- Title
- Papers of William Alexander Graham [1864-1865, v.6]
- Date
- 1976
- Creator
- ["Graham, William A. (William Alexander), 1804-1875."]
- Place
- ["North Carolina, United States"]
Papers of William Alexander Graham [1864-1865, v.6]

Division of Archives and History
could not catch the negroes, as they had still too much start of us,
and were on horseback. We could see them tumble though, when
the Artillery fired. As we had no cavalry we could not continue,
and had run over 3 miles. We put those to flight in front of us, but
six desperate scoundrels in a house were still firing. A squad of a
few surrounded the house, after the negroes had killed one of
24th. Reg’t, and put fire to the house, four ran out, who were
instantly killed, but not till one of the 49th. Reg’t had been killed
by them.
I have heard nothing from my application for leave of absence
since my return, and have very little idea now, that it will be
granted. We are again expecting to go on a march, and have orders
from the General not to allow any one to go half a mile from Camp,
without special permission.
I regret very much that I could not be at home during the
Co uits, but I can't tell now when 1 can get off. I suppose our Bri¬
gade will be moved to Chowan and Meherin rivers to afford pro¬
tection to fisheries in that section. In regard to being a Candidate
for House of Commons, I will leave that entirely to your judgment,
. . . though I have no strong desire to quit the Army.
I am son y that I could not have met Jimmie and the rest of the
family while he was at home. Please use what money I have in the
Savings Institution. If there is enough to get a Bond, please f und it,
if not, dispose of it as you think best. I have now $8500. which
must last me until I get some of the new Issue. The recent Act of
Congress gives the Officers the same rations as privates, but will
not let you draw or buy for your servants or yourself. I wish they
had let the matter alone, as we were better off before, and now can¬
not feed our servant, as it is almost impossible in this County to
buy except from Commissary. Surely they did not intend that an
Officer should not have a servant, but this will be the effect of it.
Mv best love to Mother K: Sudie — and ask them to write soon.
David M. Carter™ to William A. Graham
Hd. Qrs. Lieut. Gen. A. P. Hill,
A. N. V. [Army of Northern Virginia] ,
March 16th, 1864.
I take the liberty of addressing you in relation to the affairs of
our party in North Carolina, because 1 have great confidence in
69 David Miller Carter (1830-1877), a graduate of the University of North Carolina,
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