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A «Journal ol Education, Rural Progr®
and Civic Betterment %,
Contents of Cbis Humber
A Decision by the Attorney General _ 11
A Fable of tlic Lost Peovino.es _ 11
Education in Dare County, .1. H. Higlismitli — 10
Educators Favor Thrift As Part of School
Work, Miss Mary G. Shotwell _ 7
Governor Uickett’s Farewell _ 3
Governor Morrison on Education _ 3
I tow Much History Should Be Taught in the
High Schools?
T. Laprade _ 8
Know-Vour-Sehool Week in Winston-Salem,
Mary C. Wiley _ 11
Part-Time Work in the Durham Schools, T. E.
Browne _ 6
Ilceonimendutions of the Slate Depart meat of
Education for Increased Hevenuc _ 1
What is the Purpose of the Teachers’ Assem¬
bly?, L. A. Williams _ 9
Vol- XV. Mo. 6. RALEIGH, N. C, FEBRUARY, 1921. Price: $1.50aYear
lUoodrow Hinson:
Poet's Appraisement
From “Americans, HailI’’ by William Watson, tN the New York Times, January 27, 191*.
After eight years of unremitting service as President of the United States, a large part of which was rendered in the most
fateful period of Unman history. President W ilson is about to retire to private life. That tie did not lead his country into the great
war until April
1917, when it had raged nearly three years and was nigh to engulfing civilization, caused many harsh judgments
of him to he uttered at home and abroad. Nine months later, the darkness not yet lifted, .America's entrance into the war was wel¬
comed in a gratulatine poem of marked sincerity and power by the British poet, William Watson. The conclusion of this poem is a
fine appraisement of President Wilson, in which acknowledgment is made that "or.ee, in that dead yesterday, . . haply we did him
wrong.” As the confusion clears aw ay, it is more and more sure that the poet’s moving eloquence will speak the historian's final esti
mate of this now “hated and revered" man. Just a1 word introductory to the extract which follows: Prussianisni, the poet, was argu¬
ing. must he utterly overthrown; any pact with it would mean only "o little putting olT of fate,” and then payment, in full of the
remorselessly audited arrears of doom. — EDITOR. i
In that belief, you and ourselves await,
With hope that cannot wholly vanquish fear,
The veiled, unknown, tremendous morrow; we
With out- chiefs of camp and council; you
With yours; and at your head (he famed, the trusted.
The hated and revered one: he whose speech
Is hazeless sister unto cloudless thought:
Who, Hooding with a bland light all his theme,
Can, when fixe hour craves gallant archery,
Unqtiiver none the less a deadly lightening:
A mind ’twixl wariness and boldness poised.
Wide- watch ing and far.soouling, subtle anil sage;
Cool as a pine at. its firm heart is cool.
Though secretly a colleague of the sun,
And living by his fire: a soul erect
E’en as the pine, ilself is; and although
Towering amitl (he forest of your life
O'er all beside, si ill of that forest, still
One only of a hundred million trees
Knowing no difference in (heir right to Summer.
Ah, once, in the dead yesterday that seems
Entombed iso deep, haply we did him wrong!
We knew not. all: now, now we understand,
We are men, and see the man; large, patient, calm;
Freed from the trammels anil coils llmt bound
And half obscured him: standing (here today.
Etched with no vagueness against/ no blurred sky:
Yonder concerting and controlling till
The instruments in that vast orchestra,
Your nation, whence there rises gohlenly
Tliough sternly, with far surge and tidal swell,
Yot without sad anil wailful underflow.
Hut mighty in heave and sound, all dissonance luislied.
That new Heroic Symphony of war;
Heard throughout Earth with a grave thankfulness
By such as love great music; and perhaps
E'en on an ear divine not wholly lost,
Yot utterly unacceptable to Heaven.
A Feature of Oxford's Bond Campaign. _ 12
Certificates in Growing Hair _ 12
Moving Pictures As An Educating Force _ 13
Pith and Paragraph _ 12
Public School Progress Stated in Percentages 13
Send I lie Yame of Your School Paper _ 12
Advertising - 2 and 16-21,
Editorial _ 12-13
Yews and Comment About Books _ 10
State School Yews _ 17
Classical Scholars of the South to Organize— !)
Motion Picture in Winston-Salem Schools _ 7
Moving Pictures and the Morals of Youth _ 11