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frtatf Orpartmrn! of
anil Hletorg
Chowan, Bertie, and Tyrrell
1733-1892 and n.d.
pr Mf . P. 127.1
Physical Description: 1 volume and 56 items: account book, wills,
deeds, grants, plats, letters, and miscellaneous business
Acquisition: Loaned for microfilming by Mr. John A. Graham,
Wessington House,1 ^■BHBBBOPHHHMl^aEdenton, North Carolina;
filmed in May/ 1972; and accessioned in June, 1972.
Description: The collection consists principally of personal
business papers collected by Mrs. Anne S. Graham, mother of
the present owner. Most of the items relate memoe it s of
Mrs* Graham's family, but few indicate what the relationship
is. Possibly the most significant item in the collection is
the account book of the firm of Collins, Allen, and Dickinson.
In the list below, this is included first and is followed by
a\ list of the other manuscripts in the collection, in chrono¬
logical order as they are included on the microfilm.
Vol. 1786-1790. Account book of Jos x ah Collins, Nathaniel
, - Allen, and Samuel Dxckinson, equal co¬
partners in sundry tracts of land in
Tyrrell County. 1 volume, titled
"Waste," 90 pp.
Item 1. 1733 Sep 1. Deed. John Lovick, trustee and adminis¬
trator of estate of Thomas Betterlly of
Edenton District, to Miles Gales, for
1820 acres in 2 tracts, Bertie Precinct.
2. 1735 Jan 21. Quitrent Receipt for Crown Lands held by
Miles Gale.
3. 1741 Jul 14. Quitrent Receipt for Crown Lands held by
Orlando Champion.
4. 1742 Jul 10. Quitrenr. Receipt foi Crowr. Lands held by
Orlando Champion.
5. 1743. Deed. Joseph Riddick
Joseph Jordan,
Bertie County. Fragment.