African American Members of First Baptist Church Hillsborough, NC
Background: The Hillsborough Baptist Church was organized on Saturday, November 19, 1853
in the old wooden courthouse purchased by Reverend Elias Dodson in 1845. The church was
organized with fifteen members - six men and nine women. All were members of the Mars Hill
Baptist Church located three miles north of town. London, slave of S. Moon, was the first
African American accepted for membership. Soon additional slaves (servants) joined, many
transferring their membership from the Mars Hill Baptist Church.
The "colored" congregation continued to meet at the church until April, 1868. With the
exception of Lewis Jenkins, they voluntarily withdrew their fellowship to form a church of their
own. At first they met in each other's homes. Ms. Susannah Washington Graham, wife of
William Alexander Graham, a former Governor of North Carolina (1845-1849) donated land for
the congregation to build its first building. Eventually the congregation became known as the
Mount Bright Baptist Church named in honor of their first pastor, Rev. Alfred E. Bright.
Church Conference Minutes: The church's minutes provide the dates, first name and often the
"owner" of the slaves (servants) who were accepted for membership. Tire following is extracted
from the Conference Minutes.
Hillsboro April 1856
The church held its slated meeting this evening. Conference in session.
Doors of the church opened for the reception of members. London slave of S. Moon united
with the church by letter.
Hillsboro May 15th 1856
At a called meeting for the purpose
Amos & Taff. servant of ?? Strudwick(?) and James servant of Col. Jones united with this
church by Christian exsperience rec'd and were duly rec'd as candidates of baptism. No other
business adjourned.
H. C. Stroud c.c.
Hillsboro July 3rd 1856
Conference in session doors opened for the reception of members. May (Mary?) servant of
H. Mullen (?) presented a letter and was rec'd as member of this church in full fellowship.
H. C. Stroud c.c.
Hillsboro Augt 5th 1856
The church held its slated meeting this evening.
Prayer by moderator. Letter of dismission & recommendation of Mars, James, Edith, Polly,
Peggy, Harriet, Hester, Ada, Judith, Nancy, Sally, Mary, Mary, Peggy, Judith, Milly, Anna &
Moriah all servants from Mars Hill Church & they were all rec'd into the fellowship of this