- Title
- Collection of the private acts of the General Assembly of the state of North Carolina: from the year 1715, to the year 1790, inclusive, now in force and use
- Date
- 1794
- Creator
- ["North Carolina."]
- Place
- ["North Carolina, United States"]
Collection of the private acts of the General Assembly of the state of North Carolina: from the year 1715, to the year 1790, inclusive, now in force and use

fries bad not been nude by tlte^pmntiSioner aio.-tf.ful. f.ibjsft iiei crihc'efs to the dower of .Vary
I'Phmd, widow
tits laid
in the finis iijaiytsras widows arc entitled unto dower i| idertbc general 'hw of ibis flue.
Aa.l b: it farther enaled, by the authority afucfhid, lliat all lands ami other property' herctofoi'i! /granted by
auv county eoui t in this flaYc,' agreeable to
art of 'the General - Al&mbly ii> that cafe nude and provided, in any
w4!ow o- orp tans ol fucli perfnns whole eftale become ceulilcatcd, ft all be veiled in the grantees in fee fimple, as
luliy and able! '.Italy as if the lame bad never been fubjert io co.if.fcation iii manner' and form agreeable to the art of
defeeuts. . . . . ‘ > . a' . - .
Chap* .'&VI, "At aft it rmiMeTliotuas Callender, efthty exeeutorof the -la/l tv;// of Parker. Qnince, late of New.
Hanover cointty, decay'd, and the-olfer peifinj therein naned, to make f ale. of • eerta’n lands and tenements, part if the
c/itt’c of the
Parker (hiii.ee.
WHEREAS Thornes 6' . i i’7tv i
.'// / у
• .1 ft il m executor of ihc lafl will and tcfbnient of Parker fp/ince, laic of .Veto -lltnt.
county, Jitij. tleceafed, Safamta Quince, Richard Quince, junior, and irihhin Si rttnz'e Quince, a minor, by
tee faidl ittjnn..a
his nutherand guardian, refiduary legatees of the fiid Parker trance, have prelented their
petition to this pVeierit General AuVembly. with the will ol the laid Her
annexed, letting forth a nong other
things, that the reliihui'y elfate of tne fiid Parker {twice confuted principally of negro Hive: and unimproved lands,
ihe >«ier of svliicif iswhoily unproductive- and even attended with n yearly exp nice ; that the fain executor hath al-
I earl, dllpofctl of tilirty three of .the laid Haves towaids the payment of the debts, and that there is yet due from the.
effate, incl-jdingintereft, the In n. of nine thoufand pounds or thereabouts, for the payment of which, and a cebt'of
fifteen hundred pounds with above Gx years interell now in fuir, only twenty feven (laves of the reliduary dilute arc
remaining, ami leveral of them t Id anti iuperannuated, fo that the ‘aid executor will not only be obliged io fell a.-.cl
difpoie of the remainder cl the reiiduary eifate in his hands, but fome part of the fl ivrs (peeilically bequeathed by the
find will, while the lands mull remain many years a burthen upon the legatees to their great injury, and contrary to
the- intention o( the icii
i_and praying that the petitioners may by an art of the Geccra! Aflembly, lie enabled and
cnipows: ed to fell and convey the real elbie of tile tell .for not fpecificnlly “deviled for die piymctirof-debls, fo as to
five to the legatees the per final end productive eftare intended for them by ill: tciutor : and wlicicas it appears to
this. General AJlcmbly tl.-it the prayer of the fai l petition is reatbnable, and that it will be greatly beneficial to the re-
Cduary legatees of the fil l Parker Quince that fucli ol the real cll.ne as is not fpccifically deviled by thefaid.wlil ihould
be fold for payment of his debts : ••
I. Beit therefore cnaftetlly the Genera! Ajjentbly of the flat a of bCorth-Carolina, and it it hereby enttfted by the autho¬
rity of the Janie, tint it (hail and may be lawful for the laid ‘[hotline CaHender, or other thei executor or exceptors of
(ha fail Paper (.rarer, Sttftinit.r'Qu'nee, Richard Quince, junior,.' ana U'iiiiar.t. Seraazo. f'lvac, , lionyil Jhlaniiing Ins
minority, ami, tile lurviver and lurvivors oi them, the nrtmg executor or executors of the laid Parker Qei/):- being
one or inure, and they and every of Diem arc hereby empowered to- fell and difpofe of all and lingular the tea! eflatc-
cf the faid Parker Quince n:.t Ipccilicaliy deviled by his fiid will, and to make conveyances for ifle i.raie to. the pur-
chafers thereof, thereby conveying tu each purthaler and his. heirs rci'pcrtivcly,. by v.riuc of the power given by tins
aft, all tils ethics, rights, litis, imcrell, claim and demand whatfoever therein and thereto, of w hich Die laid Par¬
ker Quince died lew. id and pofleficd* and the monies ariling by fucli Tales fliajl be received by the faitl Thon.as Callen¬
der or other the executor or executors of the fiid Parker Ojance, and by him cr ihem only,, and (lull be allots in his
or their hands for the payment of the debts o! the laid - Pi t itr Quince, , and by him or them* . , ., . , ,
Сн ал
XX VII. /hi aft to! incorporate’ a fuciety f perfons by the
f Ctytkfe Bnteyo/cql Society-.
WHEREAS it has been reprcfenled and made appear to this Crucial Afl'ujnbiy, that- a number of ptrrfons’iit
RivoAK -.a\A nieckler.hftrgh, and other counties, have volutmriiy alkoiaied together under the njmib ol Centro
Benevolent So.irty, anj come under a certain iyllein of laws and regulations for the. improvement of ufuju!' know¬
ledge, for i'he encouragement ol literature, to alleviate the ddlrclles of the unfortunate, and to luppiy 'tlie wants of
the poor and indigent .- and whereas it hath been 'made appear that tiie afoi.t faid perjops, member^ ol Die lociety a.
fortfaid,' are iftli.-duv tiia: tin ir lonely iiiighr be incorporated by trie name of Centra j'ciicvolenl. Society, in order
that faid'foc'ety might rn'Ore'lullyainl completely co.ue up to the objects of their ii)liiliitmn ; ibeicfprc, ever willing
_io give all due encouragement to inllitutiotis which evidently point to the happmeis of focieiy ftad liic. general w elftrc
.of mankind,, 1 ’ * ..is a ,t )- a*, i. ." , ,. ,,
I. Be it enafte! by the Geraral Affernbly of Korth-Caroiina, and bv. the fame authority it is i,i{tby mailed,
ДГ и
t there
fiiall be and Venuiii in the before ireufioiied fociety, lufiicient power and authority to riert at tlieir difcrciion iin.ll
peifons as '.hoy may deem "worthy members. of rile faid lociety, which perfons fo tlectcd llwli have ,ai;d enjoy the pri¬
vileges oi the lame ; wnicli I'oclcty.thaU be called by the name of 'i hekentrc.Baneeqlcnt Society, , and ,lhall have
power to manage ihe property apd inheritance uf'tho fame agreeable to their own judgment;
.pyy.fpr’f.n 'and fii dl
moreover have perpetual, fdccein’jfi'iti law, fart uhd name, as herein [«eferibed
and.liiaH .by tjip auuty pljtfie 'incor¬
poration have lull po wer and lawful authority io fue and. he fued, to implead and be implcajjc.il,, ip-uifn cr , arid to be
safivoed unto, in any court’ or coiartfc oflav/aud equity in; thioftite, before-
Judge.oi'j judgs?,. Jufftjjs.or ,'JofUy
.. . ,r.T, ' ' ;!;1- 1j3 ■■■■. e.
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