- Title
- Brimleyana [1982 : December, no.8]
- Date
- December 1982
- Place
- ["North Carolina, United States"]
Brimleyana [1982 : December, no.8]

Terrestrial Isopods (Crustacea: Isopoda:
Oniscoidea) from North Carolina
George A. Schultz
15 Smith Street, Hampton, New Jersey 08827
ABSTRACT. — The 18 terrestrial isopod crustaceans from North
Carolina are reviewed with synonymies, illustrations, ecological notes
and a key to species. Maps of distribution also are included. The spe¬
cies can be divided into two major groups — species exclusively from
the seashore and species from more upland locations. There is only a
small overlap since some species from more upland locations also
occasionally are abundant locally at the edge of brackish and marine
waters. Species from more upland locations are further divided accord¬
ing to the moisture of their habitat. Species of Ligidium , like related
Ligia exotica of the seashore, are found in permanently moist habi¬
tats. Species such as Hyloniscus riparius also live in very wet habitats.
Others, such as species of Miktoniscus , are found in the moist, rotted
logs and leaf litter of forested river bottomlands. Species such as Por-
cellio scaber and P. laevis are common around human habitation in
relatively dry places. Species such as Armadillidium vulgare and A.
nasatum are more tolerant of moisture and dryness and are found in
the greatest number of widely distributed habitats in the state.
Terrestrial isopod crustaceans (Oniscoidea) have not previously
been studied in detail in North Carolina or any other part of the south¬
eastern United States. The first actual record of an oniscoid in North
Carolina was of Ligia sp. (most probably L. exotica Roux) from Ft.
Macon (Harger 1878). Brimley (1938) later included six species in an
account of the insects and some other arthropods of the state. Schultz
(1962) recorded Miktoniscus halophilus Blake from the Piedmont and
Coastal Plain (Schultz 1976) and Philoscia vittata (Say) from the coast
(Schultz 1963, 1974). Ligidium blueridgensis Schultz (1964) from the
western part of the state was then described, along with a record of
Miktoniscus medcofi (Van Name) from a cave. Schultz (1975, 1977)
recorded species from coastal Georgia, some of which range into North
Carolina, and Kelley (1978) recorded terrestrial isopods from the coastal
zone of South Carolina, some of which also range into North Carolina.
This paper is based on specimens collected by the author and on
many others kindly made available by Dr. Rowland M. Shelley, North
Carolina State Museum of Natural History, Raleigh. Some other small
collections are also included. Specimens of 17 of the 18 species (except
M. medcofi) are in the collection of that museum. Distributions within
the state are recorded on Maps 1-12. A short discussion and an illustra¬
tion of each species is included so the records of the 18 species from
Brimteyana No. 8:1-26, December 1982
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