A Monthly «Journal of Educatfoi
Progress, and Civic Betterm<
Vol. VII. No. 7.
RALEIGH, N. C., MARCH, 1913.
Price: SI a Year.
Father in Heaven who lovest all,
Oh, help Thy children when they call;
That they may build from age to age
An undefiled heritage.
Teach us to rule ourselves always,
Controlled and cleanly night and day;
That wc may bring, if need arise,
Xo maimed or worthless sacrifice.
Teach us to look in all our ends,
On Thee for judge, and not our friends;
That we, with Thee, may wait urieowed
By fear or favor of the crowd.
Tcaeh us the strength that cannot seek, —
By deed or thought to hurt the weak;
That, under Thee, we may possess
Man’s strength to comfort man's distress.
Teach us delight in simple things,
And mirth that has no bitter springs ;
Forgiveness free of evil done,
And Love to all men ’neath the sun.
— Kipling.
MARCH, 1913
Contents of Cbts Humber
Anson is Wide Awake, Mrs. S- B. Edmunds . . 10
Burdened Children, (Poem), R.
. 7
Civics Lesson for the Seventh Grade, Charles
Ii. Coon. . . . 11
Comparative Grading of Rural and City
Schools, Winnie Evans . 7
Hidden American Generals, A. O. Sherrill. ... II
High School Education (KevleAv), Thom well
Haynes . 14
North Carolina Conference for Social Service. .
Outlines in North Carolina History, A. C. Sher¬
rill . 11
Poems Worth Teaching, Charles L. Coon. . 10
The Jolly Old Round-About of the Yadkin, E.
O- Brooks . 3
Too Many Studies in the High School, J. S.
Stewart . 6
Tomato Club History (Poem), Anna Lee Lutz 0
Editorial . . 12
State School News . 17
The Conning Tower . 8
Teachers’ Reading Course . 15
Methods and Devices . 10
News and Comment About Books . lrt
Credit for Home Work . . 12
Dean M. C. 8. Noble . 13
Mr. J. A. Bivins Dead . 13
Meredith College Quarterly Bulletin . 13
Pith and Paragraph . 12
Progress of the. General Assembly . 14
An Unusual lint Good Program for Literary
Briefs, Notes, and Comment . 2
Duty of the College Man, D. 1. Walsh .
Few Trained Teachers . 2
The Stranger at Home (Poem) . 14
Societies . 20
Women in the Schools . . . 8