- Title
- Annual report of the auditor of the state of North Carolina [1869]
- Date
- 1869
- Creator
- ["North Carolina. Department of State Auditor."]
- Place
- ["North Carolina, United States"]
Annual report of the auditor of the state of North Carolina [1869]

№b .Carolina State Libfltty,
Document No. 3.] [Session 1869-’70.
Ordered to be Printed.
M. S. Littlefield, State Printer and Binder.
Auditor’s Department,
Raleigh, Nov. 13th, 1S69.
To His Excellency . W. Holden,
Governor of North Carolina :
Sir : — I have the honor of transmitting to you, (together
with a few’ suggestions, Ac., which I deem necessary to make
to the General Assembly, soon to convene at Raleigh) my
annual report, in detail, from this department, of the receipts
and disbursements at the Public Treasury of the State of
North Carolina, during the fiscal year ending on the 30th day
of September, 1869.
Yery respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
Auditor of State.
To the General Assembly of North Carolina :
In compliance with the requirements of law I submit the
enclosed exhibits of the receipts and expenditures of the Edu¬
cational Fund and the State government.
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