- Title
- Session laws and resolutions passed by the General Assembly [2007]
- Date
- 2007
- Creator
- ["North Carolina."]
- Place
- ["North Carolina, United States"]
Session laws and resolutions passed by the General Assembly [2007]

Session Laws - 2007
S.L. 2007-450
necessary to protect sensitive wildlife habitat or species and shall file notice of any
restrictions with the Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation of the
Department of Transportation."
SECTION 2. This act becomes effective January 1, 2008. Any agreements
for usage of land by bicyclists entered into prior to the effective date of this act are not
affected by this act. Upon passage of this act and prior to its effective date, the State, an
agency of this State, or a holder of land purchased or leased with State funds, shall
determine if the land should be restricted or removed from availability and use and
provide to, in writing, the Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation any
reasons to support the decision.
In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 3 1st day of July,
Became law upon approval of the Governor at 1 1:41 a.m. on the 23ld day of
August, 2007.
Session Law 2007-450 House Bill 1607
Whereas, June 19, 1865, is considered the date when the last enslaved
Americans were notified of their new legal status by General Gordon Granger, who
arrived in Galveston, Texas, and issued General Order Number Three almost two and
one-half years after President Lincoln had issued the Emancipation Proclamation; and
Whereas, former slaves in Texas began to observe June 19 as the anniversary
of their emancipation and coined the term "Juneteenth"; and
Whereas, Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the
ending of slavery in the United States and is also known as "Juneteenth National
Freedom Day," "Emancipation Day," "Emancipation Celebration," "Freedom Day,"
"Jun-Jun," "Juneteenth Independence Day"; and
Whereas, Juneteenth commemorates the survival, due to God-given strength
and determination, of African-Americans through extreme adversity, hardship, and
triumph; and
Whereas, Americans of all colors, creeds, cultures, religions, and countries of
origin share in a common love of and respect for freedom, as well as the determination
to protect their right to freedom through the democratic institutions by which the tenets
of freedom are guaranteed and protected; and
Whereas, the nineteenth of June, along with the fourth of July, completes the
cycle of freedom for Americans' Independence Day observance; and
Whereas, Juneteenth is recognized as a state holiday or state holiday
observance in many states, including Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, Delaware, Idaho,
Alaska, Iowa, California, Wyoming, Missouri, Connecticut, Illinois, Louisiana, New
Jersey, New York, Colorado, Arkansas, Oregon, Kentucky, Michigan, New Mexico,
Virginia, Washington, and Tennessee; Now, therefore,
The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:
SECTION 1. When Juneteenth National Freedom Day or a substantially
similar holiday becomes a nationally recognized holiday, the General Assembly shall
recognize the nineteenth day of June each year as Juneteenth National Freedom Day, to
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