Raleigh, North Carolina
Physical Description: 135 items: commissions, letters, lists» minutes, news¬
paper clipping, notes, pamphlet, petitions, picture, proclamation, remini¬
scence, report, telegrams.
Acquisition: From
Report: 1922-1924, commission appointing Wyatt
Outlaw to the Grand State Council of the Union Leagues of America, signed
by W. W, Hb'lden and donated by Junius Grimes.
December 21. 1916. recommendation of Edward Cantwell, Wilmington, for
district attorney of North Carolina, signed by W. W. Holden and William J.
Clarke (1853), donated by C. F. Idbbie;
July 10, 1935. address on the "History of Journalism in North Carolina"
by W. W. Hold6n (l88l), gift of Miss Mary Sherwood of Raleigh
through J. C. Sitterson.
April 15. 1938. "Recollection of William W. Holden" notes of an interview
with Mrs. Henry Murdock, step- sister of W. W. Holden, (1930) by Dr. Edgar W.
Folk, Wake Forest College.
No record of accession has been found for most of the material in the
Holden Papers. It is suggested that many of the items here inay have been
received from the Governor’s Office and that some of the more personal let¬
ters and papers were separated from the Governor W. W. Holden Papers.
Description: Correspondence of W. W. Holden (1818-1892; for biographical
sketch see Samuel A. Ashe (ed.). Biographical History of North Carolina, vol.
Ill, pp. 184-297) includes letters written by Holden as editor of The North Carol
Standard (1843-1868), candidate for governor (1864), provisional governor (l865)V
and several letters to him as elected governor (1868-1871). The few remaining
letters were written primarily by H’ld«n when he was postmaster (1873-1881) of
Correspondence, 1857-1867, includes a letter to David L. Swain acknowledg-
\S ing appointment as a trustee of the University of North . Carolina (1857); several
^pWZl-^^Pi^^ld^et^rs referring to subscriptions and rates for the newspaper; and
letters to~Tffi^ eon-in-law Calvin J. Cowled (those in 1864' refer to his reluctance
'J to run for governor, to Vance's defection to the "Jefferson Davis Destructives,"
to Holden's anticipation of Confederate army support, and to Vance's political
pressure on the soldiers)