P.O.Box 27685 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27611 (919) 814-3600
Holiday Edition
November 2021
The State Ethics Commission and its staff wish you and your family Happy Holidays!
Ethics staff appreciates your invaluable support during the past year. We enjoy working
with all of you and look forward to brighter days ahead.
Kathleen Edwards, Executive Director
****Please Update Your Records with Our New E-Mail Domain @ethics.****
****Our website address is now****
Ethics Act Gift Ban
The holidays are almost here, and you all know
what that means... hot cocoa, holiday lights, fireside
family gatherings, and gift ban questions! Whether
in person, socially distanced, or on Zoom, holiday
celebrations and gift-giving this year are still subject
to the gift ban of the Ethics Act and Lobbying Law.
This newsletter summarizes the gift ban and
provides information to help you navigate gift-giving
this holiday season. As always, if you have any
questions or doubts about what may or may not be
allowed, please contact our office and we will be
happy to assist you.
What is the Gift Ban?
The Ethics Act prohibits public servants,
legislators, and legislative employees from
accepting gifts from lobbyist and lobbyist
principals, and public servants from accepting gifts
from those doing or seeking to do business with
the State, unless a gift ban exception applies.
(See G.S. 138A-32). Likewise, the Lobbying
Law prohibits lobbyists, lobbyist principals, and
liaison personnel from giving gifts to those
individuals. (See G.S. 120C-303 and -501).
What is a Gift?
A gift is anything of monetary value given
or received without valuable consideration. In
North Carolina, there is no allowance for de
minimis or small gifts, so all gifts
from givers listed above are prohibited
unless an exception applies.
Gift Ban Continued...
Who is Covered?
Not sure if the gift ban applies to you? Names
of covered persons and boards can be
found at:
Public Servants - Unless an exception applies,
members of State boards and covered State
employees cannot accept gifts from
lobbyists, lobbyist principals, or those seeking
or doing business with the State, who are
regulated by the State, or have financial interests
that may be impacted by a public servant’s
Legislators & Legislative Employees - Unless
an exception applies, cannot accept gifts
from lobbyists, lobbyists principals, or liaison
Lobbyists, Lobbyists Principals &
Legislative Liaison Personnel - Unless
an exception applies, cannot give gifts to
legislators, legislative employees. Search
for registered lobbyists, lobbyist principals
and liaison personnel at: