Copy of Joel
Lane deed for
1000 acres of
land to Gov.
in office.
This indenture made the fifth day of April, in the year ofte
thousand seven hundred and ninety two, between Joel Lane Esq¬
uire, of ^ake County of the one part and Alexander Martin
Esquire, Govenor of the State of North Carolina, of the other
part, Witnesseth that the said Joel Lane, for the sin of one
thousand three hundred and seventy eight pounds, current money
of North Carolina, to hin paid by Frederick Hargate Esquire
Chair nan of the Board of Comiss loners appointed, by Act of
Assembly passed in deer, in the year one thousand seven hundred
ninety one, to determine on the place for holding the future
meetings of the General Assembly, and for the Residence of the
Chief Officers of the State of North Carolina,*- the Receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged, — Hath granted bargained
aliened enfeoff ed, released and confirmed, and by these presents
Doth grant bargain
sell, alien enfeoff releasd
confirm to
the said Alexander Martin Esquire, and his Successors in Office
for the time being, a certain Tract or parcel of Land in W
County to the Eastward of and near to Wake Court house con¬
taining one thousand acres, more or less and bound as follows,
Beginning at four Sasafras, two White Oaks, tiro per simmons, and
an Elm on Rocky Branch, thence North ten degrees East three
thirty four poles to a stake in the Run of a Spring
Branch,— then East three hundred and twenty seven poles to a
small Hickory
Red Oak, near a craggy Rock, -then North forty
poles to a Stake near a Red Oak, -then East one hundred and fiftr
Sight poles to a Stake in the Center of a Red-Oak a Hickory
-wo post Oaks,— then South two hundred
eighty one poles to
ite Oak in Joshua Suggs Line, -then South fifty seven degrees
Jest two hundred
fifty six poles to a young Hickory, -then
forth eighty four degrees West one hundred and thirty poles to
post Oak, 4*t hen West one hundred & forty eight poles to a
hit e -Oak on the Rocky Branch, -then up the Branch the variout
ourses thereof to the Beginning; and all Woods, Timber Trees.
Fays, Waters, Springs, Emoluments
advantages to said Tract of