-
Williams, Stanley N.
Williams, Stephen.
Williams, Suzanne E.
Williams, Thomas W.
Williams, Thomas.
Williams, W. P.
Williams, Walter F.
Williams, Will, Mrs.
Williams, William A. (William Asbury), 1854-1938.
Williams, William.
Williamson, Dr.
Williamson, Ellis W.
Williamson, Hugh, 1735-1819.
Williamson, J. R.
Williamson, John B.
Williamson, Robert.
Williamson, Sandy.
Williamson, W. M.
Williamson, William.
Willis Amspacher, Karen.
Willis, Alida.
Willis, Daniel.
Willis, Dixie T.
Willis, Fred S.
Willis, H. E.
Willis, John.
Willis, Peter.
Willoughby, Ralph.
Wills, Samuel.
Willson, Ann J.
Wilmington and Weldon Rail Road.
Wilmington College.
Wilmington star-news (Wilmington, N.C.)
Wilson Community College.
Wilson County (N.C.). Register of Deeds.
Wilson County Technical Institute.
Wilson Planning Board.
Wilson, A. Ewart.
Wilson, A. G.
Wilson, Alison A.
Wilson, Anna Morrison.
Wilson, Arleene.
Wilson, Carol H.
Wilson, David.
Wilson, Dustin W., Jr.
Wilson, Ed.
Wilson, Elbert E.
Wilson, Fred, 1954-
Wilson, George.
Wilson, J.
Wilson, J. D. C.
Wilson, James L. (James Leo)
Wilson, James.
Wilson, Jeannie.
Wilson, John Lyde, 1784-1849.
Wilson, John R.
Wilson, Juanita.
Wilson, Kenneth A
Wilson, Kenneth A.
Wilson, Lester Jack.
Wilson, Lonnie E.
Wilson, Maegen.
Wilson, Nathaniel C.
Wilson, S. Virginia.
Wilson, Samuel B.
Wilson, Stephen Edward, 1942-
Wilson, Vernia R.
Wilson, Vicki T.
Wilson, William F.
Wilson, William L.
Wilson, William, Jr.
Wilson, William.
Wilson, Willis.
Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924.
Winborne, Benj. B. (Benjamin Brodie), 1854-1919.
Winborne, Ferne B.
Winder, William.
Windley, Carnell H.
Wing, Stephen B.
Wingate, Jesse.
Wingate, Paul J.
Wingate, R. I.
Wingate, William.
Winkler, Ida Lee.
Winn, Richard, 1750-1818.
Winslow, D. H.
Winslow, E.L.
Winslow, Edward Lee.
Winslow, J.
Winslow, John.
Winslow, Sara E.
Winslow, W. S.
Winstead, Karen.
Winston, Edward.
Winston, Ellen, 1903-1984.
Winston, Ellen.
Winston, James.
Winston, John R. (John robinson), 1890-
Winston, Robert W. (Robert Watson), 1860-1944.
Winston, Ryan, 1984-
Winston, W. S.
Winters, R. Oakley.
Wirsum, Karl, 1939-
Wirth, Conrad Louis, 1899-1993.
Wisdom, George W., 1853-
Wisell, Sharon.
Wiseman, Millie G.
Wiser, Betty H. (Betty Hutchinson)
Wishmore, Savage.
Wisienski, Bee Mayo.
Wisner, Philip.
Wisniewski, Sandra T.
Wisser, Katherine M.
Withers, John.
Witt, Gretchen Beilfuss.
Wolcott, Oliver, Jr.
Wolf of Keowee
Wolfe, Henry C.
Wolfe, Jeremiah.
Wolfe, Karin L.
Wolff, Maury.
Wolff, Robert L.
Womack, Francis.
Womack, James.
Womack, S. J.
Womack, Thomas Jefferson, 1831-1889.
Womack, Tony M.
Woman's Missionary Union of North Carolina.
Womble, H. G.
Womble, J. J.
Womble, Jacob.
Womble, M. C.
Womble, Peggy.
Womble, Richard.
Women-in-Action for the Prevention of Violence and Its Causes, Inc. Durham Chapter (Durham, N.C.).
Women's Equity Action League.
Wonderly, D. E.
Wood, C. R.
Wood, Ernie
Wood, Ernie.
Wood, Harry.
Wood, J. Leonard.
Wood, J. M.
Wood, James H.
Wood, James H. (James Harvey).
Wood, James, 1741-1813.
Wood, James.
Wood, Mary Kennedy Sprunt.
Wood, Patricia.
Wood, Roy K.
Wood, Thomas Fanning, 1841-1892.
Wood, William W. (William Woodhull), 1921-2016.
Wood, William.
Woodall, J. Ned.
Woodard, Sarah A.
Woodard, Tammy.
Woodard, Thad.
Woodard, Thomas H.
Woodard, Wilma C.
Woodburn, Thomas.
Woodbury, C. G. (Charles Goodrich), 1884-1971.
Woodcock, Allie Carr, Junior, 1927-2015.
Woodfin Planning and Zoning Board (N.C.)
Woodfin, H. G.
Woodfin, J.
Woodford, William, 1734-1780.
Woodhouse, Chase Going, 1890-1984.
Wooding, John Bruce.
Woodrough, Margaret Ann Vollmer.
Woodruff, J. H.
Woods, R. H.
Woodson, John.
Woodward, Clement.
Woodward, Joseph.
Woodward, Lorenzo A.
Woody, Jennifer.
Woolard, W. J.
Woollard, W. F.
Woollard, Walter F.
Woolowrth, J.R.
Woolworth, S.B.
Woolworth, S.R.
Wooster, D. M.
Wooten, Frank T.
Wooten, Gladys G.
Wooten, L. E.
Wooten, Richard M.
Wooten, Robert E.
Wooten, William Preston.
Wootten, Bayard Morgan, 1875-1959.
Wootten, Benjamin.
Word, Thomas A.
Worke, Alexander.
Worke, Robert.
Workman, John Hiliary Andrew
Workshop on Fishery Diseases for the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study (1987 : Raleigh, N.C.)
Workshop on Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Models for the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study (1987 : Raleigh, N.C.)
Workshop on Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems for Use in Managing the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary (1987 : Raleigh, N.C.)
World's Columbian Exposition (1893 : Chicago, Ill.). Board of Lady Managers.
Worth, George A.
Worth, Jonathan, 1802-1869.
Worth, Josephine B.
Worthington, Lund, Jr.
Worthington, Thomas, 1773-1827.
Wortz, Eleanor Thompson, 1921-
Wossink, Ada.
Wossink, G. A. A.
Woudall, Joan.
Wray, David L. (David Lonzo) 1900-.
Wray, John S.
Wray, Michael G.
Wrenn, Nancy Leigh.
Wrenn, Tony P.
Wright, Ann.
Wright, Barton A.
Wright, Betsey.
Wright, David G.
Wright, Donald M.
Wright, George Hand, 1872-1951
Wright, George M.
Wright, John Waugh.
Wright, Joshua G.
Wright, Kenneth D.
Wright, Marcia M.
Wright, Newton.
Wright, Norma.
Wright, Orville, 1871-1948.
Wright, Robert, 1752-1826.
Wright, T.
Wright, Thomas.
Wright, Willye C.
Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of South Carolina.
Wu, Jy S.
Wurts Bros. (New York, N.Y.)
Wutschel, Alice.
Wyatt, Exekiel.
Wyatt, Sherry Joines.
Wyche, Neal T.
Wylie, W. H., Jr.
Wyllys, Samuel, 1739-1823.
Wyman, Charles D.
Wyman, Cherry.
Wyman, Donald, 1903-
Wynkoop, Richard, 1829-1913.
Wynn, R. L.
Wynne, M. Bennett (Milton Bennett), 1956-
Wynne, M. Susan.
Wynne, Robert W.
Wynns, Benjamin.
Wynns, George.
Wyrick, Granville G.
Wyriot, Ormond, Jr.
Xu, Shuangyu.
Yamaguchi, Yuriko, 1948-
Yancey, Elizabeth G.
Yancey, Thornton.
Yarborough, Bill.
Yarborough, Edward.
Yarborough, Garris Neil.
Yarborough, John A.
Yarborough, R. Larry.
Yarbrough, David.
Yarbrough, John A.
Yarbrough, Ruth Shipp, 1926-
Yarkosky, Sherry.
Yates, A.
Yates, Curtis B.
Yates, Don.
Yates, F. A.
Yates, Robert A.
Yates, Robert G. (Robert Giertz), 1910-
Ye, Weimin.
Yearwood, Douglas L.
Yeatts, Jerry.
Yelton, Nathan H. (Nathan Hunter), 1901-1981.
Yelverton, Evelyne.
Yelverton, Fred H.
Yeomans, Alfred.
YMCA of the USA.
Yoak, Meg.
Yohn, F. C. (Frederick Coffay), 1875-1933
York, Brantley, 1805-1891.
York, James Wesley, 1912-
York, Maurice C.
Yorke, John.
Yorke, Joseph, Baron Dover, 1724-1792.
Young, B.
Young, Beth.
Young, Ellsworth
Young, Eva M.
Young, Fred.
Young, Gary M.
Young, Henry E.
Young, Henry.
Young, J. J.
Young, James R. (James Richard), 1853-1937.
Young, John.
Young, Louis G.
Young, Moses.
Young, Perry.
Young, Pinckney Rayburn.
Young, Richard K.
Young, Richard L.
Young, William Crawford, b. 1886
Youngblood, Patricia K.
Younts, William E., Jr.
Youth Legislative Assembly.
Yow, David L. (David Lee), 1959-
Zallen, Eugenia.
Zanno, Lindsay.
Zapf, Daniel.
Zia, Paul, 1926-
Zierden, Martha A.
Zinn, Douglas C.
Zitella, Josephine.
Zlotchenko, Elina.
Zoeller's Studio.
Zogry, Kenneth.
Zublena, Joseph Peter, 1951-