Fred A. Olds
What a peep one gets at other days
than these in reading what at first
glance would seem to be very dry
reading indeed — the proceedings of
the meeting of the Stockholders of
the Wilmington, Charlotte & Ruth¬
erford railway October,
In the
older days every railway had its dis¬
tinctive name, but who nowadays
knows of or speaks of that road! It’s
just ri part of the Seaboard Air
Line, and so are the Raleigh & Au¬
gusta Air Line and the Raleigh &
Gaston. Who speaks of the Wilming¬
ton & Weldon? It is now merely a
part of the Atlantic Coast Line. Who
speaks of the Western North Caro¬
lina? Now it’s only the Southern.
The Atlantic & North Carolina is
only a link in the Norfolk Southern.
In the earlier days the engines were
kept ns bright as new pins, and all
had names. In front, on the pilot-
bar. was apt to be a half life-size
figure of a darkey, one of whose
hands was made to hold a flag. At
the breakfast, dinner and supper
stations a real darkey, with white
apron and broad smile, beat a tre¬
mendous gong. You went in and for
50 cents got a meal which makes
most of thd modern ones look like a
last year's bird nest. “Won’t you
have another partridge?” queried the
attentive waiter, when you had eat¬
en the one provided.
But to get back to those ‘proceed¬
ings”. at the meeting. It seems queer
that labor was scarce in those days,
with so many slaves, but in Decem¬
ber. 1859, agents were sent out by
the board of directors to hire 400
slaves. So great, however, was the
demand for labor that, with the best
prices offered, only 160 could be se¬
cured. The directors say that with
reluctance they yielded to the neces¬
sity of procuring “emigrant” la¬
borers” and accordingly organized
two white forces on the eastern di¬
vision and one on the western; these
being Irishmen. There was a sur¬
prising difficulty in getting cross-ties
abend of the track-laying and this
too in a region in which the finest tim¬
ber abounded. They had to haul ties
20 to 50 miles and even then labor
under the disadvantage of having
them behind the track-layers.
November 30, 1859, the first sec¬
tion of 25 miles, from Riverside, was
completed and the- state. aid, $200,000,
was received from the State Treas¬
urer for that section. The charter
prohibited the sale of bonds at less
than par and this compelled the di¬
rectors to bid for them, so they bought
the entire lot. The “aid” therefore
came to them in the form of state
I'lie second section was finished in
■Inly, 1860, and another $200,000 came
from the State Treasurer. The track
•was in October, 1860, laid to
three miles west of I.umberton. Three
entire sections were gruded by the
Irishmen (in Mecklenburg county)
and three by the hired slaves. Work
on the masonry of the Pee Dee river
bridge was in progress. Five other
sections had been lei to contractors,
leaving ten more to bo provided for.
The stone for the Pee Dee river
bridge was quarried in the river
bed. very aear the bridge.
With the view of accommodating
citizens who had gone into the tur¬
pentine business on the faith of the
railway taking the products to mar¬
ket, the directors in May, 1860, char¬
tered a steamboat by the month to
pi v between Riverside and Wilming¬
ton. July 5th a regular tri-weekly
freight, and passenger train was put
on. There were five locomotives, the
“Old North State,” “Rutherford,"
“Cleveland,” “Brunswick," and “Gas¬
ton,” each of from 18 to 20 tons. In
July a passenger steamer, the “Clar¬
endon,” was bought, for §7.000. to
run between Riverside and Wilminjj-
ton. as the directors did not have the I
money to build the road between these 1
two points. A barge, carrying 6
loaded freight cars, was built, and
was towed by the "Clarendon. VThe
latter could carry 8 loaded ears on
her deck.
An agent was sent to London to
buy directly from the manufacturers
the iron rails for the 50 miles of road
from Charlotte to Shelby, and ho
bought 4,500 tons, and nearly all this
iron had bean delivered and the track
had been laid from Charlotte across
the Catawba river, 13 miles. On this
the western division, there were two
locomotives, the “Bladen” and the
“Wilmington.” each of 20 tons. They
figured on getting the road done to
Shelby by April. 1861. Anson coun- |
ty subscribed $150,000 to the road,
Union $60,000, Mecklenburg $30,000.
The cost of the construction in
Anson was for 27 1-1 miles. $515,-
755; in Union 25 2-3 miles, $385,781;
Mecklenburg 12 2-3, $302,235; bridge
across the Pee Dee river $65,000. The
length of the road, Wilmington to
Rutherfordton. is 268 3-4 miles and
the directors say: “In the northern
states such an enterprise would not
tremble at a debt of $20,000,000,
while we have the whole cost of our
road provided for except $1,007,000.
“We must look to the state for the
necessary help, for if wo turn to
northern capitalists our bonds must
he sacrificed at a discount of 50 per
cent. The state now lends us $8.000
a mile, but it is riot enough. ' To the
North Carolina road the state sub¬
scribed capital, requiring no interest,
to the extent of $13,500 a mile, to
the Atlantic & North Carolina road
$15,000 and the Western North Caro¬
lina road $16,000 and her aid to the
extent of $11,400 a mile is necessary
j for our road." Henry W. Guion was
j president; John C. MacRae chief en-
I gineer.
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