Roanoke Colonies
Research Newsletter
tJNIVERSrnf Vol. 1, No. 1 November 1993
Roanoke Colonies Research Office Established at ECU
As you may already know, on July 1, 1993, following the May
Roanoke Decoded symposium in which many of you partici¬
pated, the local advisory committee selected by the symposium
participants met to discuss where to go from here. Hosted by
Dr. Keats Sparrow, dean of the East Carolina University
College of Arts and Sciences, the one-day meeting resulted
in the establishment of the Roanoke Colonies Research
Office as part of the university’s Institute for Historical and
Cultural Research.
As those who met on the ECU campus in July suggested,
we will begin by publishing a research newsletter and by
organizing triennial interdisciplinary conferences on Roanoke
colonies studies. The two initial projects are meant to correct
the one shared complaint voiced amidst great praise for die
Roanoke Decoded symposium: that the participating scholars
were unable to attend one another’s presentations.
While Roanoke Decoded provided an excellent opportu¬
nity for the general public to hear about the research many of
us are doing, it also pointed out how little opportunity we
scholars have had to keep up with the work in which others are
Office Administration and Oversight
I have been asked to serve as the institute’s director of the
Roanoke Colonies Research Office. As a young scholar who
researches early English and Spanish exploration literature of
North America, I am excited about having die chance to be
involved in an important way with a project such as this.
David S. Phelps, one of the Roanoke Decoded symposium
participants, professor of anthropology at East Carolina Uni¬
versity, and associate director of the university’s Institute for
Historical and Cultural Research, will oversee the Roanoke
Colonies Research Office for the Institute for Historical and
Cultural Research.
Phelps has appointed an advisory committee of scholars
for die Roanoke Colonies Research Office. It has been estab¬
lished to offer advice concerning publications, conferences,
and other projects that the office will be engaged in. Agreeing
to serve are Karen Kupperman of the University of Connecti¬
cut; Ivor Noel-Hume of the Virginia Company Foundadon;
David S. Phelps of East Carolina University; William S.
Powell, emeritus of the University of Nordi Carolina at Chapel
Hill; David Beers Quinn, emeritus of the University of
Liverpool; David Sdck of Manteo, North Carolina; and Helen
Wallis, retired from the Bridsh Library Map Room. Committee
members will serve three-year terms that will rotate on a
staggered schedule.
Assisting with the administration of the office will be
. Woody, cultural resource management specialist with
the Nadonal Park Service at die Fort Raleigh National Historic
Site and one of die organizers of the original Roanoke Decoded
symposium. She will serve as liaison between the office and
the National Park Service as well as serve as an associate editor
for the newsletter.
Call for Assistance
Please submitany materials you think would be appropriate for
the newsletter — offprints of articles to be abstracted, descrip¬
tions of research you are presently engaged in, announcements
of publication and paper presentation opportunities, and so
forth — as well as suggesdons concerning the general content
of die newsletter.
All pardcipants in the Roanoke Decoded symposium have
been placed on the newsletter’s mailing list; however, if you
know of other scholars who were not participants but are
engaged in studies related to Roanoke colonizadon, please let
us know so their names can be added to the mailing list. We
would like to bring together a broad range of scholars — people
working in a variety of disciplines as well as both beginning
and well-established researchers.
In addidon, if you have suggestions or ideas about odier
responsibilities die Roanoke Colonies Research Office could
or should assume, please let us know. At least one of our future
projects is compiling a computerized bibliographic database
of materials relating to the various Roanoke colonizadon
efforts. Suggesdons about other possible future projects will
be appreciated.
To contact us, please write or call our office:
Dr. E. Thomson Shields, Jr.
c/o Department of English
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858-4353
Telephone: 919-757-6715 or 919-757-6041
Fax: 919-757-4889
Electronic Mail: ENSHIELD@ECUVM1 (Bitnet)
We look forward to serving as a conduit for information,
helping us all keep in closer communicadon about the work
we are doing concerning the Roanoke colonies. The Roanoke
Decoded symposium, radier than being a presentahon of
conclusive findings, dius is a beginning for even more exciting
research and discussion ahead.