Published Monthly I «.sri
j/trtr» N C Spntpmhpr 1Q1G Entered at Lexington Post Office as
By Southern Good Roads Publishing Co. UCiUlgloIl, 11. Ve., jcptcmuci, * ” * ' second class matter
Proceedings ol the Annual Meeting North
Carolina Good Roads Association
By MISS H. M. BERRY, Acting Secretary
Til FRF was hold in the auditorium at Harbor Is-
land at Wrights ville Beach, August R.5-13, inclu¬
sive, the annual convention of the North Carolina Good
Hoads Association. This meeting was held m conjunc¬
tion with the annual meetings of the State Association
nl' County Com.i.issioners and the North Carolina Au-
t in ibile Association.
The meeting was called to order l\v Mr. \Y. A. Mc-
Girt, President, and opened with prayer by the Rev. M.
T. Plyler. Addresses of welcome on the part of the city
of Weigh tsville were delivered by .Mayor Tims. II.
Wright, and on behalf of the city of Wilmington by Mr.
Roger Moore, president of the Wilmington Chamber of
I {-espouses to these addresses of welcome
were made by Mr. A. M. McDonald, acting president of
the State Association of County Commissioners; Mr. II.
1>. Varner, ex-president of the North Carolina Good
Roads Association ; and Mr.
M. Yanstory. president
of the North Carolina Automobile Association.
The reports of the officers and committees of the
North Carolina Good Roads Association were as fol¬
lows :
President’s Report,
Since the last annual convention of your association.
1 am glad to be able to report that splendid progress
has been made.
As a result of t lie resolution adopted at tha.t conven¬
tion a State-wide law lias been enacted, providing for a
State Road Construct ion Fund, to lie created by levying
an increased automobile tax supplemented by State
notes to meet the Federal Aid. While the new road
law is not as full and comprehensive as was contempla¬
ted by the resolution referred to above, it was, never¬
theless. a step in the right direction and affords the
people of the State a great advantage in the matter ol
road building.
The North Carolina Good Roads Association gave
considerable time and money in an effort to secure the
passage of this new road law to seen re the State’s pro
portion of Federal Aid provided by act of Congress. In
this connection. 1 desire to express appreciation to those
who so unselfishly gave of their time, talents and sub¬
stance. during the session of the last General Assembly,
in an effort
secure adequate road legislation for the
State. Of course your special committee bad the moral
support of the entire membership, but T deem it not im¬
proper to make personal mention of: Messrs. N. Buck¬
ner, of Buncombe: II. I). Williams, of Duplin: T. L.
Gwyn, of Haywood
K. Bennett, of Swain ; David
Clark, of T’itt; Judge Francis D. Win-: m. of Bertie:
W. D. MacMillan, Jr., of New Hanover; R. I,. Ball ui.
of Ashe; L. B. Morse, of Henderson; A. M. McDonald,
of Mecklenburg; R.
Davenport, of Gaston: W. 0.
Boren, of Guilford: R .G. Lassiter, of Granville, who
by their untiring and persistent efforts contributed
largely to the passage of the new State Run! Law.
While considerable time was consumed in securing
the passage of road legislation, yet
mr president has
been able to visit a number of eoimties and urge upon
the people the program of this association. During the
past year lie has attended meetings and made talks at
the following places: Kelly. Burgaw. Atkinson. Jack¬
sonville. Six Forks. Bladen boro. Glarkton. Wliiteville.
Chndl) nmi. Lumber! on. Goldsboro. Kenansville. War¬
saw. Wallace. Monroe. Rockingham. Bolton. Rocky
Point : twenty visits to Raleigh on State Law and dif¬
ferent highway projects. I do not hesitate to say that
the activities of the Association have resulted in awak¬
ening in our people a renewed interest in a system of
State highways and improved county r aids.
During the past four m inths the counties ami town¬
ships of the State have voted approximately $20.000.-
000.00 in bonds for road construction. Three counties
have voted a million or more each, to-wit : Lenoir. two
millions: Beaufort, one million: Robeson, one million
(voted by townships): and there are minors of a mil¬
lion in Nash and a million in Martin and two millions
in Craven. Fastern North Carolina, especially, is
awakening to her possibilities and beginning to realize
that her natural advantages can be made available on¬
ly tli rough the construction of an adequate system of
roads and highways. It is a matter of pride to the
North Carolina Good Roads Association that the coun¬
ties have at last realized the importance of good roads.
It is also a source of gratification that the State has rec¬
ognized the imperative need of a system of State high¬
Tremendous possibilities lie before ns and. while
some pngress has been made. yet. in order to achieve
all that the opportunity affords, it is absolutely neces¬
sary to secure move adequate legislation than we now
have. I would, therefore, recommend that your com¬
mittee on resolutions give this phase of the subject se¬
rious consideration. This association should leave no