This community , was groatly oxoited ou ‘
Bunday morning by iotolljjjonoo rooolvod from 0
H’ohmonda Ijjvtolcgraplj, tbit Gen. Branoh 0
report* to have boon killed in ono of 1
tb« lito hiffios near Frederick City. While !
ill f«*re<tyWt.}JjB, report was true, is it win 0
Will knoWdliacliiff' Brigade bid boon in the "
late tight!, ill hoped tbit "
it night
be true, ihd' thet it the worst p
be wu bsflly wounded, This feeling was 1
./entertained^ until the arrival of the ifieruoou 1
t ' triin *rom the North, bringing with it copies 1
of in Extra Richmond Enquirer, dated Sun- <
day morning, in wltioli It wu «tated tlftt Gen, •
Brinoh, togothor with Gone. Stir
and Man- 1
ulng, had beon killed in tho battle of Wud- ■
Thii lotolligenoe, of oourse, . die- j a
pelted all hope, end General B.’s venerable l
father-in-law was on Sunday night aotunlly t
engaged in making nrraogonionta for bringing
Llio remain! of Gen. It, lo tlioir last resting 1
place, when, at niuo o’clock at night, tho *
following dispatch was rcocivcd from llich- i
uiond : J
■‘An AM to A. F. Rill says tkat Bmnob waa
nmburtu to.
be ,
The offeot of this newa may be well imag- ®
jned, Tho anguish of wife and ohildren and fc.
the grief of afflioted friend* were at once _
turned to joy and thanksgiving that t. life f
valuable to so many was yot spared. Wo ^
have nevor soon warmer sympathy olioitod (
for any family than was evinood by this com¬
munity towards that of Gon. Branch in the
boroavomont it was bcliovod to have bus- .
P. S, Sinoo the above was in typo, nows
by telograpb has boon received wbioh ocn-
firms the first report of Goueral Branob’s
death, a dispatoh having boon roooivod on
Monday nfioruoon from Major Engelhard,
tho Quartonnaator of Gon. Branch’s brigade,
stating that he was killed in tho battle of
Wodnosday, and that hi9 romnins, in oharge
of Major E., would reach this city ou Thurs¬
day. We have neither honrt nor spaoo to
dosoribe, if wo could, tho offeot of these
sad tidings upon tbo bereavod family of the
gallant ofiioor, wLo, after a brief, but truly
glorious oaroer, hao, with his blood on the
battlefield, sealed his devotion to his country.
Tho tidings of Gon. Branch's doath will bo
sorrowfully roooived throughout tho State aud
the Confodoraoy, in both of wbioh ho was
well known, either personally or by reputa¬
tion. Siuoo hie roturn to bis native State
from Florida, Ucn. Branoh has filled, with
great credit, tho position of President of the
Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company,
Representative in tho old Congress from this
.District, and Brigatlior General in tho army
of tho Confederate States of Amerioa. His
character as a geDtloman was marked by tho
strictest integrity, and an amiability of tom-
per which scoured to him the warmest and
most devoted frionds. He fell in tho prime
of bis lifo and usefulness, a martyr to the
oause of liberty.