- Title
- Acts of assembly of the State of North Carolina [1777 : November]
- Date
- November 1777
- Creator
- ["North Carolina."]
- Place
- ["North Carolina, United States"]
Acts of assembly of the State of North Carolina [1777 : November]

LAWS of N‘orth-Ca»oliha;
J-P- »?77-
■ - . - -
..and if any of them (hall fail fo to do above Six Month* after thdlRatific^Ton of thk
icy General i* hereby authorised to commence a I roftcutron agsinft fUfh 0*^
Clerks of the
l»te Superior
Count to' ac¬
count for Mo¬
nte* % their
unaccounted for ;•
Aft, the. Attorney
quent; i
every^uefi Deputy*
(halTnot produce a lull DitcharreTrom the RecrivcrGeneral, and make (£7
jhat he hath fully accounted for and paid all the Monies by him received, (lull fce prolecutcd, and not.
withrtanding a Verdift may be in his Favour, (hall pay Cells. .. •, _ _
XIX. AND whereat there are confttierable bum* of Money in tlic ewhe Clerk* of the late
Court Docket»
to be infpuited
for the tinea
tueiaic uoveruor, oriui me UKUI me Ui.-iw, . — - “ «■'■uunKfl
for, and paid to the Ufe of the Public, lit it Er.achd , by tit Authority afore/aid,
hat the laid h e
Clerk* fhal£ on or before the Fir ft Day of June next, render an Account, on Oath, to the Jufticetof
the refpeaive Counties whereof they were lately Clerk», and to the Jo ft ice* of the Superior. Court*, of
all the Fees and Monies by them refpeclivcly received for the Ule of the hte Governor, and ofthu
State, not yet accounted (or, and pay the Caine into the Hand» of the preient Clerks, in open Court,
and the Juftices (ball caufe a Copy ot every Cue h Account to be recyidcd.in the Minute* of the Court*
and the Clerks of the County Court* hereby cllabhfhcd (hall be accountable for all fuch Monies by
them received, in the fame Manner as tor the Monies paid into their rcfpcctive Offices.
X. AND It it Enalhd, by the Authority aforefaid, J'hat the Jutiiccs of the relpeftive.Superic
XX. AND It it Enathd, by tht Authority aforefaid , I Hat the Jo» ices ot the relpettive.bupenor and
County Courts lhall caufe the Dockets, jVlmiites and Records^ of t!ie hte Superior and Inferior Courts
to be impeded and examined, and an Account of all Fine*, Forfeitures, An.tician enrs, and Recove¬
ries on penal Statutes, where any fuch Recovery, or Part thereof, was for any Public, County, or
Parilh t'fe, to be taken, and to whom tire fame had becirpaid, and direct that the fame be paid agree¬
able to Law, aiul on Failure thereof to be Cued for. _
. An Aft to prevent Abufes in taking up fir ay llorfes, Cattle, jffegs and Sheep , and other
Things therein mentioned.
JUascn ap¬
pointed, and
with Strays.
WHERE AS it becomes difficult to recover ftray. Horfcs, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs, for want
of feme legal lVovifion to effed the la.ne ;
II. BE it ihtrtfort Enahri by tht General AJembly of tht Stats of North Carolina, and it.ii hereby
Emtled by tlx Authority of tht fame , That the relpective Courts in each County within this Slate (haft
appoint a Ranger for their retpeitive Counties, who lhall hold his Office during good Uchav.our ; and
that every Freeholder who (hall take up any ftray Hone, Mare, Gelding or Colt, mat Cattle, Hog of
' Sheep, mail within Ten Days after the taking up of fuch Stray (the Owner of lucli Stray or Si rays
. being to him unknown) make Irfoimation on Oath before the Ranger of the County wherein fuch
• Striy or Strays (lull be fo taken up, of the Marks, Brands, and Colour, of each and every fuch Stray,
or Strays- and that the fame was taken up at his or her Plantation or Place of Abode, ami that the
MirT * | - ' - J ‘ H" " ■ - , L ~ 4
MarkeRrr Brands have not been altered or defaced, by Means of, or to the Knowledge of fuch Tr.kcr
up j whereupon fuch Ranger is hereby required to ilfue his Summons to any Two-Frccholucrs oi tile
Neiglibouthood, who after taking *he following Oath, t* nit, :
X l OU Hall fivear that you will well and truly view and attraife the Stray tr S.'rayt ( at the Cafe may be)
Y o U Jhall fivtar that you will well and truly view and appraife the Stray or Strays ( at the Cafe may be) ■
in the Summons ti you dirttUd without Favour er Partiality , according to your Slill and Atililjf.
■ Property of
Stray* in tfca
Taker up'.
Provifo, for
(he Oviui r .to
before the Ranger (who is hereby authorized to adminiftcr the fame) or fame Juftice of the Peace for
tire County where fuch Stray or Strays (had be fo taken up, (hall view anil appraife fuch Stray or Stray*,
and make Return thereof to the laid Ranger, under their Hands and Seals; which Appraifcment, With
a particular and exact Dcfjription of the Marks, Brands, -Age and Colour, a* near as can be afeer-
tained, of- each and every fuch Stray or Stravs, tegether with the Time of taking up, and' Place of
Abode of the Ferfon taking up the fame, ft dp by fuch Hanger be entered in a Book to be by him kept
for that Purpole, and lhall during the Sitting of the next fuccreding Court in the County where fuch
. Entry fhall be made, put up an Advertifement in the moft public Place, defer. hir-g therein the Kind,
. Marks, Brands, and Colour of all Strays entered as aforefaid ; and the Ranger (lull hive and receive
from the Perfon taking up fuch Stray or strays, the Sum of Five a hillings for every foch Entry to be
by him made; and the Perfon taking up fuch Stray or Strays, for his Trouble and Expence in taking
up the fame, and paying as aforefaid, i^y demireMyrd receive cf ihc Perfon claiming the Properly ot
the laid Stray or Strays, the Sum. of Five Shillings for cuch Horfe, Two Shillings and in; Pence (er
each Head of Cattle, 'and One shilling per Head tor every Hog c-r Sheep.
111. ANt) be it further EnefU/L, by the Author That the Property cf every ftray Horfe,
Hare, Gelding or Colt, neat Cattle, Hog or dRR Twelve Months after fuch Appraifcment, and
no Property proved by the Owner thereof, (hall be deemed to fce verted in the Pcrton talcing up the
fame. • • ' .
• IV. PROI'ID E D neverthleft, That it (hall and nfay be lawful for the former Owner 6f any fuA
Stray op .Strays, at any Time within Twelve Months after fuch Appraifcment as aforefaid, on proving
his Property 'to the fame, by his own Oath’ or otherwife, to demand and recover fuch Stray or sir*)*, .
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