- Title
- Papers of William Woods Holden
- Date
- 2000
- Creator
- ["Holden, W. W. (William Woods), 1818-1892."]
- Place
- ["North Carolina, United States"]
- Series
- Publications of the State Department of Archives and History
Papers of William Woods Holden

Papers of W. W. Holden
Holden to T. Settle, Jr. , Esq. SHGSettle, Jr.
Raleigh, June 18, 1853
My dear friend:
I trust you will pardon me for not writing you before this. I was much obliged
to you for your sketch of the discussion between Boyd1 and Puryear.2 1 received a
letter by the last Mail from Boyd. He is aroused and in good spirits. Judging from
the tone of his letter he must be elected. It will be very important to get out a full
vote in Rockingham. Dr. Shaw’s3 prospects are not so good as Boyd’s, but he may
nevertheless be elected. Leeke[Leake]4 it is said, will run Ashe5 closely, but I cannot
believe it. In this District we are likely to have a Convention, in which event both
Venable6 and Lewis 7 will probably be set aside. Many of my friends have been
pressing me to accept the nomination but I do not deserve it. As the matter stands
the chances are very, very against Venable.
1 have no doubt you are making progress in your studies. Bear in mind that it
is better to know a few things well, than a great many imperfectly. Most of our
young men go to the bar at too early an age. A lawyer, to succeed, must know
human nature as well as law. “The proper study of mankind is man.”
The Governor and Mrs. Reid are well, and the child, Davy, was better last
evening. He is a fine boy.
It will always give me pleasure to hear from you, and if I can be of any service
to you here in any way, please let me know it.
Yours Truly,
W. W. Holden
T. Settle, Jr., Esq.8
1 George Dillard Boyd, legislator and merchant; member, House of Commons, 1840-
member, state Senate 1842-1847, 1852-1859. Dictionary of North Carolina Biography,
s.v. “Boyd, George Dillard.”
2 Richard Clanselle Puryear, planter; member, House of Commons, 1838-1839, 1844-
1847, 1852; member, state Senate 1849-1851; member, U. S. House of Representatives,
1853-1857; delegate to Confederate Provisional Congress. Dictionary of North Carolina
Biography, s.v. “Puryear, Richard Clanselle.”
3 Henry Marchmore Shaw, physician and Confederate army officer; medical education
at University of Pennsylvania; member, state Senate, 1851; member, U.S. House of
Representatives, 1853-1855, 1857-1859; colonel, Eighth Regiment, North Carolina
Troops. Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, s.v. “Shaw, Henry Marchmore.”
4 Walter Francis Leake.
5 William Shepperd Ashe.
6 Abraham Watkins Venable.
7 Augustus Marion Lewis, lawyer; member, House of Commons, 1856; trustee, U.N.C.,
1879-1893; officer, Confederate States army. Grant, Alumni History, 363.
8 Thomas Settle, Jr., A.B., U.N.C., 1850; member, House of Commons, 1854-1859;
speaker, 1858-1859; trustee, U.N.C., 1856-1874; associate justice, North Carolina Supreme
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