- Title
- Laws of the State of North Carolina, passed by the General Assembly [1850-1851]
- Date
- 1850 - 1851
- Creator
- ["North Carolina."]
- Place
- ["North Carolina, United States"]
Laws of the State of North Carolina, passed by the General Assembly [1850-1851]

Oath of
mother to
be pre¬
Sec. 2. Be it f arther enacted, That all laws and clauses
of laws, coining within the meaning and purview of th s act,
he, and the same are, hereby repealed.
[Ratified 28th January. 1851.]
AX ACT to amend the 4th section of the 12th chapter of
the Revised Statutes, concerning Bastard Children.
i Oath of woman, charging father of child, hereafter to be presumptive
evidence only.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the. Slate
of North-Caralina, and it is hereby enacted by the authoufy oj
the same, That the 1th section of the 12th chapter of the
Revised Statutes, concerning bastard children, be so amended
as to provide that hereafter the affidavit or examination of
any woman, charging any person with being the father of
any bastard child or children, shall not be taken as jirimu
facie evidence thereof, but shall be regarded as presumptive
evidence, subject to be rebutted by other testimony which
may be introduced by the defendant.
Sec. 2. Be it further enaded, That this act shall be in
force from and after its ratification.
[Ratified 28th January, i SAL]
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