- Title
- Collection of the private acts of the General Assembly of the state of North Carolina: from the year 1715, to the year 1790, inclusive, now in force and use
- Date
- 1794
- Creator
- ["North Carolina."]
- Place
- ["North Carolina, United States"]
Collection of the private acts of the General Assembly of the state of North Carolina: from the year 1715, to the year 1790, inclusive, now in force and use

twenty (hillings, proclamation money, for every filch olFence ; to he recovered bv a warrant, under the hand and
leal of any Juitice of the Peace for the county ut 'Graven ; and which (lull be paid into the public fto.lc of the laid
VI[. And be it further enafierl, by the aulhory ej.vejluJ, that if any perlon or per ions whaifogvcr in the laid
town, ihall, on any pretence whatever, give si.ty credit. loan c r true, to any mariner or feamen, beio'-ging t or
under the command of
mailer of a veiled, tut no vis, or ill.,. I at a ry time hereafter lie lvi.ig in the livers of
AV.vye or Trent, exceeding the lit . i of two iii::l ug« and eight pence, proci. ’nation money, except by the leave or li.
cence of die mailer or commander of the voile ] he uednoys io, or where 1 tacit tabor or mariner ihall have left the vellel.
To apply to either of the courts of jnilice, in any tlifptnes or cemrover'ies vith tlie captain or commander of Inch vef.
del ; tin: then, and
lech cale, lie, Ihe, or they, Ihall, lor every luce del a ilt, lofe all the monies or goods fo 4 tilt¬
ed cr credited.
Vlll. /indie it further enalJed, bv the authority aferefaid, that if any perfon or pcrlors whufoever in the laid
to-.viv lltall willingly or cv.lfnlly, entert..i.|, harbour or keep, or fuller to be entertained, harboured or kept, difedf-
ly or iiiciii'cclly, anv IVaiv.eu, belonging toany vifivl astdoief.iid, in his, her, or ebeir l.oule if bonfe-s, exceeding
thefp-.caol twenty four hours, without the privity orconleiitol his commander, (except in the cale belcre excepted ),
he, liie, or they, looiiend.ng, Ihall forfeit the in n of twenty-five (hillings, proclamation money, lor cve ry luch of.
ience ; to be recovered by warrant, u icier the hand and fail of anv Jultice ol the Vc.cc fur the county ol Craven, and
pa d l.l to the public fleck or tu ,-d ol die laid lots n. The ref Cbjbictc,
Ciiap. Xl’U Hrradi, to deck the htailof eirtcirr brtdsm-js in fJJrJJon of \:urt\m£ Jor.es, under a devifein the will of
Feeder ek Jones, F./r ; his grand father , deeea/cJ, by reborn the /nine ever* i*. tailed.
J. Y
HERE AS brill-red Jorus, £!q; laic of this j. ravif.ee, deceafed, being, in his life lime, feized in his
V V demefne, as o‘ fee li.npie, of, in, and to certain large tracts of land, lying and being in that par: cf Chowan
precinct, now cal’ed ‘Fyrrei county, and in Hyde and Craven counties ; and being Io Ici/.ed. the faid Frederick Jones.
did, hyltislail willaud teii-imcnt, bearing date the ninth day of
in the year cf enr lend one thou and leven
htindred ami twenry two, decile, to his '.oil IVilliarn Hading J ones , in tail- male, all his lands on lie Fouth fide of
TA-.ratucii river, and all bis lands in Hyde precinct ; and in del anil o: heirs male of the fa'd iFiili-nn Hurd big J'n/'S , de¬
viled the remainder of the laid buds, in trill mile, to his fo:l Frederick' J -res ; and by tlie fame will, ills telbttor deviled
all Ids lands, in Craven precinct, m tail- male, io his faid Ion Frederick : and the laid /I'illiatn herding j lues, after
the dcatn ufthe laid teiUtor, in eon feqi -nice of the laid ucviie, became Icized of a lie lands deviled n, him as afote-
faid, and dire! feized thereof, without iff :e, in the life time of the laid Freda irk Jure!, to whom the remainder was
limited as aforclaid. Whii h Ibid Frederick, under the laid levcrai dc-v fvs, became failed ol the laid fever,) I trafti
of land, in his lile time, and Ibon alter died fo feized, leaving male ifiue, iwofons, to wit, Herding Jones, and
Frederick Jones ; which faid Hording Jm-s is now feized, in tail- male, of, in, and ir all the lands before mentioned ;
and the I f:d Hardin" Jones, and the laid F rederi: 4 Jones-, wl-o, by the v. ill cf the lend teliator, in default of
liens male of tiie laid Herder 'Jones, will be entitled to the lands aforefald. having, by their petition, let forth
to tint Alicnilily, that there isu large arrearof quit. rents line on the fi d lands, andtll.it they are nhlr, -proved,, and
will be liurthetilbme ami ufclefs, unlefs p. rt of the- faid lands may be fold to raile money tmlilcharge the quit-rent!
due afc.relaid, and to improve the remaining part ol them ; and the allegations of the faid petition having been fully
made known :
II. We pray your moll excellent Majefly ilia: it may be crafted, and be it enrihd, Iv tie Governor, Conned, end
Ajftmhfy, end by the authority cj the fame, that the intadme nt cf tile faid lards, in tlie kieral counties alorcfaid, io
holdcn and poficfld by the laid Herding Jons, by virtue of tile will tit hi' grantlliitfier Frederick ju.es, the teliator
(except one theedand a res thereof, lying and being on 7 rtr.t rivtv, in Craven county, bounded by a line beginning
at an oak on the head of Itredv branch, running by a lin lof marked trres to the head ot Hcod’i crccl. ; then down thq
fiW-nirrs of the lahl crick to hr nit river ; then up? reel river to the month of Reedy br.mc!i : then up Reedy
branch to the llril (iaiio.t) be docked and barred i ami that it Hull and mav be lawli.J (i r the laid Harding Jones
to fell and convey the lame, or any part thereof, in Ice-fimple, in older to enable him tod feburge tin- art-cats of quit,
rents due thereon, and to improve the rc niaining p. it ch the latre, for the benefit ar.c! adc atiraye ol thole who may
hereafter, ip remainder or reverfton, be inter) lied therein ; and all deeds by him ben after unde, lor conveying the
fame. Ihall he good and tlfeelnal in law, to convey the lands by the laid deeds to be granted to the grantees, their heirs
and aihgns, for ever i any tiling ill the laid w ill of tlie laid Frederick Juris, deccafetl, gnu.cllatlicr ol the laid petition,
ers, contained, noivit, 'dbuding.
III. Provided nrverti elrfs. That nothing herein contained,- Ilia1II.III. 1 lie corUmcd to dtftroy cr
о ко
away the right of
bis Majelly, In heirs and tnecendrs, nor tlie right of any body, prlthec-r ecrpoiaie, t or that ) f any ev.ltt r pctlbn cr
pirioii',, in and to the laid levcrai trzfts of land, (except that of the laid Hording Jews and Ft id. rich Jones, their,
either t f their heirs, and the right of thole claiming, or to claim, under them, nr any. or either of them, in
- virtue ol the iniailtnent in the faid will mentioned.) but the right, title and mu-reft, which his JN .nje-ltv, bis heirs
and I’neeeniirs, or any bodies, poltticor corporate, or any oilier p: rion or pc-rlo-’S (exeejt ebe laid Hen ding Jones
apd Frederick Jones, their, or either cf their heirs, and all claiming under then-, or any, or culler of them, by
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