Federation of North Carolina Historical Societies
Federation Bulletin
Volume 27, no. I
March 2007
The Federation of North
Carolina Historical Societies
is a non-profit organization
operating under the auspices
of the N.C. Office of Archives
and History. Its mission is to
promote the pursuit of local
history in North Carolina
through existing and future
local and regional historical
organizations, societies, and
commissions; to foster coop¬
eration between such organi¬
zations, societies, and com¬
missions and the Office of
Archives and History to the
mutual benefit of all: and to
promote and support history
education through sponsor¬
ship of the National History
Day program and other ap¬
propriate activities.
The Federation Bulletin is
published quarterly. Submis¬
sions for the Bulletin should
be sent to the address at the
bottom of this page and
should be received by May 1,
August 1, November 1,
and February 1.
Inside this issue:
Federation News
Member News
Grant Opportunities
History Help
Calendar of Events
Workshops and Confer¬
New Publications
Changes in the Bulletin
In response to member comments in
recent years, we have added new
features to this newsletter. Each issue
will feature more information about
member news; grant opportunities;
help for history organizations; and ex¬
hibits, conferences, and workshops.
We have also redesigned the format of
the Bulletin to make it easier to read.
In a section called History Help, you
will find reviews of resources on the
web that can be useful to historical or¬
ganizations. This section also features
a new series of articles called Sharing
Ideas. Each issue will feature an arti¬
cle submitted by a member about a
successful project and how this project
was accomplished. Our hope is that
you may learn about a project you
would like to try at your own organiza¬
tion. In future issues we also plan to
feature a Question and Answer article,
based on questions you submit.
You will also find an expanded section
for Member News. This section offers a
way for members to get to know each
other, and it will include information
about awards or grants you have won,
a unique artifact you have acquired,
historic renovations, successful or new
programs or projects, and more. This
section will also include an article fo¬
cusing on a Federation member.
The Bulletin will continue to list
events and exhibits across the state as
well as new publications. Instead of
listing older publications in each issue,
we are tentatively planning to include
the list of Publications Still Available
once a year in the June issue of the
Bulletin-, we will also make this list
available continuously online.
For this revised form of the Bulletin to
succeed, we need your input. Please
submit more information about your
activities to be included in the Member
News section. If you would like your
oi'ganization to be featured in Focus on
a Federation Member, please contact
Laura Ketcham about what to do.
Likewise, please contact Laura if you
have a successful program or project
you would like to write about for the
Sharing Ideas series, and send Laura
any questions you have that you would
like to see included in the Bulletin.
Please continue to send us information
about new exhibits, new publications,
and events.
We need your pictures, too!
If you have pictures, please email
them with your news. You can
send digital pictures or pictures
that have been scanned; please
scan the images at 300 dpi for
the best quality.
We want the Bulletin to be as helpful
as possible to you, and we welcome
your feedback on the new design and
format of the newsletter. To provide
feedback, to submit information, or to
contact Laura about an article idea,
please write to the address at the bot¬
tom of this page, call Laura at (919)
807-7395, or email her at Laura.
Ketc ha m@nc mail.net.
Federat ion of North Carolina Historical Societies, 4610 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-4610, (919) 807-7280
Web page: www.ah.dcr.state.nc.us/affiliates/fnchs/fnchs.htm Editor’s email: Laura.Ketcham@ncmail.net