- Title
- Acts passed by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina [1832-1833]
- Date
- 1832 - 1833
- Creator
- ["North Carolina."]
- Place
- ["North Carolina, United States"]
Acts passed by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina [1832-1833]

r.r.d haw rts’d I in the - un.y in which they may h;r.V
cliosm twelve months Immediately preceding ’ho day of olee-
linu. slnii h • eligible l.« the
luce of county or r-np ri.»:* cum clerk
Pr<tri‘lof «hr it/.*. iIj.iI nothing1 herein contained .«hail he fi-» cot- I’wviy.
t * repeal the law or any part thereof, which renders the-
irts liable for neglecting to tnkosuliieioai securities ot* the clerks
of the
<>r superior courts.
he if furtf U' enacted. That this act shall he in force ^ (
!; mi and after the nlilieation thereof: and all laws and clauses of
!av>\ coming' within the meaning and purview of l ’a is act, he, and
ll.e saute arc hereby repealed.
Au Ac! making an appropriation. and nppeintiug eommL-Lonefs for die ff-
l-u'J.lin^ofihc Capitol, in the city ol'Uiiloifjh.
Re if ftweh'ii ly Mr (U':\rr>f! _ 1 s
■ >:blifpj fli' S‘uf,i of Nnih
(\tft>h,>t I, mri i! it forth $ r.
\i/ flu' aut/iorUy
Th:»t the sun: of I'ry t'nenr.d doilirs be, and the same is hereby Appm;-
:,;»l,rupri::»|'J for the'rehu tiding of the U.spiud n:i Union Square, in A '.bi.vj d- .
thorite of RJ,( ijh. and s|i i4 lie pin by the Public Treasurer < ;t
(.I n. iv m. aevs bcloi.guig to the niu'.c, i.s'lhc manner Inij.ii'.ci pre-
Лс. /V
frrlher C'.t'iclf'l, That William Coy inn, T>iiwan
•'liner ,i. William S. Mhoou, Henry .Lei we Hand
.'.tinders, be, and they nr- \ mby appointed co!n»m.H oners, t > eo;.-
f.’A *t tor tl. • erection Vfthe ?.ii ! building, and shall lake bond iY mi
ill-* in.1' r\iU-r* for the performance of the contract.
Hi. An-l hr it further • motci. 'I hat the goneval plan of the
suid f'npiml. shall be tile same as the former building, with such Pirn of
extension of leuirth und height, as may he deputed neeea.mry lev the. C.u-.mI
bet er accouunodu'ion of tile General Assembly, the lower Mry of
which at i -ast shall be built nf stone, a. id the roof covered with
zinc, or oilier fire proof material
1 V
A<- it f unfit f tmrtvl. That the Said commissioners are ,
authorise] to take c In rye ofthc rock quarry belonging m the State, ~ .
rear th- i ity of Raleigh; and to grant pcruiissiou to the
who shall become contractors for tlic building of the said Capitol, Uw
to use the stone for all the purposes nc<v«*:iry in the ^ai«l building
hi if further cum: Ini, Thar die saj.l coiuiTiissiosiers or a Undertake,
majority, ^hall from time to it ne, :n the undertaker sh ill make pro- l!|:lV !-• pni ■
the perfbnn.tni • of his contract, have power to nnl. r the ai ff 'v'x‘-4
payment ol stirlt part of the price of the work, us shall appear to P,u5rtr,wfs-
them just, and unv hove been stipulated in the mutruot; a-.id their
warrant on thi- public Treasurer shall be a sullidem authority for
the pa vtiient of the same
Ли /
I» it further
hat the s.siJ n mimissii. iters Cni'ix. bav;
shall luve - iwerto employ an architect, for siHi purposes as they i-e.vm- ’.o m ■
nay deem necessary, who shall be paid under the samjj rules as pl«>y :ui iir*.!r*
art* pi escribed in the pr<, *'.‘diny wti'.'rv *
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