John Jordan, son of ’Cm. Jordan
L Hannah Jordan, hie wife, was
horn Kerch the 13, 1761.
Sally Jordan, daughter of John
Jordan and nancy Jordan, hie
wife, born July the 27,1609.
Polly Jordan waa bom September
4th, 1611.
Elixa-nnn Jordan wae bom June
12th, 1614.
Josoph K. Jordan wae bom Aug¬
ust tho 13, 1616.
William T. Jordan wae bora Jan¬
uary the 6th, 1619.
Jesse M. Jordan wao bora May the
19th, 1621.
Haney Jordan wr-.e born Kay the
11, 1622.
John Jordan wae bom December
26th, 1624.
Seth 3. Jordan was bora Sept¬
ember 10th, 1627.
Samuel T. Jordan wae born April
tho 18th, 1631.
Betsy Jordan wae born March 20,
Nancy Jordan, wifo of the afore¬
said John Jordan, snd r.other of
oil the nforoswld children wae
born August 6th, 1790.
Sarah Key Jordan, daughter of
John R. Jordan and nnnie
wlfo, Wfe» bom July the 15th. I06I.
John Jordan was married April
the 17 to Nancy
in the
year of our oord lt>08.
Jaboy K. Harris wae married to
roily B. Jordan
(No date)
Josiah Harris waa married to
Sallio T. Jordan in the year of
Lord Fob. 16th, 1834.
Albert Cartwright waa married
to Nancy M. Jordan in the
of our Lord, January 17th, lc'41.
V.’illiom T. Jordan was married
January 21st, 1841 to Julottie
Jesse Ni. Jordan waa married
August the 7th to iiary »nn
Jervis, in the year of our Lord,
John ft. Jordan waa married Sept,
tho 16th, I860, to .isa. *nnie
P,. Hunt.
Samuel T. Jordan wae rcorried to
Folly Ann weal, January 5th, I664