- Title
- Histories of the several regiments and battalions from North Carolina, in the great war 1861-'65 [v.3]
- Date
- 1901
- Creator
- ["Clark, Walter, 1846-1924."]
- Place
- ["North Carolina, United States"]
Histories of the several regiments and battalions from North Carolina, in the great war 1861-'65 [v.3]

Noktii Carolina Troops, lS61-’(>5.
tember orders were received to repair to Gordonsville, where
a <]iiiet sojourn was had until 9 October, removing on that
day to Madison Court House, this being the first day's march
in the fatal flank movement to Uristoc. On this date Cooke’s
brigade (now composed of North Carolina regiments, as fol¬
lows, Fifteenth, Twenty-seventh, Forty-sixth, Forty-eighth
and Fifty-fifth) was attached to General Harry Ileth’s Divis¬
ion, and was thus attached until the close. The Division was
composed of following brigades: Cooke’s North Carolina,
Kirkland’s North Carolina, Davis’ Mississippi, Archer’s
Tennessee, Walker’s Virginia. Herb’s Division formed a
part of A. F. Hill’s Corps, composed of the divisions of Heth,
Wilcox and Anderson.
From 9 to 14 October the command made a series of most
difficult marches over the ridges and across the rapid run¬
ning streams which characterize the foothills of the Blue
"Ridge- — in the effort to reach Manassas ahead of Meade, who
was being pressed toward that, point by General T.ec.
-Much of the distance was covered at night, over such roads
as language fails to describe.
On the morning of 11 October, Cooke’s Brigade took the
advance and in the afternoon struck the Union forces in a
strong position behind the railway embankment at Bristoe
Station, with a number of field gnus on the eminence in the
rear. Before any support came up General Cooke, under
orders, immediately attacked with givat gallantry. In the
charge made hv ibis devoted brigade, the gallant Cooke
fell, shot in the forehead, when the command devolved on
Colonel F. 1). llall, of the Forty-sixth.
The unequal struggle was waged, with no result, save the
loss of valuable lives; indeed a disaster was only averted by a
rapid change of front by the, Forty-sixth under Colonel Hall’s
immediate lead by which the enemy’s left flank movement
was checked. This movement, made under a heavy fire from
both infantry and artillery, elicited great praise, and added
new laurels to the record of the Forty-sixth for steadiness and
deliberation. The effort to dislodge the enemy from his posi¬
tion proving futile, the command was withdrawn in good or-
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