A word from
Bryan Beatty
Department of
Crime Control and
Public Safety
Dear Citizens,
The State of North Carolina
remains vigilant in its efforts to
protect the safety and security of
all citizens from acts of terrorism.
North Carolina had several years
of anti-terrorism planning and
training prior to the September 11,
2001 , tragedy, and the state stands
ready to do whatever is necessary
to protect citizens, reduce
vulnerabilities and respond to any
terrorist incident that could occur.
There are five levels of alert with
action steps for citizens to take to
be prepared for terrorist threats.
While no steps can provide
absolute protection, heightened
awareness, basic defensive
measures, and coordination with
local emergency response and law
enforcement agencies will reduce
the likelihood of a terrorist act or
minimize the effects of an attack.
The most important terrorism
threat reduction measure is
vigilance on the part of you, your
family, friends and co-workers.
The best time to assemble a three-day emergency supplies kit is well before you will ever
need it. Most people already have these items around the house and only need to assemble
them now before emergency instructions are issued.
Start by setting aside one gallon of water per person per day ( a week's supply of water is
preferable.) Next, get an easy-to-carry, water-tight container - a large plastic trash can will do, or
line a sturdy cardboard box with a couple of trash bags. Then, gather up the following items
and place them in your kit:
□ Water purification kit or bleach
□ First aid kit and first aid book
□ Pre-cooked, non-perishable foods, such
as canned meats, granola bars, instant
soup & cereals, etc.
□ Baby supplies: formula, bottle, pacifier,
soap, baby powder, clothing, blankets,
baby wipes, disposable diapers, canned
food and juices
□ Non-electric can opener
□ Anti-bacterial hand wipes or gel
□ Blanket or sleeping bag per person
□ Portable radio or portable TV and extra
□ Flashlight and extra batteries
□ Essential medications
□ Extra pair of eyeglasses
□ Extra house and car keys
□ Fire extinguisher - ABC-type
□ Food, water, leash and carrier for pets
□ Cash and change
□ Seasonal change of clothing, including
sturdy shoes
□ important legal documents
□ Large plastic trash bags for waste, tarps
and rain ponchos
□ Games/activities/books
□ Bar soap and liquid detergent
□ Shampoo
□ Toothpaste and toothbrushes
□ Feminine hygiene supplies
□ Toilet paper
□ Household bleach & other cleaning
□ Rubber gloves
Stocking up now on
emergency supplies can
add to your family's safety
and comfort during and
after a disaster. Store
enough supplies for at least
three days, preferably
seven days, in one place.
Helpful web sites for
additional information:
North Carolina Emergency Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Don 't Be A fraid - Be Ready
Terrorism: Preparing for the Unexpected
Your Family Disaster Plan
Your Family Disaster Supplies Kit
Animal Safety
Volunteer Opportunities
Michael F. Easley
Bryan E. Beatty
www. nccrimecontrol .org
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