Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of
North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority of
the same — That William G. Smith, Joel Tyson Senr.
David C. Lilly, Stephen W. Cob, William Watkins, William
Little, Christopher Watkins, James Clarke, David Carpenter,
John Winfield, John S. Kindall, Samuel W. Burns, Thomas
Kindall, Joseph White, John B. Cottrell, James Dumas,
Henry Deberry, Hizekiah Hough, Benjamin Dunlass, Joseph
Dunlass, Benjamin F. Ingram, Jeremiah Ingram, Eben
Ingram, William P. Jennings, and Alexander B. Smith
and all other who are, or may hereafter become, Stock-
holders be, and they are hereby constituted a body politic
and Corporate, to be known and distinguished by the
name of the "Carolina Female College" and by that name
shall have perpetual succession, and a common Seal, and
shall be invested with power and authority, and be cap-
able to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded,
either in Law or in Equity, and to acquire, recieve, hold,
possess, enjoy, and sell both real and personal estate,
and shall have all other privileges and powers, [begin crossed out] and [end crossed out]
to which Corporations of the like kind are entitled.
2nd Be it further enacted, that Said College shall be under
the management of a President, and board of Trustees,
and that said board of Trustees Shall be constituted
of all the Stockholders or their assigns.
3rd Be it further ecacted, That a mahority of the Stock shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, each
share being entitled to one vote; and that the Stockholders
their successors and assigns, shall have power and authority
to appoint all such officers or to them shall deem necess-
ary, and to make all such bye-laws. rules, and regulations
for the government of Said College, for the preservation