- Title
- Papers of James Iredell [vol. 2]
- Date
- 1976
- Creator
- ["Iredell, James, 1751-1799."]
- Place
- ["North Carolina, United States"]
- Series
- Publications of the State Department of Archives and History
Papers of James Iredell [vol. 2]

Division of Archives and History
nay necessity of the measure as a prop to Credt. for two years
they have at length the mortification to find it wont go down. The
little State of R. Island has had it in her power to blast the well
grounded hopes that were conceived of such a measure and Virga.
has since on this head gone retrograde.1 A deputation from the
N. army is now before Congress stating their distresses and
prophesying what will be the probable consequence of practicing
any longer on the patience of the Soldiery.2 God grant us you
will say a happy issue out of all our troubles, so we all say but
this wont get the Cart out of the Mire. The truth is Sir the fault
is in the Constitution of Congress and if these distresses should
happily point out a remedy in the right place and way, we shall
by and by say as we have often had reason to say before, all is
for the best. You will guess to what my hopes glance — things
will soon be better or worse — our representation is now very full.
All the delegates being here but as our Finances are not calculated
but for the support of a bare representation Mr Blount and
myself will go home soon.3 The Doctor is satisfied to stay over
his time wch. is very agreeable to me. Please to present my best
respects to Mr. Johnston, yr. Lady, &c. and believe me to be wth.
the sincerest regard Dear Sir Yr. Obt. Hble servt.
A: Nash
RC (Iredell Papers, Duke).
1 North Carolina, it will be recalled, strongly supported the amendment to
the Articles of Confederation giving Congress a revenue of 5 percent on
foreign imports. See “Making of a Revolutionary,” Volume I; Pierce Butler to
JI, November 16, 1781, above.
2 The reference is to the affair known as the Newburgh Addresses, which
held out the threat of extralegal action by the army if its arrears and other
just needs were not met. For the latest scholarship, see Richard H. Kohn, “The
Inside History of the Newburgh Conspiracy: America and the Coup d’Etat,”
WMQ, 3d ser., XXVII (April, 1970), 187-220.
a For the composition of the North Carolina delegation, see Hugh William¬
son to JI. December 2, 1782, above.
Hennj E. Me Gull oh to James Iredell
Carolina Coffee House London, 5th. Feb. 1783
Dear Sir,
Now, that the blessed Event of Peace has taken place, and that
it is firmly understood, that in consequence thereof, every healing
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