- Title
- Laws and resolutions passed by the General Assembly of State of North Carolina at the Special Session [1868]
- Date
- 1868
- Creator
- ["North Carolina."]
- Place
- ["North Carolina, United States"]
Laws and resolutions passed by the General Assembly of State of North Carolina at the Special Session [1868]

An Act to protect persons distilling spirituous liquors under United Title- Am*.
Slates license, ------- 58
An Act to provide for laving oil (be homestead and setting apart the
personal property exempted in favor of residents of this Stale,
by article X. of the Slate Cons. ila: ion, - - - 50
An Act in relation to punishments, - - - - 60 —
An Act to provide for the election of Electors of President and Vice-
President, -------- 61
An Act relating to salaries and fees, .... 64
An Act to make bank bills a set oil', - - - - 67
An .Vet regulating the selling of lands under execution, - - 67
An Act to provide for the registration of voters. - - - 68
An Act to amentl an act entitled “ An Act to provide for the registra¬
tion of voters.” - - - - - - - 71
An Act in relation lo suits pending in the late Supreme Court of this
State, -
An Act to repeal an ordinance appointing Commissioners to investi¬
gate the accounts and altiiirs of the Albemarle and Chesapeake
Canal Company, - - - - - - - 74
An Act to facilitate the settlement of the estates of deceased persons
and for other purposes, ------ 75
An Act concerning refunding bonds, - 76
An Act authorizing certain persons lo practice law, - - - 77
An Act for tlie relief of such persons as luay have suffered from the
destruction by fire of the records of the Superior and County
Courts in the County of Anson, ----- 77
An Act to prevent injuries to tiie navigation works in Cape Pear and
Deep Rivers, - -- -..-go
An Act supplemental lo an act on salaries and fees, - - 80
An Act lo amend section fifth, chapter eighty-five, Revised Code, 81
An Act to punish conspiracy, sedition and rebellion, - - - 81
An Act to provide for the employment of convicts and the erection of
a Penitentiary, ------- 82
An Act to punish bribery and coercion in the election, - - 86
1. A Resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Senate to procure a Tim*
copy of the election returns now in the office of the Secretary of of t ■ . ! 1: 1 t -
State, -------- go
2. A Joint Resolution, ratifying the proposed amendment of tlieCoti-
stitution of the United States, styled Article 14th, - - 8!i
.4. A Resolution authorizing the printing of tlie Governor's Inaugu¬
ral, Speeches of. Judge Heade and Lieut. Guy. T.
Caldwell, 01
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