- Title
- North Carolina schools and academies, 1790-1840, a documentary history
- Date
- 1915
- Creator
- ["Coon, Charles L. (Charles Lee), 1868-1927."]
- Place
- ["North Carolina, United States"]
North Carolina schools and academies, 1790-1840, a documentary history

Presbyterian preacher and college graduate, was its principal. In 1828,
another Presbyterian preacher was in charge, llcr.
W. Gay. Finally
the school was conducted, beginning in 1837, by Mr. and Mrs. Hall,223
These documents contain very little, about the schools of Edcnton.
They do tell us, however, that Rev. J. 0. Freeman was teaching
there in 1805, assisted by Messrs. Nye and Hilliard, who were recom¬
mended by “a number of respectable characters in the towns of Cam¬
bridge and Falmouth, in Massachusetts.”222 I.ikelv they were Harvard
As early as 1S0G, Guilford Academy was advertised with John \Vr.
Caldwell as principal.223 In ISIS, the school was conducted by .Na¬
thaniel H. Harris and James Kerr.224 In 1810, Rev. William Paisley,
a Presbyterian minister, became principal, assisted by bis daughter and
Iveson L. Brooks.225 In 1821, Mr. Paisley was still principal, assisted
by John W. Caldwell, Jonathan Worth and Miss Paisley.220 In 1828,
the school was in charge of John D. Clancy, a graduate of the Uni¬
versity.227 The Jonathan Worth mentioned as a teacher in this school
was the same Jonathan Worth who was afterwards governor of the State.
When Liberty Hall Academy which was chartered in 1778 was aban¬
doned in 17S0, it was removed to Salisbury. There is no authentic rec¬
ord of the Salisbury School prior to 1807. During that year, the trus¬
tees announced that they had secured Rev. John Brown, “some years
at Wadesboro,” to act as their principal teacher.228 In ISIS, the acad¬
emy was in charge of Robert L. Edmonds, who was “educated in the
University of Glasgow” and at Trinity College, Dublin. Mr. Edmonds
was assisted by Miss Eliza Slater and Miss Mitchell, “two young ladies
who have been procured from New York.” Later on Miss Mary Ann
Slater, a sister of Miss Eliza Slater, was also a teacher in the
academy.229 Just as it often happens now, the women teachers of that
day abandoned their school room duties and got married. The middle
name of one of our present U. S. senators, whose home is at Salisbury,
is Slater — Leo Slater Overman is bis full name.
In 1821, Rev. Jonathan O. Freeman became principal of the Salis¬
bury Academy. He was here when called to Raleigh to succeed Dr,
McPheeters in 1S27. In 1S3S, the Salisbury Female Academy was in
charge of Mrs. Hutchison, formerly Miss Nye, who once taught at
Raleigh. She was assisted by Miss Sarah Louise Nye of New York, a
niece, by Miss Emma J. Baker and by Rev. Stephen Fronds, the “native
of France” who formerly taught at Raleigh.230
A number of other teachers arc named in these records before 1810.
Some of them, like Jacob Nelson231 at Mt. Clio Academy and
Rogers232 at Greene Academy in 1S07, are mentioned only once and
nothing is known as to their antecedents. The Raleigh. Slav said that
Jacob Mordecai, who conducted a female seminary at Warren ton from
ISOS to 1815, was a man of education and taste.233 In ISOS, Rev. Wil-
!!'PP. 036-089. 2»>PP.326-327. *”P. 168. »*‘P. 16S. »*»P. 168. »»»PP. 100-170. “’P. 170. “W.
349-351. »>»P. 381. **>P. 343. >»»P. 167. ”4*. 505.
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