- Title
- Session laws and resolutions passed by the General Assembly [1963]
- Date
- 1963
- Creator
- ["North Carolina."]
- Place
- ["North Carolina, United States"]
Session laws and resolutions passed by the General Assembly [1963]

WHEREAS, The Honorable Harvey Cloyd Philpott, Lieutenant Gov¬
ernor of North Carolina, died on August 19, 1961; and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of this General Assembly to adopt an appro¬
priate tribute to his life and services:
Now, therefore , be it resolved by the Senate, the House of Representatives
concurring :
Section 1. Prom her beginnings, North Carolina has been blessed by
the extraordinary quality of her public leaders — men who have generously
and sacrificially contributed the benefits of great minds and strength
of character to the service of this Commonwealth, and who left her the
wiser, the better governed, and enriched by their having dwelled and
labored among us. Such a man was Harvey Cloyd Philpott, Lieutenant
Governor of North Carolina.
In commercial affairs, Mr. Philpott attained distinction as a furniture
manufacturer and as a director of financial institutions and other business
enterprises and organizations.
He was a faithful member and able officer of a number of civic and
fraternal organizations; he was an active and dynamic leader in many
enterprises for the betterment and advancement of his community.
To the Baptist Church he gave devoted service as a Sunday School
teacher and superintendent, as a deacon of his church, as a trustee of
Wake Forest College, and in other responsible capacities.
To his wife, Fi ances Thompson Philpott, and to his children, Kitty Phil¬
pott Anderson, Harvey Cloyd Philpott, Jr. and Betty Jo Philpott, he gave
generously of himself, his love, his time, his wise counsel and advice. His
life was an inspiration to his brothers, their families, his friends, his
business associates and to all whose good fortune it was to know him well.
His exemplary life and service constituted a continuing source of comfort
to his mother.
The quality of his being, his mastery of himself, his patience and gen¬
erosity of thought and action in relation to his fcllowman secured to
him the affection, admiration and respect of all who were privileged to
labor or associate with him in any way.
It was in the realm of public service that Mr. Philpott made his finest
contribution to his community, his beloved City of Lexington, his County
of Davidson and his State, and it was in that phase of his career that
we came to know and love him.
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